I have no problem believing this. Europe has a massive problem with jihadists.

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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G45WthPTo24 We really must thank Barbara Lerner, HAIS, and the jews, for pushing these goat lovers upon us, while practicing apartheid, and enjoying a giant cement wall at home in Israel (that we paid for).

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What about psych meds as a factor? They've certainly been linked to many of the mass shootings here in the US in the last few decades.

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There was a substantial investigation and a report was published. Andreas Lubitz, the co-pilot had battled with vision problems and insomnia for several months, it said, caused by a psychiatric disorder rather than anything physical. He was taking medication for both psychiatric issues and insomnia, and had been given doctor's notes excusing him from work. But he never showed them to the airline.

On the day of the crash the co-pilot was still suffering from a psychiatric disorder, which was possibly a depressive episode and was taking psychotropic medication," the report found.

"This made him unfit to fly."

But the report found he had hidden the evidence, and neither the airline nor his colleagues could have known about his circumstances. He changed the aircraft's guidance into a crash pattern within seconds of the pilot stepping out of the cockpit, likely to go to the washroom.

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Yes, I recall the facts as being the same as what you have reported. I believe it's quite common that the pilots conceal their psychiatric episodes and use of psychiatric medication from their employer and safety regulators, out of fear of loss of employment. Some of them may have masked depression and not exhibit any overt indicators. Their supervisors should be trained to notice flat affect, fake smiles, averted eye contact, any overt autonomic reactivity, such as deep sighing or cold, moist palms when they shake hands and any signs of motor agitation or retardation, as well as the more obvious things like hand tremors, repetitive swallowing and so forth. This problem, of pilots becoming unfit to fly, is only going to get worse now that so many pilots have had the slab jab.

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Knew that from the second of heard this story???

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Apr 16, 2023·edited Apr 16, 2023

Just like Ma15 but that was an Alien aduction...

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Read the report. My guess suicidal ideation combined with major psychiatric problems. No history of religious ideation and no pronunciation of gods greatness before impact. Unless the report was altered but my guess unlikely in this case. Either way I hope the bastard burns in hell.

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Are pilots random urine tested for drugs?

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Plane was remote controlled. There was a passenger they wanted to eliminate, so they killed everyone on board.

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From what I have been learning these past few years, no hypothesis is too far fetched. After all, they sunk the Titanic, which actually was the previously built and irreparably damaged Olympia ship, (just repainted names, identical in appearance except for 2 port holes), to get rid of the 3 bankers who objected to the Fed bank and also collect on insurance payout rather than scrap payment for Olympia.

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