The U.S. Department of Defense Funded and Operated Biological Labs in Ukraine The labs obviously exist and they were clearly funded by the U.S. Department Of Defense. The evidence is readily available
The question is: "What was really being done at these labs?" JAMES ROGUSKI
Public documents clearly show that the United States Department of Defense has invested millions of dollars in at least 13 biological laboratories in Ukraine. This has been public knowledge for years. Some people have claimed their are 16 biolabs, the Chinese have claimed that there are 26 biolabs and the Russians claim that there are 30 biolabs. Exactly how many biolabs has the United States supported in Ukraine?
The links to the Fact Sheets related to these biological laboratories were temporarily “broken” on the website maintained by the United States embassy in Ukraine. As of March 10, 2022 the broken links seem to have been fixed.
On February 24, 2022, the Ukrainian Minister of Health (Victor Lyashko) ordered “the emergency destruction of biological pathogens.” In time of war, this could be seen as a reasonable step to prevent the spread of pathogens due to bombing, fire and/or theft.
United States Undersecretary of State Victoria Nuland’s Congressional testimony verified the fact that the U.S. was attempting to assist the Ukrainians in their effort to prevent the Russians from obtaining these “research materials.”
Government officials, “Fact Checkers” and the mainstream media continue to claim that this is all “fake news,” “Russian propaganda” or “conspiracy theories.”
Anyone who claimed (or continues to claim) that the labs do not exist, or that they were not funded by the United States Department of Defense is ignoring the obvious facts.
Why were these Ukrainian bio labs funded by the U.S. Department of Defense? How much American taxpayer money has been spent on these labs? What is project “Nimble Elder?”
Is it true, as the Chinese claim, that the U.S. has funded 336 biological labs worldwide? What kind of pathogens are stored in these facilities? What types of research is going on in these facilities? What harm they pose to people in these countries and around the world? How much has been spent worldwide?
What exactly has been going on at these labs? Were any studies conducted in Ukraine involving bats, birds, flies, fleas and ticks as potential vectors of disease?
Was diplomatic immunity given to employees and independent contractors who worked at these laboratories? If so, why? Did employees at these labs use their “diplomatic immunity” to transport dangerous biological pathogens or human tissues under the guise of “diplomatic cargo”?
Why did the U.S. Air Force specifically request Russian (not Ukrainian) synovial tissue and RNA samples? Has research been done regarding methods in which pathogens could specifically target individual groups based on their ethnicity? Was gain of function research conducted?
The Russians have stated that the existence of these biological laboratories is seen by them to be a threat to their security and have said so for years. How would the United States react if Russia began funding dozens of laboratories in Mexico that were designed to “collect and study” biological pathogens?
Why has the United States worked for decades to prevent the Biological Weapons Convention from establishing a bio lab inspection protocol? Of the 183 countries that have agreed to the BWC, why is the US is the only one that pulled out of negotiations for such a mechanism in 2001?
Why has Israel not agreed to the Biological Weapons Convention?
Why are government officials, “fact check” organizations and mainstream media outlets blatantly permitted to lie by claiming that reports about the existence of Department of Defense funded biological laboratories in Ukraine were “fake news,” “Russian propaganda” or “conspiracy theories”?
Why is it okay for individuals and organizations to spread Misinformation, Disinformation and Malinformation (MDM) when it supports the lies of the official narrative, but individuals and organizations that spread verifiable truth are censored and de-platformed?
Nuland: We are working to prevent biological research facilities from falling into Russia's hands
In response to questions from Reuters about its work with Ukraine ahead of and during Russia's invasion, the WHO said in an email on Thursday that it has collaborated with Ukrainian public health labs for several years to promote security practices that help prevent "accidental or deliberate release of pathogens."
"As part of this work, WHO has strongly recommended to the Ministry of Health in Ukraine and other responsible bodies to destroy high-threat pathogens to prevent any potential spills," the WHO, a United Nations agency, said.
The WHO would not say when it had made the recommendation nor did it provide specifics about the kinds of pathogens or toxins housed in Ukraine's laboratories. The agency also did not answer questions about whether its recommendations were followed.
Until yesterday this was "fake news" and "conspiracy theory." Undersecretary of State Victoria Nuland just confirmed that #Ukraine has "biological research facilities.”
The Chinese Minister of Foreign Affairs claimed that the United States controls 336 biological laboratories in 30 countries around the world, including a total of 26 labs in Ukraine.
