No one can say that I did not try to warn them. I "screamed" as loud as I could on social media and contacted friends and family directly to share information. The problem was that so many were not willing to listen.

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When I warned people not to take untested, experimental, warp speed jab they told me f***off.

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And how about those people who said that the unvaccinated did not deserve a hospital bed? And here we are trying to help them by telling them the truth.

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Yeah, I had the same experience. To this day most in the USA believe the lies.

Professional organizations like state medical boards are doubling and tripling down supporting the lies and propaganda. Not sure what it will take to wake most people up but we are a long way from that fateful day. I suspect it will actually only happen slowly.

After all, don't most people still believe one lone gunman shot JFK?

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And they believe 911 was a foreign terrorist attack. Their lack of critical thinking skills is staggering.

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I think it's more a lack of curiosity and research skills. I used to listen to shortwave radio a lot (before the internet it was great, different perspectives). One day I heard this guy on shortwave yelling that there was an attack coming, a false flag, he just felt it in his bones.

A few weeks later the Twin Towers (and Building Seven) came down. Then the same guy said, "Go to 911Truth.org and read what architects, engineers, and scientists have found--the government story can't be true, it violates the laws of physics!" And I did check it out, and the guy was right.

That guy was . . . Alex Jones. He started my trip down the rabbit hole.

But for many years I didn't believe what Alex said about the New World Order. Yet, now we have Klaus Schwab telling us all how they want to treat us like cattle. "You will own nothing and be happy," insisted Schwab.

The mainstream and evil doers can make fun of Alex all they want. But over the years he's broken stories you won't see anywhere else . . . for many years, if ever.

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It is absolutely NOT a lack of curiosity and research skills! They simply believe what the main stream media and the CDC, WHO, FDA, NIH, etc say, without question. They are sheep who follow the herd. I tried to plant seeds to at least get people to research, and they jumped on me. They will simply not allow their minds to go there, for whatever reason. I think for many, it is just "too scary" to admit the truth to themselves. They cannot accept that "trusted" government agencies would try to harm/kill them. It has nothing to do with lack of curiosity or research skills. Those of us who felt something was "off" about this, decided to do our own research and find out the truth. Even when I gave credible sources, I was attacked, because most people seem to believe the main stream media, and we all know that they were pushing a different narrative than the actual truth, and they are still doing exactly that, which is why many people still believe the bullshit.

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Yeah my sister believes everything the MSM told her about covid, her and her whole family got the shot and boosted. I tried telling her not to, and why, I told her it was all lies, she didn't believe me, and still doesn't to this day. She says she doesn't want to hear it, she thinks what I'm saying is "too far out there," as if I'm some crazy conspiracy theorist. Oh well, my conscience is clear, I did what I did to try and warn her. It's on her now. And I think that's partially why she may not want to know now, because if something did happen, then it's on her for pushing the poison on her own kids, and possibly killing them in the future. What kind of guilt would that be, right? It's just crazy, but the Bible tells us that 'the world would be sent a Great Delusion, that many should believe the lie', and boy aren't we seeing that today?

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Yes, and with all do respect, I do believe that a lack of curiosity and a need to research, is inherently found in people who blindly trust figures of authority. 🤣People like this are ripe for brainwashing as they do not BELIEVE they have the critical skills to think for themselves. These people believe that they do not have the capacity to learn new information on their own. It must be a guilded university that guides them. Not their own intuitive skills for information gathering. To some, they may look lazy and uneducated , but really , in fact, they are not capable of thinking outside the mainstream box. It is actually a terrible reflection on society , that those that DO, are often ostracized. And that is a fate worse than death for most. There are so many reasons why people look the other way. The people were terrorized, and that action alone, made their brains stop working. At that point, reasonable intervention and science went out the window as the narrative was pushed. Most of my family is formally educated. They dont even know what substack is..How did I get here?...by the grace of GOD I suspect...it sure wasnt my brains. 🤔🤣

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🐑'll ain't gonna! 😑

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I watched it live and I said "these buildings were imploded". I watched the TV series of them imploding buildings.

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And rt 91, and sandy hook and many, many more.

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I watched Sandy Hook live. I said "no way that is real". No urgency, just zombies walking around in a circle. Ambulances mostly down by the street. No crying, no disbelief on their faces. This was a false flag attack. The 'supposedly' father was caught on camera laughing with the others before they started filming. He did not know that one camera was rolling. All B actors. Most of these events all false flag attacks paid by soros.

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Amazing that it is the hill they want ALEX Jones to die on.

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Many of us KNOW Alex was and is right. All the "school shootings" are meant to manipulate the public into throwing away their guns and the 2A. I just buy more ammo and more guns.. Our Govt and the Media are total liars.

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When I read the comments on the internet about people dying suddenly, I would say that even with the censorship, at least 90% of the comments consider the jab as responsible// I think people are more aware than given credit for. They, like all of us, just don't know what to do about it. It's not like we have any power whatsoever and apparently Americans are not into fighting back anymore. I can't help but wonder if it's the fluoride in our water - which was also used in nazi concentration camps to keep the people docile. It must work too since it seems like the rest of the world is on fire. If the Americans ever get that fire lit, our politicians better WATCH OUT. They'll have to double down on their Depends.

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I still see plenty of people who haven't put two and two together in regards to the jabs being responsible for people "dying suddenly." One woman said "We've lost so many people in 2023!" She has no clue it is from the Jabs. I don't think it will be easy for the vaxxed to admit that they are unsafe, because then they would have to admit that they were duped, and that is too hard for most people to do. The only people I see correlating the jab to the sudden deaths is people on Epoch Times. I have seen few liberal people figure this out. And I don't think it's the fluoride keeping people docile, and the rest of the world is NOT on fire. Plenty of people in other countries still believe in the jab. Liberals still think anyone against the jab is an anti vaxxer, and they are not able to admit to themselves that they have been deceived. It is too hard for them, psychologically to do so.

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We've been indoctrinated in so many ways over the years and I do suspect that fluoride may play a part in this - very few countries fluoridate their water. The top 2 are U.S. and N.Z. I think it's everything combined into one actual long-time conspiracy. When I was young, people didn't tend to see drs as much. You went to a dr. if you were really sick, not for an annual visit. I have noted how over the years people have been instructed increasingly to depend on their doctors for everything, no matter how miniscule. Is it a surprise then, that they are seen as all-knowing?

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Very few countries fluoridate their water? 24 Countries do, is that very few to you? I stay true to my earlier statement that it isn't the fluoride. And Americans aren't "docile" either. They are gun nuts and Trump lovers certainly aren't docile. The capitol rioters were not subdued. People chose to believe the government agencies and the mainstream narrative, it is that simple. People are sheep and they follow the herd, even if it's right off a cliff!

