Thanks Dr. Alexander.

I’m still being treated like a leper for being unvaccinated. I pray I’m alive to see the day when the truth is finally revealed.

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My own gut feeling about this is that things are coming to a head in the next few months.

Biden admin declaring Monkeypox emergency 3 months from US midterms.

We are dealing with another attempted election steal.

These people are evil.

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Aug 5, 2022
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Yeppers... they're 'Pot Committed', Adam Schiff et al. They can only 'Raise', not 'Call', otherwise they'll lose and they know it.

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It has been revealed, but the liars will not confess their crime. We need a Spanish inquisition style trial.

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Honestly, I would love to see the whole lot of them tried for crimes against humanity.

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Birx has in her new book! W/out a care in the world that she’ll face consequences

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Because in the current environment, she won’t

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I'd give you a big hug! ; )

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Reading your comment is sad, you are surrounded my many ignorant people. They will soon be dead. Give it 2 or 3 years. We are already seeing insane increases in many diseases. Check out the ethical skeptic on Twitter, he does a great amount of data analysis.

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You will I am the same way

Thank God

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Me too. Especially in regards to employment. When will it end?

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Yep. Hang em high

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We have witnessed the greatest medical crime in world history and no one is in jail yet.

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They cannot escape to another planet. They will be dealt with. Better for them to confess right away.

If and when Fauci dies, we may hear a lot of this demons scapegoating: "I didn't want to but Fauci forced me to lie!" Don't believe them. They know what they've done. They will pay.

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LOL! 'If' he dies. That demon is already dead. His carcass just keeps breathing simply for the demon that possesses him to have a body. But all evil things will come to an end. I have a party planned at his demise.

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I am an unvaxed medical laboratory technologist here in beautiful BC Canada that is terminated from her job as of October 26,2021. I was never off sick the entire time I worked in the acute care hospital 60 to 70 hours a week, but my vaccinated coworkers were from January 2021 onward. I an poorer but healthy and waiting for the tyrannical decisions made affecting me to be reversed so that I can be employed again.

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I live in British Columbia too and perhaps with the huge numbers of the vaccinated being constantly sick they will have to rehire the healthy, reliable, unvaxxed people back. I believe a few other provinces already have but here in this province they are stubbornly refusing to do so. I am really sorry to hear you lost your job.

I too, am unvaxxed but as a retired senior it made my decision that much easier. I commend you for your courageous decision.

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They are stubbornly refusing to in Ontario also.

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They don’t want to admit wrogdoing!!!

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BC Interior Health is a cesspool of disease with 8-900 sick calls per day, according to their press release. 100% injected, boosted and mask wearing. They have permanent signs up saying they are understaffed, be patient, patient.

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I know and its the same with B.C. Ferries. Five percent absentee rate was normal before covid and vaxxes. It has now nearly doubled to 11 percent since the vaccine mandates.

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Safe and effective.

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I know. I can't believe at this point they have the nerve to keep saying that. But at this point they are going with the age old trick and tactic of repeating the lie over and over again until it will finally become the perceived truth. It appears to be working. I keep hoping people will wake up.

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800 staff sick days at one Toronto hospital in May. 770 in June. Same hospital - emerg closed two consecutive weekends. Small-town Perth Ontario - emerg has been closed for weeks.

6 doctors "died suddenly" in the last two weeks (two had other illnesses) but who knows what the jab did to accelerate the effects. We have to assume that the plan of the cabal is to destroy the health system in Canada so we need an alternate system up and running.

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Destroying the healthcare system but without any alternative system.

The one of the goals of the Cabal is depopulation and providing healthcare is the last thing on their mind or in their plans.

The Great Reset combined with the Great Culling is their goal.

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Trudeau is already on thin ice so he can’t do much to crackdown on the unvaxxed healthcare workers.