Why are we funding this?
Nimble Elder, Pentagon documents show, involves WMD-tracking teams that work with combatant commands around the world to either deploy rapidly to crisis spots around the world or are already based in those areas. They collaborate with technical support groups to "provide the (combatant commands) and other U.S. government agencies with the capability to counter WMD threats."
USA has just been caught with Biolabs in Ukraine.
Ukraine worked on development of biological weapons near Russian borders - statement
"We confirm the facts, discovered during the special military operation in Ukraine, of the emergency cleanup by the Kiev regime of traces of the military biological program, carried out by Kiev with funding from the US Department of Defense," the statement reads. "Documents were obtained from employees of Ukrainian biological laboratories about emergency disposal of particularly dangerous pathogens of plague, anthrax, tularemia, cholera and other deadly diseases, carried out on February 24. In particular, we are talking about the Ukrainian Health Ministry order on prompt disposal of all stockpiles of dangerous pathogens, sent to all bio laboratories."
"The obtained documentation is currently being scrupulously analyzed by specialists of Nuclear, Chemical and Biological Protection troops. However, it is already possible to make a conclusion that the laboratories located in direct proximity from Russian borders worked on development of components of biological weapons," the diplomat noted.
The emergency disposal of particularly dangerous pathogens, carried out on February 24, was necessary in order to prevent the revelation of facts of violation of Article 1 of the Biological Weapons Convention by Ukraine and the US, Zakharova said.
"This information confirms the validity of the complaints that we’ve made repeatedly within the context of implementation of the Biological Weapons Convention in regards to the military biological activity of the US and its allies on the post-Soviet territory," she noted.
Russian Defense Ministry: Americans were able to take out most of the documentation from biological laboratories from the territory of Ukraine
On the evening of March 10, the Russian military published supporting documentation:
Transfer of biomaterials from Ukrainian laboratories to Australia and Germany;
Bat Research Project;
Migratory Birds Project UP-4 and protocol for capturing birds from Ukraine in Russia;
Acts of destruction of evidence in biolaboratories.
It is also reported that the ultimate goal of development is the spread of deadly pathogens. The Russian Defense Ministry claims that the US authorities wanted to work in Ukraine in 2022 on pathogens of birds, bats and reptiles that were supposed to carry African plague and anthrax.
Materials on the UP-8 project to study the Crimean Congo hemorrhagic fever virus and hantaviruses in Ukraine refute the US public assertion that only Ukrainian scientists work in the Pentagon's biolaboratories in Ukraine without the intervention of American biologists;
The fact of payments directly from the Pentagon for participation in research is confirmed. Pays a modest, by American standards, wages. This indicates a low assessment of the professionalism of Ukrainian specialists;
There is information about a US project in laboratories in Ukraine to study the spread of dangerous infections by migratory birds;
The Americans have already managed to evacuate most of the bioresearch documentation from the laboratories in Kyiv, Kharkov and Odessa;
It is possible that a part of the collection of American bioresearch materials will be moved from Ukraine to Poland;
The United States, Ukrainian and Georgian laboratories near the borders of Russia are implementing a project where bats are considered as carriers of bioweapons;
The analysis of materials confirms the fact that more than 140 containers with ectoparasites of bats were transferred from the biological laboratory in Kharkov abroad;
Research in biolaboratories was carried out in the immediate vicinity of the borders of Russia - in the regions of the Black Sea coast and in the Caucasus;
Research similar to the American one in Ukraine was carried out during the Second World War by the infamous Detachment 731 from Japan;
With a high degree of probability, we can say that one of the tasks of the United States and its allies is the creation of bioagents capable of selectively affecting various ethnic groups of the population.
Russian Defense Ministry Releases Materials of U.S. Bio-Military Operations in Ukraine
Bat coronavirus found in U.S.-funded bio-lab in Ukraine: Russian Defense Ministry
The Russian Defence Ministry on Thursday announced that the US-funded biological labs located in Ukraine were conducting experiments with bat coronavirus samples.
"According to the documents, the American side planned to conduct work on pathogens of birds, bats, and reptiles in Ukraine in 2022, with a further transition to studying the possibility of carrying African swine fever and anthrax", chief spokesman for the Ministry of Defence Major General Igor Konashenkov said.
In addition, the facilities were studying the possible spread of pathogens via wild birds, migrating between Russia, Ukraine, and other countries in the region.
