It was all a lie, nothing about it is and was true and you took the shot and fell for it; I beg you, no more, none for your healthy children, none! You as parents will live to regret! We jail them all
The most frustrating part is the number of people who NEVER even questioned the narrative. The level of exasperation having to endure this monumental load of BS over the last 3 years....3 YEARS!! off the charts. Still plenty of lemmings throwing themselves off the cliff.
The public should be asking real questions. But they’re getting no traction.?? I blame CIA, DOJ, Gates, CDC, Pharma, Medical community, WHO, most world governments, WEF, Club of Rome......and most importantly,
The real blame needs to go on people's gullibility. People just have to learn how to be critical thinkers again. Prosecuting those who the people believed is again falling for the wrong culprit. You could eliminate all the institutions that you mentioned and even the people like Fauci, but that would not solve the problem from happening again because it is the people's belief in authority that is the problem. It is their belief in authority that allows them to take a back seat to their own critical mind to look after themselves and their families.
My mantra - it starts in preschool. Who is teaching our children? TikTok? Before that/now, the teachers who demand compliance, and limit what you learn.
Going way back, I was always in trouble, still am, because I ask 'why'. My Father taught me how to think, pick information apart, and make my own decisions.
Right on. Thinking is something we need to practice! Seems kind of elementary doesn't it. But the children learn best by what they see and if they see adults thinking like you did with your father, then it's easier for them. They're learning from TikTok right now but if good things were on there...that's what they'd learn.
That's exactly the problem when little ones only see one way. Parents in this day and age have to work to keep food on the table, so the children miss out on that input.
That appears to have been the plan, Teri. It was all over when parents were convinced they needed two incomes to satisfy greed instilled via TV, advertising, and the desire to "keep up with the Joneses" or surpass them.
Their goal is exactly get rid of “critical thinkers.” Forcing death jab on Ivy League students and NOT on millions of illegal immigrants crossing US border illegally is the TELL ALL of TELL ALLS.
Naomi Wolf’s speech at her alma mater, Yale, was pretty wild. A link to her Yale speech is on her Substack page. Naomi even points out that they are exempting Yale faculty from the death jab. If that doesn’t 🤨 scream discrimination and fraud to these students, what does??? Threatening to expel and not reimburse them for spring semester?? The audacity of these school rule makers pushing this crap is downright laughable!! The students are afraid and don’t want their parents speaking up due to backlash? If the students banded together in resistance and threatened the schools with massive lawsuits, that would be “CRITICAL THINKING SKILLS AT WORK” 😙. Parents paying those bills better get together and lawyer up. Fight fear with fear!! These students better start growing a spine. Time to lash back!! It’s their future to secure, not their parents.
So true. Very well said, thank you. So disgusting. We've become a nation of placid, oh well...cowards! Can't those parents figure out that they pay that school's bills? They're the boss. My standard joke, I was sent to a private school, to tame me. I scored 2nd highest in the SAT scores and second lowest GPA. That was in 1959, and it's gotten a lot worse.
Between that, the WHO trying take over of the the world's healthcare , monetary system, making everyone equal. Wonder what the fools will do when they have spent years and money in school only to have their income taken over so that everyone is equal
All the ones in power seem to be united in what they are doing ,depopulate .The common population is not united ,that's the reason we we will always lose .Look around the scabers and maskers are everywhere and hate or dislike the few of us with common sense . Does that look like a winning activity of the masses .?
You hit that nail on the head, HARD. My mantra - the difference is if you were brainwashed in school or not. When the teachers union dictates to the government what they want, and the government folds, just think what they've done to the kids. We already know. I was in Russia in the 80s on a health care exchange. I saw that 'utopia'. No thanks. I'm old, not worried about me. Am worried about younger people. They need to read history. Russia deposed the Czar in 1917, and descended into a worse hell. They're still in it. Just 1 example.
Sadly income theft already occurring the lockdowns and destruction of small business and the many dole class has been visible. In 2008 during the GFC our country like many others bailed out the banks, but they also created legislation that next time it will be a “bail in”. In other words any more net belonging to customers will simply be seized. Check 🦵 slatin in your own countries. The
Really sad. I left the US in 2009. After retiring, changed careers and worked in various countries. Am basically a wanderer. Very concerned not for me, I'm old. But am very fearful for the younger generations.
I saw it in the early eighties when my kid did were in primary school- the brainwashing and the long March through the institutions. Back then my kids were being terrified by acid rain, and being forced to learn Mandarin. One of the first things removed from the curriculum was critical thinking. Dumbing down of our kids for the last three generations has been rapidly progressing.
Ah yes.. Saul Alinksy.. a member of the Frankfurt School given shelter in America from Nazi Germany in the 1930s.. How did they thank their benefactors? By doing everything they could over a period of decades to subvert Western culture and morality. What started with the "spontaneous" (they were in fact instigated) student revolts in the 1960s has led to where we are today, with "Transgenderism" and "Drag Queen Story Hour" ... and a civilisation circling the drain. I suppose I should read "12 Rules for Radicals"... unfortunately I read Solzenitsyn's "The Gulag Archipelago" first.
Been going on a lot longer than the last three generations Julie: Get a copy of John Taylor Gatto's "The Underground History of American Education": The story he tells of the destruction of literacy since the 1940s at least, is nothing short of terrifying.
Doesn't surprise me. Was sent to catholic schools, as a non-catholic, for a "better education". The only thing I learned from them is fortitude. No they were not going to tell me anything unless they were willing to say more than 'because I said so'. Would not give me a recommendation for a non-catholic hospital school of nursing. Got kicked out, my parents made me grovel to get back in. I did with them standing over my shoulder when I wrote the letter. And of course the favorite was "you're going to hell with your father".
My mother was catholic, he was not. That was the 50s
The 50s was an appalling decade I'm told.. I was only 9 months old when it ended..
A rather odd story for you.. I was working for business owned by a family of Orthodox Jews.. The founder, Dr. Fisher, was very curious as to what brand of Christianity I subscribed to... I eventually broke down and told him "The Church of England" to which he replied "Oh.. that explains it."
But I could never get him to tell me what exactly, it explained. 🤔
But if you want to feel better about your schooling, read Peter de Rosa's "Vicars of Christ".. His description of the death of Alexander VI, the most corrupt pope in history, is delightfully revolting! 😇
The criminal panic pandemic has shown that almost all who hold a position of power and authority are our deadly enemies .Than who is left to do the prosecuting jailing or hanging ?We all know sheep have no power ,only the wolfs ,and the wolfs are in the process of eating us as we read and write here . Not one mass murderer ,or lesser tyrant has ever seen a court room from the inside .Thy are very active and planning a hellish future for us .From what corner would justice come from if 99 % of power holders are corrupt ??
Exactly. Those who hold positions of power didn't speak out, went along and often even enforced their will upon others. The entire system is crumbling and joy to the world for that. We need to think differently - we can't hang people because we listened to them. I didn't take the jab, nor wear that stupid mask even though the pressure was great. Those who stood for their beliefs left their job if they were being forced and that was smart because many who took the jab under blackmail, ended up sick or dead so it makes no sense to make the job the priority. The important thing now is to lay down another system that is for sovereigns and not for authority followers. Tyrants have no power when people keep their authority to themselves. Killing of our own kind is the underlying cause of the ills in the world, followed by the belief in authority and (banker's) money is the vehicle for it all to make it happen. We can change it in a day. It's really a mind game most of all.
You are right ,the Schwab is one of the top evil doers .After that there is a long ,long list of names ,down to garbage collectors ,who are on the enemy side ,that includes all the retard maskers People with common sense are almost extinct .
In all honesty, it looks like it was engineered to target the fearful and gullible who are and were complicit in trusting people in high-ranking health positions. Such a shame. However, in a good way, it has now opened many eyes to the scheming corruption hidden from view.
Would parents have known that their kids were being CRT indoctrinated without seeing for themselves at home the on-line class content and race-bating assignments? Parents were obviously detached from their kids curriculum 😙.
Without Musk’s Twitter takeover, would the massive corruption of government censorship been exposed?
