nology that went into the mRNA COVID vaccines by Bourla, Bancel, Sahin et al. (modified mRNA or not), it is the mRNA + LNP platform in the mRNA vaccine that killed! They are responsible!
I appreciate most of what you write, Dr. Alexander, and am very glad that your are putting it out there so forthrightly, as I try to do, as well.
What confuses me every time you go after the X Horsemen of the Apocalypse, rightly, and say, again rightly, that all of COVID was a hoax, or, as I call it, a "propagandemic", you bow down to Trump and give him a free pass.
He was the President of the friggin' US, for Heaven's sake. It was his responsibility, as a leader, to assure that he had correct information from truly accurate and loyal advisors at every level.
He is famous for ruthlessly telling those who did not measure up, "You're fired!" because he was such a great judge of character and of performance.
If the guy was gulled and is STILL saying, "I created three beautiful vaccines" [sic], what are we to think about his judgement and leadership?
I am deeply, deeply concerned by all of this and would genuinely appreciate your response.
It is sad that you do not understand what happened in the years between 2015 and 2020, and especially 2020 when we were attacked by the covid virus and fake plandemic, then the summer-long riots and destruction in major cities by antifa and blm terror groups, followed by the obviously stolen election, where the Dems and deep state used massive ballot fraud and counting fraud in five "swing" states to overthrow the duly elected President.
Trump exposed EVERYTHING to we the people, those who paid attention. Then he ALLOWED Biden to appear to take office as (P)resident, to avoid a civil war. The sleeping populace had to be SHOWN the impending destruction of America that we see happening today.
If you think things were bad then, wait until you see what the deep state government criminals are planning for THIS year.
Dave, when you take us back through the nightmare, it exposes so much corruption that I can barely believe that Donald J. Trump was as able to accomplish as much as he did in such a short time! Obama and Biden had destroyed so much before Trump took office. Trump negotiated peace in the world. We had a great economy and we were exporting fuel instead of relying on the Middle East for oil. There was nothing like a supply chain issue and you could buy from brick and mortar stores in small towns. Biden has made it so we have to rely on Amazon, Walmart, and other online retailers if we want to buy anything. Because we were locked down, mom and pop stores couldn’t compete and many of them closed. Now we are stuck with buying online Chinese crap and less alternatives.
Dave, I think I really do understand what happened. Sorry, but your analysis is, in my estimation, based on smoking way, way, too much hopium jacked up with Q dust.
Trump actually helped them. In 2019 he signed EO to "modernize vaccines and speed up production." Then he allowed the DOD op, operation warp speed. He knew they were all a danger because he had been warned by RFK and eanted him to investigate. Then he met with Gates and it all went bye-bye. He also accepted $ frim pfizer. And now, 4 years later, calling himself rhe grandfather of quackscenes amd saying what he did saved millions of lives. Even though his supporters are screaming it at the top of their lungs. And now he's decided the ramaswamy (wef & big pharma) plagariziny obama guy will work with his admin. No one is coming to save us. Thr Bible tells us over and over not to put our faith in man.
I'm certainly glad you won't be voting in OUR elections. Trump is the best President that ever lead America, and the economy was great, the gas was cheap I personally had more money in my pocket and was able to buy what I wanted. Now everything is so much higher that you have to not buy things just to skim by. People had jobs, were happy, and everyone was productive in a positive way when Trump was our President. He is still CIC... he has the football.
Why did you leave America? So "they" wouldn't depopulate you for knowing too much? We didn't need Trump depopulated, so perhaps he could not just start saying No this sounds like a bunch of bs to me. If he hadn't let Fraudci give his "professional opinion" on the (Fake) pandemic response, the news would have blown up and called him inept and dangerous. He didn't know Fraudci was a Pilgrim's Society eugenicist.
I'm with Dr. Paul on Trump leading. The rest of them are "secret" globalists and money whore puppets and would do the bidding of their masters. (satan)
But now he plans on having ramaswamy, a wef and big pharna guy in his administration. Tells you a lot, considering he just stopped campaigning due to plagarizing obama(wtf) and false signatures on his papers. Besides elections are fake. You can search where every US president except 2 (van buren & kennedy) were blood relatives to King John of England. Does that sound like a coincidence? Elections are just another psyop to make the sheep believe they have a say. The government is a propoganda machine full of deceitful, hollow slogans, like, "your vote counts," and "safe & effective."
