Sadly, very very sadly, there are many people still eagerly accepting this insanity.

We are estranged from many of our family because we are not obeying the guidance of experts.

F them.

My son in law called me "sick" bc I refuse to engage in this hysteria.

Well, because of that, we are also for the past 18+ months unable to see, visit, speak to, call or have a relationship with them or their 3 adorable kiddos.

We are living in shitty times

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Fools they are, and false accusers.

Isaiah 54:17

No weapon that is fashioned against you shall succeed, and you shall refute every tongue that rises against you in judgment. This is the heritage of the servants of the Lord and their vindication from me, declares the Lord.

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Your son-idiot-law is a dumbass! 😑

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Your Son in Law is not only stupid, is is an idiot!

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Your son in law is "sick".

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BA.1 was the original Omicron variant. Probably 1/2 of Americans had a past Omicron infection so we have robust antibodies. Better yet if never took any Jabs to damage immune system.

I have zero concern about any Omicron derived virus. I probably wouldn't even know if I was sick , but might develop even stronger antibodies.

Bring it on. I have no worry. I still have every method of treatment available including Povidone-Iodine mouthwash, but don't think they are needed. Everyone should keep some Mucinex DM around, if excessive coughing or phlegm

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Sep 7, 2023·edited Sep 7, 2023

You keep misspelling the 'Crapola' sub-variant, Paul.

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'Payola' seems to be the best name, given how much the Uniparties throughout the snivelized world are paying Big Pharma for shots.

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The new variant can be named IMAFUCKINGIDIOT and my 81 year old aunt will mow them all down to get her jab!

The fact these jabs are "free" won her over BIG TIME!

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It should be called BS24/7 variant.

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Don't forget the all-important period: BS.24/7

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It's literally costing some people an arm and a leg, actually more likely costing some more vital organ(s).

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Limbs, organs and SOULS they are losing and polluting.

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That's unfortunate. Is your aunt Jewish?

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People need to wake up to the bogus PCR test that has been driving this scam. The tests are completely meaningless.

Here are some of my links to share with anyone who still does not get it:

Video: “Crimes Against Humanity”: The German Corona Investigation. “The PCR Pandemic”


COVID-19 Testing Scandal Deepens


Why PCR Tests Are the Wrong Tool to Assess Pandemic Threat.

As explained by Dr. Lee Merritt in her August 2020 Doctors for Disaster Preparedness1 lecture, featured in “How Medical Technocracy Made the Plandemic Possible,” media and public health officials appear to have purposefully conflated “cases” or positive tests with the actual illness. Medically speaking, a “case” refers to a sick person. It never ever referred to someone who had no symptoms of illness. Now all of a sudden, this well-established medical term, “case,” has been arbitrarily redefined to mean someone who tested positive for the presence of noninfectious viral RNA. As noted by Merritt, “That is not epidemiology. That’s fraud.” The CT Is the Key to the Pandemic By running PCR tests at 40 to 45 amplification cycles, you end up with the false appearance of an outbreak, and this grossly flawed testing scheme is what government leaders are basing their mask mandates and lockdown orders on.

Bulgarian Pathology Association: Covid-19 PCR Tests Are Scientifically Meaningless


Covid-19 PCR Tests are Scientifically Meaningless


Covid-19 Test is Scientific Fraud


NY TIMES: Up to 90% Who’ve Tested COVID-Positive Wrongly Diagnosed! TRUTH: A Whole Lot Worse! https://jamesfetzer.org/2020/10/ny-times-up-to-90-whove-tested-covid-positive-wrongly-diagnosed-truth-a-whole-lot-worse/

COVID19 PCR Tests are Scientifically Meaningless Though the whole world relies on RT-PCR to “diagnose” Sars-Cov-2 infection, the science is clear: they are not fit for purpose Torsten Engelbrecht and Konstantin Demeter


WHO Finally Admits PCR Tests Create False Positives


The PCR False Positive Pseudo-Epidemic


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Dr. Lee Merritt's analyses and advice are especially valuable.

I'm wondering, though, why is this (formerly) board certified orthopedic surgeon, having performed thousands of successful joint and spine surgeries - no longer operating - instead working out of an Onawa Iowa storefront doing tattoo removals?

