This is my family. I alone am unvaxxed and questioning. Some have turned against me. Others are uncomfortable at the division and don't want to "take sides" in this "dispute," so they try to stay out of it. But there is a huge elephant in the room..... I've been disinvited from family gatherings over fears that I might harm them with my toxic, filthy unvaxxed germs. I've been tearfully urged to please get vaccinated so that I won't die. They've talked about me behind my back. No one will read the links I've sent or listen to a word I say that is contrary to their brainwashing. It's the saddest thing, and I never saw it coming. I don't know how it will end.

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but you hold on, you hold on for you are on the right side. The vax does not work and may harm you, we do not know the implications, it is that serious. They will come to understand, and we love them the same, we hate no one. Yes, they sideline us and hurt us and the like but the truth is that they know something is wrong. You have to be applauded for if you must defend your line against 1000, and its only you but you believe in what you are defending, then there is nothing more sweet than that...have you read SELF-RELIANCE

by RALPH WALDO EMERSON? I will paste a couple of important statements he made, that I think are relevant to you...up top.

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Thank you, Dr. Alexander, for these kind and understanding words. I don't want to fear, but my fear is that my loved ones, my friends, my coworkers, everyone around me who is jabbed (most everyone I know) is going to suffer and possibly die quite early, because of being tricked into getting these shots. The shunning is the least of my worries, though the current division is quite painful. I don't hate anyone. These COVID lies have driven a huge wedge into precious relationships.

Already I'm hearing of adverse events and side effects in my circle. Sudden heart problems, menstrual irregularities, autoimmune.... sudden cancer..... not everyone is attributing it to the shot, though some of them are beginning to.

Never was I ever going to get any of these shots. I never will.

I will check out Self Reliance by Emerson -- thank you. I appreciate your frequent substack posts and all of the work you are doing.

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We know people who’ve been harmed, sons 30 year old friend brain clot, 56 old friend stroke and my husband is a taxi driver and so so many of his customers side effects, regrets and he was someone who was 1000% sold on having the vaccine. Now never, thank you Dr Alexander

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I swear I just wrote the words self reliance minutes before I saw your post....Emerson yes...

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I know this too. Unjabbed, I care for my aged mother who has Alzheimer’s. When my siblings come to visit from out of town, they want to require me to submit rapid antigen tests and wear a mask when I’m with her. They conveniently block out that I care for her 99% of the time with no mask and no testing, and I’ve kept her safe for the past two years without their help. It isn’t based in reason or regard for others. I have had to tell them, no, I will not comply. I am going to keep on caring for her as I have, and will hug her to let her know she is loved. Unfortunately, they got her jabbed and boosted. Now, she’s showing signs of thrombotic issues. It is sad. I don’t want to resent them, but I also can’t ignore the harm being done. I hope for some kind of reconciliation in the future.

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I am so proud of you for all your care and holding your line, and am so sorry they were able to damage your mother this way. You are showing much more restraint and love to the family than I could muster. You are in my thoughts.

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Thank you for the kind thoughts. It’s been a real challenge at times to remain calm and compassionate, but I think it’s essential. At some point in the future, I believe there will be realization on the part of many (and I hope, my siblings), and we will need to reconnect with love and compassion for all, even those we disagree with. It’s been a lesson in the balance—of remaining steadfast, but not using anger to motivate, recognizing the anger, but not letting it consume you. Constant work!

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I totally understand. My youngest daughter, my best friend, my godmother and my cousin are totally brainwashed. They won't listen to reason, they get aggressive when their 'talking points' are challenged.

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How about the silence, the blank, dead zone stares you get when you point out something so obvious that there is no response? I can’t even get them to tell me what they are feeling at that moment when they fall silent. And it’s not a human reaction or emotion that’s found in literature - where everything is documented (unless in some dark corner of a Russian novel). It’s like you’ve confronted an alien masquerading in the body of someone you used to know, and the alien does not know what to do and just shrinks far inside.

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Yes. The aggressiveness when challenged. So odd.

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Not odd - predictable. You threaten their inner peace that they found after 1st being scared shitless by the "deadly virus", then offered the saving hand in the form of jabs and measures, which restored their lost security. Now you come along and tell them they are going to die from that? You are the enemy! Human Psychology 101.

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I understand and do not disagree. I mean that it surprised me to see brainwashing in action, and that aggressiveness when challenged is a common behavior I'm seeing across the board, in people I know well, whom I've never seen behave in this impolite manner before -- they are all "mis"behaving now in this very similar way. Like animals, almost; acting like strangers. I did not realize for a long time that aggressiveness when challenged could be a telltale sign that a person is brainwashed. I'm not a psychologist. :)

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Stay strong.

