So what we experienced was basically respiratory viruses whether flu ,the common cold or Covid,all branded as COVId and then the patients killed by ; denial of antibiotics for secondary bacterial infections and or remdesivir induced liver and kidney failure.

This was done to maximize fear ,pain ,suffering and death to soften up the population for COVId 19 mass pseudo vaccination which would induce amongst other things ; anaphylaxis, blood clots ,myocarditis ,endocarditis ,pericarditis , sudden cardiac arrest ,encephalitis ,diabetes,stroke ,pulmonary embolism ,heart failure, cancer,antibiotic resistance and an early death.

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yes over target

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Dr. Yeadon would not agree since he thinks viruses don't exist.

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I was frontline in a clinic setting. Had many patients daily and never got sick. Not once!

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why? how come?

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Do you attribute that to cross-reactive antibodies from previous corona virus infections ,or to a regimen of antiviral supplements and medications?

Or a combination of both?

I had read somewhere that 15% of the population cannot catch COVId because of cross reactive antibodies from previous coronavirus infections, which protect them from COVId

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What virus ? Please point me towards the experiement that has isolated, purified, found seperate from other genetic/ biological material the 'virus', as commonly defined, using a valid scientific method.

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Dr. S. Bhakdi figured out why - years ago!


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Dr A, concentrate on covid and stop commenting on geo politics. Covid was a giant scam… a stalinesque terror campaign. But the republican party under a second trump term is not going to fix anything. The solutions to all these problems do not lie in politics or public policy. There are no political or public policy solutions for most of the problems that we face. The way to solve the problems is to eliminate government intrusion. Government at all levels all over the world must be cut back by 99%, the US government must be cut back and defaulted to the level it was before the American Civil War

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Just unfortunately spent my time today talking to a sheeple idiot who's son in law, a doctor at a hospital, said to her that the ONLY patients on ventilators are those that are NOT vaxxed. I was like, that's not possible. I was stunned at the ignorance of the situation that I didn't get to respond with the most probable fact that they are still giving the deadly protocol to only the unvaxxed and that's why they're on the ventilators IF that's even true.

I could go on with the twisted ignorance of the woman but I won't except for this piece. She stated that all drugs have bad things in them which she appeared to be upset about. However, when it came to the cvd vax she VOLUNTEERED to get it. I said the paper the vax came with was blank so it was impossible for anyone to know what was in the vax to get informed and give consent based on being informed which goes against the Nuremberg Code (which doesn't seem to matter anymore), the Helsinki doctrine, our Bill of RIghts, etc). Wait, one more absurdity that came out of her mouth... the reason that the vax was created and administered so quickly wasn't because of what we all know but rather they didn't have to go through all the bureaucracy. I was floored. I couldn't believe my ears. You can't make this type of ignorance up. It's right up there with the one a woman said to me about organic food. She literally said, "When you touch organic food, it's no longer organic, right?" I really need to scream into a pillow right now!!!!!!!

I've got to remember to NOT talk with these sheeple. They actually choose to be fooled. It's fascinating and infuriating because they are hurting all of us both physically (by shedding) and by promoting lies through their ignorance which is taking down OUR country.

I've got to remember what Mark Twain said, "Never argue with an idiot. They will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.”

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Any brief period of time that the "unvaccinated" made up the majority of the ventilated starts with A protocol design to skew toward unvaccinated and B the delay period of 2 weeks after most "up-to-date" shot or "booster". SO like all things Coronamania that was datacrime for the purpose of buttressing lies.

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There was no contagion except of the mind. Everything was a lie!

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The myth of asymptomatic spread was fear tactic to keep us suspicious of each other, especially the unvaccinated. It was part of the propaganda campaign.

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About 2 weeks in, I figured it was a virus…, viruses have been around since the beginning of time. Never believed in the PCR.

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Show me the virus, any virus, lab-cooked, dangerous or benign using A VALID SCIENTIFIC METHOD !

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My only thing is I've never seen that many people get sick from a cold or flu be lined up around the corner from hospitals....but I also want to agree with you because I know they lied about something....is there more explanation and details you can present us? I would like to hear more

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The = They

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I could swear your friend Pierre Kory believes in asymptomatic transmission of coofid! :/

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its not true, never was...its like recurrent infection pre omicron...we could find not 1 bona fide case of recurrent infection. anyone can believe anything they want, its if it is true...Pierre is a good guy...

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I do not know if Pierre is a good guy or not, but I did read or watch a video somewhere in one of Sage Hana’s many stacks that Pierre believed in asymptomatic transmission or maybe he said it at the latest Ron Johnson hearings, I can’t remember, but Sage is on his case…


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asymptomatic was never real.

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Apr 19
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I like but after courts and judges

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