They are OVER as they exist today and we must work to strip them down, fire all who are complicit and have done wrong in this pandemic, and get proper legal inquiry and jail all who did wrong, ALL!!!!
Dr Alexander is spot on. And I too share a strong feeling of BETRAYAL.
32y in commercial R&D in “big pharma” & biotech sectors, to VP & CEO, respectively.
All the 3- & 4-letter agencies in the USA & UK / Europe are corrupt beyond possible repair.
Without exception, the top few (2+?) layers of management need to be FIRED, pending criminal charges.
Were they always this bad, and I just didn’t notice?
I don’t think so, but in truth I cannot be sure of anything any more.
The cowards in global R&D at my former employers & venture financiers. Most are too bright not to have unavoidably noticed several fraudulent happenings.
Some seem genuinely in a deep psychosis, like Dr Mathai Mammen. He leads vaccine R&D at Janssen / JNJ.
We’ve held 3-4 exchanges of emails. I can’t get any reaction out of him re “vaccinating” pregnant women, or children, or the infected / recovered = immune cohorts.
Obviously this is hideously inconsistent with a public health agenda.
He sounds bemused.
But management needs to be fired & banned for a decade from holding any position in bio pharma R&D at VP level & above.
I’m sorry for the non-senior staff.
I’ve also lost all trust & confidence in the U.K. National Health Service. Now it’s shut, recommend don’t reopen it, pending bureaucratic restructuring.
I’m not sure if I’ll ever feel anything but CONTEMPT for all these people. I wouldn’t trust my pet with any of them.
Best wishes
Dr Mike Yeadon
Ps: ANOTHER cohort to be fired with no more than legal minima. Academics who hold big positions funding by Corrupt Grant Giver A, B & C.
No one is going to like my comment possibly. I may not know everything that's going on, however I do see another side to Trump's situation which others may not have noticed. Did anyone see all of the boat parades and freeway parades waving flags for Trump before the election, and did anyone notice that Biden had chairs with big circles around them 6 feet apart and not very many people showed up at all, Trump had the ballots marked with quantum dots and trackers and they were watching in real time as Trump's votes were replaced with biden's name. They knew where all of the votes were. I even watched on the news and saw Trump's numbers go lower and biden's go higher, right there on the news. Never in history has any election gone on for days after election night. Even one of the post offices had told their workers to back date piles of ballots to show they were in before the election. Pure cheating going on every which way they could. Trump actually got 80% of the votes and even won California. Anyone notice how the Supreme Court wouldn't look at the evidence of the cheating that was caught by Trump's team? And how he was stabbed in the back by the VP Pence and Lindsay Graham? Well Trump had to clean out the swamp....which is still going on, and they flooded the underground tunnels under the White House after rescuing thousands of children and adults and taking out lots of body parts. DUMBS all around the world are being taken out after rescuing all of the children and trafficked people out of them. Does anyone remember Jim Caviezel who played in the Passion of the Christ? He acted in a movie called "The Sound of Freedom" that I don't think has come out yet. The swamp was much much deeper than anyone even knew, and taken much longer than anyone expected. I remember that Trump had called Hydroxychloroquine a "vaccine" if I'm not mistaken and I think he knows that this Covid shot is a gene therapy and Not a vaccine. There have been numerous attempts on Trump's life and maybe he is being a bit careful. I don't think he wants people to die. I do hope he will remedy the situation and actually come out and tell people that the shot has bad VAERS reports on it. I also wish the doctors and nurses would just Not give it to anyone because it does change people's DNA and causes them to lose their contact with God. It just snips it and inserts synthetic spike protein which is manufactured by the body probably 24/7 after being injected with it. God made our bodies wondrous with the ability for the DNA to self repair. And one more thing.... Trump is still the President. biden is play acting out of a studio called Castle Rock Studios and he is Not flying in Air Force One because Trump still has it. The Deep State is fooling the people... because they can. They own the media.... all of them except maybe for OANN, and some alternative medias. I don't want to see anyone get the gene therapy injected into their bodies as I've heard they have graphene oxide, graphene hydroxide, and parasites, including hydras in them.... a very sick toxic concoction, and I'm sure all of them don't have this evil concoction but obviously plenty of them do as shown by the numbers of death and adverse affects happening around the country and world. And it is definitely being pushed by the Deep State for Transhumanism and Depopulation according to many credible sources. The only way to save the human race is for ... as Doctor Paul Alexander said ... the people need to peacefully gather and Take Our Country Back (but not in those exact words)
I know a number of people including Dr Alexander will be trying to get Trump to realise about the vaccines. However, if someone out there is trying to get Trump back, what you don't want to do is to make the admittance of his monumental failure a precondition of coming onside. This is a bad way forward. His psychology is unusual, he is narcissistic, wants to see green and has tremendous difficulty accepting his own failures so I don't think his psychology will allow him to see things the way we would want.