In Canada, healthcare is a provincial jurisdiction so hiring is a provincial decision, in Alberta they’re already bringing back the ‘unvaxxed’ workers because of rising shortages of essential workers. Especially since the fully vaxxed doctors and nurses are beginning to fall sick and removed from the labor pool with no back fill, all the provinces are seeing this happening.

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Yes. Unfortunately it has taken people this long to realize they were scammed. Fear works miracles(depending on whose team you’re on!)

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Yes me too. It feels surreal the amount of healthy people sitting home waiting for workplaces to realize what they have done as they coddle the unhealthy yet compliant workforce. Long term and short term disability payments will be the death of those companies.

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We have witnessed the greatest medical crime in world history and no one is in jail yet.

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The global criminals are STILL in charge & ready to re-vamp on steroids come Fall.

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Difference was the last time nobody was paying attention.

This time A LOT of people are paying attention, it's why the Monkeypox "scare" is a flop, very few people are buying the BS with the Pox and the "vaccines" being pushed.

Also the boosters are now a complete flop, only the most fanatical and brainwashed still want them and they're already a lost cause.

As for the criminals in charge, they are under the mistaken impression they're still in charge but they aren't and you can see signs of it everywhere.

Half the world isn't under their control any longer and their schemes are being exposed so that even the most braindead are wondering what's happening.

I think their little Fall escapade is not going to unfold the way they would like.

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GRY how I hope you are right 🤞🏻🍀!

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The unvaccinated are the fortunate ones who are able to stand firm. Brave beautiful Lady, sending her love.

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Praying for all, especially those that did not know they were being lied to.

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Many angry people where I work, that they got duped. And the ones who held out, back to work , karma

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The unvaxxed are going to rise in value in the coming years, especially as more of the vaxxed fall ill and unfortunately many of them will not make it.

There will be severe labor shortages of skilled workers which can’t be filled by simple immigration or imports from other countries.

An unlikely pool of candidates will be from the 40-65 age pool, contrary to belief quite a few older people were skeptical of the vax, more so than the 20-40 age group who were very ‘enthusiastic’ in embracing it.

So you’ll probably see many older workers begin to reappear in the employment market, especially at the higher levels which require experience.

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Exactly. You can get rid of the cashiers at Walmart. You can't easily replace the person who maintain those systems

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Yes, experienced technical and managerial talent ready to jump back in.

There will be disruptions because not everyone will be up to date at least on a technical level and it will take time.

But to keep society functioning doesn’t require the latest credentials in Machine Learning or Data Science but a guy to keep the systems up and running.

The same goes for leadership (non political) at various organizations because that’s going to be crucial going forward towards recovery.

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The downside is that if there is too critical a shortage of workers the government might abolish the retirement age altogether and refuse to pay out retirement benefits at any age.

eg. every one works, so no retirement at all unless it's for medical reasons.

The concept of zero retirement is alien to anyone born after about 1950 but before then a lot of people (especially rural) worked till they were physically incapable.

Those who grew up in farm families know this concept well.

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You mean they could solve the entitlements problem?

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Millennials are going to learn a very harsh lesson in reality, nobody after all of this is over are going to tolerate those entitled whiners.

Already their "woke" culture is dying, you can see that in popular culture YT sites, the entertainment industry are cancelling "progressive, woke" projects because of the coming recession.

Nobody cares about the values of the Millennials and apparently someone did a survey of the generation coming after them and found many were almost as conservative as the WW2 generation! a complete rejection of Millennial progressive values.

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You could be right about older workers joining the workforce. Yesterday while grocery shopping the cashier we had was probably the oldest man I have ever seen doing this type of job. He appeared to be in his eighties. Of course I have no idea if he was vaxxed.

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I would not be surprised if he weren’t, many older people are still capable and not stupid, I’ve encountered older people who lived outside of the retirement home system and refused to take the vax.

Whereas the greatest casualties were in the care homes.

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Thankyou for the reassuring comment about older people. I am 72 lol. Still capable and not stupid.

