So , what are we , they going to do about it ?

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-['''''Тḣе ǵⅼоḃаⅼіѕtѕ іո tḣе ոеԝ ԝοrⅼḋ οrḋеr аrе рսttіոǵ tḣе ΜŔΝÁ ⅴах іո уоսr fοоḋ уоս ոееḋ tо ḋο tḣіѕ ΑЅΑР

Ꮩіѕіt... https://disq.us/url?url=https%3A%2F%2Frileynews3.blogspot.com%3AHAW6AfCqoi3IVA9_fgrwpTurf5E&cuid=fyu676

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And dont forget the most unlawful, Barry Soetoro.

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As if it couldn't be any thicker already.

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My brother sent a TikTok of the Demon lying narcissist Fauci stating "we must not normalize falsehoods". How sickening 👹

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Let me understand. The Administration is unconstitutional and all acts are illegal and unconstitutional. This I grasp.

No one will enforce the law. This too I understand.

The problem with this isn’t the truth of the matter but rather what is to be done and not discussed. Millions of people vaccinated and millions are injured and dying. Nothing is done except doubling down on propaganda. Biden is allowed to destroy the country and people except elections matter?

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Like most other comments so isn’t this just par for the course for this bunch!!! I can ASSURE YOU that every administration is corrupt and has some degree of ineptitude, but this bunch takes both of those to never before seen levels of flat out piracy, skullduggery and complete and total idiocy!!! What they aren’t mangling, perverting and subjugating on purpose they are by total bafoonery just fucking up because of their stupidity!!! I’m betting a bunch of grade schoolers from Northern Virginia, or even inner city D.C., could run a government better than this boatload of road whores and gutter sluts!!!

And like others are asking... what will be done about it???

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Most of Bidens Cabinet seems to have not been sworn in. Is this why they seem to have an allegiance to something else besides the Constitution?


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Todd Calendar said the same.

Not legally sworn in. Oaths aren’t notarized

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When you operate above the law you ignore details such as reappointment protocols, use of public servers for top secret correspondence, errant laptops full of incriminating evidence, and illegal drugs in your desk. Nothing is illegal when you’ve got the law in your back pocket.

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Apparently, no one in the administration’s oath of office are legal.

They aren’t notarized.

According to Todd Calendar

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Ꮩіѕіt... https://disq.us/url?url=https%3A%2F%2Frileynews3.blogspot.com%3AHAW6AfCqoi3IVA9_fgrwpTurf5E&cuid=jhfyt78689

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