It should not shock you. Not everyone is a free or critical thinker. In fact, they're in the minority and even those born with such a mind have their free thinking muted via the public school education system indoctrination, where free thinking is discouraged, even treated as a punishable offense. It takes years, even decades as an adult to shake the brainwashing that
that occurred, then practice & perfect the ability to think critically. It can be as difficult as overcoming PTSD. Then, once enlightened, it takes time and effort to research subjects to find the facts necessary to conclude the truth. Then it must be applied against great resistance. For many, it's just easier to go along to get along, to save their job, home, wealth & relationships. But, this this is a life or death issue and one must make every effort to discover the truth for themselves and for loved ones.
Hey Dr. Alexander...a question for you. Did you know Dr. Kary Mullis? He’s the PCR TEST inventor. He made this video before he died and boy (!) did he reveal and warn us about Fauci! I wonder how Mullis, a genius doc, above everything else, dies of pneumonia complications 😙. Very suspicious. Here it’s on YouTube...
I assert it was tuned for those with the cold and flu in order to ramp up fear factor. Removing a sequence to create the less pathogenic yet infectious “Omicron” was a master stroke. The jab makes everyone sick in the first 42 days while they are still “unvaccinated” so they either die or get some natural immunity to show some “effectiveness” for the next 3 months or so. The problem for the cabal now is that all the vaccinated’s immune systems are destroyed and they are just sick all the time.
Thanks for sharing.. Like we have said only the LIARS get the press coverage from the MSM.. The TRUTH tellers get no coverage.. They make their choices by their agenda, which has been and never will be in humanities best interest, only in inhumanities best interest..
Greta Thunberg gets all the press about climate change and she knows nothing and reads from a script written for her by the usual suspects.. Dr Judith Curry is a climatologists and has published 140 Scientific Books, and says Climate Change is a HOAX, but she gets no press, why because she is a TRUTH teller, Thunberg is a LIAR among other things.. That's an example of media manipulation.. That is one way they do it... Its the same with everything..
It says he died from pneumonia complications 🤨. How odd 🤔? He was a genius...look at his curriculum vitae.
Bio Says...”Mullis attracted controversy for downplaying humans' role in climate change and for expressing doubts that HIV is the sole cause of AIDS.[4][5][6]”
He wasn’t a Fauci team player...😙. I believe that whole AIDS epidemic was Fauci’s trial run.
It was, he made a TON of money with AZT while he killed a ton of people.. That is their business model, now they are doing it with this PLANDEMIC, and they did some other trial runs previously also.. We have never been told the truth about anything in this country.. We need to go backwards to go forward for and with the TRUTH..
Yes. Truth is tough to grasp within a menucha of lies.
Greta is their “young globalist protégé” used to convince the younger liberal generation that they are the mighty saviors of earth by becoming climate activists. The Henny Penny!! 😱 syndrome.
Now that WEF, global elites and gvmt agencies have been exposed...many are opening eyes and questioning motives 🤨!! Critical 🤔 thinking certainly happens with, dissent, debate and factual data!!
Nope . I never met a single guy who was shot who told me it hurt at all for a short while. Shooting is far too good for the perpetrators of this war on humanity
Truth to tell I agree with Eric.. Something suitably medieval.. "Immurement" while nasty isn't public enough but how about.. "Hang, Drawn and Quartered" or "The Gibbet" or "Impalement" or "Burning at the Stake" ... something like that.. but in these enlightened times...?
No that's ridiculous. As if that ever helped anything. If it did, we wouldn't be here today. That is just pure revenge. Killing cannot be the answer, it's actually the problem - that's why they could kill off patients, that's why they killed off military personnel. Kill, kill, that seems to be the only answer - for barbarians. The answer is to focus on the real problem - which is the belief that someone else has authority over you or your children. If that is recognized, then something like the covid farce will never, NEVER happen again.
We do recognize the problem. How do you suggest we stop it?
My thoughts you drag out - just hypothetically of course say Trudeau - sway him publicly (this dream gets better) you honestly believe the truth won’t start flowing and MP’s/health experts (elected officials or not) won’t start towing the line ? I believe they would but again that’s just me 🤷♀️
It is a deep problem and the proper answer is that humanity needs to be un-brainwashed. It's not as hard as it seems at first - we do it by encouraging questioning, encouraging challenge and dialoguing. Silence is the enemy of truth and fakers know it. The freedom to be skeptical of the press, of teachers, of ourselves and the lack of answers should be looked at askance. Simply an all-round different stance than what we have now.
I'm so glad you are saying it out straight. Yes it was all a lie and the thing is some of us knew it the moment, the nanosecond it was announced. Having to go through it all without doing the mask ritual, without taking the jab, while everybody was doing it and telling us to leave their stores or friends and family who put pressure on us to get it, or pressure on us for trying to warn them. It was all a big fat lie. And why? Because people will believe anything their doctors say and anything they hear on television and anything they are taught in schools. Because people do not question and indeed, stigmatize those that do question, because questioning is like a sin in our highly mind controlled society. That kind of gullibility will cleanse the gene pool now, that's what the government has done. Belief in government is dangerous for the individual and for everyone. I thank you so much for just coming out with the plain old truth - it was all a lie from start to finish.
My question is : Where’s the conversation about eliminating all virology labs worldwide. Destroying them ALL. Maybe sticking one big complex in the middle of Antarctica or something.
Who really knows? We'll probably never know the whole of it. Politics is a convoluted and messy game. Throw in the deep state cronies and its anybody's guess. Nothing is off the table. Doc?
He's the cap on the soda bottle that's been knocked around too many times. He goes down in a fishy way and a world of people will retaliate, however and whenever. His heart is in it, so I imagine he's always feeling a world of hurt. I wish him the best. I don't like son-in-law... is he even human?
I read this too! Not sure what I believe really. If this is the case then he should speak up NOW about why he went along with the jabs if it really was to save the country from 2 years of lockdowns and the beginning of the Great Reset....
I read a bit of it.... it don't think much of it is true. He's too hated by the establishment... to think he is playing a role KNOWNINGLY. He's only one guy and he gets his intel from those around him. Hope he knows enough not to trust everything he is told by his entourage.... his worst enemies are probably those closest to him.
Agreed. It's now indisputable, and to my undying shame, I voted for him in 2016. "Fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice, shame on me." Never again.
There always was going to be a coup against Trump Yet Trump continues to play the game. Says nothing about injections. Nothing about children being injected. Dismisses people who raise the subject out of hand.
Campaign for people like Ron Johnson to by POTUS, DeSantis, Kari Lake, Jim Jordan, make a list of good people.
Warp speed was intended only for the most vulnerable. (Dr. Alexander released below.)
Dr. Alexander, when under Trump Administration, knew elderly, obese, unhealthy were main target, so they wouldn’t die. No mandates!! Therapeutic treatment protocols were called for the rest of population because it couldn’t be contained.
It was under the Biden Administration with forced jabs via “unconstitutional mandates,” that havoc ensued.
Not true. DJT made it clear from the beginning that the military would distribute the vaxxine in a very "powerful way", meaning he was admitting it was a DOD project just like his SOS said it was when he slipped up during a Task force presentation (we're in a live exercise). The army general (Gustave F. Perna) that DJT placed in charge of getting it done was asked what would happen if not everyone took it? He said that would be very unfortunate but never explained why, even though now in retrospect its very obvious). This militarized project and all the preparatory legislative/regulatory over decades has been well-outlined by Katherine Watt and Sasha Latypova. Dr. Alexander should speak with them in detail about it and get up to speed. His view of DJT's lack of understanding is simply not credible in light of all the relevant evidence now publicly available.
No...that’s a lie. He was undermined by deep state and the psychotic bureaucrats. Trump is not a medical doctor nor does he claim to be one. He has to rely on health teams “appointed” to him. Therein lies the issue. Tell us...who else was he supposed to go to to fight a pandemic? Please please tell us...we are waiting!