Listen carefully, Trump did everything correctly. 2020 was rigged and pandemic roll out was stopped until AFTER the election. Trump did NOT lose 2020. I did everything correctly concerning the vaccines, which he had no clue contained nanos, with all of us yet to understand mRNA factors, with Trump rigged into the vax situation using fake science and the HUGE critical mass of Americans groomed to trust vaccines. DoD and Pharmas used all mass media to support the fake vaccines. I'll link the old CFR fake media vax rollout to refresh your memory.
Trump is our ONLY option; he did excellent in every way. Yes, Paul did report to Trump that pharmas did NOT to enough testing, but Trump knew if he stopped the vaccines, the panic would force a REAL election loss. Here's the perfect fake CFR mass media vax link.
you either support our Trump or support King of Drag Queens, Trans-thugs, Child mutilations, 20,000,000 Vatican border invasion trash, et al. So I sound pissed? you bet.
All of the discussions now are a distraction to deploy Disease X. They are in Davos (land of rhe deviant adrenochrome consumers planning the drop. They have the quackscene so you know they have the disease. Prepare to die.
Even if you've seen it please watch it again. It even confirms the elite originally planned the pandemic for 2016 but it was postponed due to Hillary not getting it. This is also confirmed by whistleblowers who overheard the plot for the coup several years before it happened. The coup began with UN and WEF strategic partnership, however that was more on a public facing level than what had already been going on... obviously
Try not to just wave it off as another whistle blower... he's speaking as a first hand witness and backs up what he says with history and his decades of experience. There is a real witness that judicial such as congress should take seriously.
I agree! Malone is controlled opposition. He claims to be the “inventor” of the mRNA vax which he wasn’t while now speaking against it to appease and distract truth seekers from the trail that leads to Kariko and Wiseman under the direction of our own DOD and it is disgusting that many have fallen for his facade!
Yep, it doesn't take much to find Kariko's research papers and awards ie claim to fame. People should consider that certain batches have also included synthetically grown peptides as that also seems to be denounced, where as it explains many reactions people have had. There's been more than one batch more than one roll out more than one wave of these shots.. it's not been one rule fits all ... aside from not really being about health...
Vigano voices the same. He even mentions the nano and graphene material inclusion found in batches as well and implicates WHOs long term plan proceding the scamdemic...
Aside from the Trump bit of course. Vigano confirms the elections have been rigged in the global coup as did the ex UN exec director who interviewed fuellmich in Dec 2022
Elections have been rigged, it's now confirmed from within at the highest levels
Nikki Haley has been rising strongly in the polls ahead of the Iowa caucus and New Hampshire primary. There is little enthusiasm for her among her supporters, the majority of whom are Democrats. The deep-state and left want a President Haley. That would be disastrous. Remember Bill Clinton and his zipper problem? The US does not need that again. Haley is a female Bill Clinton.
Trump, as well as Laura Loomer, appears to have concerns about her alleged serial adultery, as well as her anchor baby status. Trump is understandably outraged. It's not as though she's alleged to have just made a mistake once, or even twice.
Didn't realize she had more whoredoms than just being a money whore. "Oh yes, Klaus, I'll burn America to the ground for you for that $10 million bonus and to eat Filet Mignon and Lobster with you as we clink our glasses full of Dom Perignon together and laugh at how we made them all eat bugs and move to 400 sq. ft. Pack n Stacks with pipes going into their quarters that we can turn the gas on anytime we want. Hahahahaha...Lol lol lol!
I'm not a prude. If she sleeps around a lot with a lot of different men other than her husband that's her choice. She wouldn't be the first. Former British PM Liz Truss, who, coincidentally, is also a lightweight and warmonger like Nikki, is known to have cuckolded her husband, although not as often as Nikki is alleged to have done. However, she has been called a "prostitute" including by North Korea. Although there is no evidence that she has turned tricks it's not a good perception for people to have of a POTUS.
Nonsense. If that were the case, they wouldn't be using malicious fake lawfare indictments and every other thing to STOP him from running. They are PANICKING at the thought of Trump back in office.
The Trump campaign team is using the famous mug shot as campaign material selling cups and t-shirts with it. You don't seem to understand how the deep state actually operates. Please read the link I provided above and we can discuss further then. Trump IS deep state.
A famous quote to familiarize yourself with would be, "if it happens in politics you can bet it was planned that way."
All theater. Keep everybody distracted with biden this, trump that, convid19 this kr that, while they plot the next drop, disease x and spraying us from above daily with toxic chemicals, to block out the sun wink wink.
