I shook hands with and sat next to a person (for an hour and a half) who got the booster shot two days before and the next morning had quarter and dime size welts over half my body. Went to my doctor and got a steroid shot to get rid of them. Doc said they were seeing a lot of that. This was in early 2022.

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I do remember coming down with a little cold, mostly in the nose and throat, every time 8 visited my friends... Told them so too... That has stopped though... Probably got the sniffles 2, 3 times after a visit max and that was it... spaced those visit out after that... As if they've thought this out for a long time .. down to unconscious self isolation via noticing things like this... I'm tripping surely!

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Dont self isolate. Live normally and take quercetin and zinc and bromelain to over ride the effects of vaccine shedding. Its sad what has occurred but keep joy in your life a positive outlook and never hide in fear. Greatest advice for good health both physically and mentally.

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Wow! Look how the pituitary gland is hit and not talked about very often.

Geeeez. I hope children growing up are not too affected from hormone changes.

Is this another reason why Marxists are jumping on the trans bandwagon? They know a bigger trans-pandemic is coming with the children growing up?

Changes in hormones with social engineering equates more trans? More autism from vaxxes equates more trans children in the future? Odds are they know the answer as they have tested Covid results years ago in China or who knows where.

Good lord. Future generations will be forever changed. The great re-set? Whatever.

I say absolutely evil whoever did this to humanity and it’s unforgivable.

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Yes the pituitary gland. Glad you mentioned it and think what the pcr swavb tests did as well. Its harms.

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I am not vxd and I had covid very early in April 2020.. cured it on my own with azitromicin zinc and lots of aspirin (did not have heparin) .

Every time I get around some heavily vxd person I feel the shedding..

I learn how to get rid of that but at times it takes longer ...

shedding is definitely happening

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Didn't it fade over time? The reaction to shedding? It did for me... What does that mean?

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It means you're mot up to date with your boosters. You've not been hanging out recently with freshly jabbed people.

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Ugh. I’m not vaxxed but I have been around people who are; I guess everyone has.

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You're vaxxed.

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Well, all the more reason to continue spike protein protocols. And to thank God for His sovereignty; only He can protect any of us.

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Paul, with the bioweapon nanos, built upon decades of chem nanos (I recall one method used for aircraft nano deployment is to place aluminum, strontium, barium and so on, MIXED in J7 fuel; at the time, questioned how engines could fire up with all the crap; I had no clue about nanos), with all the crap on us, in us and everywhere, consider the Biosolids at waste treatment plants. Nanos run thru hot jet engines must not be bothered by biosolids THAT SELL 'compost' as organic here in CA, if I recall. But the point being is that the nano load appears immortal, just a hunch. So small has its own dimension. Begs the question of how much heat needed to destroy the tiny boogers.

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How much heat? A simple fever inside us would do my hunch says... A fever and macrophages, then I wake up from the hunch lol

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I’m a pure blood and Dr Ana just confirmed my blood is contaminated too….


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What's a pure blood? Contaminated with what? Now I'm so scared...How did you get your blood purified? I wanna do it too! Mine is full of... Well the one tribe I'm from...wait do you mean your tribe too didn't have sex outside the tribe? Don't worry in case you don't know, that's not inbreeding as we... Most tribes... Those that survived the homogenisation of people as early and late as the catholic church that is...have a well documented and easy to remember method to avoid inbreeding... It's as simple as remembering not to suck on the same teet 3 times removed... Or was it 5... Can't marry your fifth cousin... no 3rd... If fooled you can't get fooled again like bush would say... See easy! Therefore I'm pure blood too! Yay! Thanks for that you're awesome 👍

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In this context, Pure Blood is the term people use to mean unvaxxed.

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Wow... I went there didn't I? Coocooland? I've got the perfect concentration of THC to blame: 20.8% hybrid...bomb bomb i know right? And you, look at you! Not even frazzled or dishelved a hair .. A kind human being all around! Show off! Love you!

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This studies nails why Pfizer and Moderna need to be taken to the would-shed.

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Ahh them saying stay home for 14 days to let the virus grow in ya then come to the hospital sick enough 5o be killed on a ventilator trump's friend made sure we had... Uuhhh that was my woodshed moment...place where I hid from most... still looking for the exit...

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The jabbed should wear a N-95 with a cloth mask and a face shield...to stop shedding on the rest of us.

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Excreted in urine, sweat glands, transfer from one person to another during sexual contact, EXOSOMES are found in all body fluids..

Sweat glands express viral spike protein (Liu et al. (2020)


High levels of spike protein enclosed within exosomes (Bansal et al.,2021).


biologically active transfer of exosomes from one person to another during sexual contact (Welch et al., 2019).