The reason people didn't see doctors as much when you were a kid is because big pharma wasn't pushing as many pills then, and these drugs make you sicker! Medicine is now a BUSINESS. It wasn't then, but it is now. THAT is the the main difference. They don't treat the underling cause of disease, they treat ailments with drugs, which cause more ailments. Also, people are FAT as hell now. There were no obese people when my parents were kids. This is a new phenomenon. And OBESE people are generally not healthy, so they need to see a doctor. It is a circle of sickness, pills pills and more pills. Also, the food isn't as healthy - I don't think Monsanto had sprayed the hell out of everything yet. They didn't add as many hormones and drugs in meat, eggs, dairy, etc. This goes way beyond fluoride, which is definitely a poison, but not necessarily the reason why people are clueless about the death jabs.

Here's who currently puts fluoride in their water:

"Currently about 372 million people (around 5.7% of the world population) receive artificially-fluoridated water in about 24 countries, including Australia, Brazil, Canada, Chile, Republic of Ireland, Malaysia, the U.S., and Vietnam"

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There are a number of countries that fluoridate a small percentage of their water. There are currently six western countries that fluoridate 50% or more of the water. Just a couple of years ago, it was just the two. Shows how much influence the U.S. exerts in the world. When I was young, there were no CAFO's and the pesticides came in with the end of WW2 - after the chemical companies had been forced to stop pesticiding humans directly. Those with the money and the power have done many egregious things and they seem to be getting bolder. Since the 70's we've been encouraged to eat a diet that has made us fat, diabetic and generally unhealthy. I recall Senator Kefauver stating that we "can't wait for the science" when it came to our diet. Apparently, he meant he couldn't wait for Americans to get sick and fat. Sound familiar? Same with jabs. Can't wait for the science (it might disprove their case). We need to hurry to save lives even if we're actually destroying them. Both banks and the medical cartel have gained enormously in power in my lifetime. Yes, people are much sicker now, have so many allergies, so many chronic conditions on the rise. But it's even more than that. When I was young, mothers were generally the natural healers. Doctors were for emergencies And we're constantly bombarded with messages to "see your doctor" - for whatever. Got a splinter - see your doctor. It's an indoctrinated dependency. We can't trust ourselves to do anything. People are far more ignorant and dependent than they were 100 years ago and it's deliberate.

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It does get into the brain. It is also put in anit-depression med. It is not for the teeth like they said. Lies and more lies. It was said it is suppose to keep you docile. ??? It is a toxin. ??? I think they have to much trust in the government. It is hard for some to believe that the gov is against us. Some are more easily brainwashed than others. I was the opposite, I didn't believe anything. I am forturnate that I have a spirit guide to help me in my searching for the truth. He introduced me to a book called, "The secrets of the Federal Reserve". I was "repilled" after reading it and I was set on my journey to finding the truth in everything. The rabbit hole runs deep and I mean deep. Like the other guy in an earlier post, Alex Jones was the first I started listening to. Many others followed. We are in a spiritual warfate and it is evil out there. I fear for humanity if we don't get more awakened. We can't stop trying. Our children and grandchildren are at stake.

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As gods even?

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Personally, I AM an anti-vaxxer. All vaccines for humans do not work. Take a look at the Amish, who don't take ANY vaccines. They are extremely healthy and disease free, especially cancer -free. Vaccines were developed to kill us, and to make money for big pharma aka Rockefellers.

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Are you suggesting you still think "regular"vaccines are fine?

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Yeah...the best thing to do is take out all the liars and deceivers,...oh, and thieves...starting at the Top. CDC, FDA, WHO, NIH, NIAID, AND NOW BIG AG THAT WANTS TO F UP THE FOOD SUPPLY. WE MUST STOP THEIR BS! ENOUGH ALREADY!

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I pleaded with family to not take it but they went ahead for travel purposes, what is a holiday if you’re dead or injured. My brother in law of vaccine injured but he won’t have it. He’s got some weird problems with his veins and the doctors said they’ve never seen anything like it before and don’t know how to treat it. His hand is also shaking and I think he’s got neurological problems.

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Interesting. A person I know also has a tremor for the last year or so (surprise). No other symptoms really that I can see. When I said it was a vax injury, they automatically said, "No, it's not."

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Or told me that I was full of it and that they believed in "science" and the fact-checkers!

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Yah. I read the phase 1/2 and found glaring issues, and that was reading their original stuff plus hearing guys like Del Bigtree critique it as well, and that was BEFORE the fraudulent crap came out! My family, who did not do the above did not, would not listen to me. They believed their LYING doctor who never read ANY of that paperwork. I sent them so many emails outlining why they should not be Guinea pigs. No...I was a tin foil hat wearing conspiracy theorist. I at least have the proof (emails) should they start pointing fingers at me that I didn't warn them. 🤬 and their fav thing to do is send me BS from fact checkers!!!

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I completely understand as my wife and I did the same. Same results. No one wanted to lessen. Some even went and got the shot. Some even had major side affects that a handful are still dealing with.

My take is “pride”. They can’t admit to themselves they are just wrong, much less admit what they have done to themselves and their children.

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Not only were they not willing to listen, but I got attacked on social media for daring to question the safety and efficacy of the shots. People who I thought were kind, good people turned into demons saying "Fine, don't get vaccinated. But you don't get a bed or a vent if you get sick!"

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I saw comments on social media similar to that. The sentiment was terrible, but the irony is that we now know that approximately 90% of people who went on vents did not survive as the vent itself was harmful to Covid patients. And since initially, the standard protocol was to give Remdesiver , which also increased chance of death, and put people on a vent, it was to our advantage to avoid hospitals if at all possible and treat from home.

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Tell the waxxxxxinated who still harp that we will bury them when the waxxxxxxxine kills them.

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Still Trump hasn't warned his supporters and countrymen.

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That's because he is a lying piece of shit who tried to kill us all. As a matter of fact, that pu$$y grabbing loser is STILL bragging about the shots and "Operation Warp Speed" and he will until the day he dies. He will never speak against them, his ego wont let him. Simply put, he cannot be trusted.