Ya right. So that’s how Trump made his living, working as a politician? No, he was mostly in real estate and development as an entrepreneur. I think you missed the definition of deep state. How about your president Biden never having worked in the private sector his entire life? That is pretty deep state I would think.
If you are under the impression that I am Biden supporter or that it is a Trump Vs Biden (or even GOP vs Democrats) situation then you have a lot to catch up on...
Not having a go at you. Just stating a fact.
P.S: I am not an American citizen so don't really have a personal skin in the game...which is a benefit imho.
Vivek started his campaign as a great supporter, “the best President in generations,” etc. Unfortunately, now all he does is disguise his support in the form of deceitful campaign tricks. Very sly, but a vote for Vivek is a vote for the “other side” — don’t get duped by this. Vote for “TRUMP,” don’t waste your vote! Vivek is not MAGA. The Biden Indictments against his Political Opponent will never be allowed in this Country, they are already beginning to fall! MAGA!!!
And now he plans on having him in his administration even though he'a a wef & big pharma guy and has been caught with fake signatures on his reg papers and plagarizing obama. Says a lot!
If it wasn't a "pandemic" and an engineered, gain of function virus, what was it? Why did it kill so many people? Including people in my family and friends?
He is NOT a great judge of character and funny enough fired the wrong people often on his show. The worst thing Trump did was OWS. He unfortunately believed his scientific team, and any differing info was largely blocked from reaching him. Scott Atlas has spoken on that many times. So now picture the whole thing believing the bullshit they were telling him. Millions were gonna die if he didn’t do ABC. A tough position. I forgive him for those decisions at the time. It’s hard currently to hear him stand behind them. That’s where I sour. However, he is again in a tricky spot. If he publicly admits OWS was bad or the shots they blame this whole disaster on him ignoring Biden’s role. Unfortunately, I don’t see better options out there.
Vaccines have always been smoke and nirrors, create a disease, while you already have a cure waiting. Just like now, they already have a quackscene for disease x so you know they created the disease. Even if you believe vaccines prevent a disease, which they dont, and the c19 proved that again, you can make NO sound medical argument for pumping aluminum, mercury, tromethanine, peg's or any of the other poisonous chemicals contained in them into anyone much less an infant. But please, help yourself to all you would like to take. Take some time and dig through the us nih website, there's a wealth of info there proving my point and discrediting tour claim. Hell, even the cdc's claim that vaers represents less than 1% of injuries/deaths (their words, not mine.) So look up their number of deaths and multiply that by 100. It should blow your mind. Another tidbit for you, you'll find all virus' have a US patent. Besides that we have the proof in autism, food allergies now skyrocketing since reagan decided to cave into big pharma, or get paid most likely. All of these illnesses have skyrocketed since the 80.s plus I have 3 dead family members, not one over 52, died suddenly and the rest are falling apart. Blindness, RA, chronic illness and cancer. But like I said, feel free to take all you want. Good Lord, I hope you're not the decision maker on health for your family!
Who are you talking to? Dr. Paul? Just because You have a lll after your name doesn't mean you're that brilliant. Vaccines ARE Agendas... and Not for people's health, but rather the exact opposite, AND in addition to making them "hackable animals" as stated by Yuval Noah Hurrari.
Bottom line -
It's Always been a Fight between God and the Fallen Ones. Pick your side. Choose ye this day whom ye will serve...
I appreciate most of what you write, Dr. Alexander, and am very glad that your are putting it out there so forthrightly, as I try to do, as well.
What confuses me every time you go after the X Horsemen of the Apocalypse, rightly, and say, again rightly, that all of COVID was a hoax, or, as I call it, a "propagandemic", you bow down to Trump and give him a free pass.
He was the President of the friggin' US, for Heaven's sake. It was his responsibility, as a leader, to assure that he had correct information from truly accurate and loyal advisors at every level.
He is famous for ruthlessly telling those who did not measure up, "You're fired!" because he was such a great judge of character and of performance.
If the guy was gulled and is STILL saying, "I created three beautiful vaccines" [sic], what are we to think about his judgement and leadership?
I am deeply, deeply concerned by all of this and would genuinely appreciate your response.
It is sad that you do not understand what happened in the years between 2015 and 2020, and especially 2020 when we were attacked by the covid virus and fake plandemic, then the summer-long riots and destruction in major cities by antifa and blm terror groups, followed by the obviously stolen election, where the Dems and deep state used massive ballot fraud and counting fraud in five "swing" states to overthrow the duly elected President.