Exosomes are found in all bodily fluids and in exhaled breath (Sinha et al, 2013)


Inhaled exosomes, at least from plants, can be biologically active (Prado et al. 2022)


Breath exosomes: Proteomics and functional enrichment analysis in the development of methodology for future diagnostic devices.


Etc etc

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Masks dont work. Skin shedfing

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That's like science fiction creepy stuff...

Wonder if they leave their toxic particles on things they touch in the grocery store?

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“It is demonstrated that spike is carried in circulating exosomes for some time and also shown that exosomes can be exhaled via aerosols. This is more likely.”




Antibodies transferred via aerosols would not be detectable in the kids.

This data implies the parents are shedding spike and the kids are building antibodies to that.

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Health Canada ignored Dr Kevin McKernan on toxic materials in unacceptable levels in the vaccines.

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He didn’t write the studies that are on the post.

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Immunologist PhD comment

The authors interpret this as a 'shedding' of antibodies from one person to another. I do not know how they determine that the antibodies that show up in the exposed person are derived from their contact and not their own, developed in response to shed exosomes with Spike.

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Antibodies haven’t evolved to be contagious.

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Despicable in whole its concept. Criminals un jour, criminals tous les jours.

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If we are getting humoral antibodies from contact with jabbed people, does that mean that our immune responses will be likewise impaired by 'immune prejudice' against responding properly to the real virus despite never having had the jabs ourselves, and also IgG4 tolerance? Could this explain why my previously robust husband got a shingles attack, cold sores, and a fungal infection and developed allergies that he's never had before in his life?

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The shedding is very real! I was perfectly healthy, got thru all this chit without even a sniffle. Went to the ER on Monday, because of severe leg pain on my left side, a numb lip and chin and severe pain in my ribs on the right side. All because I helped care for the vaxed! There is zero reason for all of this.

I don’t follow allopathic care, take no drugs, drink pure distilled water, don’t touch GMOS, eat organic pasture raised and finished meats. I get plenty of sun and exercise. Again there is no reason for all of this to come on suddenly.

Waited 11 hours, was never seen as I gave up waiting. I was among the 17 people who left.

The hospital was just overwhelmed and any walk in patients had zero chance of receiving any help.

What’s funny are the none stop ambulances arriving every few minutes. I’m willing to be these were vaxed people with heart problems.

I did get some blood work done, everything was good but my platelets. They are extremely low.

Those who want to scoff about the shedding, just sit back your turn is coming, when you least expect it.

With all this pain right now, death would be welcome.

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Not to mention the contamination of the blood supply by allowing the vaccinated to donate.

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I believe Karen Kingston illuminated the issue of graphene in the shots. It’s SM102 in the Moderna I believe. Not sure what it is in the Pfizer. Also remember that Japan dumped a huge number of vials of mRNA due to “ excessive magnetic properties “ back in 2021. Also remember that a pre print study in the Lancet in 2021 that detailed research done in a hospital in Vietnam with all hospital employees participating that indicated some of the vaccinated staff were carrying viral loads 236 times above base line. At 17 times one is normally in bed sick. This was NOT dead virus it was living virulent virus. Hence the term NON NEUTRALIZING. Obviously the virus particles that survived the shots have genetic variant such that the vaccine would do little if anything at all. Thankfully greater infectiveness normally means less deadly / a lower IFR. However as Dr. Geert Vanden Bossche has detailed many times “ pressuring “ a virus with a non neutralizing vaccine can possibly lead to a stronger more deadly variant. Think of it like MRSA where eventually bacteria avoid certain antibiotics.

The effects of nano anything on the body and in the animal and plant kingdom can be extremely harmful depending on the substance. Our rush for better treatments and better everything without proper trials or research amplified by the possibility of ENORMOUS profits has produced one of humanity’s greatest threats.

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Murder is murder in all colors.

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Then they can pick up the stories of Sheila Lewis and Garnett Harper who both died because monsters in Canada refused them transplants because they were unvaccinated. These momsters hide behind a confidentiality agreement in Sheila Lewis case. They know they were wrong.

The new variant ERIS to be ignored. New booster coming this Fall so here comes fear revved up. Moderna to surge in profits this 4th quarter of 2023.

Funny how in Jan 2023 very little vaccine uptake even though the Kracken variant is being pushed in Jan 2023 and that surge fizzled out as no one listened. There were no masks and vaccinated and unvaccinated mixed shredding the credibility of David Fisman and all the purveyors of fear. Fear kills. Profits of Moderna and Pfizer down early in the year as no one would take these covid vaccines. Amazing eh. So exactly why will their profits surge late 2023. Oh right fear of ERIS variant being pushed now in the media.

Living normally is healthy. No masks that are toxic to your health especially for children and pregnant females. The studies provei t all and any new mandates for masks or vaccines is criminal intent to harm.

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