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I’m 59, laid off 5 years ago, can’t find anything at the moment because Millennials in HR think anyone over 50 are useless Boomers.

But that will change a lot sooner than most people think.

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Sorry to hear about your unemployment situation. It can be difficult to find work at that age.

My sister at age 55 was laid off and it took her over a year to find another job. She had this job for five years and loved it but was laid off during covid. By this time she was 60. After a year and a half she finally got another job at nearly 62 years of age.

She's hoping to keep this one until she retires at 65. She works in an office and she's finding some companies actually prefer older people because they are reliable, turn up on time and are beyond the partying, hangover stage.

She was hired by Deloitte, one of the largest accounting firms in the world. So I believe there is hope.

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Here in Italy it's almost impossible to find work if you are over 40 - I am 61 unjabbed and lost my teaching job due to this plandemic. I doubt I'll work again and I won't get a pension till about 67/68 if I'm lucky. Hard times - but I wouldn't change it for the world. So many friends/family having bad health issues. Prefer to be poor but healthy 😊

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Hi Helen: I am 78, unvaxxed, full of energy and still take care of my own home.

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Exactly. There's no way they are going to write us off yet!

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Totally agree! I pray for the younger generation to open their eyes. I’m concerned for their well being.

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Senior citizen here, unvaxxed. Would love a good job.

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They will come begging!

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That statement is a lot truer than most employers currently realize.

Any employer still stupid enough to insist on vaccinations as a condition of employment might as well file for bankruptcy protection.

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If only. I pray that's right.

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Meanwhile in New Zealand Jabcinda Ardern will not let the double jabbed nurses, doctors and health workers go back to work and as a result we have a health crisis due to the staff shortage. FFS let the 700 double vaxxed nurses go back to work!

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Jabcinda! I love it.

Canadians have dear Justinyourarm. It's completely safe and effective.

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Justinyourarm! I love it.

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Same in Canada. Once again, they’re in lockstep.

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Why not the double jabbed can’t work? I thought it was the unjabbed they didn’t want working??

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If you are a double jabbed doctor nurse or healthcare worker in New Zealand you have to have a third shot - insane eh!

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That is insane? Glad some said no, and I know its a very difficult situation. My heart goes out to you and all! Evil has taken over the world.

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Another big thumbs up, Dr. Alexander!!!


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What a powerful witness. Bless her for her honesty, and may she be healed.

A friend recently travelled a long distance across country to see his mom and the siblings he had not seen for three years. During the craziness his siblings fought with him constantly, called him an uncaring, unfeeling, stupid idiot. He maintained the lines of communication and tried to offer wisdom and stats about the vckxzcs and encourage them to get no further shots. They laughed at him. He was very distressed about all this. But when he arrived he discovered they had done an about face. They were done with covid, were getting no further vxckses and were appalled that children and babies were getting the jab. I asked him if they apologized. He said, no they had not. Whiskey tango? The cognitive dissonance is complete.

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Unfortunately she had to get sick to see the truth

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Looks like Russia may have found the smoking gun(s) on this pandemic.

Whether you believe them or not the evidence is clear.

1. US clandestine biolabs in the Ukraine uncovered by Russia.

2. US DOD admits there are 46 of them.

3. Hunter Biden involved in Metabiota which is involved in gain of function research.

4. Too many DNC and RINOs involved with Ukraine and they all panicked when Russia went in.

5. If they found evidence of Monkeypox research as well this clearly is a smoking gun.

You decide…


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USA & DARPA up to their ears in mud. What has happened to my country?

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Encouraging that Tik-Tok didn't censor this. Tide may be turning!

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Thank you Dr Paul, poignant and heartbreaking to watch and know what this woman, who believed she was doing the right thing, will be facing with near and long term health outcomes.

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Right now, nearly all of the blood bank inventory is contaminated with toxic vaccine or treatment substances. This makes using their plasma exposes patients to their long term effects. Have you a solution to this problem?

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