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I am concerned about that as well, but I have to wonder if more is going on than meets the eye regarding that. The reason I say that is because I listened to a clip of RFK Jr yesterday in which he was speaking out regarding the lack of safety studies in all of the childhood vaccines. In this clip, he mentioned that President Trump asked him to serve on a vaccine safety commission in 2016 (maybe he meant 2017?). This tells me that President Trump had concerns even then. Here is a link to the clip from "Chief Nerd". https://links.truthsocial.com/link/110170375291409338

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If Trump truly ever had concerns about vaccines, then he wouldn't STILL be bragging about his death Jab. Sorry, I just can't believe that. I don't think Trump is good, I think he is evil. I also think Biden is evil. Did Trump take RFK up on the childhood vaccine safety commison? NO! Because he is an evil piece of shit who pushed the jabs on all of us and continues to praise them. He can fuck right off as far as I am concerned. The reason Chief Nerd would support this is because he is a blind Trump lover, just like the guy who's substack we are on. They are so in love with Trump, and so far up his ass, that they cannot see the truth right in front of their face. I will NEVER believe Trump is good. He is evil, he is the devil. Wake up. He threw the capitol rioters under the bus! He uses people and then discards them. He is a terrible business man as well, but his dumb ass followers can't see the truth in that either. He has gone bankrupt so many times I have lost count. He is not a self made man either. His Daddy gave him his first million. He is a cheater and a liar and it is just that simple. I hope he proves me wrong, but I highly doubt he will.

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Thus far, I've lost six people to the Trump Jab, and the youngest was 13.

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Omg. Six?! That is horrible! And the youngest was only 13. :( I am so sorry for all of those losses. Were they all boosted, as well? I am thankful I was able to talk my parents out of the booster, but both got the first two Trump Jabs (Pfizer) and that was enough to give my father a rare metastatic cancer, which has no treatment. We found out within 5-6 months of his second shot and it was a shock, because he hadn't had any symptoms. I have no doubt these jabs mess with people immune systems, and make them go haywire. I am now continually reading about new cases of cancer popping up as well as the overwhelming metastatic cases, as well as autoimmune and neurological diseases popping up. We are waiting for my Dad's next scan to see how far the cancer has progressed since the last scan, but I doubt he will be here at this time, next year. He found out right before his 84th bday and I am praying he makes it to his 86th, this December, but we shall see. Once again, I am sorry for your losses and I hope you don't lose anyone else, but that may be wishful thinking. I can't believe people still can't see what is right in front of their faces.

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I pray and hope your dad overcomes it.

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I wrote the eulogy for Sherry and posted it on my website, which is live, but all of my posts are now posted at Substack. I disengaged my email sign-up form at my personal site but you can subscribe to my Substack for free. Link the eulogy: https://darelllong.com/lovely-13-year-old-dies-due-to-vaccination

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Hi there, Yes, six. 13-year-old girl, One of my aeronautics attorneys who left behind his wife and four kids, One of my investors who was 63, and an airline pilot who was 61. A 35-year-old who left behind her 9-year-old daughter and, finally, a former girlfriend who was a DVM.

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I've heard Trump is in Cheyenne Mountain, as they've threatened him and his family. Also heard Cabal is using a Trump puppet...from Benjamin Fulford

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I just had this convo on FB with someone. Lol. I have no compassion for the people who literally wanted us put against a wall and executed for having free will.

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I was married for 28 years, thought it was a loving relationship.

Found out she was one of the people who literally wanted us put against a wall and executed for having free will.

Now Single!

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You are much better off now.

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You are right! But 28 yrs. if tough to get back!

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"Thanks for the 28 years!" Today is the first day of the rest of your life. Good luck!

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I heard a story here in Australia recently of a woman surgeon working in the Emergency section of hospital treating trauma patients. She refused the jab and refused to do anything they wanted her to do regarding all the protocals re Covid so she lost her job. She was married with 4 kids and guess what her family including her husband turned against her and she lost everything. Is now divorced and lives on the street in a $500 car with her 4 kids who she refused to have vaccinated. Homeless. What a story that is. I was shocked when I heard it.

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That doctor is alive though, and she is not being prosecuted for crimes against humanity. She will work again, and she will live to see her kids grow up, and see her own old age.

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And I am very sorry for your loss. That is very tough. Take the time to mourn.

I did not lose a spouse...I lost my 4 generation childhood home. Still mourning.

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To have been married to such a creature, who kept her true colors concealed for 28 years, must have been incredibly traumatizing. But now you can experience post-traumatic growth. In view of what her behavior says about her, if you have kids, you may want to have them paternity tested.

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Have one son from that marriage. he's grown now, thank God he is a critical thinker as well.

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He inherited his dad's sense! 🤗 Congrats!

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Well done.

Your future is lighter, limitless, now that you've shed the albatross.

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So what are you saying? Because she was successfully scared s--tless by our gov't/big pharma she must also be a slut whose screwing around with other men, making babies? Sounds a lot more like a man thing. And your comment doesn't show particularly logical thinking skills, More misogynistic thinking skills. People are endlessly surprising - when you're not sitting in judgment of them.

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Yes, her personal qualities as reflected in the behavior that led to the need to divorce her are likely to be reflected in other things she did. Big chance she was what you say. It's the same logic cops use when they figure traffic offenders are more likely to be offenders in other ways. Critical thinking skills. Big chance she was screwing everything that moved behind his back, esprcially if she was the type who had any feminist tendencies.

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Overgeneralization. Being evil about vaccines doesn't mean being evil about adultery.

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They'd be correlated.

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There’s still a big world out there. Enjoy it!!!

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Awesome! They all lined up for the clot shot now watch em drop!

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We go high, they go low ( literally) and all that?

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It's frustrating that some are not dropping faster but I guess it's good to learn the virtue of patience.

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OUCH I, too, was hoping my loved ones would come to their senses after they died, but I realized that if my goal was to enjoy them and keep them alive, I shouldn't wish for them to be harmed. This was hard because even a tiny heart attack could be easily explained away by "it could have been so much worse!" SO FRUSTRATING.

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Did you terminate the marriage by putting her against the wall and executing her?

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I have to admit it did cross my mind. But being a critical thinker I decided against that!

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I laughed out loud when I read this. You hit my funny bone with this one!

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He was on death row for 28 years and didn't know it. He's a lucky man who's had a very narrow escape. One more day and he could have got the lethal injection.

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In a way because divorce is like an execution. I am so sad. Covid is not a real pandemic, so there was no need. Wait until we get Marburg or some of the other viral threats WHO is cooking up. THEN the authorities can feel truly justified in mandating jabs or prison as they did in 19th century with Smallpox. (By the way, smallpox vaccine was no more effective than mRNA Covid vaccines. See Dissolving Illusion by Suzanne Humphreys)

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What people call "covid", Diana is just the mostly harmless or asymptomatic prodrome of SARS-CoV-2. It's killed less than 7,000,000 people globally. HIV, Polio, Hepatitis B and C also have a prodrome characterized by a mild flu like illness. The real SARS-CoV-2 pandemic is only now emerging. Just like the jab, SARS-CoV-2 causes immune exhaustion, early onset dementias, kidney, liver and gallbladder diseases and much, much more. Repeat infections speed up the inflammatory cascade and immunodeficiency and bring AIDS, Alzheimers and turbocancer on quicker but one "covid" infection alone is enough to do this.