Trump exposed EVERYTHING to we the people, those who paid attention. Then he ALLOWED Biden to appear to take office as (P)resident, to avoid a civil war. The sleeping populace had to be SHOWN the impending destruction of America that we see happening today.
If you think things were bad then, wait until you see what the deep state government criminals are planning for THIS year.
Dave, when you take us back through the nightmare, it exposes so much corruption that I can barely believe that Donald J. Trump was as able to accomplish as much as he did in such a short time! Obama and Biden had destroyed so much before Trump took office. Trump negotiated peace in the world. We had a great economy and we were exporting fuel instead of relying on the Middle East for oil. There was nothing like a supply chain issue and you could buy from brick and mortar stores in small towns. Biden has made it so we have to rely on Amazon, Walmart, and other online retailers if we want to buy anything. Because we were locked down, mom and pop stores couldn’t compete and many of them closed. Now we are stuck with buying online Chinese crap and less alternatives.
Dave, I think I really do understand what happened. Sorry, but your analysis is, in my estimation, based on smoking way, way, too much hopium jacked up with Q dust.
This is exactly true🦅
Trump actually helped them. In 2019 he signed EO to "modernize vaccines and speed up production." Then he allowed the DOD op, operation warp speed. He knew they were all a danger because he had been warned by RFK and eanted him to investigate. Then he met with Gates and it all went bye-bye. He also accepted $ frim pfizer. And now, 4 years later, calling himself rhe grandfather of quackscenes amd saying what he did saved millions of lives. Even though his supporters are screaming it at the top of their lungs. And now he's decided the ramaswamy (wef & big pharma) plagariziny obama guy will work with his admin. No one is coming to save us. Thr Bible tells us over and over not to put our faith in man.
I'm certainly glad you won't be voting in OUR elections. Trump is the best President that ever lead America, and the economy was great, the gas was cheap I personally had more money in my pocket and was able to buy what I wanted. Now everything is so much higher that you have to not buy things just to skim by. People had jobs, were happy, and everyone was productive in a positive way when Trump was our President. He is still CIC... he has the football.
Why did you leave America? So "they" wouldn't depopulate you for knowing too much? We didn't need Trump depopulated, so perhaps he could not just start saying No this sounds like a bunch of bs to me. If he hadn't let Fraudci give his "professional opinion" on the (Fake) pandemic response, the news would have blown up and called him inept and dangerous. He didn't know Fraudci was a Pilgrim's Society eugenicist.
I'm with Dr. Paul on Trump leading. The rest of them are "secret" globalists and money whore puppets and would do the bidding of their masters. (satan)
But now he plans on having ramaswamy, a wef and big pharna guy in his administration. Tells you a lot, considering he just stopped campaigning due to plagarizing obama(wtf) and false signatures on his papers. Besides elections are fake. You can search where every US president except 2 (van buren & kennedy) were blood relatives to King John of England. Does that sound like a coincidence? Elections are just another psyop to make the sheep believe they have a say. The government is a propoganda machine full of deceitful, hollow slogans, like, "your vote counts," and "safe & effective."
It is difficult to deny his involvement with these 'vaccines", however.
Listen carefully, Trump did everything correctly. 2020 was rigged and pandemic roll out was stopped until AFTER the election. Trump did NOT lose 2020. I did everything correctly concerning the vaccines, which he had no clue contained nanos, with all of us yet to understand mRNA factors, with Trump rigged into the vax situation using fake science and the HUGE critical mass of Americans groomed to trust vaccines. DoD and Pharmas used all mass media to support the fake vaccines. I'll link the old CFR fake media vax rollout to refresh your memory.
Trump is our ONLY option; he did excellent in every way. Yes, Paul did report to Trump that pharmas did NOT to enough testing, but Trump knew if he stopped the vaccines, the panic would force a REAL election loss. Here's the perfect fake CFR mass media vax link.
you either support our Trump or support King of Drag Queens, Trans-thugs, Child mutilations, 20,000,000 Vatican border invasion trash, et al. So I sound pissed? you bet.
All of the discussions now are a distraction to deploy Disease X. They are in Davos (land of rhe deviant adrenochrome consumers planning the drop. They have the quackscene so you know they have the disease. Prepare to die.