I can drop a couple of suggestions, say to him:
1) "Mr Trump, you did great in getting the vaccines out there so fast but Biden dropped the ball massively. It would be normal to expect an early safety signal under those circumstances and they did nothing. If you were still in charge, I know you would have finished the job. Why don't you finish it for him and make him look terrible?"
2) "Mr Trump, at the moment, the vast majority have had a good vaccine takeup but things are so bad right now, it looks like they snuck in death batches and Biden is setting you up for the fall. Are you going to allow them to deliberately make these products bad and destroy you with it?"
It is unsettling one should need to spoonfeed Trump, people want to see him as strong but the chips are down and I think we should try this.
I agree, they must all be brought down. Trump, however, I belive to be equally as involved - if not Initially, he certainly is now. Some believe he's trying to appeal to both sides for election purposes, but for every statement regarding the vaccines being "safe and effective" I'm sure he undoubtedly gains millions of dollars while simultaneously forfeiting hundreds of thousands of voters - it's just yet to be objectively brought to light.
My thoughts: it's time we start pushing MTG to run with DeSantis as VP.
A few points regarding President Donald Trump. One, he lacked decorum. I don’t think anyone can argue this point. The citizens and leaders of other countries and those who voted for him were let down by his lack of decorum as time went by. It was partially responsible for his loss in the last election.
However, two other things happened. The cabal went for him and he either had to confirm to their demands or step down. He was literally up against it. For goodness sake, he hired Dr Scott Atlas as a public health advisor. Dr Atlas is hardly on the same wave length as fauci and birx(who incidentally went to the scarf tying class). But for some reason he could not get rid of Deborah or Tony. After reading Robert Kennedy’s recent book about Tony, I think we understand the power this man wields. Much bigger than the POTUS.
And now I have to ask, has Donald been bought? A few billion here or there to push the koolaid. Something changed and if he ran for office tomorrow there is no way I would vote for him. He lost my loyalty and many, many others. He will never get that back.
Trump was the great white hope. That is over. We are back to politics as usual. Rotten to the core. We have the best government money can buy.
Thank you for all you do to bring clarity, data and humour to our current situation.
I can only say selfishly, I am happy I am at the end of my life. The majority are brainwashed and just too damn stupid to see what is in front of them.
Sorry for such a long response. Worried for the world.
Merry Christmas, and thank you for writing this. I am glad you were on the response team- I wish there had been more like you. Rotten to the core is sadly correct.
I think people need to move beyond Trump. Has he no self-awareness. He keeps boasting about Operation Warp speed. He may have been badly advised last year, but now he should clearly see that the vaccines have been a travesty. The fact that he is still stuck in 2020, says
America needs a new leader. DeSantis? He believes in no mandates; vax if you want, but also pushes for early treatment. He is articulate and understand what is going on.
God Bless you and your compassionate eloquent voice. May all have eyes to see and ears to hear and hearts to discern the truth. That is the bedrock of our humanity.
