People need to stop thinking after the fact and get ahead of the curve. Let's stop letting "them" dictate orders to us and instead make life the way WE want it to be. Let's think ahead and go on the offensive! Do we have an intelligent coach out there that can get the whole team winning?

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Jewish refugee from Hitler, Republican icon, mentor to Klaus Schwab, Nobel prize winner, accused war criminal and architect of US foreign policy for decades, Henry Kissinger is dead. He lived to be100. Vale Henry Kissinger! I realize school closures were devastating but so is this news. The GOP and the WEF have lost one of their leading lights.

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No tears from me.

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He leaves plenty of admirers. The US' most unpopular governor, Kim Reynolds of Iowa, Ron DeSanctimonious, Mike Pence, Jeb and GW Bush, Mitt Romney, Paul Ryan and Gerald Williams must be deep in mourning.

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What you rightly describe as devastating, the gov't recognizes as success. The goal of Communism is to disrupt the imparting of love and knowledge from parents and family, creating a dehumanized, alienated blank slate ready to be programmed. Add the vax, and they'll either be dead or disabled and produce weak offspring in broken families, if they are able to conceive at all. They will be entirely dependent on the gov't.

Those who have any conscience left must fight this with all we've got.

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Thank-you for exposing the hijacking of medicine. I expected a lot more from my fellow Americans, please keep the articles coming!!!

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Bilderberg Cartels attacked our school system decades ago; indeed, the very fact of how easily our bureaucrat deep staters are controlled is directly linked to each individual's school-trained low strength of character, and Protestant Character was the selected Cartel NWO target since 1789 with the acceptance of the Constitution to replace the Articles. Visualize the decadent French Revolution a couple days later, created by the early infantile deep state revolutionaries; the same group, led by Jesuits of the Pagan Church of Rome, drove our rebellion of 1776. They knew immediately that the ground work of the Constitution was laid out by the Protestants BUT written by rebellious dolts like Jefferson and Hamilton. The first ten amendments confirmed the Jesuit suspicions.

Much more. Bottom line is that once our schools became public domain-controlled, our Republic entered the slide to its own destruction. So much going on here.

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.05% is statistically meaningless. There's no way practicing doctors that diagnose patients are that accurate with any diagnosis.

So zero. None. Nada. Zip. No one died from a supposed 'virus' spawned from a computer. Data scientists have analyzed the all-cause mortality rate since 1900 and supposed 'viral pandemics' declared by the government. What they found is that none of the declared pandemics resulted in an increase in deaths from the indicated pathogen. Not the 1918 Spanish Flu, not the Swine Flu, and certainly not Covid. Covid deaths were iatrogenic. Actually, no, the patients , no, victims were intentionally murdered via an intentionally concocted protocol that captured vulnerable individuals in care homes and those who went to hospitals in good faith seeking help with a medical issue. They were tested with the fraudulent RT-PVR test, fraudulently declared contagious, isolated from family, from anyone who might catch on and rescue them. The now hostages were sedated, strapped to their bed, starved, dehydrated, emotionally & mentally raped, and in the end, when they were emaciated, gasping for life, crying out for loved ones, they were mortally impaled by a ventilator tube and their fragile lungs shredded like wet toilet paper. Their cause of death was then fraudulent recorded as being from a non-existent entity, by a medical professional.

With all the corruption, fraud, murder that has been committed, how can anyone seriously use or refer to that .05% number as if it is a fact? Or any number or statistic proffered by anyone involved in the Scamdemic, for that matter? Anyone who does should not be trusted. Any conclusions based on the .05% should be dismissed out of hand.

Because that .05% is being used to support the narrative that there actually was a virus. 0% would reveal the damned truth. That zero people died from a novel pathogen invented as the main prop for a psy-op against the world.

Therefore anyone using that .05% should not be trusted. They are either willfully ignorant, or their ego or mind can't handle the truth staring them right in the face, and/or they've been brainwashed by 8+ years of education and more years of 'Safe and Effective' training and practice, and/or they are too cowardly to declare the emperor has no clothes. They can't even seem to grasp the fact that masks don't work because there's nothing there.

No infectious, contagious virus has ever been drawn from then isolated & identified nor proven contagious. Never, ever. Bacteria, fungus, yeast, parasites yes. Viruses? Nope. The CDC nor any such agency in the entire world has on file proof of the physical existence of any virus. If one existed, you can bet there'd be a file.

So can you really fault medical professionals who know the truth for not publicly admitting it? No, they think. Better just go along with that .05% in favor of the existence of a boogeyman under the bed than to risk having a horde of omnipotent Garden Gnomes from above attack & destroy their careers.

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