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When I say Covid is not a real pandemic, I say this because the CDC changed the definition of pandemic so that Covid could be called one. It used to be that pandemics should be associated with a high death rate of at least 5 or 10%. Covid, with its low average death rates of about 1 or 2%, wouldn't qualify. So I think they modified the definition. I may be wrong, but I do believe that deaths from Covid have been inflated. Look at Africa! Look at Haiti! Many countries that failed to have access to Covid vaccines could not vaccinate their populations. They are doing just fine now compared to the wealthier countries that vaccinated a high percentage of their populace.

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I do believe Biden and his ilk repeatedly offered the quackzines to Africa and Haiti. Lucky for the Africans and Haitians that they're smarter than Biden and his ilk.

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Suppose that's just more evidence of " the patriarchy" imposing itself..

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that is terrible. So sorry

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My wife begged me to take the jabs with her to keep my job. In the end I lost the job of 17 years as I said "NO" to the jabs. Found out the wife just didn't want her nice life compromised in any way. While I used to drive around in exotic $100K plus cars like Maserati's and others she kept her Alfa Romeo Stelvio, but my cars (I sold) kept us in our home and fed until I could find more work that didn't require the jabs. However, now I know she is not to be trusted in the future when more tyranny is pushed down our throats; she might turn me into the gestapo as I more of an anti-everything now (government, pharma, etc.) and I hate tyranny, am an armed and pissed of veteran as well.

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This situation is so tough. I would feel more sympathy if she is scared of Covid and afraid of infection. Does she think you are a source of infection? But if she only wants you as a meal ticket--that's harsh. I'm female and I worked when my husband lost his job. He passed away before Covid, but we were both anti flu vax, so I'm sure he would also be anti Covid vax. I love him still. Even if he wanted to get vaccinated, I would not reject him. But I would be terrified that his health would be damaged. And I would be anguished if he rejected me. This medical tyranny is destroying our souls! What will you do? Does she have a way of supporting herself without you? Because she might think twice about turning you in if she relies on you for economic support. Seems to me that both of you have a nice life compromised by this engineered pandemic. Too bad you can't support each other. Hope you can talk about it and keep your relationship until vaccines bite the dust.

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She told me she wasn't afraid of Covid but she was more afraid of living on the street. She then said it is better to be dead than live on the street. I made plans to survive. I had accumulated Gold and Silver over the years. I tried to sell my pension from my evil company but they said "NO" so then I applied early for the payout at a very reduced rate. I now get that for life but doubt it will get paid out after a reset and the Central Digital Banking Currencies are rolled out. It was enough to move to an Carribean island near Panama (which I was going to purchase after selling everything) and live there on the pension payout. My evil siblings (brother mostly) did steal some of my inheritance such as a Gold coin collection worth about $350K, my brother ended up getting $500K, Sister about the same and me with the least amount (most from their home sale and some insurance payout.) My wife does work but she only makes about $30K working a seasonal job. My plans have changed now since I can't find anyone to go to an island and live on it. I have since bought a used ambulance as a SHTF land ark (as it has lots of storage); My plan is to load it up with preparations and leave to a safe haven if that even exists in America anymore as it is being attacked everywhere (train derailments with toxins, etc.) Everything I have in cash is going to tangibles now (25 year shelf life food, ammo, guns, barter items, gold and silver.) I do have some more vehicles to sell that are mine and I don't drive them (1 is a very rare collector truck so I need to sell a special way.)

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Mark McDonald (dissident MD on substack and author of United States of Fear states it is common for women to be more fearful and thus more avoidant and judgmental of the unvaccinated. He is a pediatric psychiatrist and had to treat many of his patients in the parking lot because the mothers were so phobic about contamination and masking. You are not alone! However, I hate the way the system spoiled relationships along with spoiling our immune systems. My own therapist LOVES those boosters, although he agrees I shouldn't be taking them. Evidently, though, I'm the only person in America who might get a side effect from vaccines, because the CDC says they examined all the VAERS entries and found "nothing to see here" adverse events really don't exist. Ha Ha I'm rebelliously expressing my snark here. We have tacitly agreed not to discuss vaccines in our therapy in order to preserve our relationship. (Don't ask Don't tell) However, I did get him to admit we have exactly the same feelings. 1)We both privilege SAFETY. We got to be SAFE! And we both feel moral outrage and feelings of betrayal at authorities that threaten our safety. 2)We question that there can be 5000 deaths!!! One person thinks it's outrageous that Scott Atlas predicted only 5000 deaths from Covid when there were over half a million the first year 2020 of the pandemic (How that didn't raise all cause mortality is another issue) Another person thinks it's outrageous that the CDC refused to acknowledge there were 5000 deaths from vaccines. 3)We both want the priority to be SAVING LIVES! 4) And we both ask "HOW CAN THEY DO THIS!" So emotionally we are in complete agreement. The hell with rationality. People don't act rationally, anyway.

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So there is a national public inquiry being held across Canada. Funded entirely by the public. A man who was the lead questioner at one of tge sessions, had some very profound words for the audience. It's worth listening to. He talked about people who were triggered into extreme fear by all the media rhetoric/brainwashing, basically could not critically think because extreme fear shuts down that part of the brain. And these people were so afraid they believed to their very core that people who were unvaccinated were going to infect and kill them! So as upset as we were that our freedoms were being Stripped Away because we weren't afraid and we could see the BS, the others were in such fear that they couldn't see the BS and deeply believed that we were going to cause them harm imminently. He wanted everyone to understand that it wasn't just the unvaccinated who were harmed by what the government and media did but also the people that went along with it were seriously harmed because of all of it. When he said it the way he did I began to understand and at least I could empathize and understand their point of view, even though it was tremendously evil and they could not see that because they could not think. I am not interested in punishment for those people or hating those people. It might help you to know that once the truth comes out, your ex will realize that she threw away something good because she allowed herself to become so fearful that she could not think critically. I am quite certain this will happen. You might try forgiving her within your heart, because truly shes"knew not wgat she was doing". She WILL know that sooner than later, and it will weigh on her like a stone.

What I am very interested in is justice & punishment brought to all the perpetrators including the minions who helped the perpetrators (including doctors, who did not do their due diligence & abandoned their oaths to do no harm.) Also including the media. They outright lied. The entirety of all gov officials & bureaucrats as well, for allowing lobbyists to write legislation. Yes, that's PRECISELY what they do, and have done for over 30 years now.

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Same, same. It’s really tough shit to go through. My life is in shambles. And I’m really worried about my two adult kids, both «vaccinated» with three shots each. How to keep going?

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She sounds terrified which means our government plans are working.

