As always sir! Thanks for the support!!!! ❤️❤️🙌🏾

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Sir, thank you for all that you are doing!

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I thought I had found a husband & wife doctor team that I could trust until the wife asked me if I wanted to try Ozempic for weight loss. I ended up canceling my next appointment for blood workup to check levels, & spoke to the husband on the phone about my concerns with them using Ozempic for weight loss. He defended it, rather arrogantly, & insisted they weren’t making any money off it. I laughed & bid him a good day. Now I’m without a doctor I can trust. Again. This greed you speak of is harmful & finding someone who isn’t is a needle in a haystack!

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most of us do not have doctors we can trust...

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Too often, medicine takes the easiest way out of a problem. Get 'em in, do a cursory exam, and then start writing on the prescription pad. Give 'em medicine by algorithm. As long as they go home with a Rx, they will accept being shortshrifted.

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Some Humans has been indoctrinated to take a pill and not taking responsibility for what is going on in own body. Take the easy way out and wonder why they get worse then end up with a ton of pills to take.

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The facts are in, all one needs to do to loose weight is to :

-stop drinking soft drinks

-consume water alone as a thirst quencher

-no deep fried food

-limit sweets

-create active lifestyle


-no alcohol

I know an individual who at 212 pounds decided to lose weight down to 176, his high school weight at graduation decades ago. By using the top regimen, he lost 36 pounds gradually over a year, an average of three a month. Years later he has easily maintained that weight. No drugs, nothing but common sense resulting in success and years later, maintenance of that weight.

Why cannot anyone do this?


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even if one has a medical situation that predisposes weight gain, this ozempic is not the answer...evidence is accumulating how dangerous it can be

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It is not a minority that are driven by greed in the health care system at least 60% of the doctors I worked with were greedy for money and status. They easily would slip in and out of doing unethical things and not just for money. A lot of the operations or treatments that they do are poorly done or have limited or no benefit to the patient. This is getting much worse as affirmative action ramps up. About 30% of doctors were brainiacs, they are the only ones worth having as doctors . 10% were plodders. Almost all of the nurses went into nursing to marry a doctor and be rich, they laugh about it all the time. But, now they are paid a lot themselves and they have so much sway to control the entire environment , they do not need to do that. Remember their cringey dance videos. Their low productivity and lack of drive is cracking the entire system. The admininistrators almost all have poverty of thought , are untrained and incapable. When they start failing in their jobs they choose the easy, cowardly way out and do cover ups of all the bad things that are happening. The truckloads of camp followers such as human resources managers and layers of managers are utterly without value , and could probably be replaced by computer programs. Taking care of complex and physically arduous problems like medical emergencies or even routine medical treatment requires multiple people. You cannot have saboteurs and profiteers on the team, but the medical system is infested inside and from outside. Where I live one of the local newspapers slipped up and gave the name of the advertising executive , not a doctor ,that was responsible for covid regulations in the entire section of the country. Bizarrely, the Ceo of one of vaccine companies is a veterinarian who was cruel to animals. Instead of systems of safety being policy, personnel(venal personnel specifically) is policy.

The health care system has become really a collection of cartels in a rundown building. It is unpredictably dangerous which is an immoral burden on the innocent public. A 30% chance of morbidity and mortality is appalling. The covid fiasco and cowardice and complicity of the professionals was criminal. So , drive you car safely, do not do stupid things, do not eat seed oils, avoid sugar except as a rare treat. Beware there are other medications as bad as vaccinations. Don't automatically say yes to everything they suggest. There is a new area of medicine developing called integrative medicine , but whether it is genuine or a false start I cannot say.

The one good thing that has occurred because of covid is that an incredibly malevant cancer is being exposed . There have to be severe consequences (Jail for years.) and the spectacle of the consequences must be vivid and enduring. A special annual day of mourning and condemnation for what will be known as "The Genocide" is needed.

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I have at least 7 friends/accquantences taking ozempic. I’ve tried warning some of them, but their damn doctors tell them it’s worse for their health to be overweight. And they’re telling them that they can taper off the drug after they have changed their lifestyle. We all know they will gain every pound back. None of them were obese by the way. They’re all vaxxed up too so I guess it really doesn’t matter.

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Paul - Who does Smedley Butler remind you of?

Given all the Deep State lies and illusions that have been revealed during The Covid Scam, I have personally been rethinking much of what I thought I knew. Even tho I start university speeches with "We don't know much, and a lot of what we do know is wrong", I have been amazed that a how many falsehoods I have believed. I am speculating but following you from afar, I suspect you also have been amazed.

