
Pandemic Amnesty? Not a Chance in Hell

by Amazing Polly

November 1, 2022



Polly St. George's website is https://amazingpolly.net/

In this video she comments on the Atlantic Monthly magazine article by Emily Oster, "Let's Declare a Pandemic Amnesty"




POLLY ST. GEORGE: [quoting Emily Oster] She says, "In the face of so much uncertainty, getting something right had a hefty element of luck."

No it didn't!

[quoting Emily Oster] "And, similarly, getting something wrong wasn't a moral failing."

Maybe not. Maybe not. On the part of regular moms and dads and sisters and brothers and cousins. But anybody in the industry, medical, media, public health, local government, school boards, police, any of those people, getting something wrong was not only a moral failing but it was a professional failing. Duty of care. OK?

[quoting Emily Oster] "Treating pandemic choices as a score card on which some people racked up more points than others is preventing us from moving forward."

She is trivializing and minimizing. Classic narcissist fauxpology. Weaseling out of having to take any responsibility for—- Oh, yeah, you scored some points and I scored some points, let's not be petty! She's the one trying to add a score card in here so that, huh, it looks like there was good points on either side. Well I really don't think there were.

Hey! That just reminded me of something. Do you remember when, really early on in Trump's presidency and that Charlottesville thing happened and there was kind of a clash between two sides, or at least that's the way media made it appear, and he said there were good people on both sides. And everyone came down hard on him. You can't say that! It was, one side was good and one side was bad. Remember? Well, didn't Emily just say that, basically? "There was good points and good people on both sides."

I don't think there were really good people on both sides of this, to be honest with you. There were people who were trying to be calm and rational and reasonable and keep personal freedom intact while balancing out the fear that was caused by this virus that was going around. And then there were people like this, who said—

[reading from the front page of The Toronoto Star, August 2022] "I have no empathy left for the wilfully unvaccinated. Let them die."

"Unvaccinated patients do not deserve ICU beds."

"No jab no job."

Hey, too bad if your elderly loved one is fading away in this nursing home [plays video, presumably FaceTime, of an elderly woman imploring her son, crying in despair at the screen. Son says: "[inaudible] Ma [inaudible] sickening. I love you!" Mother: [inaudible, clearly very distressed]. Son: "I wish I can change it all."]

POLLY ST. GEORGE: You can't go in and see them, you're not allowed to take that risk on your own. There were cases where people tried to get their elderly loved ones out of long term care and they were prevented from doing so. And look, it's easy to say, oh, that's headlines, that's hysterical, most people, there were no people really talking like that out there.

There most certainly were! And I would bet every one of you met up with them when you were out and about. I certainly did. I was attacked numerous times. Dehumanized many times out there. And everyone I know has had similar experiences.

So yes, I had relatives tell me, too bad for you, if they ever do prevent you from going into the grocery store, you'll either have to get the shot or starve.

This is real. This really happened. So I don't buy this good people on both sides argument, Emily. I really don't.

And what else? Emily goes into the fact that people have neglected their health care over the past several years, notably, she says, "routine vaccination rates for children are way down. Rather than debating the role that messaging about covid vaccine had in this decline, we need to put all our energy to bringing these rates back up." And then she calls for school mandates. She says politicians "will need to consider school mandates."

Unbelievable! So she is still just shilling for pharma.

Emily does not mention that people missed their cancer screenings, people got late, way late diagnoses for things, people missed all kinds of treatments that hastened their deaths in a lot of areas in every country that I know of. But no, what's she worried about? What does she mention? Vaccines. People are hesitant now about vaccines and that's her main concern. Oh my God. I cannot believe the lack of self-awareness in this article.

And finally, at the end she says, "The standard saying is that those who forget history are doomed to repeat it. But dwelling on the mistakes of history can lead to a repetitive doom loop as well. Let's acknowledge that we made complicated choices in the face of deep uncertainty and then try to work together to build back and move forward."