The truth is coming out.

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Stand brave and tall knowing you are right. They will need you in the coming months and years.

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Will I need them? For many of us “bad” folks it will possibly be the biggest challenge of our lives to forget how we’ve been treated and treat these willfully misled belligerent imbeciles with compassion. Gee, I know I’ll try my best with SOME of them. Others ? Sorry not so much….

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😓 I am so sorry. God bless you.

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Feb 26, 2022·edited Feb 26, 2022

Yes, similar divisions among my family members and friends. How odd, that we who have so much in common, were so egregiously divided on matters which do have substantial evidence and data (within months of the 'outbreak') to enable informed decisions. It seems the promulgated fear forced many to 'err on the side of caution' and follow unquestioningly the direction of public health bureaucrats and ignorant politicians. Once started on this path they became entrenched in their views (confirmation bias) and defensive of their opinions and actions and hostile to those who did not agree. I cannot help but suspect that the social propagandizing was deliberately orchestrated to create the mass formation psychosis we are witnessing. As Charles MacKay wrote a century and a half ago (Popular Delusions and the Madness of Crowds), the population goes mad as a herd but returns to sanity by the ones and twos. (some may never return, as that would mean acknowledging they were mistaken or fooled, and their egos will not accept that)

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You and I are alike. Your story sounds like mine! I am the only one in my family that is not vaxxed. My in-laws don't ever want to see me again, unless I "take appropriate measures". I also have two nurses in the family who know the "science" of what they were told by their higher-ups, in the beginning. I think it is more frightening for the vaxxed to admit that they may have made a mistake, than to eat humble pie, so they fight on with their righteousness. I will pray for you Dani!

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I agree, they know deep down they’ve made a mistake and that is even harder to accept

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I am in the exact same situation here in Canada. It is heart breaking. I am having a very hard time not being resentful. I hope I can forgive if they every accept the truth and come over to the “bad” side.

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It's a clinical case, not a moral one. They need professional help and some masterful denazification.

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Stay strong, we have members of our family call us anti vaxers and have said it’s our fault it’s spreading. Don’t change your stance as we will be proved right soon. We’ve just had covid all unvaccinated and totally fine, we did use ivermectin. Ironically my husband caught it from a triple vaxed person. My yoga teacher told me the other day her nephew who is triple vaxed now has covid and very ill with it. Keep smiling and don’t take it because others want you to, as you will feel even worse than the current family shaming. Hold the line! We will win.

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I had/have a similar issue with some of my relatives (thankfully not all). It weighed on me a little being unvaxxed. You feel like the 'holdout' or that you have to constantly explain your decision. Then I got covid (an unpleasant experience) and recovered. That changed my perspective. Now I REALLY don't give a damn. I am unapologetic in this regard. I don't seek their understanding at all. I am done. Sars cov2 is no longer this 'unknown mythological virus' for me. I experienced it first hand so it is no longer hypothetical. Don't get me wrong, their is risk in getting covid for some (even if the stats are in your favor) but that doesn't mean these mRNA/DNA transfections are the correct alternative. I don't wish my covid-19 experience on anyone (and mine was mild, at least clinically speaking) but it makes the madness real and clear: the virus isn't the real problem.

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Similar experience to mine, though I had it so early (Nov-Dec 2019) that I did not have a name for it. Yes it was very sticky in the lungs and dry, but I too got through it, lost 13 pounds (1/10 of my body wt) but gained them back slowly. The fear people have is off the charts, and I can only reference the play Rhinoceros by Ionesco...(the version with Gene Wilder is fantastic) Now that 'we' the curious know to some degree what is up, we have some real science to backup our own convictions. The pressure to conform in this was great, and now that pressure has moved into a grey zone where we wait for the anger of the remaining masses to congeal as they realize they only have a few years of life left. Damn.

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same boat, try to find some of your mind... jammin out


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I am struggling to understand why some people - people who themselves have not totally drunk all of the koolaid - but, they also remain complacent with regard to the encroaching tyranny.

I sent a family member videos of the Trucker Convoy on its way to Ottawa - SO inspiring. And he messaged me back asking how this was going to impact my life in 2022, that he would rather spend an hour taking food to a neighbor and telling his neighbor about Jesus than delving into these other matters.

