I thought we had far more critical thinkers in this country but I was so wrong and shocked! Shame on all the institutions that pushed and agreed to this tyranny. I’m still so angry at all the fools who went along with it and now refuse to admit they were like sheep being led off to slaughter. Thank God he gave me a mind to research everything!

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And notice that nobody stood up for us. No -one. Not even any human rights organisations. Cos we weren't people anymore. Just unvaccinated scum.

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Happy to be an unvaccinated scum lol

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Better to be unvaccinated 'scum', than a vaccinated succumb.

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That's how I felt so I saved money to use later. The Big Pharm motto should have been: "Find out if disability or death are right for you while we pocket billions at taxpayer expense and no liability."

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Isn't that one of their TV ads?

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I wonder when a meme or satire commercial will be done by someone? It can be so effective.

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That’s the tactic. Make us, or parents or T supporters the enemy and not human so they can even kill us. It’s all there in Nazi Germany.

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I am praying for the monent when all the facts about *Nazi Germany* will be revealed. This will be the time when everything and I mean EVERYTHING will fall into to place.

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We were absolutely dehumanized. You are right that the human rights organizations were silent, and that was an obvious clue.

And the pretzel logic was so bad. "it's like wearing a seatbelt." "Do it for yourself and others." Right.

Seeing the cognitive dissonance in my elderly parents was especially painful for me. They: totally trusting in their doctors, the MSM experts, their many Ph.D. friends -- the self-reinforcing bubble of hatred towards the anti-vaxxers (who by extension must be Trumpers and stupid and selfish) -- it was SO HARD for them to have me be "one of those" whom they had been brainwashed to deride and shun. They begged me to "do the right thing" (get jabbed) so that I wouldn't die, and also they wanted me to wear a mask around them (because of my unwashed, asymptomatically spreading germs). See, they really do love me and care about me and didn't want me to die, but they also hate everyone like me because the TV told them to and because all of their friends reinforce this hatred.

Today, COVID is "over" and we just don't talk about it. They are elderly. They'll take another jab this fall, if they are allowed to. They 100% will not listen to me about this.

Nobody stood up for us except ourselves. Which we did, even though it meant damaged relationships, loss of jobs, loss of access to normal social activities.

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Correct. Most churches went along, because they took government funds.

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Yes. Thank you God for those of us who we’re blessed to know better.

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Right. And "sheep" does not include doctors, who were always responsible to know that the vaxx was dangerous in principle and the available evidence was always inadequate to support a claim of safety. No long term data, no carcinogenesis data, grossly inadequate fertility data, no randomised double-blind controlled (i.e. vaxxed vs not vaxxed) trial. No defense.

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There isn't even now a control group. Pfizer vaxxed them, with the usual excuse "it's for your own good". The MSM is doing its part ignoring any deaths and enforcing the narrative. We are sailing in to tyranny and only a few even notice. We only have (parts of) yhe internet. Maybe next time they'll do away with that for the "misinformation"

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WE are the control group.

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Makes me sick, so disgusting. God is watching

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If you do a little investigating, you will discover that very few drug trials have true control groups that remain intact until the end.

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I think a lot about how after the War, they had to physically take people from their homes to clean up the bodies, as they didn't believe that people were being put in ovens down the street. Even the teachers fell for Hitler's plans.

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exactly. So many of my loved ones who got jabbed, did so on advice of their trusted doctors. That is one reason they wouldn't listen to me: "are you a doctor? are you saying you know more than doctors do? are you an expert? Are you an epidemiologist?" and so on.

This betrayal is so deep. The ones still faithfully getting their jabs are still trusting their doctors, who are in a position of authority and should know better. They have blood on their hands. How they can live with themselves, I have no idea.

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Excellent points, Dani.

My contempt for doctors who conspired in this travesty knows no bounds.

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I had an advantage as I: 1) ran clinical studies, 2) knew how they should be done, and 3) recognized immediately that things didn't look right. I avoided situations where I might be pressured/forced to take the clot shot.

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Doctors knew. A few brave ones stood up and helped.

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“and this is the important part to keep in mind: authoritarian fascism becomes its own constituency.

it does not matter if it works.

it does not matter if it makes sense.

it matters that it keeps the power it took.

it will not release its grip when it is wrong, it will tighten it.

that is the game we're playing.

plan accordingly.” —@boriquagato

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I don't know anyone who participated in this who has yet admitted that they were mistaken. I only hear people say "I'm glad COVID is over." I also hear people say that they are afraid of catching COVID and they understand that there is going to be an annual COVID vaccine which everyone is going to take. Additionally, I hear people say that they are susceptible to catching COVID because their last shot has worn off. But that new shots are coming this Fall. They believe that masks work, still. They wear the masks on airplanes and in grocery stores, still.

I know a lot of people who went along with this insanity because they believed it, but I don't know anyone who believes now that they were mistaken then. Who are these people who have woken up?