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That is just crazy! 🙏❤️

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They do need help. But closed minds must first be opened. If being surrounded by revolutionarily insane things can’t do that, i’m afraid there is little hope for those whose propensity is to blame and harm.

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Unfortunately life constantly is surrounding us with revolutionarily insane things. The traumatic response is to flee and freeze. Meaning you pick your strategy to avoid death/suffering/destruction, and then cling at all costs to that illusory safety solution.

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With an axe maybe?

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I well remember.

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I was attacked on Facebook simply for asking if anyone had experienced an adverse reaction or knew someone that had. (I had known someone who had an adverse reaction immediately after the jab.) People who I had previously thought were kind good people, turned into monsters! The vaccinated ganged up on the unvaccinated. I was called an anti vaxxer just for questioning the efficacy and safety of the jab. I was shadow banned on FB as well. Then I saw people who I thought were kind say "Fine, don't get vaccinated. But if you get sick you don't get a bed or a vent." I couldn't believe how horrible people were behaving. Now that the pandemic is over, they act like it never happened, but I will never forget how I was treated, and how others like me were treated.

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I do have compassion for them bc they are at risk now, not me! Though I was treated like a leper by several friends who I am no longer friends with. That was hurtful.

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I am hugely conflict averse. I caved to all my phobic friends. Nearly all my friends are on the internet so we didn't have to fight about masking or social contact. One told me, ok if I don't want to get vaccinated--but I'd better be prepared to take the consequences! (Accept if the government throws me in quarantine and welds the entrances shut as they did in China.) Another told me that if I kept mentioning vaccines she would scream. My brother committed suicide after enduring continual tremors, neuropathic pains, neurological damage culminating with rapid signs of dementia. Sounds like a classic case of vaccine damage to me. I hate vaccines! However, everyone else says NO vaccines cannot possibly have affected him. My next door neighbor suffered heart damage, fell and experienced severe concussion, and endures a rapidly growing intestinal tumor after getting vaccinated (even though he already had recovered from Covid). I'm convinced vaccines are to blame. I think he won't get another booster (thank God!) His poor weakened immune system. Now they want to give him chemotherapy and radiation--as if medical treatment hasn't done enough already to finish him off! Wasn't there an earlier post recommending an Axe? Could I borrow that axe? I need to destroy something!!!

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So sorry about your brother. I have no doubt that all of those things you mentioned are due to the vaccine. It is truly sad.

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Thanks! You're making me feel so much better. I hate being gas lit. We all are getting gas lit by authorities that refuse to be anything other than perfect. Classic narcissistic response! Maybe it WASN'T the vaccine. We can't know for sure--but it's suspicious, isn't it? Why don't the authorities study all these sudden deaths? How come younger people 50 and younger have a higher all-cause mortality rate? Is it because the proportion fully vaccinated is higher for employed people who are mandated vaccines as opposed to retired geezers like myself who don't risk losing a job if we don't comply? Is it a coincidence that nearly all the doctors who speak out about the dangers of vaccines are near retirement age? We could KNOW this stuff. Medicare database would allow us to compare deaths and disabilities for the vaccinated vs. the unvaccinated. But no we are not allowed to explore or challenge the dogma.

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I’m am in your camp, I lost all compassion for the brainwashed sheeple. I did my best to warn everyone I came in contact with. They made their beds, let em sleep in it. You’ll get Zero sympathy from me.

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Suzanne; I see that you have begun a forum and I anxiously await anything that you have to write; especially after having read how you left the medical profession in disgust. God bless you!!

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Lucky I am one of those who questions & says NO. Have said NO to many meds Drs have been trying to get me on for 30 yrs & are still trying.

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Apr 10, 2023
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that article was, in fact, satire. Thankfully

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I want to read that article. Reference please?

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This is the media trying to deflect attention away from themselves.


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Thug media knows we loyal, loving, parents/friends/family members did everything humanly possible to caution others -- still worried sick about our family and how dare these subhuman media outlets transfer/shadow this horror onto others. Many here even had one, two - who knows "vaccinations!" For Thor's sake how many sleepless nights and still counting. Time for class action suit against this mass murder event.

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Love this idea. I'd love to sue every outlet that propagated the "Safe and Effective" lie.

Perhaps a good precedent setter would be to bring an action against Wolenski. and everyone on their panels who all had the Pfizer documents proving them neither and approved distribution anyway. It didn't meet any standards that would have ordinarily been required. And it is also demonstrable there never was an "emergency" So much fraud. There has to be a way.

Some of you legal eagles jump in here. Please.

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So, they were able to keep us from entering restaurants for being unvax and now the vax will be angry with us for withholding info?!! Well, I’ve always shared my knowledge with people, yet they decided not to listen! Too bad, so sad!!!

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The first question they asked me was "Are you a doctor?" I'd say, no, I didn't have my mind fried in a "doctor" school. I actually can do research and use reason, logic and common sense to come to my conclusions.

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I get that crap all the time. Seriously, since when does common sense and critical thinking skills require a degree in medicine? I’ll wait.......

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I really like your profile pic! Seems we are related! Jus meum tuebor!

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Beyond sad this is devastating just the thought of losing our family members. That In and of itself will be the demise of many people.

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I started off trying to warn them but very quickly learned to tell them I was vaxxed when they asked, even though I'm not, and then with the more obnoxious ones I quickly progressed to hassling thrm to keep up with their boosters.

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Hey me too the psycho daughter in law (not mine).I asked.if she was boosted and told her to get triple boosted hope she followed my advice!! No independent thinkers how sad in her case could care less

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Well if pedophiles can "identify" as female in order for Dems snd RINOs to approve their access to little girls' restrooms then why can't we identifh as vaccinated in order to do something good for society such as helping to rid the world of the vaccinated?

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KARMA. They chose out of fear. Also its possible that they made a soul contract before they incarnated into this life.

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I probably don't have to worry about the vaccinated as I lost all my friends and relatives that got vaccinated due to them "suddenly dying" or they cut off communication with me due to not joining their jab cult.

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Sometimes, the problem just fixes itself.

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How very sad is that. Yes we have 2 groups of friends and relatives- one are normal people like ourselves that see the danger, others are jabbed and we don't talk about Covid with them. Haven't lost any to the cemetery yet.

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Not so fortunate in my camp. I can count on less than one hand acquaintances who had critical thinking skills - this is devastating.

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I wish I had at least 1 relative who was smart enough, but they all got it and some have died due to strange cancers (turbo cancers) after the jab. Some of the younger ones that got it are getting diagnosed with ALS and other neuro-degenerative diseases. Some relatives did wish my family dead as well as all unvaccinated. Some were happy I lost my job and career of 17 years saying "No" to the "jabs." Sometimes I think I was adopted as this family was never a fit for me. Even my closest siblings (brother and sister) both got the jabs and they are evil, stealing inheritance, cutting off contact, etc.