Did TRUMP ever fathom that there would be a bureaucratic appointed coup consisting of NIH/NIAID, WEF, WHO, American doctors, CDC, FDA, Gates, corporations, the corrupt, fake media, etc., etc. that would defy and/or undermine him at every step to aid in his efforts to help protect the American people when it came to a pandemic? Yes...a pandemic created by Fauci and his pathetic clan of suck up seals to kill Americans all for money, control and power. It’s all coming out in Fauci’s tweets via Musk. Fauci’s a mass murderer! No IFS, ANDS or BUTS!
Please... do your research before you comment. You’ll look less foolish.
NEVER EVER did TRUMP believe these agencies would go so far as to purposely KILL Americans!! Look at what Mengele Fauci did to beagles. If he can subject animals to torturous means, he’s capable of SO much more. Fauci is out for Fauci. He doesn’t care about you. You’re just a Petri dish for his experiments. For God’s sake...wake up!! The proof is in the pudding.”
He's still pushing it as safe and effective, even now. Even in a recent interview with Candace Owens was he pushing it, which even took her by surprise.
It's not a lie if he's still saying it. It's all there if you look.
You were duped by a con man and continue to be.
Find someone else to vote for. DeSantis seems to be the obvious choice, but even then, trust no one.
Hi! Yup…I saw the “11-month old” interview with Candace awhile back.
Yes, Trump AT THAT TIME was talking about his Warp Speed progress in trying to create 3 vaccines in record time. He was STILL in office trying to do something to combat a virus “no one knew anything about” all the while being lied to and undermined by (as we NOW know) a vast slew of deep staters, Fauci NIH/NIAID and company, major corporations, WEF, WHO ,MSM, FBI, CIA, FDA, CDC along with Hillary and her DNC lying in the shadows laughing because they succeeded in cheating in the election to get him out and Biden in.
Again, Trump is not a doctor and had to rely on his team of so-called experts. He was continually misled and undermined by a team of rogue bureaucrat actors who all knew the safety and efficacy studies could never be done in that amount of time. It was impossible! They knew that and took advantage by manipulating study data, tampering with control groups, printing false misleading articles in THE LANCET, shutting up docs with large grants (who knew they were being fed lies…see Kristian Anderson in attached article…great read) coercing MSM to push it with big pharma $, colluding with TWITTER to cancel dissent and conflicting data and counter perspectives of top scientists and virologists and pushing ads via big pharma on major tv networks. They wouldn’t dare tell TRUMP the TRUTH. Trump had no idea he was being sabotaged from within. It was a major takedown to get him out of office.
It was only supposed to be given to the most vulnerable (elderly and obese) so they wouldn’t DIE. That’s what Trump was saying in the interview. He also said, “NO MANDATES.” He also encouraged early treatment.
SINCE THAT INTERVIEW, more and more information was surfacing in alternate media sites because all were being censored and canceled on top social media sites and MSM. “Alternate treatment plans” such as Dr. Zelenko’s protocol, Florida’s early monoclonal antibody treatments, as well as other doctors reporting the success of Ivermectin and other vitamins and therapeutics were shown to be effective in combating “symptoms”. Ask yourself why the fake media would push a lie calling a proven, award winning anti-viral, no side effect medication, Ivermectin, that’s been around for years a horse-dewormer to the general public? It’s because they think you are really stupid!
There is NO vaccine. They tried to trick people with that FDA approved Comernity lie too. Also , 🤨 changing the definition of a vaccine during this so-called pandemic is quite the 🚩.
It was through BIDEN’S EUA that big pharma was able to push jab ads with gvmt assistance via MSM and as we know NOW through big tech and corporations WITHOUT ANY LIABILITY! BIDEN MANDATED JABS, and big corporations forced it on their workers or they would lose their jobs 🤨 🚩🚩🚩? The all-cause mortality reports among working aged individuals that recently came out is staggering. Ed Dowd’s book, Causes Unknown, tells a story with clear, concise factual data.
Big pharma was refusing to be transparent (wanting to withhold data for 75 years) and was, through FOIA lawsuit, forced to release all safety and efficacy data as well as jab ingredients. They lied to everyone and were caught red-handed.
DeSantis will have his time, but Trump has some major unfinished business. He was completely sabotaged from within his administration. These people were not appointed by him. They had an agenda…to kill as many Americans as possible and blame him. It was planned using the fake pandemic.
FTX, the Ukraine money laundering scandal to stuff democrats pockets with US taxpayer $, Biden’s China corruption, the open southern border is all part of their big plan.
Honestly…I believe there’s a lot we don’t know because they can’t tell us. Granted, with all the lies and corruption exposed…trust is very difficult. However, trusted, gut instincts suggest there’s a bigger reason for the silence, as well as other things he doing. I, too, question his motives and decisions about certain things 🤔. There must just be something at play way bigger that’s unbeknownst to us as to WHY. Whether it’s body language or subtleties in speeches from him or advocates in his corner, I detect they know so much more and without that knowledge, we are all blinded and forced to feel our way around helplessly in the dark. I believe they keep us in the dark for our own protection. There’s a lot of really sick-minded people in this world with evil intentions, and we don’t know the half of it. Just realize he doesn’t do anything that wasn’t on purpose. He’s a smart businessman with a strong work ethic who expects the same from others. He builds things as others destroy them. (Eg..the border wall, economy, The Abraham Accords, peace in Middle East Israel, Saudi Arabia, even Russia, creating jobs in America, etc, etc.). He’s a lot like Reagan.
Remember, Trump’s a man of law and is surrounded by a very skilled set of lawyers. Drip by drip, the public is slowly being fed information in order to digest it. I believe it’s only a matter of time that all our questions will be answered. Timing is everything.
Economies run in cycles and that one was in a bubble, just like Trump said.
DeSantis isn't only questioning the injections and the World Economic Forum and all of it, he's now actively pursuing Fauci and others through the legal system, or what's left of it.
I really would dump Trump and throw your support behind DeSantis, who's already 23 points ahead of Trump in opinion polls.
It's likely Trump's too proud and frankly, narcissistic, to admit he got played. Either way, he's not Presidential material now.
So if Trump needs so many others to lead him ,why does he call himself a leader ? Kennedy did not ask the misleaders how to lead ,he knew how,or we would not be here .
JFK actually cared about his own people and was murdered for it. DJT thinks only of himself. Some people simply can't see it no matter how much evidence is brought before them. If after reviewing all the material Sasha Latypova and Katherine Watt have assembled showing the preparations went back decades, they still think DJT was just an innocent bystander, it's probably not worth presenting anything more. I think it's clear some people are trying to stay in DJT's good graces on the outside chance he becomes President again.
We can't even get 1 out of 535 congress members to stand up and demand the OWS products be pulled immediately, and the perpetrators brought to justice. Imagine that, not one! How are we ever going to get them banned?
I was just listening to Ben Carson talking about how "difficult" it was to witness the COVID coverups that happened while he was in office. Please, spare me. You had a megaphone Dr. Carson. You were in a position to make a difference. And, yet, YOU STAYED QUIET! You should be one of those who are prosecuted for standing by, silently, with cowardice, watching people die and be injured. SHAME ON YOU!
Meryl Nass says, "with infinite money you can buy anything and anyone." I hate to think that's true, but it may be almost that bad. What can't be accomplished that way might well be achievable with threats of violence and blackmail.
Yes indeed, our entire culture and economy is based on blackmail. It's like working for the mob. It really is. But it's the people ourselves who do it to each other. We don't realize that what we do to others, matters.
I am sorry to say this but nobody was murdered (except the children that were held down to take the jab) however everyone else chose it - rather than lose their job, they chose losing their life. That's a choice. The government is not responsible for our health and anyone who thinks that is under a false impression. You are responsible for your life, I am responsible for mine.
No. False advertising and altering clinical safety and efficacy data in studies to fool, coerce, and force an EUA drug on people (using big pharma $$$ through gvmt funding) delivered via controlled media, big tech and corporations is criminal. They lied to the public. PERIOD. These criminals all continued to get paid while working people lost their jobs due to forced non-compliance of mandates and changed corporate policies. Your argument of a choice is moot. Big pharma and gvmt went for the jugular. Get a jab or lose your livelihood. Congress has got a lot of work to do next session.
When government and private corporations work in tandem to collude and cause public’s illegal and criminal.
