The people behind the puppet resident Biden ARE the fascists. But they project their own ways onto Trump and 100 millions of his supporters. The deep state has overtly called for assassinating Trump using inflammatory language and lies.

It is common knowledge that JFK was murdered by a government conspiracy. And we know the same about the murders of RFK and MLK in 1968. Both used a patsy. Sirhan Sirhan did not shoot RFK, he was the patsy. James Earl Ray did not shoot MLK, he was the patsy.

The deep state, CIA, FBI, has been the enemy of the people for decades. They must be stopped.

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In this point of their process, it’s all about creating chaos. Pure. Simple.

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Who played the role of Jack Ruby this time….

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We are not even sure who the real shooter was. And I don't mean the guy on the roof. He was the patsy, like Oswald. Was the roof guy Crooks, or Yearick? Bottom line, the USSS is responsible, whether they were involved directly, or whether they allowed it and facilitated it.

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Democrats are an oxymoron for the definition of its name

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WTF. Paul - you have always been a monster for the truth. There is absolutely nothing truthful in OpEd about it core thesis - JFK and MLK were murdered because people were speaking nasty about them. Oswald and Ray didn't kill anyone. The 'temperature' in the country didn't mean anything in those murders. The only "temperature" that mattered was that various Deep State elements wanted to make sure both JFK and MLK reached room temperature as fast as possible. To push the Deep State lies that "Lone Gunmen" killed either of these guys is unconscionable. Might as well say the shots were "safe and effective".

I haven't heard any definitive information on what motivated the Trump shooter. How would you even know what motivated him, "hot" rhetoric or not? Not only should we not jump to conclusions, that's the idiot's left job, the last thing we want to do right now is encourage more censorship. We know how that will work out.

FYI. I have personal knowledge from a very well placed source with impeccable credentials that LBJ knew about JFK's assassination in advance. His actions after the hit were instrumental in the cover up. The only temperature LBJ cared about was avoiding spending the rest of his life in the cooler.

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How about it looked like a slow day at a girl scout cookie bake sale, instead of the 1,000's reported at Trunp rallys? Why didn't anyone run? Why did people just crouch down? Did they know there was only one shooter? How would they know there was no longer a threat? Who is the secret service kneeling across? Protecting? Why is he pointing? Someone just fired multiple shots at a former president, why isn't his gun drawn? The never darkening blood wasn't on his hand, or his shirt collar? The secret service took his shoes off to check for injuries? Maybe. But then hang back so the president can get his shoes and his hat?! Insanity. The biggest red flag is that sounded like a cap gun and was no way it's an AR, NO WAY. Then there's all of the poor acting done by the "secret service" agents. Which company casted these terrible actors? This wasn't even worth popping popcorn for. I could go on...

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I blame the media. Since 2015 they have done nothing but attack after attack on Trump. During his 4 years as president if you watched the news all you heard was hate speech so much so that I cut the cord to any of their BS. I stopped watching all of them. I couldn’t take talking to the TV any longer. I detest them as much as they detest me. They WILL NOT STOP! They are speaking to many mentally unstable people. The media is setting this up! Setting up an assassination. But we got to stop and think. Who owns the media? Globalist! Who do globalist support? WEF, WHO, UN, NATO, One World Order. And there you are. The people who world for them are deranged puppets. Stuffed humans taking orders from other deranged people. Hate speech. Give me a damn break! The news is the hate speech!!!!! Media is the enemy!

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Dr. P, consider referring to the democrat party as the damnocraps or demoncraps. Biden as biDumb, obama as obummer or ovomit, michelle as moochelle etc.

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people need to stop buying into the 'lone wolf' narrative

July 13th looks increasingly like a coordinated inside job... https://eccentrik.substack.com/p/was-july-13th-a-stand-down-order

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Peoplr need to stop buying into the "assassination narrative."

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As in John Wayne's 1968 film, 'The Green Berets,' Colonel Mike Kirby would've said, 'That's their style.'

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The left and the MSM all accuse others of EXACTLY what they are doing as sons of the devil...

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Paul, I wanted to comment on the last stack you posted about Navarro, but it's paywalled.

Great news about Navarro, I'm sure he will speak at the DNC. It's a shame Bannon can't speak there. Both are literal political prisoners of an illegitimate tyrannical regime.

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Peter Navarro is hosting War Room tomorrow morning. He already showed up today sat the RNC. I pre ordered his new book.

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