I emailed him a list of the ways our own family has been negatively impacted by the tyranny of the last two years. I included the “they came for the Communists, and I said nothing because I was not a Communist; they came for the trade union, and I said nothing because I was not a trade union; etc. And then they came for me.”

I told him that he needs to pay attention because soon the government is going to try to control what he says in that conversation w his neighbor.

I said we need to be doing BOTH - creating community with our neighbors AND speaking out!

He did not reply.

I really am dumbfounded by his eyes that seeing, do not see. And ears that hear, yet do not hear.

I have neighbors who are just “busy” and not paying attention. They don’t want mandates. Yet they are not calling our state lawmakers about current bills in front of the legislature. I text, and hear back a few days later about how busy they are.

People have got to stop being too busy to do SOMETHING. Not everyone can testify at the statehouse. Not everyone can drive to the nation’s capital. But, almost everyone can make a phone call. Or talk w neighbors to spread awareness. Or something.

What will wake these slumbering people?????

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I don't know. I've tried and tried and it just seems to be a waste of time, and we just end up mad at each other. So, I think part of it is, that they just don't want to admit what the reality is....because it is too scary. We, as Canadians, have always been law abiding and trustworthy thus trusting. I think that is the problem. They don't want to be 'the one' that is ostracized, because we all want to get along. Think about the experiments on how to train people, where they had a guy giving an electric shock (or so he was told) by flipping a switch, whenever the other person on the end of the line didn't comply. And the table of 5 ppl that were shown lines on paper and asked which one is different or shorter or longer. When the one guy gives the wrong answer, and he was the first to be asked, if the next guy gives the wrong answer, too...the rest will just follow along, so as not to be 'different'. THAT is how they have brainwashed everyone.

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The Milgram experiment: https://www.thoughtco.com/milgram-experiment-4176401

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Yep, that is it. Disgusting behaviour modification. Which is exactly what the msm have been perpetuating on all of us using fear porn of false 'case numbers' daily. If they would stop that, maybe over some time, people may come back to normal. But by then, they will have already been indoctrinated on how the V-Pass morphed into the SOCIAL CREDIT PASS or DIGITAL ID they are calling it now, as much more 'convenient' to access everything. What they don't realize is as soon as they do that, they are giving away all privacy and freedoms......never to be returned.

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Convenience has become such an ugly word, hasn’t it?

I refuse to set up the “convenient” facial ID on my new phone. Just not worth it.

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Quite honestly, I think the best recourse we have at this present moment in time, is to reject the V-Pass and all forms of digital ID they are trying to push on us, as our form of resistance.

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It is indeed frightening to realize that we are very much on the brink of tipping into global totalitarianism. With nowhere to go for safety.

But if we do not face the darkness while there are still glimmers of light that can be fanned back into blazes of glorious freedom, then we shall all be plunged into utter darkness forever, until Jesus comes, may he come soon.

Perhaps if more of us had been appropriately alarmed 20 years ago when we were warned about the overreach of The Patriot Act after 9/eleven. But, no, too many of us were (1) afraid and (2) believed that the possible abuses of such power wouldn’t possibly come to pass here in our wonderful USA. Perhaps if we had resisted the omnipresent cell tech that “conveniently” tracks our sleep, our heart rate (all for “our” health benefit), our location (again, for “convenience” - now we no longer need consult a real map to plan our travels).

All these apparently not important things, but perhaps had we put our feet down 10 and 20 years ago, perhaps we would not be having to sacrifice so much now. And truthfully, my family and I have not {yet} sacrificed nearly as much as so many.

It’s time to wake up. Yes, it’s scary. But, especially for those who believe in the God of the universe, who is the ultimate King of all other kings and prime ministers and presidents, whose son Jesus came and lived and died and rose from the dead - we can no longer be silent. It is our moral obligation to wake up (the Bible itself tells us in many places to be alert, to stay awake, to be watchful) and to act. See, judge, and act.

Because if we don’t, or if enough of us do not, then the day is coming when our actions will cost us our very lives.

*This* is why I am so very frustrated and disappointed by some of my family and friends. “I don’t have energy to deal with that,” cannot continue to be an excuse for ignorance.

Now, granted, so I read *every* article or watch *every* video? No. Last night I stopped watching the presentation about the DoD coverup of vaccine injury. I already know the gist of it. And it was making me too angry and agitated. Have I watched the Hong King dr speak about the new hemorrhagic fever virus that has been released? No. But I have heard her speak, I have no reason to doubt her words, and I do not have mental space to deal w that. But I am not shutting out reality. I’m not telling my friends to not send me her stuff. I believe I need to learn more about it and become prepared for it. {Need to carve out space to do just that.}

But shoot, everyone can celebrate the Trukkers. Everyone can take five minutes to call their state lawmakers who are in session writing relevant laws (and in our case doing a VERY bad job of it).

