My daughter was badly hurt by shedding. Severe bleeding x4 days after her father was vaccinated and it almost killed her. I actually was interviewed on Stew Peters and Childrens health defense plus I had undercover videos at drs offices. Shedding is real

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This is so unbelievably inhumane! Pfizer and Moderna knew damn well what they were doing and why! From the onset, I read numerous articles reporting on “vaccine shedding”, after all why not have them infect everyone? “More Patients =More Dollars”! Provided everyone doesn’t die! How evil and how downright sinister! Now we know the DOD was the lead in order to bypass all regulations! I don’t remember anyone claiming America was under attack via any weapon, never mind biological! So now we know this was all planned and coordinated and executed perfectly! That is if your goal is to wipeout half the worlds population mane more? The problem is, nobody knows how deep this will affect humanity! They’ve already murdered and maimed millions, what’s a few more, right? WRONG! All the “Covid-Horseman” need to pay and pay dearly! IMO, I agree with Dr Alexander, Hang-Em All, if there’s anyone left to carry it out. I am sickened but not surprised. As I mentioned years back from researching mRNA injectables, they can’t be controlled! They cause inflammation and misdirection. The effects in my medically uneducated suspicions have been correct, simply because I read about the potential dangers from 1. Injecting millions upon millions during an outbreak. 2. The reason why mRNA never worked and or was brought to market sooner. 3. My gut instinct said things weren’t adding up! Look, it doesn’t take a rocket scientist to realize we were being lied to from the beginning. After the first 2 weeks to slow the spread or however the exact phrase was spoken by “short man-syndrome Fauci”, the lies started to pile up! When people glue themselves to their recliner and accept the same “useless idiots” regurgitating the same lie after lie after lie, all I can say is, “Stop watching the news”! Read, read and read again! I may be simple minded but I am certainly not stupid nor am I a follower. A-typical, I am and I thank God for His blessings! The world needs to “STOP WATCHING” and “START READING”! I am amazed how few so called news reporters are still drinking the water! When will those individuals rise up and say to HELL with their job! Honestly, if they’re honest with themselves, they’ll find a better job and make more money and “SHED” the “useful idiot” tag they’ve been labeled, rightfully so I might add! Thank you Dr Alexander and all “Truth seeking” Doctors worldwide! We all must fight back against this delusional and despicable elitist attack on humanity! There’s nothing else to call it. I pray the world wakes and begins to learn, life is too short and too precious to simply give up! For all those who haven’t entered the world and those just starting out, “WE THE PEOPLE”OWE THEM THIS! May God Bless America and The Entire World!


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Imagine the shedding exposure here. Hordes of most likely unvaxxed muslims chanting "F*ck Joe Biden" have swarmed the White House fence. In doing so they've been exposed to the repeatedly boosted D.C. Police and Secret Service. Lol.


"Pro-Palestinian protesters swarmed the White House fence on Saturday, forcing the Secret Service and D.C. Police to get involved. The protesters were seen shaking the fence as they yelled, “Fuck Joe Biden.” Secret Service agents dressed in riot gear were seen behind the fence. Take a look:"


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mRNAs, miRNAs, rRNAs, tmRNAs, both single and double RNAs, enhanced and code RNAs, and a few more, if I recall, hints how complicated and the level of the arrogance of pharma and DoD to commercialize a bioweapon vaccine under cover of faked pandemic lies. These little strands move protein around and also degrade targeted organelles and a bunch of other stuff that vaccine makers have no clue or understanding of what is going on.

The only fact that we can count on is that masses of Americans and world cultures were attacked using two prongs: profit and nano self organizing metals that appear to link to mRNA vaccine strands. And the nanos slough off to infect the non-vaxxed.

Methylene blue and EDTA appears to cleanse bodies of both vaccinated and non-vaxxed; I SUSPECT that EDTA and the M. Blue INCREASES shredding, as that senses logical in terms of normal excretion via sweat and urine et al.

Remember that when Baric taught the Wuhan lab techs his very nice method of splicing about anything into genes, he was working with bacteria, if I recall. Point here is that I also suspect mRNAs were formulated to interact with loaded bacteria inside the jab and with whatever bacteria found in its host.

I mention the above just to alert another possibility, based upon Baric, who had nothing to do with vaccines, if I recall, but Baric was used like a tool in tuning Wuhan staff to create an ingredient used in one or more mRNAs in the past and projected future.

So, everyone must keep taking the M. Blue drops and EDTA stuff for the next few years, at least

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My sister's SIL died of uterine cancer she was unvaccinated,her husband was vaccinated she died within weeks of diagnosis,l firmly believe this was from shedding I have since read comments on Substack of people experiencing the same thing.

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Dr. Alexander - thank you for sharing this Substack. I am unvaxxed, and what I had in May/June/July of 2021 I am convinced was because of shedding from recently vaxxed people I came in contact with. I nearly died; the ER test was negative for Covid, but of course, that test was not reliable.

I am still not fully recovered from that respiratory illness I had. I will share this info with my primary care doctor.

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Where do we go with this? Immediately cease all administration of these compounds and destroy whatever is left. Based on what we know about "COVID" and even what has been presented in the MSM there is and never was any conceivable public health justification for them, no medical necessity. It still astounds me that so many people willingly bought into this insanity, who trusted the "science". The damage has been done and there is no reversing it but we can at the very least stop making it worse. So..cease and desist all mRNA jabs, then move on to hanging the perpetrators

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Watch this... https://t.co/5CnAbRpYTr

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