No one can say that I did not try to warn them. I "screamed" as loud as I could on social media and contacted friends and family directly to share information. The problem was that so many were not willing to listen.

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I just had this convo on FB with someone. Lol. I have no compassion for the people who literally wanted us put against a wall and executed for having free will.

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This is the media trying to deflect attention away from themselves.


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So, they were able to keep us from entering restaurants for being unvax and now the vax will be angry with us for withholding info?!! Well, I’ve always shared my knowledge with people, yet they decided not to listen! Too bad, so sad!!!

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I probably don't have to worry about the vaccinated as I lost all my friends and relatives that got vaccinated due to them "suddenly dying" or they cut off communication with me due to not joining their jab cult.

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Apr 10, 2023·edited Apr 10, 2023

Ugh. This is a hard post to “like“. while some of the vaccinated might be that foolish given they were foolish enough to get vaccinated, I hope you are wrong. I hope they assume the responsibility for their own choice. It is just another way to continue the divisiveness within this very divisive culture. We are a very divided people, and that’s how Biden and the New World order will succeed. By fear-mongering, and keeping all of us at each other’s throats. They won’t have to lift a finger.

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If it wasn't for us unvaxxed they'd be on booster 10 by now so any hate towards us is unfounded. Sadly I'm starting to see it now, the next phase of this game as I had predicted two years ago. They are not getting sick. They are dying for no reason at a young age (a friend just posted about her friend passing but no details of her death and a new mom at 29, makes me wonder. Also a friends 19 year old died while tinkering in his garage from unexplained sudden death and my friend is terrified as her two teens are vaccinated), getting ill more often, still catching covid, seeing cancer and other odd illnesses on the rise. I said to my fiancé, get ready for the next 5 to 10 years where we see friends pass away from stroke or heart attack or cancer, or get early dementia or other odd illnesses. It's happening now. Even my own mother, hasn't been the same since my dad forced her into four shots so they could be safe. I guess he knew best because my 1000 hours of reading on the vaccine and covid was no match for his watching the nightly news. Now she has inflammation. Really really bad inflammation. Not new but in her hips, her shoulders, knees. My guess is inflammation due to candida from a heavily weakened immune system. Going to recommend Diatomaceous Earth for her after I've tried it. See if it can help. She's been taking cortisol shot after shot as she's in agony. She's 75. I told her the shots were a lie. Dangerous. I told everyone but they all knew better than me. Not she's constantly sick, in pain, and she confided she thinks it's all the shots. These next five to ten years will be super hard for us unvaccinated folks. Yes we may see some vaccinated spillover but we aren't going to get mRNA from the air of the vaccinated. Spikes yes, and we'll need to treat it with Natto and other supplements, but our own bodies are not spike protein factories for life.

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Can someone direct me as to what media is reporting this?

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Well isn't that a turn of events? The dumb ass jabbed people who didn't think for themselves and instead lined up to be Pfizer and Moderna's lab rats are now upset at those who stood back and said "lets wait a year and see what happens during the experiment".

As a result of the fallout from the experiment my wife and I have decided we've had our LAST vaccine for ANYTHING that comes on the market now. We'll rely on our fully intact natural immune system to protect us. Big Pharma can NOT be trusted and that goes too for mainstream media, politicians, and medical boards who relentlessly and still are promoting an obvious killer vaccine coerced onto people with ice cream cones or losing your job.

Watch the October 2019 movie Vaxxed and see how Pharma is responsible for the huge increase of Autism. The graph of infections is exponential and they predict 1 in 5 will have autism down the road.


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I rarely enter an indoor space and when I do it's trader joes or regular errands. I'm damaged from being told I'm not allowed to enter without a test and a shot. I'm supposed to go to dinner with a bunch of injected and I'm thinking of leaving before they take the order

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A relative just got back from wintering in Thailand. I mentioned to him about his being there during the time when the princess fell ill, etc. He gave me "kudos" for having been correct about the jabs. I warned him and other aunts and uncles, but they all went on to take the jabs anyway. For those who are vaccinated, angry, and reading this: No "secret knowledge" was had other than reading the situation and recognizing the multitude of inconsistencies and psychological manipulation at play. Just this week-end, I spoke with a cousin who is scheduled for her 4th jab this week. I strongly encouraged her to do "the research" and sent her a couple of links to begin with. All I seem to get when speaking with my own generation is alienation. No one wants to hear the truth of the situation. So... quit blaming others. We live in a time where no one wants to take responsibility for their own actions, including what they put in their mouths or shoot into their arms... It's time to woman or man up.

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I tried to warn people. They said I was a nutter and a conspiracy theorist.

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Just let them try…..

I tried with data eg Israel to explain to some close friends the emerging risks .

Without exception I was shunned, considered selfish etc and I’ve lost friends as a result.

It seemed perfectly ok for these people to ignore the Nuremberg code if nothing else.

I have no sympathy whatsoever for them and indeed I am tempted now to say we can’t meet up as they present a risk to me re shedding …..

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Is this the first time in history that the fooled will blame the unfooled? I wonder. It does seem to be a unique situation.

The pain of awakening after indoctrination, i gather, can be severe.

Happy Easter Monday!

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Lol. We all but screamed at you not to take it, tried to intervene with insane work policy, even moved to stop a child clot shotting at a clinic and were told to go to hell, police called.

Next time you see smart people quit a successful career to avoid mandates, engage your pea brains. Yes, you should be mad as hell.

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Those two words,suckered in so many "sheep"; Safe & Effective, now to their growing horror, with compromised immune systems, shortened life spans, unknown long term effects.....

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