I had hoped to invite my family member to come stand with us roadside when The People’s Convoy rolls through our state. But, I guess they won’t be interested in taking the time to do that. 😓 The apathy is really discouraging.

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I went to the send-off for the People's Convoy. It was so encouraging and hopeful. I went alone. Definitely go, even if no one goes with you, you'll be among others who love freedom. :)

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So well said, so scary, so true, it is a nightmare living in Germany right now. As an unvaxxed you are being robbed of all your constitutional rights and your freedom. They are kinda jailing you at home and only allow you to go shopping for groceries, you cannot go to work or use public transportation without daily COVID tests. And although all indications show that the COVID jab doesnt prevent transmission or infection, they are even doubling down and are threatening their citizens with mandatory vaccinations!

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I am so sorry.

Of all societies, one would assume that the Germans would be able to recognize what they are doing. I have a friend living there, and she said that the arrogance is quite stunning.

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This is so accurate and very moving. Thank you, Dr. Alexander.

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Excellent well-reasoned post, Dr. Alexander! I found your thoughts at the end especially impactful and thought-provoking. Wiill these societal divisions ever heal? Will there be any introspection at the end of it all? What kind of a future are we looking at, indeed?

Thank you, as always, for sharing your thoughts and feelings with us, and putting words to that which many of us have been pondering for the past two years.

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You left out the power tripping academics and ‘educators’. The evil, selfish and lying teachers unions and teachers. They colleges insisted the students had to be double jabbed and boosted. Same with high schools, middle schools, elementary schools and Fauci even wants infants vaccinated! A segment of the population who are 153 times more likely to die or be severely injured from the COVID shots than to die from COVID-19- and remember if treated early with known pharmaceuticals recommends by the FLCCC none would die.

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So true! Universities are holding kids' dreams hostage...what kind of evil person does that? My kid wants to be a veterinarian so she has to go to university (with an exemption) but if not for that, it's time to reject the extortion universities are pulling on us.

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On my substack I'm posting the Nuremberg Doctors' Trial trial transcripts daily, albeit on a 75-year delay.

Earlier this week one of the defendants, Dr. Paul Rostock, the Chief of the Third Reich's Office for Medical Science and Researched was on the stand testifying on his own behalf. (Spoiler: Dr. Rostock was one of the handful of defendants that the tribunal found NOT guilty.)

For a taste, here are three quotes from his testimony that strike me as quite apropos to our current situation:

1) "The big danger to German Science, and perhaps also abroad, was that most people ... did not want to look right or left to see what was happening. When science wants to advance it has to be able to see clearly." [https://doctorstrial.substack.com/p/1947-02-24a]

2) "One single examination is never so important and only when the results of your examination have been confirmed, or it has been disputed in some other place, then you can speak of it as an important matter." [https://doctorstrial.substack.com/p/1947-02-21c]

3) "Even in a state system and with a dictatorship, it is still impossible to become a scientific dictator, because the basis of all scientific progress lies in the critics, also in criticism toward things which one has already proved. Such an attitude excludes any subordination or mental subordination under a dictator." [https://doctorstrial.substack.com/p/1947-02-20d]

Regarding the 3rd, I imagine Anthony Fauci saying "hold my beer!"

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I just subscribed. I look forward to reading these transcripts. Thank-you for letting us know about it.

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Exaggerating fatality risk has always been there, but I think one of the most pernicious aspects of this has been the fear surrounding asymptomatic spread. It has enabled the othering of strangers, friends, and family alike. It has been the basis for universal masking and all of the ridiculous testing requirements. That fear, I think, perhaps, also underpinned a good deal of jab acceptance.

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Yet, Dr.'s Malone and McCullough (and many others) clearly state that you cannot have transmission without symptoms and that 'asymptomatic spread' is a brand new term just espoused with the start of this plandemic, and it is NOT a scientific nor a medical term ever used before, because it is impossible. The politicians and bureaucrats just made it up. Maybe Fauci started it, not sure. But it sure is meaningless, yet the sheep are eating it up.

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I dunno. I was always told that kids in daycares spread their colds before they come down with symptoms? But, perhaps that too was a lie? I really question a lot of stuff now.

