The Guardian receives a lot of money from Billy Bob Gates with the man boobs.

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The most obviously propaganda BS rag on earth, I despise it, though many of my colleagues read it and you can tell.

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Same horrible rag that has been smearing Julian Assange & feature Luke Harding who lied about Manafort w Russiagate mythology that Aaron Mate debunked in an epic live interview.


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The Guardian is a colonialist rag that doesn't know the British Empire is over and no one cares about their opinions.

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The covid shot is their golden calf and they'll protect it at all costs.

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The Guardian is bought off by Billy boy Gates. They are a dishonest rag trying to act legit. I think the National Enquirer tells more truth!

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Guardian is just spewing propaganda. We are often told to listen to all sides and that the truth is somewhere in the middle. But sometimes one side says that 2+2=4 and the other side says 2+2=5. Some sources tell the truth and some sources tell lies.

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Is RFK Jr getting the Trump treatment because he’s doing too well?

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If you go against the regime, they will call you a racist, sexist, etc. It's a sure sign that they're afraid of you.

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I don't get why Malone's name is in this group of the 13 Horsemen. He is making amends like crazy. Does anyone know why Dr. Paul feels this way?

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The Guardian nothing but a propaganda machine. Big funding fr Billy boy Gates and similar demonic entities.

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The totally GLOBAL synchronized, harmonized Main stream LYING PROPOGANDA news media is almost totally covering the planet .

Yes the Gurdoan is part of it.

Technically it is officially named by an


Although global like the about ten companies that own the entire glbal world of news (an oligarchy) , It was technically founded by MI6 and BBC.

YUP, AP (associated press) , CNN, New York Times, and too many to mention. globally.

Better find NEW sources soon and yes, thank God for Substack.

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The crooks and the deep state and the corrupt globalists always attack those who are exposing their crimes and lies.

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When will you leave Malone alone? It’s like an obsession with you!

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Malone has come out, quite awhile ago, that the mRNA tech is dangerous and to avoid it.

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Makes me like him more.

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