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The Bulgarian Pathology Association is one of my go-to sources when I'm trying to get past all of the woke muck.

I was excited to see your link to their March 2020 press conference transcript. Unfortunately, their entire website - bpa-pathology.com - has been down for weeks.

Would you have a copy of that document that you would be willing to share?

Thank you so much.

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I stopped taking them seriously when I found out what the word 'Pirola' really means. It's old Castilian for 'penis', male member. They really think they're funny now. Perverts & despicable demons who jeer with ancient witchcraft weaving spells with words.

Ex: just can't shake this pirola... hilarious if you're a demon infested gov emp lookin for a cheap laugh. Freaks.

Credit to Melissa at Truthstream media.

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BS.666 scariant

The Corona PSYOP: Rise In Cases

Reminder: The diabolical PSYOP and satanic mockery must go on. Nothing in this scripted satanic show is by accident.


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BTW….the word pirola means (in vulgar/slang) male sex organ in many languages.

They mock us openly.

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Now, hang on, everybody.

Perhaps we should at least "pretend" to be scared of this new, Omicron-level variant. Otherwise, the DoD and their masters may grow restless and decide to unleash the next, likely more lethal bioweapon. At least until the perps are rounded up, tried, found guilty, and incarcerated...

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Again, it’s all so…yawn!

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This Coronavirus should be called the Penis strain. Have a listen...this is broken down well...https://youtu.be/FEzD3FnsIOc?si=lb2AeUO1S5a0BuQw - Truthstream Media

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I will argue that vaccines can never work in a predictable manner against any coronavirus. There was an article earlier this year from Fauci where he claimed that a coronavirus can never be cornered because it is continuously mutating even in the absence of vaccines.

What this means is that a virus will mutate whether you vaccinate or not. It does not have intelligence to figure out that it facing a hindrance from any kind of vaccine. It just mutates because that is its nature. The faster the mutation, the more hopeless the task of controlling it.

Thus an ideal covid vaccine would offer mental satisfaction and nothing more. It is like health insurance— it will not come through when you need it.

The biggest problem seems to be providing safe space for the virus to mutate and launch variants to the population. I have noticed that Covid vaccinated are sniffing all day long the way cocaine addicts do. I suspect their immune systems are in a fight.

IMO, adverse events from ingredient chemicals in vaccines is the problem from business perspective.. Given this, the best course of action for Pharma is to simply supply distilled water. Pharma has the same problem that virus has — not to kill its patrons. They need to control the adverse events and thanks to cover from agencies, they’ll have a booming business.

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BA.1 was the original Omicron variant. Probably 1/2 of Americans had a past Omicron infection so we have robust antibodies. Better yet if never took any Jabs to damage immune system.

I have zero concern about any Omicron derived virus. I probably wouldn't even know if I was sick , but might develop even stronger antibodies.

Bring it on. I have no worry. I still have every method of treatment available including Povidone-Iodine mouthwash, but don't think they are needed. Everyone should keep some Mucinex DM around, if excessive coughing or phlegm

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BA.1 was the original Omicron variant. Probably 1/2 of Americans had a past Omicron infection so we have robust antibodies. Better yet if never took any Jabs to damage immune system.

I have zero concern about any Omicron derived virus. I probably wouldn't even know if I was sick , but might develop even stronger antibodies.

Bring it on. I have no worry. I still have every method of treatment available including Povidone-Iodine mouthwash, but don't think they are needed. Everyone should keep some Mucinex DM around, if excessive coughing or phlegm

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Dr. Paul, I am confused by what appears to be contradictory information here. Near the beginning of this article you state: "Note, a virus will always seek to not arrive at an evolutionary dead-end (death of it the virus as it kills you out, it never wants to do that), it wants to survive and use your cellular metabolic machinery to replicate itself and so will select for mutations and variants that result in it being ‘milder’, more infectious but less lethal." However near the end in the next to last paragraph you state: "Our fear is that a lethal humanity altering sub-variant could emerge that could kill millions." Please explain. Thank you.

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Vaccines don't hit things.

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