Walking the Medical BS back! The true goal is still being pushed BIG TIME! Annual Mandated injections to keep Big Pharma profitable. They have pushed oral forms of drugs as far as they can and now need to move on to nano drug injections to stay profitable! https://thomasabraunrph.substack.com/p/mandated-annual-injections

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Read your substack post - good.

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Thanks..Been in the Rx Drug business all my life and I can spot the con quickly!

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Nature is China’s bitch.

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SARS Covid-2 originated in the minds of medical terrorists, like most viruses and germ theory components. Prove it exists by testing 1,000 used masks and finding all those little covid viruses trapped within them. For once, prove that virology is real and that these viruses exist beyond all the fundamentally flawed computer algorithms, utter guess work and estimation.

Which medical facility/lab/agency has the copies of Covid-19 viruses with which all proposed sightings/discoveries are compared? Even the stupid CDC admits they have no references and you would expect such a vitally important agency (what they might believe of themselves) would have copies of the virus for easy comparisons. Nope, they do not. Why not after nearly 3 years have they not been able to capture the virus in an autopsy, or from a mask or from the air?

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Oh no, they were going to vaccinate those bats so as to protect humanity from the horrible coronavirus they developed in the captive Uyghur population for the express purpose of vaccinating bats against it.

At least, that is what they said, leaving out the Uyghurs of course, but that is exactly why Fauci and Baric and company took it to China via Obama's orders.

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