When one is given a choice of jab or job via mandates or corporate’s illegal and criminal against one’s moral, ethical and spiritual beliefs. Inalienable rights supersede everything. Discrimination can also weigh in and play a legal heavy hand in certain cases.
There was criminal intent to commit mass murder with NIH funding. Fauci is both a criminal and an accomplice in murder. He’s a liar and was caught. He was complicit in the funding and development of a bioweapon that killed millions using NIH funded US taxpayer $$ funneling it to NGO EcoHealth Alliance’s (Peter Daszak) to fund Dr. Shi’s Wuhan lab gain-of-function research with bat Coronaviruses. Fauci knew exactly what he was doing.
BTW...FACT...Fauci’s daughter, Alison, worked at Twitter too.
It’s a political incestuous cesspool of dirty and corrupt gvmt ABC agencies, fake MSM, big pharma, big tech, doctors and politicians all in high-level positions telling the peasants, “it’s for our own good” while these elites continue to lie...and get paid all the while.
(Doctor Alexander...Congress should demand voluntary blood samples from Bourla, Fauci, Biden, Harris...etc. Let’s look directly under a microscope to see if they really have the jab spike proteins. It’ll clear up any wonder and confusion as to whether their claims of getting the COVID jab and catching COVID were actually legitimate. No one believes anything they say.)
Nuremberg trials were held to condemn the NAZI evildoers and to create laws of crimes against humanity to punish and hold them accountable. These laws were broken and Fauci (and Biden) are sitting right at the helm.
Trials or more government or government or courts fixing anything is purely illusion. Just like it was illusion to listen to the knuckleheads like the CDC, etc. Reality is they are bandits and only there under Admiralty Law, the law of the sea (pirates) YOu are dealing with pirates. They have essentially put lipstick on a pig and made you believe they are "credible". Now you want restitution from someone else, but this whole covid thing is to see who is going to make it and who isn't. Those who don't have the smarts to see it's all fraud and all based on fraudulent money, then I guess they're going to say ta-ta. That's what all this is about. People are actually choosing to take themselves out of the gene pool. Reality is coming home to roost and all that stuff about CDC, Fauci, etc, etc, would be nothing if people didn't believe them, if people used their smarts. I hate to be so blunt but ignorance threatens my life and everyone's life that I know and people I don't know. That is how serious this is.
Totally agree with you. Please... BE blunt. I’m SO sick of people who make excuses, are complicit or who just choose to be ignorant. They won’t even talk about it!! Consequently, those are all the ones who got the poison jab 😙. You can’t educate them either because they’re too far gone in being brainwashed. God knows why, but they trusted those pirates. Yes...agree, it will ultimately be the end of them. I wear my “told you so” gear often.
I know we only know SO much and there’s A LOT we don’t know. It’s so frustrating 🙄. Figuring out facts through people who, like us, question the status quo and provide evidential proof to guide us to truths, is our only salvation, outside of the 2nd. Too many criminals at large, especially in high powered positions. I always loved THE WILD WEST and many of Clint Eastwood’s character perspectives. It’s fascinating how history always seems to repeat itself and nothing and no one ever stops it from repeating 🤨. It always falls to the self-sacrificing knights and patriots to defend a country’s honor and God-given rights. Good thing to know today there’s millions upon millions upon millions out there fighting the fight! 😉
Even if you assume he was totally incompetent and too unintelligent to be President, there is no excuse for his failure to condemn OWS now that the evidence proves it's a total disaster. After 2 years of death, disability and chronic illness which has never been seen before with any other inoculation, there is simply no way to justify his actions/statements in support of it.
For insight into how BLINDLY Americans rolled up their sleeves, stuck their arms out of their car windows to be injected with poison, and willingly participated in a politically-motivated medical hoax of historic proportions:
On December 13, 2021 at 9:30 a.m., I sent a good friend the following text:
"I wonder what your opinion is about mass "vaccination" of a foreign substance authorized for "emergency use" after only initial trials. A shot that's not produced with attenuated virus like all others but with the messenger RNA of a deadly virus. (Yes, I've heard or read all the "technical" explanations.) I cannot help but ask myself why the human immune system recognizes a spike protein if there is not a very good but as yet unknown evolutionary reason. I'm not willing to be a guinea pig for this project. The history of science is filled with well-intentioned mistakes. What if one of the other "vaccines" in development is better and/or safer? Shouldn't we get to choose, individually, which one we prefer to take, after enough time has passed to compare outcomes? Do you think I'm overly cautious?"
Her answer: "We have to take A LEAP OF FAITH."
I had a similar text exchange with another friend who asked me if I was going to be 'vaccinated.'
Her reply: She "was dead set against the vaccine at first. But (she continued) I'd really like to help get the country move closer to normalcy so I'm going for my first shot on May 14 (2021)."
These are both college-educated professional women who ignored my concerns and unquestioningly submitted to destroying their immune systems.
So she, like billions of other lemmings, including most members of my immediate and extended family, as well as my (very few) friends: willingly lept off the cliff.
"Never argue with idiots. They'll just drag you down to their level and beat you with experience." Mark Twain
Killing the people who told the lie will do jack s*it to change anything. All it will do is keep the population barbaric and absolve themselves when it is the mind of the people that needs to be changed. Lots of people give orders - people like you and me, and nobody listens to them. But people will obey Fauci or the president or the doctor, or the newscaster. THIS is the problem. The people's lack of thinking, lack of questioning. And the children are being shown the same faulty thinking because it's almost heresy to object to the common mindset. And that is what needs to change. We need to encourage questioning, encourage challenge.
I understand from where you come. However, there must be a clear message sent that engaging in mass genocide (what else can it be called) is unacceptable. Simply chastising and saying don’t do it will not work, not when dealing with evil incarnate. As easy as it would be, I don’t believe in an eye-for-an-eye approach. Someone killing another in a moment of rage would not merit death. Someone deliberately planning and carrying out genocide is another matter. This evil must be met, recognized for what it is, and destroyed; it cannot be allowed to roam unpunished in our society.
The most frustrating part is the number of people who NEVER even questioned the narrative. The level of exasperation having to endure this monumental load of BS over the last 3 years....3 YEARS!! off the charts. Still plenty of lemmings throwing themselves off the cliff.
The public should be asking real questions. But they’re getting no traction.?? I blame CIA, DOJ, Gates, CDC, Pharma, Medical community, WHO, most world governments, WEF, Club of Rome......and most importantly,
Every single MSM reporter.
The real blame needs to go on people's gullibility. People just have to learn how to be critical thinkers again. Prosecuting those who the people believed is again falling for the wrong culprit. You could eliminate all the institutions that you mentioned and even the people like Fauci, but that would not solve the problem from happening again because it is the people's belief in authority that is the problem. It is their belief in authority that allows them to take a back seat to their own critical mind to look after themselves and their families.
My mantra - it starts in preschool. Who is teaching our children? TikTok? Before that/now, the teachers who demand compliance, and limit what you learn.
Going way back, I was always in trouble, still am, because I ask 'why'. My Father taught me how to think, pick information apart, and make my own decisions.
Right on. Thinking is something we need to practice! Seems kind of elementary doesn't it. But the children learn best by what they see and if they see adults thinking like you did with your father, then it's easier for them. They're learning from TikTok right now but if good things were on there...that's what they'd learn.
That's exactly the problem when little ones only see one way. Parents in this day and age have to work to keep food on the table, so the children miss out on that input.
That appears to have been the plan, Teri. It was all over when parents were convinced they needed two incomes to satisfy greed instilled via TV, advertising, and the desire to "keep up with the Joneses" or surpass them.
Very interesting observation. Add the pull of the little computer in your hand and no real life human is talking to the tiny tots.
Their goal is exactly get rid of “critical thinkers.” Forcing death jab on Ivy League students and NOT on millions of illegal immigrants crossing US border illegally is the TELL ALL of TELL ALLS.