Agree absolutely re the fear engendered by the emphasis on asymptomatic spread of COVID.

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What bothers me the most is the smugness of the COVID fanatics in how they parrot the media talking points. The one that I simply shake my head is the horse paste narrative. When they start spewing that, I just have to walk away.

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Repost from @nuremberg2.0 • Expert Testimony: Meredith Miller - Explaining why people are taking the jabs and believing the narrative and not believing the truth.


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Feb 26, 2022·edited Feb 26, 2022

Actually Doc, many Germans DID stand on the side of the Jews but one little known fact is that at the time of Hitler's ascension to power there were 30 political parties in Germany and after the bogus burning of the Reichstag, the German Parliament, Hitler declared an "emergency" and all other political parties were banned and the leaders arrested along with thousands of others suspected of participating... while 6 million Jews died in the Holocaust, between 1933 and 1945 the Nazis executed 8 Million non Jewish German citizens for other "crimes", political, racial, sexual, and of course, hiding anyone like a Jewish person .. the Nazi machine had been created and honed to perfection for 10 years before they came to power and their brutality was cultivated and rewarded. "Good Storm Troopers" were those who were the most sadistic and brutal and Good Germans were murdered by the millions! Word spread fast in the neighborhoods as people saw their neighbors and friends who spoke out "disappear in the middle of the night"! You learned that if you wanted to live you kept your mouth shut and pretended to go along. Of course many DID go along and praised Der Fuehrer. As revolting as these tinhorn dictators today are, they are pale comparisons to the evil genocidal tyranny of the real Nazis whose "genetic cleansing campaign", Ironically, was based on the American Eugenics movement that gave us "Planned Parenthood".... and Bill Gates' "vaccinations to lower the population"!

But then Klaus Schwab was born and raised in Nazi Germany and MUST have been a member of the "Hitler Youth"... he could not have survived otherwise. Get them young and you have a devotee for life!

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I read a whole history of his family and himself in December. They were all in with the Nazis.

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It is terrible. I've lost so many friends. Even here in Sweden people's self-righteous rage against the unvaccinated is fierce - only thankfully here it isn't backed up by official measures other than constant nagging. But most people would have no objection to extreme measures against the unvaccinated if the govt wanted them. They have absolute faith in the official narrative! It does indeed illuminate how the Holocaust happened which is a topic I've pondered all my life.

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The evidence shows the hacksxxxine sheds and gives ill effects to those who don't hacksxxxinate

The hacksxxxine must cease

Big Harmaceuticals must cease the murder

And viruganda lies

Shot has got to stop

Shit must cease

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No need to compare German society of the 30s. What was done to fathers in "no-fault" divorce was THE precursor to suspending ALL Constitutional and human rights to all those, who by their indifference and hatred of men/patriarchy, is now coming for THEM. I live in the "west", where we are so much better than all others, why, the world wants to break down the doors to come here. haha. But "civil marriage", that displaced natural marriage when the rights of fathers (parents all), could be kidnapped from them without a trial, without a defense, and incredibly, absent anyone accusing them of having abandoned, abused or neglected their children, can be banished from their children's lives forever. Removed from their homes and property, and made indentured servants. Untold thousands, perhaps 10s of thousands committed suicide, in one form or another. Millions of children separated permanently from their fathers. NOT ONE WORD of protest. Not one MINISTER of God said one thing about it. In fact, they blame men. Now,as I saw coming to this land, if Fathers/Husbands have zero rights, but onlythe right to be abused, assaulted and destroyed, than why in hell would the government not contemplate genocide against the people? Of course, they wouldn't hesitate at all. You reap what you sow. Do I enjoy "I told you so!" No. Do I enjoy that anyone might suffer. No. Family members are very sick now. I'm saddened. They didn't take my advice. They didn't bother to ask. But again, you reap what you sow. Prepare.

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Great article and thank you for pushing for the truth. In fact we’ve been demonised by some family members for not taking it but they’ll realise soon they’ve been duped. We’ve just had covid and we’ve all been fine. I was never ever going to have that vaccine no matter how bad it got. It was all about making you feel guilty, public shaming, turning the screen on unvaccinated more and more so they comply. We love to travel so that has been affected in some places but so be it. What would a holiday be worth when you’re disabled or dead. I’m holding the line. We have a house in Florida that we’ve owned since 2003 and we love the US but unvaccinated we cannot visit as we are UK citizens but for all our longing to go, we cannot and never will take the vaccine. We are holding the line that it will change at some stage, it has to doesn’t it?

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