Dr Alexander is spot on. And I too share a strong feeling of BETRAYAL.
32y in commercial R&D in “big pharma” & biotech sectors, to VP & CEO, respectively.
All the 3- & 4-letter agencies in the USA & UK / Europe are corrupt beyond possible repair.
Without exception, the top few (2+?) layers of management need to be FIRED, pending criminal charges.
Were they always this bad, and I just didn’t notice?
I don’t think so, but in truth I cannot be sure of anything any more.
The cowards in global R&D at my former employers & venture financiers. Most are too bright not to have unavoidably noticed several fraudulent happenings.
Some seem genuinely in a deep psychosis, like Dr Mathai Mammen. He leads vaccine R&D at Janssen / JNJ.
We’ve held 3-4 exchanges of emails. I can’t get any reaction out of him re “vaccinating” pregnant women, or children, or the infected / recovered = immune cohorts.
Obviously this is hideously inconsistent with a public health agenda.
He sounds bemused.
But management needs to be fired & banned for a decade from holding any position in bio pharma R&D at VP level & above.
I’m sorry for the non-senior staff.
I’ve also lost all trust & confidence in the U.K. National Health Service. Now it’s shut, recommend don’t reopen it, pending bureaucratic restructuring.
I’m not sure if I’ll ever feel anything but CONTEMPT for all these people. I wouldn’t trust my pet with any of them.
Best wishes
Dr Mike Yeadon
Ps: ANOTHER cohort to be fired with no more than legal minima. Academics who hold big positions funding by Corrupt Grant Giver A, B & C.
A pleasure to see your name here. You were partially responsible for my awakening. Thank you.
No one is going to like my comment possibly. I may not know everything that's going on, however I do see another side to Trump's situation which others may not have noticed. Did anyone see all of the boat parades and freeway parades waving flags for Trump before the election, and did anyone notice that Biden had chairs with big circles around them 6 feet apart and not very many people showed up at all, Trump had the ballots marked with quantum dots and trackers and they were watching in real time as Trump's votes were replaced with biden's name. They knew where all of the votes were. I even watched on the news and saw Trump's numbers go lower and biden's go higher, right there on the news. Never in history has any election gone on for days after election night. Even one of the post offices had told their workers to back date piles of ballots to show they were in before the election. Pure cheating going on every which way they could. Trump actually got 80% of the votes and even won California. Anyone notice how the Supreme Court wouldn't look at the evidence of the cheating that was caught by Trump's team? And how he was stabbed in the back by the VP Pence and Lindsay Graham? Well Trump had to clean out the swamp....which is still going on, and they flooded the underground tunnels under the White House after rescuing thousands of children and adults and taking out lots of body parts. DUMBS all around the world are being taken out after rescuing all of the children and trafficked people out of them. Does anyone remember Jim Caviezel who played in the Passion of the Christ? He acted in a movie called "The Sound of Freedom" that I don't think has come out yet. The swamp was much much deeper than anyone even knew, and taken much longer than anyone expected. I remember that Trump had called Hydroxychloroquine a "vaccine" if I'm not mistaken and I think he knows that this Covid shot is a gene therapy and Not a vaccine. There have been numerous attempts on Trump's life and maybe he is being a bit careful. I don't think he wants people to die. I do hope he will remedy the situation and actually come out and tell people that the shot has bad VAERS reports on it. I also wish the doctors and nurses would just Not give it to anyone because it does change people's DNA and causes them to lose their contact with God. It just snips it and inserts synthetic spike protein which is manufactured by the body probably 24/7 after being injected with it. God made our bodies wondrous with the ability for the DNA to self repair. And one more thing.... Trump is still the President. biden is play acting out of a studio called Castle Rock Studios and he is Not flying in Air Force One because Trump still has it. The Deep State is fooling the people... because they can. They own the media.... all of them except maybe for OANN, and some alternative medias. I don't want to see anyone get the gene therapy injected into their bodies as I've heard they have graphene oxide, graphene hydroxide, and parasites, including hydras in them.... a very sick toxic concoction, and I'm sure all of them don't have this evil concoction but obviously plenty of them do as shown by the numbers of death and adverse affects happening around the country and world. And it is definitely being pushed by the Deep State for Transhumanism and Depopulation according to many credible sources. The only way to save the human race is for ... as Doctor Paul Alexander said ... the people need to peacefully gather and Take Our Country Back (but not in those exact words)
I know a number of people including Dr Alexander will be trying to get Trump to realise about the vaccines. However, if someone out there is trying to get Trump back, what you don't want to do is to make the admittance of his monumental failure a precondition of coming onside. This is a bad way forward. His psychology is unusual, he is narcissistic, wants to see green and has tremendous difficulty accepting his own failures so I don't think his psychology will allow him to see things the way we would want.