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I didnt follow the stupid practices from Fauci and the like, except for the masks. I had my suspicions, but I only spoke to people I believed I had a chance of convincing and there were not that many. I believe others acted similarly. I should have spoken out more. Dunno if it would helped, most others parroted the narrative right back. The only people I really saw that were admirable were the few (hero) doctors like Gold, Kory and some others. Kirsch spoke (and is STILL speaking out) out and gathered a large following. The Canadian truckers were heroic. They are to be emulated.

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The Canadian Truckers were very inspiring and gave me hope when I really needed it. Those were some especially dark days.

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The Canadian truckers have guts. Very few people do.

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I agree Dani...I am currently living with one ..my sister. Nothing I can say will get her to admit anything except "I don't want to hear it it is over". Oh no my sister, is is so far from over...

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Exactly, Duchess. They are still just as brainwashed. That fills me with a sense of dread.

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Yes...in the pit of my stomach...every day.

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I have one of those sisters too. At least she’s stopped with boosters. But the damage is done.

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And sometimes i want to cry. Although she says she wont get another one..shell take any bv jab a doctors tells her..and shecwont believe or underdtand they will all be mnra from now on.

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All you can do is take care of yourself and your family, if they are not entirely indoctrinated. Many people are more likely to have a sex alteration than believe the covid pandemic was faked.

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Here! 🙋‍♀️ Reformed sheep.

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You have my admiration, Fizzygirl.

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And mine

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My experience with them is the same.

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I only know ONE person who is still taking these shots. And she’s 93 in a nursing home. All the rest have said never again. But you’re right. None have admitted they were duped.

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The covid #clingers aren't likely to admit the tyranny is upon us. They are still too butthurt about those of us who are free.

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Sage Hana nails it in response to Walter M Chesnut's realization that everyone who has had spike protein exposure, jabbed and unjabbed but especially jabbed, is incubating AIDS:

"Whatever it is...the bioweapon drop to launch, and the bioweapon "solution"...it was no accident. What did all of your Heroes know? and when did they know it?"

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Look at research of Dr Ana Maria Mihalcea live blood analyses . Screwed whether jabbed or unjabbed. 🤷‍♀️

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Sasha Ladapova does not agree with Ana. She said it’s the vaccinated that will likely have issues not the unvaxxed.

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I follow them both, thanks 😊

Chelation to clean the blood also

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Take Dr. McCullough’s Spike protein protect.

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Nankeenase sp?

Yes. There is much coming out hopefully real cure

Idk about the 'rubber' bio structures being controlled.

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Nattokinase …. It is an enzyme that thins the blood so if on blood thinners Dr. McCullough says to check with doctor….it is in his Spike Protein Protect.

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If You Are Vaccine Injured.... Know This ...

We Report On Your Suffering As A Defense

Against Ever Stooping So Low -As You All Have.

That You Wish To Die ... Without Knowing Why

Is Your Choice.

You Are Giving Your Lives So That We May Have Ours.

What You Don't Appreciate Is That We Always Had Ours

And Wanted You To Have Yours.


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Thomas, I always appreciate your pith.

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For those of you who follow Stefan Lanka and those of you who are convinced that SARS-CoV-2 is just a cold, keep exposing yourself to the non-existent or harmless virus. For those who've had the SARS-CoV-2 disease prodrome ("COVID-19") read Walter M Chesnut's WMC Research substack, try not to get it again and monitor your health closely, don't miss any cancer screenings and try to boost your immune system. For those of you who've had three jabs, heed the advuce of Luc Montagnier, as noted by posters Dizzy and Cinpete:

Dizzy: Wasn’t it Luc Montagnier who said everyone who took the jab should get an aids test?

Cinpete: He said ‘for those that took the third dose, get an aids test. Then sue your gov’t.’

Walter M Chesnut nails it:

"Now do you see what is happening? 


We are dealing with an “AIDS” of universal scope. We need to understand if this virus is acting like HIV and other latent viruses. Is it slowly, inexorably destroying everything it touches? I pray not."

A Universal “AIDS” SARS-CoV-2, the Spike Protein, and the Slow, Progressive Destruction of Infected Cells


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I question how healthy it is to smoosh my chest like a pancake. Better to always just follow the proper diet I think, and know your body.

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Having just posted response to yours, wonder why husband is not strongly urged to place his penis between two squeezing plates?

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Or their scrotum. How would that be received by males?

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Took two smooshers long (stupid, ignorant) years (decades) ago. Never since.

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Forget about it. They are too proud to recognize that they were COVIDIOTS.

Amnesty or JUSTICE:


Doc says: oops! I'm a complete IDIOT


Their pride will cost their lives:

The full PLAN exposed:


16 laws we need to exit Prison Planet


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Canadians are nice. Nice and stupid and cowardly and arrogant and comfortable and professional virtue signallers. They are playing not to lose ; their assets. They have no integrity or backbone, cant lose what you never had.

Canada is a shithole of communism and delusion. And most are proud to keep their head up their ass. All i hope for is just consequence to action taken.

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Don't forget the Canadian truckers. They did NOT sit down. They paid a high price. I would have expected something like that in the US first.