One comment I would make to Frank (but am paywalled) is that he most likely gets something critically wrong about the Business Man's alleged plot to overthrow FDR's government. I believe it was a false flag to get FDR reelected by vilifying Capitalism, Wall Street, Republicans. One indicator is that even the NYT thought it was a hoax, until it was politically expedient to use the plot to get FDR reelected as the hero of the little guy. FDR was Wall Street all the way. Another huge indicator it was a false flag is that even when the "Hero" General Smedley Butler came forward with incontrovertible evidence against the plotters, including Prescott Bush, nothing really happened. If FDR had ruined the plotters, which would have cemented him as St. Franklin of the Little Man and the Destroyer of Wall Street, he let it go. Equally important, he let the plot fade in to history even tho it was the perfect tool to beat his enemies. Forever and ever.

The following link shows that the Hero and obvious Leader of the those trying to save America was in fact a Deep State Stooge.

Part 2: Smedley Butler, “The Lying Quaker”


I don't agree with everything in this link, but it does raise some interesting questions. On paper, Smedley was the perfect hero. But Mathis said he may well have been a fraud and controlled opposition.

Remind you of anyone?

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I will share this.

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I had this weird thought about you. Which historical character best describes you?

Paul Revere - the messenger risking all to warn of coming danger.

Thomas Paine - the bomb thrower/truth teller that pisses off a lot of people.

Dr. Warren - the insider Doctor who went from privilege to Freedom's front line.

I decided while all fit to some extant, you are better describe as just Paul Alexander. That's good enough.

(In case you think I am trying to kiss your ass, you are still wrong about Trump, Bobby, etc.. but there is hope yet. And Hope is the true cry of Freedom!)

Thanks again.

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Health care has nothing to do with keeping you healthy. It's all about how sick they can keep you so you can never get off the drugs-forever wheel of death.

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Good morning, Dr. Paul. Epoch Times headline this morning supports your own:

"Cancer-Drug Costs Skyrocket, Leaving Even Insured Patients in Financial Ruin

An increase in cancer cases is putting pressure on Americans already facing a difficult situation—exorbitant drug prices, a lack of regulation, and a system that seems designed to profit, according..."

[and so we see evidence of that move, mentioned by many, to strip middle class of its wealth, moving it toward those with more wealth]

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It started with John Rockefeller 1910 Flexner Report or also known as the Rockefeller Medicine laid out the groundwork for the for profit business model. Any chiropractic practice, Chinese medicine, Naturopath medicine, homeopathy, cancer treatment center Gershwin was located in Texas had to flee into Mexico.



This set up the medical model to make profit over human life from the likes of Rockefeller. It was odd he had a homeopathy doctor and didn't utilize a sick care system doctor.

The Rockefeller medicine model along with the chemical companies or pharmakia pharma put a strangle hold on profits over life again. The newest rage is poisons from the deadliest animals around the world.







Previously Medicare did not cover weight loss drugs before and just was approved for coverage will this put a financial strain on the system into bankruptcy. Oh, forget to mention the federal deficit is about 60 trillion. It appears there will be another attempt to kill off the diabetic, overweight, or heart issues which this drug has been approved for.


https://www.healthline.com/health/drugs/ozempic-side-effects thyroid cancer risks



intestine blockage



Clean air, clean water, clean thoughts, clean grounding, clean spirit/soul meditation, movement

Metabolic dysfunction somewhere in the body start top down

toxins of any kind over time to point body cannot function properly

elimination of toxins, parasites, plastic, heavy metals, lead, aluminum, mercury any others such as candida, mold, bacteria, viral infections lyme disease

black walnut hull, ginger, garlic slow and low or get not well because move too fast pathways of elimination may not be open oh yes need to be able to remove bile 1-3 times a day if not blockage work on that

in the home toxic items may be there still using plastic to store the food then microwave 1 hour a week order safe replacements

clean the furnace vents change the air filter some people never change them yikes hepa is good

Austin or Air doctor good clean without harsh chemicals vinegar and water usually do the job bleach is over does it and if used on mold makes situation worse dehumidifier if above 50% look at the makeup phalates parabans real food if can't pronounce the chemical name do you want to really eat it

gluten and wheat have had negative impacts in people especially the roundup sprayed all over water air soil along with nitrogen left over chemical from WW II and fluoride that was used to lessen human IQ or intelligence used in Germany during holding people in camps against their will

Now today they want venoms to be the medicine to alter human DNA thru r NA mNA if you take heart medicine most is derived from snake like peptides getty up has largest catalogue of venoms around the world poor England is getting scorpion sprayed all over them DDT polio like after getting sprayed while kids at school eating lunch and said it was good for them. Please do what you can to remove these toxins from your body environment to the best of your ability and live a 100 year heart, Jack Wolfsong, cardiologist.

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