I can drop a couple of suggestions, say to him:
1) "Mr Trump, you did great in getting the vaccines out there so fast but Biden dropped the ball massively. It would be normal to expect an early safety signal under those circumstances and they did nothing. If you were still in charge, I know you would have finished the job. Why don't you finish it for him and make him look terrible?"
2) "Mr Trump, at the moment, the vast majority have had a good vaccine takeup but things are so bad right now, it looks like they snuck in death batches and Biden is setting you up for the fall. Are you going to allow them to deliberately make these products bad and destroy you with it?"
It is unsettling one should need to spoonfeed Trump, people want to see him as strong but the chips are down and I think we should try this.
I agree, they must all be brought down. Trump, however, I belive to be equally as involved - if not Initially, he certainly is now. Some believe he's trying to appeal to both sides for election purposes, but for every statement regarding the vaccines being "safe and effective" I'm sure he undoubtedly gains millions of dollars while simultaneously forfeiting hundreds of thousands of voters - it's just yet to be objectively brought to light.
My thoughts: it's time we start pushing MTG to run with DeSantis as VP.
A few points regarding President Donald Trump. One, he lacked decorum. I don’t think anyone can argue this point. The citizens and leaders of other countries and those who voted for him were let down by his lack of decorum as time went by. It was partially responsible for his loss in the last election.
However, two other things happened. The cabal went for him and he either had to confirm to their demands or step down. He was literally up against it. For goodness sake, he hired Dr Scott Atlas as a public health advisor. Dr Atlas is hardly on the same wave length as fauci and birx(who incidentally went to the scarf tying class). But for some reason he could not get rid of Deborah or Tony. After reading Robert Kennedy’s recent book about Tony, I think we understand the power this man wields. Much bigger than the POTUS.
And now I have to ask, has Donald been bought? A few billion here or there to push the koolaid. Something changed and if he ran for office tomorrow there is no way I would vote for him. He lost my loyalty and many, many others. He will never get that back.
Trump was the great white hope. That is over. We are back to politics as usual. Rotten to the core. We have the best government money can buy.
Thank you for all you do to bring clarity, data and humour to our current situation.
I can only say selfishly, I am happy I am at the end of my life. The majority are brainwashed and just too damn stupid to see what is in front of them.
Sorry for such a long response. Worried for the world.
Excellent conclusions! They all are enablers of the WEF plot against humanity:
Merry Christmas, and thank you for writing this. I am glad you were on the response team- I wish there had been more like you. Rotten to the core is sadly correct.
I think people need to move beyond Trump. Has he no self-awareness. He keeps boasting about Operation Warp speed. He may have been badly advised last year, but now he should clearly see that the vaccines have been a travesty. The fact that he is still stuck in 2020, says
America needs a new leader. DeSantis? He believes in no mandates; vax if you want, but also pushes for early treatment. He is articulate and understand what is going on.
God Bless you and your compassionate eloquent voice. May all have eyes to see and ears to hear and hearts to discern the truth. That is the bedrock of our humanity.