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So terribly sorry to hear your family fallout and resulting isolation. I don't know what the answer is other than time proving you and the rest of us here that we are all on the right side of this crime against humanity. My immediate family are all fine wife daughter no jabs. My wife's family are all jabbed though and still alive and not suffering any health issues that I've heard. Still cordial with my ex although she was coerced by her sister to get jabbed to see her and their family. Personal friends are mostly jabbed and most still talk to us but we avoid the Covid topic. They are all sheep following the 6 o'clock news and are impossible to see the correct path to health. Too late for them anyway if they got the real jab. The spike proteins are throughout their entire body and it's only a matter of time before the symptoms of bad stuff appears.

Good luck to you PisssedOffVeteran - hope some happiness and joy with family and friends finds it's way to you.

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I expect they will "die suddenly" like 3 friends of mine have in the past year that took the liquid death genetic therapy (aka vaccines.) Family members that took it are dying of "turbo cancers" as I have lost 2 aunts and an uncle that way. Some younger cousins just got diagnosed with ALS and another with some unknown neuro-degenerative disease. For some reason they do report deaths and sicknesses to me on social media but that is the extent of the communication. I don't go to their funerals, etc. as some were just plain evil during the Covid tyranny calling for death of unvaccinated etc. My immediate family is not jabbed. However, my wife begged me along with a jabbed ex-coworker as she didn't want me to lose my job of 17 years which I did for refusing the jabs. Her quality of life didn't go down but mine did. No longer do I drive my exotic cars; I sold them to keep our home and food on the table. I had to make sacrifices. It was a crazy year after losing the job in Nov. 2021. I still have not recovered. Will never drive nice cars again as we can be sure there will be more tyranny due to the majority complying with it. I continue to experience tyranny in my current state of Washington with the recent loss of 2A rights with several gun bills that are clearly an attempt at disarmament by our WEF following politicians. Time to move to a freedom loving state with like-minded people that I can trust to not shoot me in the back and turn me into the gestapo.

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Thanks for the personal details but what an awful lifestyle fallout resulting from a deliberate intent for mass murder on a global scale. We won't be over it for many generations with the jabs causing sterility in male and female likely for a few generations to go. You worked hard as most baby boomer have and now to be at a time to enjoy your remaining years we all get blasted by totally insane psychopaths intent on changing the world. So far they've escaped a courtroom, but I hope that changes very soon.

The outside mainstream medical scientists and doctors I follow are giving the jabbed 2 - 5 years left to live.

All the best to you sir.

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I am sorry for the losses you have experienced. Regardless of our frustrations with people who decided to take it, we certainly don't want loved ones harmed. I have a sweet friend who died from it. She was found unconscious less than 36 hours after she got it. Left behind a 16 yo son. And I have others that I am still concerned about. It is heartbreaking.

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My heart’s with you cobber.

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Ugh. This is a hard post to “like“. while some of the vaccinated might be that foolish given they were foolish enough to get vaccinated, I hope you are wrong. I hope they assume the responsibility for their own choice. It is just another way to continue the divisiveness within this very divisive culture. We are a very divided people, and that’s how Biden and the New World order will succeed. By fear-mongering, and keeping all of us at each other’s throats. They won’t have to lift a finger.

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Unfortunately most people will never assume responsibility for their actions. This is a nation that is composed of mostly me first narcissist people. They will never admit they were tricked into suicide. That they were wrong. It will be blamed on the unvaccinated instead of the real perpetrators. The Native Americans call this affliction Wetiko. I hope everyone will do some research on this term. They are correct.

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Victim mentality, is what I call it.

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I told people about this mind virus ("Wetiko") as well but of course nobody listens to me whatever I call it because I am just outed as the "conspiracty nut."

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Me too. At this point I consider that label a badge of honor!

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Agreed 100%. We must not let the negativity hold us back from the ascension to love and light. If we band together, we can be the lighthouse and rise above the fear!

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If it wasn't for us unvaxxed they'd be on booster 10 by now so any hate towards us is unfounded. Sadly I'm starting to see it now, the next phase of this game as I had predicted two years ago. They are not getting sick. They are dying for no reason at a young age (a friend just posted about her friend passing but no details of her death and a new mom at 29, makes me wonder. Also a friends 19 year old died while tinkering in his garage from unexplained sudden death and my friend is terrified as her two teens are vaccinated), getting ill more often, still catching covid, seeing cancer and other odd illnesses on the rise. I said to my fiancé, get ready for the next 5 to 10 years where we see friends pass away from stroke or heart attack or cancer, or get early dementia or other odd illnesses. It's happening now. Even my own mother, hasn't been the same since my dad forced her into four shots so they could be safe. I guess he knew best because my 1000 hours of reading on the vaccine and covid was no match for his watching the nightly news. Now she has inflammation. Really really bad inflammation. Not new but in her hips, her shoulders, knees. My guess is inflammation due to candida from a heavily weakened immune system. Going to recommend Diatomaceous Earth for her after I've tried it. See if it can help. She's been taking cortisol shot after shot as she's in agony. She's 75. I told her the shots were a lie. Dangerous. I told everyone but they all knew better than me. Not she's constantly sick, in pain, and she confided she thinks it's all the shots. These next five to ten years will be super hard for us unvaccinated folks. Yes we may see some vaccinated spillover but we aren't going to get mRNA from the air of the vaccinated. Spikes yes, and we'll need to treat it with Natto and other supplements, but our own bodies are not spike protein factories for life.

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The medical people I watch outside mainstream give the vaxed 2 - 5 years life expectancy.

I follow these medical professionals........ Dr. Paul Alexander

Dr Peter McCullough

Dr Ryan Cole

Dr. Sherri Tenpenny

Dr. Mark Trozzi

Dr. Vernon Coleman

Dr. David Martin

Dr Judy Mikovitz

Dr. Lee Merritt US navy orthopedic surgeon

Dr. Michael Yeadon former Phizer CEO

Dr. Roger Hodkinson Ont doctor

Dr. Byrum Briddle

Dr. Naomi Wolfe

Dr. Geert Vanden Bosche

Dr. Zev Zelenko protocol

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All amazing people... thank you all...I feel like I know you all........

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I had to like your reply because I appreciate, but of course sadly I don't like the reality of it. I've struggled so hard with the possibility that the clock is ticking for so many. And with what will happen as it counts down. I think the time frame will be longer and not universal due to degraded batches, but time will tell. It will be horrific, and I follow so many of the same doctors. It's bad. Very bad.