Naomi Wolf’s speech at her alma mater, Yale, was pretty wild. A link to her Yale speech is on her Substack page. Naomi even points out that they are exempting Yale faculty from the death jab. If that doesn’t 🤨 scream discrimination and fraud to these students, what does??? Threatening to expel and not reimburse them for spring semester?? The audacity of these school rule makers pushing this crap is downright laughable!! The students are afraid and don’t want their parents speaking up due to backlash? If the students banded together in resistance and threatened the schools with massive lawsuits, that would be “CRITICAL THINKING SKILLS AT WORK” 😙. Parents paying those bills better get together and lawyer up. Fight fear with fear!! These students better start growing a spine. Time to lash back!! It’s their future to secure, not their parents.
So true. Very well said, thank you. So disgusting. We've become a nation of placid, oh well...cowards! Can't those parents figure out that they pay that school's bills? They're the boss. My standard joke, I was sent to a private school, to tame me. I scored 2nd highest in the SAT scores and second lowest GPA. That was in 1959, and it's gotten a lot worse.
Between that, the WHO trying take over of the the world's healthcare , monetary system, making everyone equal. Wonder what the fools will do when they have spent years and money in school only to have their income taken over so that everyone is equal
All the ones in power seem to be united in what they are doing ,depopulate .The common population is not united ,that's the reason we we will always lose .Look around the scabers and maskers are everywhere and hate or dislike the few of us with common sense . Does that look like a winning activity of the masses .?
You hit that nail on the head, HARD. My mantra - the difference is if you were brainwashed in school or not. When the teachers union dictates to the government what they want, and the government folds, just think what they've done to the kids. We already know. I was in Russia in the 80s on a health care exchange. I saw that 'utopia'. No thanks. I'm old, not worried about me. Am worried about younger people. They need to read history. Russia deposed the Czar in 1917, and descended into a worse hell. They're still in it. Just 1 example.
Sadly income theft already occurring the lockdowns and destruction of small business and the many dole class has been visible. In 2008 during the GFC our country like many others bailed out the banks, but they also created legislation that next time it will be a “bail in”. In other words any more net belonging to customers will simply be seized. Check 🦵 slatin in your own countries. The
Really sad. I left the US in 2009. After retiring, changed careers and worked in various countries. Am basically a wanderer. Very concerned not for me, I'm old. But am very fearful for the younger generations.
Milgram Experiment! Proven by ACTUAL science that a majority will do whatever a ‘authority figure’ tells them to do…damn the consequences.
Sickening, but no surprise. The complete opposite of what I was taught.
Fortunately, this substack is full of the “other kind” (apologies to Groucho Marx): We wouldn’t join a club that would have us as members! :)
Thanks, I needed that laugh. Sooo true.
I saw it in the early eighties when my kid did were in primary school- the brainwashing and the long March through the institutions. Back then my kids were being terrified by acid rain, and being forced to learn Mandarin. One of the first things removed from the curriculum was critical thinking. Dumbing down of our kids for the last three generations has been rapidly progressing.
Are you familiar with Saul Alinsky's 12 Rules for Radicals? hillary was espousing it in the late 60s
Really sad and disgusting.
Ah yes.. Saul Alinksy.. a member of the Frankfurt School given shelter in America from Nazi Germany in the 1930s.. How did they thank their benefactors? By doing everything they could over a period of decades to subvert Western culture and morality. What started with the "spontaneous" (they were in fact instigated) student revolts in the 1960s has led to where we are today, with "Transgenderism" and "Drag Queen Story Hour" ... and a civilisation circling the drain. I suppose I should read "12 Rules for Radicals"... unfortunately I read Solzenitsyn's "The Gulag Archipelago" first.
Been going on a lot longer than the last three generations Julie: Get a copy of John Taylor Gatto's "The Underground History of American Education": The story he tells of the destruction of literacy since the 1940s at least, is nothing short of terrifying.
Doesn't surprise me. Was sent to catholic schools, as a non-catholic, for a "better education". The only thing I learned from them is fortitude. No they were not going to tell me anything unless they were willing to say more than 'because I said so'. Would not give me a recommendation for a non-catholic hospital school of nursing. Got kicked out, my parents made me grovel to get back in. I did with them standing over my shoulder when I wrote the letter. And of course the favorite was "you're going to hell with your father".
My mother was catholic, he was not. That was the 50s
The 50s was an appalling decade I'm told.. I was only 9 months old when it ended..
A rather odd story for you.. I was working for business owned by a family of Orthodox Jews.. The founder, Dr. Fisher, was very curious as to what brand of Christianity I subscribed to... I eventually broke down and told him "The Church of England" to which he replied "Oh.. that explains it."
But I could never get him to tell me what exactly, it explained. 🤔
But if you want to feel better about your schooling, read Peter de Rosa's "Vicars of Christ".. His description of the death of Alexander VI, the most corrupt pope in history, is delightfully revolting! 😇
Of course you are correct. They allow themselves to be herded like cattle by these institutions instead of rubbing together a few brain cells!
100%, Denise. Add to gullibility cowardice and you've got a recipe for the destruction of life and liberty.
Hear HEAR!
#NoAmnesty 💔💉
The criminal panic pandemic has shown that almost all who hold a position of power and authority are our deadly enemies .Than who is left to do the prosecuting jailing or hanging ?We all know sheep have no power ,only the wolfs ,and the wolfs are in the process of eating us as we read and write here . Not one mass murderer ,or lesser tyrant has ever seen a court room from the inside .Thy are very active and planning a hellish future for us .From what corner would justice come from if 99 % of power holders are corrupt ??
Exactly. Those who hold positions of power didn't speak out, went along and often even enforced their will upon others. The entire system is crumbling and joy to the world for that. We need to think differently - we can't hang people because we listened to them. I didn't take the jab, nor wear that stupid mask even though the pressure was great. Those who stood for their beliefs left their job if they were being forced and that was smart because many who took the jab under blackmail, ended up sick or dead so it makes no sense to make the job the priority. The important thing now is to lay down another system that is for sovereigns and not for authority followers. Tyrants have no power when people keep their authority to themselves. Killing of our own kind is the underlying cause of the ills in the world, followed by the belief in authority and (banker's) money is the vehicle for it all to make it happen. We can change it in a day. It's really a mind game most of all.
You left out that ugly kraut toad sitting in Davis......KLAUS SCHWAB and his WEF!
You are right ,the Schwab is one of the top evil doers .After that there is a long ,long list of names ,down to garbage collectors ,who are on the enemy side ,that includes all the retard maskers People with common sense are almost extinct .
VA still pushing the covid death shots and the boosters.
I see the vets lining up for them like sheep.
Is that why most of the veterinarians are gone? :)
In all honesty, it looks like it was engineered to target the fearful and gullible who are and were complicit in trusting people in high-ranking health positions. Such a shame. However, in a good way, it has now opened many eyes to the scheming corruption hidden from view.
Would parents have known that their kids were being CRT indoctrinated without seeing for themselves at home the on-line class content and race-bating assignments? Parents were obviously detached from their kids curriculum 😙.
Without Musk’s Twitter takeover, would the massive corruption of government censorship been exposed?
Things happen for a reason.
The gullible are actually taking their own selves out of the gene pool. In a way it's a brilliant arrangement.
It should not shock you. Not everyone is a free or critical thinker. In fact, they're in the minority and even those born with such a mind have their free thinking muted via the public school education system indoctrination, where free thinking is discouraged, even treated as a punishable offense. It takes years, even decades as an adult to shake the brainwashing that
that occurred, then practice & perfect the ability to think critically. It can be as difficult as overcoming PTSD. Then, once enlightened, it takes time and effort to research subjects to find the facts necessary to conclude the truth. Then it must be applied against great resistance. For many, it's just easier to go along to get along, to save their job, home, wealth & relationships. But, this this is a life or death issue and one must make every effort to discover the truth for themselves and for loved ones.
It’s a lie fueled by a fake test which calls the flu and colds SARS-CoV-2.
Hey Dr. Alexander...a question for you. Did you know Dr. Kary Mullis? He’s the PCR TEST inventor. He made this video before he died and boy (!) did he reveal and warn us about Fauci! I wonder how Mullis, a genius doc, above everything else, dies of pneumonia complications 😙. Very suspicious. Here it’s on YouTube...
Dust motes, you mean. As many as 45 replication cycles were used.