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100% agree. True heroes. I never expected anyone to bad mouth them but as i live in the belly of the beast Ottawa i was assaulted by retarded cowards complaining about honking and ambulance access. These shit for brains cowards to this day are proud of their ignorance. I’ll revise my previous comment to MOST Canadians lol.

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Ha, ha, fooled you!

The people of the USA have their heads up their asses. They're afraid of being killed, not that I blame any of us for worrying about that.

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God bless the truckers.

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Yes. They are heroes.

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We were set up for this. Ours schools have been teaching what to think not how to think since the 80s.

What wasn’t mentioned in the article was that schools were trying to get kids to report on their parents. Like Nazi Germany.

But..... I grew up in an era where there were many cults. I read this book written by a deprogramer of cult mentality sent in by parents to get their kids back. It takes weeks of isolation and specific techniques.

Our society has decayed. We have reached a state where young and older people don’t know how to fill their souls so sex, alcohol, social media and even politics are the golden calf. These things can’t fill us deeply. And when we are empty fear is an easy tool to use against us.

Some will never see the light. I see that in my family but I pray for all of us. We need them to change but I really have my doubts.

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What book? I really like the book Let Our Children Go by Ted Patrick.

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It’s been so very long since I read the book I was thinking of but now that you mention his name it was by Ted Patrick…..thank you so much….God Bless

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Great essay but I would add that the young were sacrificed by Bernie and AOC for whatever their true aims are- which we kind of know. If Bernie had told the young to think for themselves everything- truly everything- would have fallen apart. A Bernie supporter friend defended his silence saying he was waiting for the right time. Luckily even she knows the truth and has never uttered his name since 2021

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Chicago had a covid vaccine pass for awhile

Illinois had 2 illegal mask mandates

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I have forwarded this great article to people that are not fit for conversation.

reason being they should know what they have done or helped with there rolling over like a dog . May they see the evidence of the suffering and dead children . How they can look at themselves in the mirror. I do not know

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It is a great article.

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In the light of day, not darkened by idiocracy, while living in normal law, yet exercising unlimited liability, consider:

I'll be your huckleberry...lol..

Harken honor for honor, to wit:

The problem with Journalism is the same for people, their Historian's:

“The Laws of a country are necessarily connected with everything belonging to the people of it - so that a thorough knowledge of them, and of their progress, would inform us of everything that was most useful to be known about them - and one of the greatest imperfections of historians in general, is owing to their ignorance of law.” Priestley’s Lect. On Hist. Vol. 1. Page 149.

Supporting: James Wilson, a common law lawyer from Scotland, cast deciding vote for the Declaration of Independence. He was floor manager at the constitutional convention. Then at the Pennsylvania Constitutional Ratification Convention he spoke for over one week (Mon thru Saturday) each morning and afternoon in Philadelphia, on the record (it was recorded in shorthand), describing the “whys” and “what-fors” for each part of the new Constitution for the united States. When arguing about what the U.S. Constitution says, go to his book. The Olde Galatia Church has a copy which people can come and read.

But because people allow their honorable neighbors to be arrested for standing peaceful assemblies' to express their horror of mandates or child mutilations forced by a caste of foreign 'Citizens/citizens' of various agency government, bent on unending train of abuse, these sovereign good people of united America of a Right, ought to abolish, remember:

In 1966, after a botched circumcision, Dr. John Money, at Johns Hopkins University, convinced David Reimer’s parents that he should be raised as a girl ... and the child sex change industry was launched by a man who forced 6-year-olds to perform sex acts upon one another as he took photos. Money is the one who said “gender” is a social construct unrelated to biological “sex,” thus forming the basis of modern gender ideology. Fast-forward a few decades, and congressional supporters of LGBTQ sexual deviancy propaganda are trying to codify Money’s sick work into law, endorsing child sex mutilation surgeries and promoting pedophilia to a protected class of “normal.

And remember, in 1960, the U.N. General Assembly, Fifteenth Session (official Records), declared War of White People. Read their 864th Plenary Meeting (opening meeting), Tuesday, 20 September 1960 to affirm what is stated.

From there, read "WORKFORCE AMERICA" (1991 - given to me by the author, when attending their "Multicultural Diversity Conference, that was required by Gov. Finney of KS., for all law enforcement) openly declaring by the year 2010, white men will account for less than 40 percent of the total American workforce....and women and people of color will fill 75 percent of the 24 million 'new' jobs created in the United States!!!

My response was met by the governor, you're fired...lol

How is your reality being accomplished, elsewhere, throughout your grand republic, consider:

Your politicians made it so in "Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986," Here in Whitman County WA they are advertising hiring Superior "Clerk of Court" advertising hiring....lol only United States citizens AND aliens, authorized to work in the United States. Imagine, your own Courts being MANNED by foreigners and neither the police, judges nor your politicians are telling you their doing this to your agency government of, by and for the American people, on your dime!!!!!!

Your Americans are being replaced by communist and foreigners who don't give a damn about America, only power!!!!

Be wise, safe and blessed,


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😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣 Sheep need their sheepdogs to keep them in line. They love the feel of authoritarian breath down their necks, because it's on YOUR neck, too. They want the worst for you thinking they get the best.

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