Having worked with the criminally insane, I second your motion of the death penalty in certain cases. Those "mentally ill" basically had IQs high enough to fool the average MD, Atty, Judge. Since they have no moral compass, anything goes. I had read the story of a "criminally insane" man, I think from Hawaii, who was able to get on a flight to the US? or somewhere. Ain't too crazy to fool that many people.

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Great post, agree. Only part I disagree with is about not handling firearms unless you are in danger. It’s very important to get comfortable and practice regularly in no-threat conditions, so that one CAN successfully neutralize a threat safely while under pressure.

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As much as I support your cause, this is where I beg to differ.

Are people supposed to start bringing guns to the grocery store??!

That young man is mentally disturbed. He was allowed to fall through the cracks, despite writing about shooting up the school prom or such. Hello??!!

The serious issue we have here is the extreme lack of proper mental health resources. NY has been cutting that budget for over the past 30 years if not longer.

The waiting list for group homes/permanent housing can be as long as 7 years.

That is just the tip of the iceberg

Your lack of compassion, I’m going to say understanding of mental illness is distressing. I realize you are deeply upset which is transferring to anger.

But more guns are NOT the “solution”.

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The problem many gun carriers have identified in those scenarios is that they are afraid to take their weapon out for fear of being misidentified as the perpetrator. Also, in an adrenaline-producing scenario like that, hitting a moving target who is shooting back is very problematic. I just can't buy the argument that if everyone was armed, we'd all be safer.

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Teachers don't want guns, except to kill us evil Russians.

They were told to hate Russia.

When you have to arm the teachers to protect your schools. That is called a failed state.

We live in killafornia, in a failed nation

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Your totally underwater on race issues Alexander.

You want to reduce black homicides and crime in black neighborhoods, pass a federal law that the black race cannot own guns. Confiscate them.

Then watch what happens to crime stats in this country.

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Would also have been nice if the 911 operator didn't hang up on the woman calling from inside the grocery store because the operator couldn't understand that a caller might have a reason to whisper. Honest to God! No evil involved but we are talking about the most unqualified 911 operator of all time.

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I have conflicting feelings about this. 18 is so young, and apparently not even old enough to rationally decide to smoke or drink. If he was 17, do as many people want the death penalty?

I must admit though, I am mostly against the death penalty. Locking him away for life accomplishes the same goal and I sort of think a truly civilized society should not be committing murder. Death penalty mostly indulges the emotional drive for revenge and does not bring anyone back to life. I do understand that the tax payers should not have to pay the exorbitant costs to keep someone alive, but a lot of the costs are escalated due to government inefficiency.

I respect anyone who disagrees and do not think situations like this have an easy solution. I pray for a day when humanity can evolve past this behavior, though I harbor no delusion that is remotely possible.

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It's mostly the blacks like BLM that kill each other and cops with guns they don't need to be allowed to own them they get guns like they get Crack or heroin. Their are more criminals that are black or Hispanic or Muslim than whites.I'm sick of the media portraying whites that shoot somewhere up different than they do minorities.they just sweep it under the rug when one of them does it.

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Shooter wore body armour

A guard shot him but the armour stopped it, and the guard died. The shooter shot him.

Sure, give out guns and covid tests to all, great idea

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