I assert it was tuned for those with the cold and flu in order to ramp up fear factor. Removing a sequence to create the less pathogenic yet infectious “Omicron” was a master stroke. The jab makes everyone sick in the first 42 days while they are still “unvaccinated” so they either die or get some natural immunity to show some “effectiveness” for the next 3 months or so. The problem for the cabal now is that all the vaccinated’s immune systems are destroyed and they are just sick all the time.
Agree. Dr. Kary Mullis (PCR TEST INVENTOR) really laid into what he thought about Fauci in his YouTube interview!
Thanks for sharing.. Like we have said only the LIARS get the press coverage from the MSM.. The TRUTH tellers get no coverage.. They make their choices by their agenda, which has been and never will be in humanities best interest, only in inhumanities best interest..
Greta Thunberg gets all the press about climate change and she knows nothing and reads from a script written for her by the usual suspects.. Dr Judith Curry is a climatologists and has published 140 Scientific Books, and says Climate Change is a HOAX, but she gets no press, why because she is a TRUTH teller, Thunberg is a LIAR among other things.. That's an example of media manipulation.. That is one way they do it... Its the same with everything..
It says he died from pneumonia complications 🤨. How odd 🤔? He was a genius...look at his curriculum vitae.
Bio Says...”Mullis attracted controversy for downplaying humans' role in climate change and for expressing doubts that HIV is the sole cause of AIDS.[4][5][6]”
He wasn’t a Fauci team player...😙. I believe that whole AIDS epidemic was Fauci’s trial run.
It was, he made a TON of money with AZT while he killed a ton of people.. That is their business model, now they are doing it with this PLANDEMIC, and they did some other trial runs previously also.. We have never been told the truth about anything in this country.. We need to go backwards to go forward for and with the TRUTH..
Yes. Truth is tough to grasp within a menucha of lies.
Greta is their “young globalist protégé” used to convince the younger liberal generation that they are the mighty saviors of earth by becoming climate activists. The Henny Penny!! 😱 syndrome.
Now that WEF, global elites and gvmt agencies have been exposed...many are opening eyes and questioning motives 🤨!! Critical 🤔 thinking certainly happens with, dissent, debate and factual data!!
Fauci is rotten to the core.
Fauci does not have a core... He is hollow..
We need to bring back The Gallows but that’s just my personal opinion 🤷♀️
Medieval Justice needs to make a comeback. Time for us to engage in some strong messaging of our own.
My vote is for the Guillotine: Much harder to fake, and no ambiguity. 🤔
Viva La France 🇫🇷 🤣 Hey I’m in whatever gets the job done. Maybe a firing squad 😉🤣🤣🤫
Nope . I never met a single guy who was shot who told me it hurt at all for a short while. Shooting is far too good for the perpetrators of this war on humanity
Firing squad? Waste of bullets.
Truth to tell I agree with Eric.. Something suitably medieval.. "Immurement" while nasty isn't public enough but how about.. "Hang, Drawn and Quartered" or "The Gibbet" or "Impalement" or "Burning at the Stake" ... something like that.. but in these enlightened times...?
We probably wouldn't get away with it. 🙄
No that's ridiculous. As if that ever helped anything. If it did, we wouldn't be here today. That is just pure revenge. Killing cannot be the answer, it's actually the problem - that's why they could kill off patients, that's why they killed off military personnel. Kill, kill, that seems to be the only answer - for barbarians. The answer is to focus on the real problem - which is the belief that someone else has authority over you or your children. If that is recognized, then something like the covid farce will never, NEVER happen again.
We do recognize the problem. How do you suggest we stop it?
My thoughts you drag out - just hypothetically of course say Trudeau - sway him publicly (this dream gets better) you honestly believe the truth won’t start flowing and MP’s/health experts (elected officials or not) won’t start towing the line ? I believe they would but again that’s just me 🤷♀️
Dragons will always be dragons ,until we cut off their heads .
It is a deep problem and the proper answer is that humanity needs to be un-brainwashed. It's not as hard as it seems at first - we do it by encouraging questioning, encouraging challenge and dialoguing. Silence is the enemy of truth and fakers know it. The freedom to be skeptical of the press, of teachers, of ourselves and the lack of answers should be looked at askance. Simply an all-round different stance than what we have now.
I'm so glad you are saying it out straight. Yes it was all a lie and the thing is some of us knew it the moment, the nanosecond it was announced. Having to go through it all without doing the mask ritual, without taking the jab, while everybody was doing it and telling us to leave their stores or friends and family who put pressure on us to get it, or pressure on us for trying to warn them. It was all a big fat lie. And why? Because people will believe anything their doctors say and anything they hear on television and anything they are taught in schools. Because people do not question and indeed, stigmatize those that do question, because questioning is like a sin in our highly mind controlled society. That kind of gullibility will cleanse the gene pool now, that's what the government has done. Belief in government is dangerous for the individual and for everyone. I thank you so much for just coming out with the plain old truth - it was all a lie from start to finish.
denise why do you use the word ''Was '' ,don't you see it still ''IS''
My question is : Where’s the conversation about eliminating all virology labs worldwide. Destroying them ALL. Maybe sticking one big complex in the middle of Antarctica or something.
Why no discussion?
It is deadly since it has killed many more than the virus, including my beloved!
Trump still pushes the injections. No getting around that. Trump always was a Trojan horse.
Trump has passed his window of opportunity to disavow the covid death shots and Fauci.
Agreed. Too much hemoglobin on his hands.
President Trump needs to put out a one sentence statement:
"I was lied to by Fauci and Birx."
(Good interview btw with Dr. Alexander and Bannon.)
Take a look at this, for what it's worth. Incidentally, I wish he would disappear from the political scene. Too much baggage, too many circus narratives, etc..
Who really knows? We'll probably never know the whole of it. Politics is a convoluted and messy game. Throw in the deep state cronies and its anybody's guess. Nothing is off the table. Doc?
He's the cap on the soda bottle that's been knocked around too many times. He goes down in a fishy way and a world of people will retaliate, however and whenever. His heart is in it, so I imagine he's always feeling a world of hurt. I wish him the best. I don't like son-in-law... is he even human?
Nope, not me. It's his fault.
I read this too! Not sure what I believe really. If this is the case then he should speak up NOW about why he went along with the jabs if it really was to save the country from 2 years of lockdowns and the beginning of the Great Reset....
I read a bit of it.... it don't think much of it is true. He's too hated by the establishment... to think he is playing a role KNOWNINGLY. He's only one guy and he gets his intel from those around him. Hope he knows enough not to trust everything he is told by his entourage.... his worst enemies are probably those closest to him.
I saw that. Ain't buying it.
Agreed. It's now indisputable, and to my undying shame, I voted for him in 2016. "Fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice, shame on me." Never again.
A true leader knows when to admit he made a mistake.
He is either clueless (which I doubt), or full of hubris (better explanation).
Whichever one it is, neither is acceptable.
There always was going to be a coup against Trump Yet Trump continues to play the game. Says nothing about injections. Nothing about children being injected. Dismisses people who raise the subject out of hand.
Campaign for people like Ron Johnson to by POTUS, DeSantis, Kari Lake, Jim Jordan, make a list of good people.
Times up for Trump.
Warp speed was intended only for the most vulnerable. (Dr. Alexander released below.)
Dr. Alexander, when under Trump Administration, knew elderly, obese, unhealthy were main target, so they wouldn’t die. No mandates!! Therapeutic treatment protocols were called for the rest of population because it couldn’t be contained.
It was under the Biden Administration with forced jabs via “unconstitutional mandates,” that havoc ensued.
Timing ⏱ is everything.
Not true. DJT made it clear from the beginning that the military would distribute the vaxxine in a very "powerful way", meaning he was admitting it was a DOD project just like his SOS said it was when he slipped up during a Task force presentation (we're in a live exercise). The army general (Gustave F. Perna) that DJT placed in charge of getting it done was asked what would happen if not everyone took it? He said that would be very unfortunate but never explained why, even though now in retrospect its very obvious). This militarized project and all the preparatory legislative/regulatory over decades has been well-outlined by Katherine Watt and Sasha Latypova. Dr. Alexander should speak with them in detail about it and get up to speed. His view of DJT's lack of understanding is simply not credible in light of all the relevant evidence now publicly available.