Even if you've seen it please watch it again. It even confirms the elite originally planned the pandemic for 2016 but it was postponed due to Hillary not getting it. This is also confirmed by whistleblowers who overheard the plot for the coup several years before it happened. The coup began with UN and WEF strategic partnership, however that was more on a public facing level than what had already been going on... obviously
You've got it Right!
Try not to just wave it off as another whistle blower... he's speaking as a first hand witness and backs up what he says with history and his decades of experience. There is a real witness that judicial such as congress should take seriously.
I agree! Malone is controlled opposition. He claims to be the “inventor” of the mRNA vax which he wasn’t while now speaking against it to appease and distract truth seekers from the trail that leads to Kariko and Wiseman under the direction of our own DOD and it is disgusting that many have fallen for his facade!
Yep, it doesn't take much to find Kariko's research papers and awards ie claim to fame. People should consider that certain batches have also included synthetically grown peptides as that also seems to be denounced, where as it explains many reactions people have had. There's been more than one batch more than one roll out more than one wave of these shots.. it's not been one rule fits all ... aside from not really being about health...
Vigano voices the same. He even mentions the nano and graphene material inclusion found in batches as well and implicates WHOs long term plan proceding the scamdemic...
Aside from the Trump bit of course. Vigano confirms the elections have been rigged in the global coup as did the ex UN exec director who interviewed fuellmich in Dec 2022
Elections have been rigged, it's now confirmed from within at the highest levels
Nikki Haley has been rising strongly in the polls ahead of the Iowa caucus and New Hampshire primary. There is little enthusiasm for her among her supporters, the majority of whom are Democrats. The deep-state and left want a President Haley. That would be disastrous. Remember Bill Clinton and his zipper problem? The US does not need that again. Haley is a female Bill Clinton.
Nikki is an anchor baby. No wonder she sings praises for the illegal aliens.
Trump, as well as Laura Loomer, appears to have concerns about her alleged serial adultery, as well as her anchor baby status. Trump is understandably outraged. It's not as though she's alleged to have just made a mistake once, or even twice.
Alleged serial adultery?
This story is from 2010. There's been no let up since then.
Another Guy Who Is Not Nikki Haley’s Husband Says He Had Sex With Nikki Haley
Didn't realize she had more whoredoms than just being a money whore. "Oh yes, Klaus, I'll burn America to the ground for you for that $10 million bonus and to eat Filet Mignon and Lobster with you as we clink our glasses full of Dom Perignon together and laugh at how we made them all eat bugs and move to 400 sq. ft. Pack n Stacks with pipes going into their quarters that we can turn the gas on anytime we want. Hahahahaha...Lol lol lol!
I love your comment. You hit all the right spots :-)
Bet she has a lot of skeletons in her closet!
I'm not a prude. If she sleeps around a lot with a lot of different men other than her husband that's her choice. She wouldn't be the first. Former British PM Liz Truss, who, coincidentally, is also a lightweight and warmonger like Nikki, is known to have cuckolded her husband, although not as often as Nikki is alleged to have done. However, she has been called a "prostitute" including by North Korea. Although there is no evidence that she has turned tricks it's not a good perception for people to have of a POTUS.
She's a blood thirsty, war mongering tyrant ho. She's the hochul of the rino party.
Why would the deep state want Trump assassinated or imprisoned? Trump IS the deep state.
Nonsense. If that were the case, they wouldn't be using malicious fake lawfare indictments and every other thing to STOP him from running. They are PANICKING at the thought of Trump back in office.
The Trump campaign team is using the famous mug shot as campaign material selling cups and t-shirts with it. You don't seem to understand how the deep state actually operates. Please read the link I provided above and we can discuss further then. Trump IS deep state.
A famous quote to familiarize yourself with would be, "if it happens in politics you can bet it was planned that way."
All theater. Keep everybody distracted with biden this, trump that, convid19 this kr that, while they plot the next drop, disease x and spraying us from above daily with toxic chemicals, to block out the sun wink wink.
Ya right. So that’s how Trump made his living, working as a politician? No, he was mostly in real estate and development as an entrepreneur. I think you missed the definition of deep state. How about your president Biden never having worked in the private sector his entire life? That is pretty deep state I would think.
If you are under the impression that I am Biden supporter or that it is a Trump Vs Biden (or even GOP vs Democrats) situation then you have a lot to catch up on...
Not having a go at you. Just stating a fact.
P.S: I am not an American citizen so don't really have a personal skin in the game...which is a benefit imho.
It is God -vs- Devil or evil, or satan, or fallen angels.
