Knowledge is power. Once most people know about these diabolical agenda's, that should bring it all to the end.

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Lyrics from "Throwing Stones" by John Perry Barlow:

The future's here, we are it, we are on our own

On our own, on our own, we are on our own

Full Lyrics: https://www.dead.net/song/throwing-stones

Music: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7kHnoBnsY40

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In 2024, all globalists finally end up in Hell.

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We need to start taking out these globalists, as their is nothing more deterring than a body dumped

on their family’s doorstep or business office-hey, neatness doesn’t count- .50 barrets do an excellent

job at over 3000 yards

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We need to get the Globalists before they get us.

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This what im been saying for a couple years god isnt gonna help or any other its up to the people to stop and address the crazys everyone in every country state Provence everyone muST STOP .

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ISAIAH 40 !!!


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(Pray for) Jerusalem ... for she hath received of the LORD's hand double for all her sins.

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