Dr. Alexander was there to see it in action. It’s certainly up to you…about who you decide to believe.
No...that’s a lie. He was undermined by deep state and the psychotic bureaucrats. Trump is not a medical doctor nor does he claim to be one. He has to rely on health teams “appointed” to him. Therein lies the issue. Tell us...who else was he supposed to go to to fight a pandemic? Please please tell us...we are waiting!
Did TRUMP ever fathom that there would be a bureaucratic appointed coup consisting of NIH/NIAID, WEF, WHO, American doctors, CDC, FDA, Gates, corporations, the corrupt, fake media, etc., etc. that would defy and/or undermine him at every step to aid in his efforts to help protect the American people when it came to a pandemic? Yes...a pandemic created by Fauci and his pathetic clan of suck up seals to kill Americans all for money, control and power. It’s all coming out in Fauci’s tweets via Musk. Fauci’s a mass murderer! No IFS, ANDS or BUTS!
Please... do your research before you comment. You’ll look less foolish.
NEVER EVER did TRUMP believe these agencies would go so far as to purposely KILL Americans!! Look at what Mengele Fauci did to beagles. If he can subject animals to torturous means, he’s capable of SO much more. Fauci is out for Fauci. He doesn’t care about you. You’re just a Petri dish for his experiments. For God’s sake...wake up!! The proof is in the pudding.”
He's still pushing it as safe and effective, even now. Even in a recent interview with Candace Owens was he pushing it, which even took her by surprise.
It's not a lie if he's still saying it. It's all there if you look.
You were duped by a con man and continue to be.
Find someone else to vote for. DeSantis seems to be the obvious choice, but even then, trust no one.
Hi! Yup…I saw the “11-month old” interview with Candace awhile back.
Yes, Trump AT THAT TIME was talking about his Warp Speed progress in trying to create 3 vaccines in record time. He was STILL in office trying to do something to combat a virus “no one knew anything about” all the while being lied to and undermined by (as we NOW know) a vast slew of deep staters, Fauci NIH/NIAID and company, major corporations, WEF, WHO ,MSM, FBI, CIA, FDA, CDC along with Hillary and her DNC lying in the shadows laughing because they succeeded in cheating in the election to get him out and Biden in.
Again, Trump is not a doctor and had to rely on his team of so-called experts. He was continually misled and undermined by a team of rogue bureaucrat actors who all knew the safety and efficacy studies could never be done in that amount of time. It was impossible! They knew that and took advantage by manipulating study data, tampering with control groups, printing false misleading articles in THE LANCET, shutting up docs with large grants (who knew they were being fed lies…see Kristian Anderson in attached article…great read) coercing MSM to push it with big pharma $, colluding with TWITTER to cancel dissent and conflicting data and counter perspectives of top scientists and virologists and pushing ads via big pharma on major tv networks. They wouldn’t dare tell TRUMP the TRUTH. Trump had no idea he was being sabotaged from within. It was a major takedown to get him out of office.
It was only supposed to be given to the most vulnerable (elderly and obese) so they wouldn’t DIE. That’s what Trump was saying in the interview. He also said, “NO MANDATES.” He also encouraged early treatment.
SINCE THAT INTERVIEW, more and more information was surfacing in alternate media sites because all were being censored and canceled on top social media sites and MSM. “Alternate treatment plans” such as Dr. Zelenko’s protocol, Florida’s early monoclonal antibody treatments, as well as other doctors reporting the success of Ivermectin and other vitamins and therapeutics were shown to be effective in combating “symptoms”. Ask yourself why the fake media would push a lie calling a proven, award winning anti-viral, no side effect medication, Ivermectin, that’s been around for years a horse-dewormer to the general public? It’s because they think you are really stupid!
There is NO vaccine. They tried to trick people with that FDA approved Comernity lie too. Also , 🤨 changing the definition of a vaccine during this so-called pandemic is quite the 🚩.
It was through BIDEN’S EUA that big pharma was able to push jab ads with gvmt assistance via MSM and as we know NOW through big tech and corporations WITHOUT ANY LIABILITY! BIDEN MANDATED JABS, and big corporations forced it on their workers or they would lose their jobs 🤨 🚩🚩🚩? The all-cause mortality reports among working aged individuals that recently came out is staggering. Ed Dowd’s book, Causes Unknown, tells a story with clear, concise factual data.
Big pharma was refusing to be transparent (wanting to withhold data for 75 years) and was, through FOIA lawsuit, forced to release all safety and efficacy data as well as jab ingredients. They lied to everyone and were caught red-handed.
DeSantis will have his time, but Trump has some major unfinished business. He was completely sabotaged from within his administration. These people were not appointed by him. They had an agenda…to kill as many Americans as possible and blame him. It was planned using the fake pandemic.
FTX, the Ukraine money laundering scandal to stuff democrats pockets with US taxpayer $, Biden’s China corruption, the open southern border is all part of their big plan.
Can’t wait for Musk to release the Fauci Files!
Trump hasn't come out against these injections.
He's had plenty of time and opportunity to do so.
He maintains they're the greatest discovery in history.
Even Alex Jones called him out about it recently.
Honestly…I believe there’s a lot we don’t know because they can’t tell us. Granted, with all the lies and corruption exposed…trust is very difficult. However, trusted, gut instincts suggest there’s a bigger reason for the silence, as well as other things he doing. I, too, question his motives and decisions about certain things 🤔. There must just be something at play way bigger that’s unbeknownst to us as to WHY. Whether it’s body language or subtleties in speeches from him or advocates in his corner, I detect they know so much more and without that knowledge, we are all blinded and forced to feel our way around helplessly in the dark. I believe they keep us in the dark for our own protection. There’s a lot of really sick-minded people in this world with evil intentions, and we don’t know the half of it. Just realize he doesn’t do anything that wasn’t on purpose. He’s a smart businessman with a strong work ethic who expects the same from others. He builds things as others destroy them. (Eg..the border wall, economy, The Abraham Accords, peace in Middle East Israel, Saudi Arabia, even Russia, creating jobs in America, etc, etc.). He’s a lot like Reagan.
Remember, Trump’s a man of law and is surrounded by a very skilled set of lawyers. Drip by drip, the public is slowly being fed information in order to digest it. I believe it’s only a matter of time that all our questions will be answered. Timing is everything.
Economies run in cycles and that one was in a bubble, just like Trump said.
DeSantis isn't only questioning the injections and the World Economic Forum and all of it, he's now actively pursuing Fauci and others through the legal system, or what's left of it.
I really would dump Trump and throw your support behind DeSantis, who's already 23 points ahead of Trump in opinion polls.
It's likely Trump's too proud and frankly, narcissistic, to admit he got played. Either way, he's not Presidential material now.
So if Trump needs so many others to lead him ,why does he call himself a leader ? Kennedy did not ask the misleaders how to lead ,he knew how,or we would not be here .
This might be a simplistic explanation.
Kennedy had the benefit of serving in the Navy during World War II.
The military teaches you discipline and you learn leadership skills that last a lifetime.
JFK actually cared about his own people and was murdered for it. DJT thinks only of himself. Some people simply can't see it no matter how much evidence is brought before them. If after reviewing all the material Sasha Latypova and Katherine Watt have assembled showing the preparations went back decades, they still think DJT was just an innocent bystander, it's probably not worth presenting anything more. I think it's clear some people are trying to stay in DJT's good graces on the outside chance he becomes President again.
He needs to tell it to the world.
Disavow the shots.
Disavow Fauci.
Hear HEAR!
#NoAmnesty 💉☠💔
My sister died from her second shot. Most disgusting thing.
So sorry for your loss 🙏
We can't even get 1 out of 535 congress members to stand up and demand the OWS products be pulled immediately, and the perpetrators brought to justice. Imagine that, not one! How are we ever going to get them banned?