Always has bèen. It is God they fear.
Oh, that explains why you don’t know what deep state means! 😏
Let me guess...the "black hats"? 😉
NO he is NOT the deep state satanists!
Really. Where are your sources on your statement?
Also, Trump WILL be the GOP candidate...and next President. His running mate (and next VP) will be Tucker Carlson.
I've been hearing it will be Ben Carson.
Trump would prefer Ben Carson to Tucker or Vivek.
For fear of being overshadowed. Prefers the illusion of a junior partner.
Parallels reason he can't apologize for Covid-Con.
His pride forbids showing weakness. He believes his goal can be achieved with no apologies. And sees only the opening that would give his enemies.
This is what he said about Vivek...
President Donald J. Trump
1 h
Vivek started his campaign as a great supporter, “the best President in generations,” etc. Unfortunately, now all he does is disguise his support in the form of deceitful campaign tricks. Very sly, but a vote for Vivek is a vote for the “other side” — don’t get duped by this. Vote for “TRUMP,” don’t waste your vote! Vivek is not MAGA. The Biden Indictments against his Political Opponent will never be allowed in this Country, they are already beginning to fall! MAGA!!!
And now he plans on having him in his administration even though he'a a wef & big pharma guy and has been caught with fake signatures on his reg papers and plagarizing obama. Says a lot!
Vivek is a non-starter.
Trump's running mate and the next Vice President of the United States is Tucker Carlson. You can take this to the bank.
"Prefers the illusion of a junior partner."
Trump's preferences are irrelevant. He is a deep state asset who does as he is told (or else...), just like the rest of them.
I disagree with you...respectfully in open discourse. He said he knows who his V.P. will be and he won't tell.
I believe it to be other than who you picked, and I won't tell either.
His uncle was sent to clean Tesla's office after his death.
It's been said he was "chosen" to be Our Man in Manhattan for real estate acquisition.
And I've also heard he was used to put together Mena, Arkansas airfield setup. CIA-Dope Deal.
It could be bozo the clown?
Who are you talking about?
I’ve also heard this.
Don’t be surprised if it is Kari Lake. She is so much more qualified than Carlson or Carson are.
Perhaps and most likely Not Tucker.
If it wasn't a "pandemic" and an engineered, gain of function virus, what was it? Why did it kill so many people? Including people in my family and friends?
He is NOT a great judge of character and funny enough fired the wrong people often on his show. The worst thing Trump did was OWS. He unfortunately believed his scientific team, and any differing info was largely blocked from reaching him. Scott Atlas has spoken on that many times. So now picture the whole thing believing the bullshit they were telling him. Millions were gonna die if he didn’t do ABC. A tough position. I forgive him for those decisions at the time. It’s hard currently to hear him stand behind them. That’s where I sour. However, he is again in a tricky spot. If he publicly admits OWS was bad or the shots they blame this whole disaster on him ignoring Biden’s role. Unfortunately, I don’t see better options out there.
Vaccines have always been smoke and nirrors, create a disease, while you already have a cure waiting. Just like now, they already have a quackscene for disease x so you know they created the disease. Even if you believe vaccines prevent a disease, which they dont, and the c19 proved that again, you can make NO sound medical argument for pumping aluminum, mercury, tromethanine, peg's or any of the other poisonous chemicals contained in them into anyone much less an infant. But please, help yourself to all you would like to take. Take some time and dig through the us nih website, there's a wealth of info there proving my point and discrediting tour claim. Hell, even the cdc's claim that vaers represents less than 1% of injuries/deaths (their words, not mine.) So look up their number of deaths and multiply that by 100. It should blow your mind. Another tidbit for you, you'll find all virus' have a US patent. Besides that we have the proof in autism, food allergies now skyrocketing since reagan decided to cave into big pharma, or get paid most likely. All of these illnesses have skyrocketed since the 80.s plus I have 3 dead family members, not one over 52, died suddenly and the rest are falling apart. Blindness, RA, chronic illness and cancer. But like I said, feel free to take all you want. Good Lord, I hope you're not the decision maker on health for your family!
Who are you talking to? Dr. Paul? Just because You have a lll after your name doesn't mean you're that brilliant. Vaccines ARE Agendas... and Not for people's health, but rather the exact opposite, AND in addition to making them "hackable animals" as stated by Yuval Noah Hurrari.
Bottom line -
It's Always been a Fight between God and the Fallen Ones. Pick your side. Choose ye this day whom ye will serve...