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Both of my daughters are jabbed. And I’m a conspiracy theorist. Both mandated by their employers. All my coworkers were duped too. I refused the jab and resigned after 30 years in the medical field. Refused to inject people with poison as well. My son is the only one who listened to my warning. The research was out there. If I could find it anyone could. Thousands of medical professionals came forward to warn. Lost their licenses and their careers. And now the jabbed blame us???

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My sister works at a hospital and swallowed all the propaganda, got two jabs and mandated boosters. Now I see symptoms of increased inflammatory and possibly heart conditions. Stress test showed normal but she won't take a D-Dimer test (shows markers of microscopic blood clots) that I suggested. Gold standard for detecting myocarditis is a cardiac MRI I believe, but she wouldn't consider that. She won't take any more shots after a bad reaction to the last one, so that's good. But I can't convince her to try any Spike protein clearing supplements.

I'm concerned about her future health.

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I told my jabbed siblings to get D-Dimer tests and even AIDS tests after they got their jabs. Well, they don't communicate with me anymore.

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I’m sorry, so sad...for so many too. I took two jabs and took a D-dimer two months ago, luckily came back normal so she shouldn’t be scared...best to know. Onto heart tests for me..

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Sadly you are more concerned than she is. Most can’t accept 1st that they were lied to, and 2nd that they accepted out of fear.

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"Sadly you are more concerned than she is."

It's not that she's unconcerned.

She's probably afraid. What's done is done so best to bury one's head in the sand.

The old Italian adage:

"Che sara? Sara."

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All amazing and I follow them too plus some others 😊

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Also Dr. Pierre Kory at FLCCC.net. Good protocols, telemedicine access.

The weekly Critically Thinking video podcasts on clouthub.com are also very good.

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This is spot on, but even more devastating are the younger ones were losing and the sterility these Genocide jabs are causing. We are going to see the true damage for decades to come.

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I’d love to see these specific posts, if you happen to

have any bookmarked, pls. I follow many of these but have yet to see the “countdown posts”.

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Boron should help with inflammed joints. Search for "The Borax Conspiracy". Turmeric is a natural source of boron. Nattokinase is good (as you mentioned) to mitigate damage, but I would also add serrapeptase to the mix.

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I had a big improvement in my Candida/IBS when I started incorporating lots of raw organic garlic slices into my diet.

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Ahhh, the stinky rose, my absolute favorite medicine! Been eating 3 - 5 raw cloves a day or more for years. My family thought I was crazy, me I just love the stuff, lol 😆. I ate garlic way before I knew what a truly wonderful medicine it is.

My family jokes about me when they ask what can they do for this and this and the first thing I saw is Garlic!

My Dad started this when I was a little kid, he thought it was funny to feed me garlic, little did he know......

Even though the vax killed him, I still thank him for his joke that unfortunately backfired on him.

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Sorry to hear about your loss. A lot of us who know the truth suffer because our loved ones refuse to look at the facts.

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"My 1000 hours of reading on the vaccine and covid was no match for his watching the nightly news."

Yes. The feeling of my intelligence being disrespected was hard.

I wanted/still want to be wrong/to have wasted all those hours. I'm happy to be the fool, if for all of this to go away and for people to be healthy.

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Sounds alike like my mom.

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I take FOOD GRADE Diatomaceous Earth pretty regularly. I have for years. Great stuff! Also, capsules of activated charcoal. A friend introduces that to me for those “after drinking” days way back when… Now I use them anytime I’ve had a lot of

icky stuff like pork or donuts. Great toxin removers.

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The unvaccinated (per Geert Vanden Bossche I think) made comment are the vessels? for the "virus" to enter/die off (not literally) but as viruses do and yes they kill many.

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Can someone direct me as to what media is reporting this?

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That’s what I want to know! I read articles on Substack from great writers but haven’t seen Media discuss this. Please link media articles that this is happening- thanks Dr Alexander

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Participants of Amazon affliate program it says at bottom of article. No disclosure of who the writer is. I wouldn't pay much attention to this nonsense !

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No author? Anonymous idiocy.

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I forwarded so many emails/screen shots as well as verbally communicating -- had to pay for more cell phone whatever and would max out unable to take photos. Even had "vaccinated" telling me they wanted to receive nothing about the dirt nap issue (death!).

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“DIRT NAP”! Good one!

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Is this article satire?

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IQFY??? Seems

to me this author, (which I didn’t notice a name), is honestly on OUR side of the “coin toss” and simply writing this as a means to

(possibly) get the vaxxed to wake up? Pretty clever, honestly. I considered something along

these lines at one time but couldn’t articulate it.

Am I the only one who feels this?

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I read it quite awhile ago and asked others for their thoughts. I, also, believed it to be a very clever piece of satire. Really ingenious the more I thought about it. You're the only other one I've heard who picked up on the cleverness of it! Great minds must think alike! :-)

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Well isn't that a turn of events? The dumb ass jabbed people who didn't think for themselves and instead lined up to be Pfizer and Moderna's lab rats are now upset at those who stood back and said "lets wait a year and see what happens during the experiment".

As a result of the fallout from the experiment my wife and I have decided we've had our LAST vaccine for ANYTHING that comes on the market now. We'll rely on our fully intact natural immune system to protect us. Big Pharma can NOT be trusted and that goes too for mainstream media, politicians, and medical boards who relentlessly and still are promoting an obvious killer vaccine coerced onto people with ice cream cones or losing your job.

Watch the October 2019 movie Vaxxed and see how Pharma is responsible for the huge increase of Autism. The graph of infections is exponential and they predict 1 in 5 will have autism down the road.


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I SO wish we could post pics here but there are loads of books you can read to back your stance.

Start with TURTLES ALL the WAY DOWN A Vaccine Myth… (There are TWO books out with the same name. QUITE SUS! I’m suspicious, anyway!) Then do

DISSOLVING ILLUSIONS by Dr. Suzanne Humphries.

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Thanks KC (I hit the like button by mistake replying to you). Yes I downloaded the Turtles book and haven't read it yet because I'm consumed with everything Covid and emails and interviews I get from my outside mainstream doctors and medical scientists. So much EVERY day to be on top of.

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I hear ya. It’s a full time job for me

to simply read my

top 8-10 substacks, and I already have 1.5 jobs!

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I rarely enter an indoor space and when I do it's trader joes or regular errands. I'm damaged from being told I'm not allowed to enter without a test and a shot. I'm supposed to go to dinner with a bunch of injected and I'm thinking of leaving before they take the order

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I wouldn't set foot in Trader Joe's. They wouldn't let the unvaxxed in their stores without a face diaper for a long time and I am just done with them. Nothing in their store I can't live without 😊

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I also do not wish to patronize any business that formerly excluded unvaccinated individuals. I don't believe I could convince myself to dine with a "bunch of injected."

