alternate hypothesis: what if the cabal simply took one of the innumerable common colds that was circulating at the time, sequenced it and then set up the test to find it? what if that just happened to be the same sequence that corman and drosten claimed to have received from the chinese in january 2020? we know that covid-19 test kits w…
alternate hypothesis: what if the cabal simply took one of the innumerable common colds that was circulating at the time, sequenced it and then set up the test to find it? what if that just happened to be the same sequence that corman and drosten claimed to have received from the chinese in january 2020? we know that covid-19 test kits were being manufactured and exported globally in 2017
alternate hypothesis: what if the cabal simply took one of the innumerable common colds that was circulating at the time, sequenced it and then set up the test to find it? what if that just happened to be the same sequence that corman and drosten claimed to have received from the chinese in january 2020? we know that covid-19 test kits were being manufactured and exported globally in 2017