I was just listening to Ben Carson talking about how "difficult" it was to witness the COVID coverups that happened while he was in office. Please, spare me. You had a megaphone Dr. Carson. You were in a position to make a difference. And, yet, YOU STAYED QUIET! You should be one of those who are prosecuted for standing by, silently, with cowardice, watching people die and be injured. SHAME ON YOU!
Agreed, he failed to blow the whistle when he had the chance.
A lie it was, indeed. And people fell for the fearmongering, the euphemisms, the false promises and lies, lies, lies...
And many still do:
Also the media needs to be held accountable! Public executions!
The media is definitely the biggest whore in all this.
Criminal Whores.
Meryl Nass says, "with infinite money you can buy anything and anyone." I hate to think that's true, but it may be almost that bad. What can't be accomplished that way might well be achievable with threats of violence and blackmail.
Yes indeed, our entire culture and economy is based on blackmail. It's like working for the mob. It really is. But it's the people ourselves who do it to each other. We don't realize that what we do to others, matters.
And we should bring pictures of all the ppl that have been killed or injured by this vaccine to show who they murdered!
I am sorry to say this but nobody was murdered (except the children that were held down to take the jab) however everyone else chose it - rather than lose their job, they chose losing their life. That's a choice. The government is not responsible for our health and anyone who thinks that is under a false impression. You are responsible for your life, I am responsible for mine.
No. False advertising and altering clinical safety and efficacy data in studies to fool, coerce, and force an EUA drug on people (using big pharma $$$ through gvmt funding) delivered via controlled media, big tech and corporations is criminal. They lied to the public. PERIOD. These criminals all continued to get paid while working people lost their jobs due to forced non-compliance of mandates and changed corporate policies. Your argument of a choice is moot. Big pharma and gvmt went for the jugular. Get a jab or lose your livelihood. Congress has got a lot of work to do next session.
When government and private corporations work in tandem to collude and cause public’s illegal and criminal.
When one is given a choice of jab or job via mandates or corporate’s illegal and criminal against one’s moral, ethical and spiritual beliefs. Inalienable rights supersede everything. Discrimination can also weigh in and play a legal heavy hand in certain cases.
There was criminal intent to commit mass murder with NIH funding. Fauci is both a criminal and an accomplice in murder. He’s a liar and was caught. He was complicit in the funding and development of a bioweapon that killed millions using NIH funded US taxpayer $$ funneling it to NGO EcoHealth Alliance’s (Peter Daszak) to fund Dr. Shi’s Wuhan lab gain-of-function research with bat Coronaviruses. Fauci knew exactly what he was doing.
BTW...FACT...Fauci’s daughter, Alison, worked at Twitter too.
It’s a political incestuous cesspool of dirty and corrupt gvmt ABC agencies, fake MSM, big pharma, big tech, doctors and politicians all in high-level positions telling the peasants, “it’s for our own good” while these elites continue to lie...and get paid all the while.
(Doctor Alexander...Congress should demand voluntary blood samples from Bourla, Fauci, Biden, Harris...etc. Let’s look directly under a microscope to see if they really have the jab spike proteins. It’ll clear up any wonder and confusion as to whether their claims of getting the COVID jab and catching COVID were actually legitimate. No one believes anything they say.)
Nuremberg trials were held to condemn the NAZI evildoers and to create laws of crimes against humanity to punish and hold them accountable. These laws were broken and Fauci (and Biden) are sitting right at the helm.
Trials or more government or government or courts fixing anything is purely illusion. Just like it was illusion to listen to the knuckleheads like the CDC, etc. Reality is they are bandits and only there under Admiralty Law, the law of the sea (pirates) YOu are dealing with pirates. They have essentially put lipstick on a pig and made you believe they are "credible". Now you want restitution from someone else, but this whole covid thing is to see who is going to make it and who isn't. Those who don't have the smarts to see it's all fraud and all based on fraudulent money, then I guess they're going to say ta-ta. That's what all this is about. People are actually choosing to take themselves out of the gene pool. Reality is coming home to roost and all that stuff about CDC, Fauci, etc, etc, would be nothing if people didn't believe them, if people used their smarts. I hate to be so blunt but ignorance threatens my life and everyone's life that I know and people I don't know. That is how serious this is.
Totally agree with you. Please... BE blunt. I’m SO sick of people who make excuses, are complicit or who just choose to be ignorant. They won’t even talk about it!! Consequently, those are all the ones who got the poison jab 😙. You can’t educate them either because they’re too far gone in being brainwashed. God knows why, but they trusted those pirates. Yes...agree, it will ultimately be the end of them. I wear my “told you so” gear often.
I know we only know SO much and there’s A LOT we don’t know. It’s so frustrating 🙄. Figuring out facts through people who, like us, question the status quo and provide evidential proof to guide us to truths, is our only salvation, outside of the 2nd. Too many criminals at large, especially in high powered positions. I always loved THE WILD WEST and many of Clint Eastwood’s character perspectives. It’s fascinating how history always seems to repeat itself and nothing and no one ever stops it from repeating 🤨. It always falls to the self-sacrificing knights and patriots to defend a country’s honor and God-given rights. Good thing to know today there’s millions upon millions upon millions out there fighting the fight! 😉
Trump wasn't mislead he was complicit.
Failure to admit his mistakes and continued support for the vaccines are evidence of this.
I beg to differ.
Even if you assume he was totally incompetent and too unintelligent to be President, there is no excuse for his failure to condemn OWS now that the evidence proves it's a total disaster. After 2 years of death, disability and chronic illness which has never been seen before with any other inoculation, there is simply no way to justify his actions/statements in support of it.
Sigh. smh.
For insight into how BLINDLY Americans rolled up their sleeves, stuck their arms out of their car windows to be injected with poison, and willingly participated in a politically-motivated medical hoax of historic proportions:
On December 13, 2021 at 9:30 a.m., I sent a good friend the following text:
"I wonder what your opinion is about mass "vaccination" of a foreign substance authorized for "emergency use" after only initial trials. A shot that's not produced with attenuated virus like all others but with the messenger RNA of a deadly virus. (Yes, I've heard or read all the "technical" explanations.) I cannot help but ask myself why the human immune system recognizes a spike protein if there is not a very good but as yet unknown evolutionary reason. I'm not willing to be a guinea pig for this project. The history of science is filled with well-intentioned mistakes. What if one of the other "vaccines" in development is better and/or safer? Shouldn't we get to choose, individually, which one we prefer to take, after enough time has passed to compare outcomes? Do you think I'm overly cautious?"
Her answer: "We have to take A LEAP OF FAITH."
I had a similar text exchange with another friend who asked me if I was going to be 'vaccinated.'
Her reply: She "was dead set against the vaccine at first. But (she continued) I'd really like to help get the country move closer to normalcy so I'm going for my first shot on May 14 (2021)."
These are both college-educated professional women who ignored my concerns and unquestioningly submitted to destroying their immune systems.
So she, like billions of other lemmings, including most members of my immediate and extended family, as well as my (very few) friends: willingly lept off the cliff.
"Never argue with idiots. They'll just drag you down to their level and beat you with experience." Mark Twain
#NoAmnesty 💔💉☠
Agree - if sentenced to death, the rope or blade; no easy lethal injection, no wasting bullets.
Killing the people who told the lie will do jack s*it to change anything. All it will do is keep the population barbaric and absolve themselves when it is the mind of the people that needs to be changed. Lots of people give orders - people like you and me, and nobody listens to them. But people will obey Fauci or the president or the doctor, or the newscaster. THIS is the problem. The people's lack of thinking, lack of questioning. And the children are being shown the same faulty thinking because it's almost heresy to object to the common mindset. And that is what needs to change. We need to encourage questioning, encourage challenge.
I understand from where you come. However, there must be a clear message sent that engaging in mass genocide (what else can it be called) is unacceptable. Simply chastising and saying don’t do it will not work, not when dealing with evil incarnate. As easy as it would be, I don’t believe in an eye-for-an-eye approach. Someone killing another in a moment of rage would not merit death. Someone deliberately planning and carrying out genocide is another matter. This evil must be met, recognized for what it is, and destroyed; it cannot be allowed to roam unpunished in our society.
Exactly right Denise. We need to turn from vengeance to figuring out how to avoid letting this happen again.