Do ya ever get the feeling that Castreau and comrades are intentionally thrusting a figurative middle finger to normal people?

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I think the biggest tragedy is that they actually believe this bulls#@t! I’m a Canadian, never voted for this guy, can’t believe people actually did and now here we are, living in clown world!

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Dominion voting machines.

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Unfortunately, I’ve come to realize that Canadians are not very politically informed. They don’t seem to really care and just vote on superficial aspects without actually knowing who and what they are voting for. Mostly naive when it comes to our country…tragically!

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Much the same in the USA...too many will only vote for the political *home team*, with no consideration of the candidate's actual policies and record. Hence, *Joe Biden*, a literal, known pathologically lying dementia victim happily elder-abused into an office his voters/abusers knew he couldn't execute.

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Or the color of his socks and his haircut!!

The guy makes me sick and nauseated!!

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And laughing like hyenas all the way to the bank to deposit their cuts from the destruction of their own society, culture, nation, and even science, biology, and nature itself... Sick. We are in a sick, sick, sick time.

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You made me cross my legs.

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Just wait for the toxic shock syndrome cases to show up in the hospitals.

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Climate change, don't you know.

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Hahahahahahahaha hahahhahaha hahahhahaha Hahahahahahahaha Hahahahahahahaha hahahhahaha Hahahahahahahaha Hahahahahahahaha hahahhahaha Hahahahahahahaha Hahahahahahahaha hahahhahaha!!!!!!!!!

Oh Canada!

Your people have worked yourselves into a laughingstock nation ruled by unserious people. Seems it all started when you allowed your rulers to disarm you. Feel better now?

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We're disarmed, yet live in a sort-of reasonable left-controlled society. Discriminating against homosexuals is frowned upon, yet transitions are hardly ever done. In '22 only 6% presenting with gender dysphoria were given puberty blockers. Tampons in male toilets?? LOL, will never happen here, we are not insane.

Oh yeah, and the govt. even offered a (half-assed) apology for injecting youth over 12.

For the last couple of years (nearly) they have been effectively banned for everyone, not just kids. No mandates ever, and I haven't seen a mask in years, sans tourists.

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That was helpful!

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thx for these figures.

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Agreed that it was stupid to relinquish arms, but having been back in this country for several years now, its not hard to see why. People have been absolutely brainwashed and are shockingly naive. Before you get too proud of your pistol, might I suggest looking around if you're stateside.There's plenty of crazy to go around on both sides of the border. Anyone with half a brain could SEE something was off with 44 and crew.

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All you have to do is look at all the “retirements” of the military brass early on. Spooky then. And the media’s silence made it clear to me the fix was in ….. uggggh.

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True. The Dope took that from the Obummer playbook. No doubt its a very old and well used tactic going back millennia.

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Good God. Under Barky Barky it was a bloodbath!

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So, Dr. A - Which is the idiot & which is the tampon??? I'm thinking True-dope is actually the tampon... lol

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Trudouche and his tampons.

Appropriate, oui?

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Homosexuals use tampons for loose bowel syndrome. Ya, it’s a thing.

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Gtoss! Makes me think about vomiting!

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New ones make great swizzle sticks in a pinch :)

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Will A 2024 Liberal-NDP Merger Preserve Trudeau's Dictatorship? https://bradsalzberg.substack.com/p/will-a-2024-liberal-ndp-merger-preserve

"It's one key reason for an out-of-control immigration policy forced upon Canadians against their will. Add even 20 million citizens, who entered the country at a time when the Liberals are in power. The Conservatives-- or any other political competitor-- wouldn't stand a hope in Hades of winning a federal election.

Presto! Canada transitions to a one-party dictatorship.

CAP are not complete fools. We understand the speculative nature of what is being presented. Hell, even 16th century visionary Nostradamus would have trouble with this one.

We go back to our original proclamation upon hearing the news of a Trudeau-Liberal victory in October, 2015.

The incident marks the beginning of the end of a free and democratic society.

R.I.P Canada, 1867-2105."

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Masculinity can be both strong and compassionate. It becomes toxic in pursuing criminals and psychopaths. Actually, women are the same. They can apply formidable toxicity to idiots like Trudeau and the woke mafia in the US who are poisoning the next generations. Guess what? 25% of US voters refused the shots. They are a one-issue electorate. And a good fraction of those coerced or deceived into taking them are not pleased with that or with the pathetic anti-meritocracy woke agenda undermining our country. The data are catching up with the perpetrators. So c’mon people now, smile on our children, everybody get together, give the boot to the losers right now. Right Now! Right now! Some folk singer out there help me with these lyrics.

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For those who like to dress up and pretend, buy your own costume accouterments.

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As a lifelong Canadian, I can taste the vomit.

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I can't comprehend that very few of us can see the smokescreen of all the combined nonsense, does anyone in any country have the expertise to follow where the $$ finally land, I'm sure this will answer how the smart/stupidity operates

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Canadians ought to stick one in every cavity Castrudeau has ears, nose mouth, tail...he is a very sick "thing."

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Paul, it is of critical value that the NWO/UN elevate females and homosexuals while simultaneously destroying the nuclear family replacing with racks of babies grown from petri dishes. Huxley's Neo-Matriarchy. As Huxley sorted out the above, he knew that drugs, no marriages, serial sexual playthings, all were part of the Bilderberg sense of power maintenance. One more item: keep repeating the same programmed lies to immature peoples, most not maturing EVER, they will believe.

View Justin the Trilateral asset in the above light and then he makes perfect logical sense, in the world of insane infantile greedy anti-Christ Power E;lite that slowly erode every blessing Christ handed us.

Only the elect are immune. But there is not enough of us.

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What precisely has the Dope done to elevate females, aside from referring to himself as a "feminist", which is just the female version of communism? Nothing. He has done nothing but harm women. It is "their" goal to be rid of women. This much is clear.

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I'd like to see the instructions for theen on how/where to insert those tampons.

Truedohboi is a whackjob

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These feckless, self aggrandizing narcissist neoLiberals are the result of the first of the dumbed down WEF indoctrinated generations. The worst of this societal dumbing down product is still to come but they will be so incapable as to not even get corruption right let alone the central planning of millions.

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I say nearly daily, can things get any crazier? My answer is always the same: Hell Yes! Canada, once a great country, now being driven into the ground by these clowns. :(

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