I trust NOTHING!

You can take that "phase 3 clinical trial", the dead eight mice, remdesivir, and all the creepy shit you concoct and stick it straight up your ass.

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It was very effective at killing the elderly. It worked like a charm when combined with a ventilator.

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That was the plan. Kill the useless eaters. Deaths au - a 20% increase from n excess mortality in older Australians.

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That is how they murdered my brother

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I'm sorry to hear that. It's dreadful what they've done.

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Dear Mr. Alexander,

Re: “ Remdesivir “

( ought to be renamed Rem-DAMN-severe )

You forgot these parts :

1. Dr. Death-and-Di$ability-FaUci has hi$ name on its patent !!!

2. It rapidly wipes out the kidneys’ functions

3. For the first 2-yrs of the PLANNED-demic / SCAM-demic, it was the ONLY authorized treatment for the CONvid19 virus in ICU units when family members and other observer-guardians were locked out of those hospitalized death traps !

4. Compared to a wide range of other Covid-19 Tx protocols tried by courageous doctors, Remdesivir was the LEAST effective and most expensive around $3,350 a pop !!! = windfall$ above and beyond the other incentive$ offered to hospitals’ Adminis-traitor$.

( which, if ya didn’t know, is kinda important with ANY infections )

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The FDA has failed to meet even ONE regulatory criteria that makes ANY sense. Crooks, thiefs, profiteers, engaged in the most heinous kinds of perpetual jackassery.

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Remdesivir was developed by those evil mad scientists at UNC Chapel Hill.

The same "doctor" who worked with the Bat Lady of Wuhan to weaponize the coronavirus.


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You're a heads up observer of things, Kathleen, have you taken up and considered that a group of distinguished physicians and academicians have stated unequivocably that viruses "do not exist"? If this is so, just exactly what did Bat Lady and her alter-husband Bat Man really do in the Wuhan lab? Were they really up to hanky-panky or were they doing science? That is the big question.

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People who argue whether or not viruses exist are missing the bigger picture in regard to covid.

Covid was a bioweapon that was developed in UNC Chapel Hill and funded by the US government.

The mad scientists published a paper together in 2015 about bat coronaviruses showing potential for human emergence.

Think about it...2015 that paper was published (scroll down a little bit in the article).


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According to https://c19early.org, Remdesivir may save one life for every $363,922 spent.

There are at least 12 substances that may save one life for every $8 to $100 spent, and many of those can be taken every day for life.

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They must’ve given it to my uncle. Theres a reason why they wouldn’t allow visitors in. So they can kill as many people as they can all for the $$$.

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How many people did remdesivir kill when used to treat other diseases?

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Well, it had a 53% death rate when used to treat Ebola patients...so there's that...

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Makes you wonder doesn’t it how many people Ebola actually kills or is it whatever the “medicine” the WHO/CIA are treating the poor Africans with that catch Ebola!!!

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Good point.

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It was the first drug to be eliminated in the Ebola trials, as it was killing too many of the trial participants. Bingo! They had the perfect drug to push on the unsuspecting in the hospitals during the scamdemic.

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Many nurses refer to Remdesivir as 'Run! Death Is Near!'

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They gave it to Trump???

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Yeah they did. He took it. Would you?

Trump receiving remdesivir antiviral drug as part of experimental treatment. The president received his first dose Friday night. (10/04/2020)


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Probably not. There were a limited number of specialists I trusted. I researched studies that were done; found it interesting that studies were not coming out of Canada, USA. Read what CDC had on masks since 1918/19. Spent hours translating what other places (normal citizens) were saying about COVID on Facebook. Reviewed how infection had affected my siblings with CF. Heeded to the Thai-German doctor how the spike protein would affect cardio system and brain. As for the shot…big NO …reviewed Nobel Peace winning doctors discovery of how shots destroyed the immunity of kids and lead to Leukaemia.

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Not that I know of.

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