Oh my God! She almost said build back better.

All this we, we, we. You know I'm sure it was I, I, I when she thought she was completely right. But now that she realizes she was completely wrong, it's we. We need to heal, we need to acknowledge we made mistakes. This is so typical of a predatory class of people with narcissistic personality disorder, sociopathy or psychopathy. And it's been on massive display for the last two and a half years. And it's not just the Anthony Faucis, but he's a prime example. Or Justin Trudeau, prime example. It's the regular people, too.

You know, I would like my relative that told me that I could starve to just sigh one day, in a pause in conversation, and say, I'm really sorry. That was an awful thing to say. That's it! That would do it for me. But I know this person very well and I know it's very Emily-like, let's never talk about it again [smiles broadly and sighs]

But you know the the truth is, if we keep burying this stuff without examination, without hashing it through and picking it apart, there, the chances that it'll happen again are a hundred percent.

And I mean, honestly, how can you trust these people ever again? No matter what role they played in your life, until they say, I see what happened. I see where it went wrong, I see where I was mistaken, I see that I acted badly. I now will do the research and learn. And I'm sorry. And for other people, they need to be arrested, tried, and put in prison. They at the very least need to lose their jobs and never, ever work in a responsible position again. They can break rocks. That's a good job for them.



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Polly is one of the best researchers and dot connectors out there. I thoroughly enjoy her work and feel much more informed after watching her videos.

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So glad to be reminded of Amazing Polly! I followed her in the beginning but at some point the way I viewed her disappeared ( censored I suppose) glad to find her again. Thanks

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Amazing Polly does excellent research and postings, she has exposed many of the plots and their evil criminals over the 4 yrs.

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I told everyone on Twitter it was a hoax in Feb 2020 and explained how they were doing it.

If you need a clue, you can buy the book The Invisible Rainbow by Arthur Firstenberg that charts all the pandemics over the last 100 years - where he reveals they are all manufactured.

Now you know why a certain new generation of telecoms was rolled out at record speed while you were locked down.

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no amnesty vote here, witnessed people died suddenly, blood clots, new dx immediately following kidney disease, hemorrhaging, cancer, heart conditions, and more...being told vaccines save "other people" is a dirty trick and taking a jab made by a lying industry that regularly injures and kills backed by dirty scoundrel politicians who refused to stand up for anyone (except exempting themselves), due to an emergency I never saw....

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Viruses do not cause disease and there isn’t one vaccine that works.

Why are doctors scared to talk about this 👇?


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99% of truth tellers have spoken about the dangerous vaccines, but none have told you what was really happening.

And sadly, none of the doctors on the planet will touch what I revealed in my earlier comment. And because of this, the criminals that ran the COVID scam are about to repeat it in 2024.

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That’s a beautiful video and I remember all those heroes. They gave me strength when I felt so alone.

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While searching for JJ Couey articles I found the following, by a reputed Big Pharma shill, oncologist Prof. David Gorski. He actually defends Malone, sort of:

"The Wellness Company: How antivaccine grift becomes plain old quackery. The Wellness Company, promoted by Dr. Peter McCullough, is the product of a trend in which antivax doctors have predictably become just quacks. At least in this case, there is an amusing quack fight at the heart of it all."

David Gorski on January 8, 2024

https://sciencebasedmedicine.org/the-wellness-company-how-antivaccine-grift-becomes-plain-old-quackery/The Wellness Company: How antivaccine grift becomes plain old quackery

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Has anyone figured out how many mushrooms it takes to warp you mind into thinking like this Gorski character? It blows my mind these chatacters exist in the first place.

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Dr Aseem Malhotra stated it best: Many didn’t take it for irrational reasons, & sometimes irrationality can be proven (as in this case) to be correct. Many didn’t take it because of intuition which also has been proven to be correct. But the majority not taking any more jabs now are doing it for rational reasons.

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