Wow!!! How can people remain so blind? Of course this will never be reported by mainstream and CDC keeps no records like this on purpose. Disgusting

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Please start referring to the PANDEMIC OF THE VACCINATED

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We had a choice at the beginning of all this, to allow nature to do its thing and create herd immunity through the healthy population, while protecting the vulnerable. Instead, we did the opposite of what has been known to be "how this herd immunity thing works."

Dissenting voices of common sense were silenced and ridiculed and sidelined. Fear was allowed to overtake and create hypervigilant hypochondriacs and germaphobes. Hatred and scorn were stirred up for the anti-vaxxers and anti-maskers.

We are injecting the healthy part of the population with toxic who-knows-what, and ruining not only individual immune systems, but the immunity of the herd, through the damage and the creation of new variants.

What a world.

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I appreciate the information you provide. I often share on the Facebook page for Oregon health authority. The response is about 50 50. Some appreciate the info, the other half thinks my information is tainted conspiracy theories. I keep trying 😊

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Wake up! Interesting on the history of East German oppression lingering for decades! Maybe like trauma!

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Jun 28, 2022·edited Jun 28, 2022

The far South of West Germany, did an ok job, too! 👍 God bless them! --- Edited, because I fat fingered the letters on my phone. 🙄😕

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June 24, 2022: EU Renews Digital Covid Pass Despite 99% Negative Public Feedback


The renewal of the Digital Covid Certificate does not mean that it will be immediately applied, but that the infrastructure will remain in place and that it can be applied if and when member states see fit to do so.

The current rules for holding a valid EU Digital Covid Certificate do not only, needless to say, discriminate against the unvaccinated, but also against natural immunity, which is treated as more ephemeral than vaccine-induced immunity.

Proof of completed primary vaccination makes a certificate valid for 270 days; proof of having received a booster dose confers unlimited validity for the moment. On the other hand, proof of “recovery” – with a positive PCR test being the only accepted proof – only confers 180 days of validity.

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I happen to live there, in the south east of Germany. People's mentally is a bit like in Texas, Florida and rual Oregon.

Quite a strong cutting edge (high tech) industrial economic core, paired with low expectations and low trust in government institutions and institutions in general. People like to be left alone and smell government propaganda from miles away. People are well experienced with totalitarianism, a thing the people in US are about to be learning. Enter the country side and you're lucky that there's no 2nd amendment here. Hard core Nazi settlements are real and thriving at a low level. A separate story.

Larger cities are progressive to a certain degree and have a much higher jab rate. Covid regulations are the much needed pseudo religion for a lot of people and they would like to keep them forever.

My guess for lower rates is because: less jabs, less boosters, very much less voluntary testing, lower population densities, more outdoor activities. higher natural immunity due to past waves. relatively more elderly population that didn't already die (a lot died in 2021 through), so relatively less triple jabbed millennials getting infected continuously.

also in the past there was a stringent mandatory childhood vax schedule mostly for MMR and pox that maybe plays a role in cross immunity or priming, but may be not.

It seems like the stubborn crazy weirdo outlaws that distrust institutions are the ones that will safe the day when everyone jabbed is to sick to work or slowly dying. such irony, given all the hatred and division that still is in the air.

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It’s ironic that the Global Elites are decimating their strongest supporters with mass/multiple vaccination.

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Jun 28, 2022·edited Jun 28, 2022

of course, this was obvious common sense from the beginning. everyone was blaming the unvaccinated for the variants but what pressure could those of us who didn't have covid- or did and got over it- place on the virus?

the virologists on TWIV tried to say (and still do) that no vaccine is ever really sterilizing. vaccines just prevent serious illness and death and always have; end of story.

just think back and remember all those massive outbreaks of polio, measles and chickenpox that occurred AFTER the vaccines were introduced. remember your parents making you wear a mask and not allowing you to play with your friends who might pass polio onto you?

no? neither can i because it NEVER happened!! i've been vaccinated for polio, TB and smallpox, one flu shot and two tentanus shots. my parents never worried that i might get polio. they didn't call the priest for last rites when i had measles.

these guys are going back and erasing history, trying to replace it with one that better matches the outcomes. those of us with memories better hang onto them

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Yep…all our lives lies, agendas, and dramas

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Clearly, the former East Germans don't like the west's Crony Communist Capitalism much more than they liked the Stasi's brand of Surveillance Communism.

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And when our fat friend, the self-seeking fool, Boris Johnson, was locking us down in England, the one person on the street who said: "This is wrong. This is Communism," was someone from a former Communist country. We in the West were gullible because the past had not prepared us.

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From the start of the “vaccine” roll out I have always felt sadness for those who rushed out to get the “vaccine” consequently becoming superspreaders as a result of disease enhancement. We couldn’t get the information out quick enough. The unvaccinated are more fortunate certainly not superior. The unvaccinated are the ones who will have to mop up the mess.

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The "Ossis" (former DDR-citizens) are much more critical and have better media skills than the West Germans due to the Ossis' long experience with communist propaganda. Most West Germans are still too naive when it comes to geopolitical topics. They are "wirtschaftswunderverwöhnt" (← deepl translates this as "economic miracle spoiled" ;) ).

You see it with the Green movement: They have become so used to their luxury, that they no longer know that it takes work to generate it.

The Federal Republic of Germany will collapse in the months to come. It has to collapse, because the whole system has become totally unfunctional an corrupt. From my (German) perspective, my country has become very un-German in many ways:

Too many people don't think things through anymore, they don't speak the truth straight out anymore (nor do they seek it uncomprimisingly), they don't care for German families anymore. They forgot about God, forgot about our part in the play of Creation and forgot about our history and traditions. Too many Germans are in deep sleep (still!). This is why the chances of surviving the next few months are slim for many people.

But there is also a chance that the coming events will wake up a large portion of the population - a much larger portion than the 20% or so unvaccinated we currently have. I think the next few years will mean a new beginning for Germany, a new beginning in which we become aware again of who we actually are and in which we are, I hope, free from the dictates of third parties - be they based in Brussels, Washington, Moscow or elsewhere.

May God bless Germany and may he bless the United States as well! Because you are in for a time that is at least as exciting as ours...

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what a bullshit - this map has turned sides in the past 12 months twice

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