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it's a memorial for my mom who passed away march 24. 1923-2023

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Oh, so sorry, Ann. I understand how difficult this must be for you.

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It's almost as horrible as not being able to see my mom in her last two years because I declined the bio weapon and terrified of the test. siblings were furious and ghosted me. i'm ghosting them back but that's not my personality.

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I would have made the same choices, Ann, as difficult as the repercussions were and continue to be. I wonder if you have a truly trusted, unvaccinated friend or neighbor for support? I had some close friends I tried to inform about the processes and dangers of an mRNA shot early on but they had superficial reasons to comply. It's too hard for me ever again trust someone who is incapable of acting in the best interest of their own health. And frankly I do not want to be harmed by secondary exposure to their production and shedding of spike protein. We remain on cordial terms but I keep my physical distance and have found good reasons to avoid invitations. I don’t want to hurt their feelings but I also have my husband, son, and unvaccinated family and friends to keep healthy.

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I cry a lot because as if it isn’t bad now it’s going to get worse and the two wars plus mnrna meat.

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Worry about shedding...it's real.

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No, it’s not. I’ve stood in line at Starbucks many times and I am just feeling fine.

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Standing in line is just, what 5 minutes, max?

I'm talking about spending much more time with jabbed.

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This is exactly how shedding is happening: all you need is to spend time in a small room with triple vaccinated friends. Staying in line is not enough for that to happen. Thanks God! This is why they let alone the 25% who are unvaccinated. Because they assumed they wil all get the vaccine from their friends and family. This was absolutely criminal!

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I have no problems when I go to Trader Joe's or Walmart.

But every time I have a doctor's appointment at the VA, which consists of forced jabbed VA employees and being in a small enclosed room, I have trouble. Next day I always have a headache in the same place, lethargy, and fuzzy brain.

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Spike protein, whether from ever having had covid, or from being jabbed, or from any other source causes neurological effects including cell death and dementia. Is it a unilateral headache or diffuse?

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Unfortunately, I can confirm that it's real. Now, will you get it from everyone? I don't think so. Just like you I never got it from staying in line. Do you know how you can get shedding? From vaccinated friends. All you need to do it to hug them and spend a few hours with them is a small living room. If all your friends are triple vaccinated and you have four of them sitting really close to you I don't see how you can't get shedding unless you are a non responder. Do that, then please come back here and tell us about your experience. The shedding usually happens through physical contact. And especially in a setting I described above.

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That’s why I sit downstairs alone at my church and watch the service on tv. They bring communion down to me. I miss sitting in the auditorium with everyone, but a large percentage are jabinated and continually so.

Not fun but I have this crazy desire to live. They don’t get it, I’m sure, but they will...already a few sudden, unexpected deaths and there’s prayer requests in the church bulletin for new, aggressive cancers and returning ones.

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It's a wise thing to do. I would do the same. The most dangerous situation is when someone got their booster recently. Because that's when they have the highest amount of spike proteins.

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If you've ever had covid or been shed upon even once then after a few weeks of circulating in your bloodstream the spike ends up in your brain and other organs.

From what I understand it penetrates the cell nucleus.

Maybe nattokinase will dissolve it but the only evidence for its effectiveness is in vitro.

It may not be effective after passage through the gastrointestinal system.

Basically, if you've been shed on once you're vaxxed.

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Don`t go they are all shedding and stupid as well

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I'm LOL -- you might as well stay and hear the drama. It's the gift that keeps on giving.

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A relative just got back from wintering in Thailand. I mentioned to him about his being there during the time when the princess fell ill, etc. He gave me "kudos" for having been correct about the jabs. I warned him and other aunts and uncles, but they all went on to take the jabs anyway. For those who are vaccinated, angry, and reading this: No "secret knowledge" was had other than reading the situation and recognizing the multitude of inconsistencies and psychological manipulation at play. Just this week-end, I spoke with a cousin who is scheduled for her 4th jab this week. I strongly encouraged her to do "the research" and sent her a couple of links to begin with. All I seem to get when speaking with my own generation is alienation. No one wants to hear the truth of the situation. So... quit blaming others. We live in a time where no one wants to take responsibility for their own actions, including what they put in their mouths or shoot into their arms... It's time to woman or man up.

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I tried to warn people. They said I was a nutter and a conspiracy theorist.

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No one called me names after I tried my best to warn them. I guess they knew better than to open that can of worms.

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Did they listen to your warnings?

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Not a single one.

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There is still a very significant proportion of people who thinknthat if you try to warn them which is why there are so many Biden bots on this stacknsaying that Trump should denounce the jabs.

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I think Trump should denounce Fauci, Birx, Collins, and NIH.

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He did better than that. With Military Tribunals, those vermin were all hanged in Gitmo in the last 2 years for treason and crimes against humanity. The US Military White Hats are the only way to punish these monsters and recover our country from the Deep State cabal. More than 1/2 million perps will be hanged, and it will take at least through 2026 to do so. Tribunals are being set up in hundreds courtrooms, Govt buildings, and other suitable places. They will eventually be open to the public. #MAGA

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Just let them try…..

I tried with data eg Israel to explain to some close friends the emerging risks .

Without exception I was shunned, considered selfish etc and I’ve lost friends as a result.

It seemed perfectly ok for these people to ignore the Nuremberg code if nothing else.

I have no sympathy whatsoever for them and indeed I am tempted now to say we can’t meet up as they present a risk to me re shedding …..

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💯 my experience as well as experience of everyone I know who tried to warn them.

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Don`t meet up it`s a death sentence!

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Is this the first time in history that the fooled will blame the unfooled? I wonder. It does seem to be a unique situation.

The pain of awakening after indoctrination, i gather, can be severe.

Happy Easter Monday!

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Lol. We all but screamed at you not to take it, tried to intervene with insane work policy, even moved to stop a child clot shotting at a clinic and were told to go to hell, police called.

Next time you see smart people quit a successful career to avoid mandates, engage your pea brains. Yes, you should be mad as hell.

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your comment has resonated with me the most. Kudos to you for trying to save that child

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Honestly the most upsetting thing I've seen, the 4-5 yr old kid was screaming to be saved and the clinic took it as normal vaccine fears. The social scorn was palpable. I think they would have lynched my wife and I if they could have. Yet on the way out I saw a grandpa and little girl turn around and leave. I hope they reconsidered.

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Those two words,suckered in so many "sheep"; Safe & Effective, now to their growing horror, with compromised immune systems, shortened life spans, unknown long term effects.....

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“Safe and effective” wasn’t one lie: it’s two.

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Safe from lawsuits. Effective at killing.

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Love it. Joe Biden and Turdie pants are liars.....

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