Didn’t LBJ say (reportedly in a derogatory term) that he’d have the blacks voting Democrat for the rest of their lives?? He intended to keep them dependent on hand outs! This is why even today talk show hosts and politicians basically insult black Republicans for essentially leaving the plantation. They are the true and most frightening racists of all!

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Perhaps the best book on this subject (and a bunch of other interesting subjects) is https://www.amazon.com/Black-Rednecks-Liberals-Thomas-Sowell/dp/1594031436

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Mark Levin commented extensively about Lyndon Johnson, I was alive then and KNEW ABOUT THAT.. and also LYNDON JOHNSON's escalating the Viet Nam war.. Dereliction of Duty: Lyndon Johnson, Robert McNamara, the Joint Chiefs of Staff, and the Lies That Led to Vietnam is a 1997 book written by H. R. McMaster.. there was another book,, which I cannot recall right now.. to be perfectly honest.. a family member died.. and we are planning a funeral right now. So I am on target as I usually am. :K sad.

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Yet we have "Juneteenth" because so many black families don't have the concept of having a single (much less 2 or 3 or more) fathers to even claim them.

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He was a terrible president. Involved in the assassination?

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LBJ's entire "War on Poverty" and "The Great Society" were written by the same communist jews, who authored the hart-Cellar Immigration Act, making white immigration almost illegal.

https://jweekly.com/2008/11/28/friend-ally-savior-revealing-lbj-s-jewish-ties/ jews often buy a Goy name (Shabbos Goy Bill Gates, for example) to spread their anti-white agenda.

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This was especially true in Detroit MI where I grew up...60 years of democrat rule has left all but a small area of downtown virtually a war zone. So much promise with a booming auto industry now long gone. It's not all bad, but the future looks grim.

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Johnson was a pure socialist, while living large himself. A hypocrite.

His Great Society - a conglomeration of socialist and welfare programs - was taken wholly from the book Great Society, written by Fabian socialist Graham Wallas.

Johnson also implemented programs and policies from other Fabian socialists: Stuart Chase’s book A New Deal (taken wholly by Franklin Roosevelt for his New Deal policies), and Sydney Webb’s writings on “the pillars of socialism.”

FDR and Johnson were two of the major players dragging the US into socialism. Every US welfare, benefit, tax and economic program is based on Fabian socialist books and philosophies.

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I wish more people understood this.

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Black men are taking their role back les by thought leaders like Jason Whitlock and his Fearless podcast and also Vince Everett Ellison et Al.....

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USA is a creation of satanic European Khazars, ashkenazi, Jews. By 1776 Europe and England were for the most part controlled by Vatican Jesuits and Khazarian Jews. The original constitution was a bulwark against satanic forces in Europe, but it was fragile because it protects happy people and happy people are easy prey for satanic Jews. Free people hesitate to form coherent responses to sly invaders. As long as we are alive, we can fight the evil ones, though we know not their schemes.

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Jun 19, 2023·edited Jun 19, 2023

LBJ was a mess all around. I'm a JFK Democrat, America First. First, Lyndon was well aware that bureaucrat deep staters killed JFK, but he was NOT inside player, yet knew the future of himself and JFK. Connally was first struck by outside fire, not Oswald. The Secret Service staff was switched; The driver shot JFK with left hand over right shoulder. Jackie saw it all; Driver stopped limo to shoot. Backup fake SS agent, on foot, shooed Jackie back into the car. Later, Jackie WAS IN THE Plane assisting LBJ's takeover. Jackie knew about the SS; LBJ knew about the SS, so he had Hoover run FBI agents NOT Secret Service.

LBJ was rotten trash. OK, next problem with LBJ was that he failed to kick the crap out of ViComs; just playing games with Soviets and Mao, both trash; He knew most Americans did not understand HoChi communism and decided to focus upon his fake society stuff within the civil rights agitation with MLK, Malcolm X and more. JFK had already stood up for black against Wallace getting black students in white schools, so the momentum for equality before the law was there. btw, Bolden, Secret Service, was black, hired by JFK. And he was persecuted later, wrote a book. JFK wrote the affirmative action order, too.

LBJ simply followed JFK's path; mistakes were made but Americans had no problem adjusting to the great society mantra; in California schools were integrated with kids from everywhere already to kids and teachers shrugged. It worked out.

The bottom line with LBJ was criminal and he knew the Warren Committee was a whitewash so protected the several government rogue branches which included, besides SS, Navy Intel, FBI and CIA.

Deep State Bureaucrat trash nothing new, been going on since our Abe.

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IMO Juneteenth should be known as African American Dependence day.

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Yup. But it DOES take two to tango! When somebody offers something, the receiving party has to agree to accept it or there's no deal. The black community voluntarily bought into the "something for nothing" bait, nobody forced them. Sure the lure is out there, but as any fisherman knows, the prey aren't obligeted to swalliow it. TANSTAFL.

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Spot on post, Dr. Alexander. The demorats brought the blacks under their wing to make them dependent (back in slavery) and are now setting up the same process for the illegal alien browns. All the while, they are busy destroying the white middle class. The demorats will not stop until they have destroyed the Republic.

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JFK never contemplated his version of the Great Society? https://nmaahc.si.edu/explore/stories/baldwin-witness

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