"The purpose of this - and other Pentagon-funded biological research in Ukraine, was to create a mechanism for the covert spread of deadly pathogens", he added.
Russia claims to have evidence of 30 biological laboratories
Russian Defense Ministry: Americans were able to take out most of the documentation from biological laboratories from the territory of Ukraine
US biolaboratories: We clearly know why, and who needs it
US-Funded Bio Labs in Ukraine Conducted Research Into Bat Coronavirus, Russian MoD Says
Secret U.S. Biolabs in Ukraine EXPOSED | Dilyana Gaytandzhieva
Russia claims Ukraine destroying evidence of US-funded bioweapons program
Russian military claims US running 30 biolabs in Ukraine
The practices of biological laboratories in Ukraine must be investigated — Marko Gasic
American BIO-LABS in Ukraine. The evil continues
Russia's Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov holds press conference in Moscow
US Spent More Than $200 Million On Biolaboratories In Ukraine
2018: Russia accuses US of running a biological weapons lab in Georgia
Marco Rubio, Victoria Nuland Declare If There’s a Bioweapon Attack, It’s Russia’s Fault
TIP: If you listen to the Unite Nations Security Council meeting videos below on stereo headphones, if you use just one earphone, you can focus on just the English translation.
US & Ukraine Docs Prove Biolabs, Russian Federation Response
GLENN GREENWALD: The White House's game-playing denials of bio labs in Ukraine
Truth About U.S. Funded Bio-Labs in Ukraine
Chinese Foreign Minister urges the Pentagon to disclose information about the biolabs “as soon as possible”
China urges U.S. to release details of bio-labs in Ukraine
The Health Minister of Ukraine (Victor Lyashko) ordered the destruction of biological pathogens at the biological labs.
Russia’s Defence Ministry says Ukraine ordered scientists to destroy samples of plague, anthrax, and other lethal pathogens at US-funded laboratories near the Russian border, RT reported.
“We have received documentation from employees of Ukrainian biolaboratories on the emergency destruction on February 24 of especially dangerous pathogens of plague, anthrax, tularemia, cholera and other deadly diseases,” read a statement from the ministry.
Russia’s Defense Ministry added that it believes the documents will prove that Ukraine and the US were violating Article 1 of the UN Biological Weapons Convention.
The following is from an article in the Daily Exposé
On their Telegram channel, RIA Novosti, a Russian state-owned news agency, posted images of the documents published by the ministry which include: an order from the Ukrainian Ministry of Health to destroy the pathogens; and, lists of the germs in question. The images were accompanied with the comments (translated using Google):
“The facts of the emergency cleansing by the Kiev regime of the traces of the military-biological program being implemented in Ukraine, funded by the US Department of Defence, have been revealed, the Russian Defence Ministry said. Employees of Ukrainian biological laboratories provided documents on the destruction of especially dangerous pathogens of plague and anthrax on February 24
“The Ministry of Defence of the Russian Federation published an instruction of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine on the destruction of pathogens and acts of destruction in the Poltava and Kharkiv biological laboratories.
“Russian Defence Ministry: The Pentagon has serious concerns about disclosing the conduct of secret biological experiments on the territory of Ukraine.
“The received documents confirm that in the Ukrainian biolaboratories, in the immediate vicinity of the territory of Russia, the development of biological weapons components was carried out.
“In order to prevent disclosure of the facts of violation by the United States and Ukraine of Article 1 of the UN Convention on the Prohibition of Bacteriological (Biological) and Toxin Weapons, the Ukrainian Ministry of Health sent an instruction to all biological laboratories to urgently eliminate stored stocks of dangerous pathogens.
“In the near future, the Ministry of Defence of the Russian Federation intends to present the results of the analysis of the received documents.”
The document images shared by RIA Novosti are in Russian, but one twitter user posted a translation of the covering letter and another twitter user translated, using Yandex, the remaining pages. Below are the translated images.
The information below is from the web page dedicated to the Biological Threat Reduction Program (BTRP) on the website of the United States Embassy in Ukraine.
Laboratory Construction
BTRP has upgraded many laboratories for the Ministry of Health and the State Food Safety and Consumer Protection Service of Ukraine, reaching Biosafety Level 2. In 2019, BTRP constructed two laboratories for the latter, one in Kyiv and one in Odesa.
Below is clear documentation that at least 13 biological laboratories were funded by the Department of Defense and the Defense Threat Reduction Agency (DTRA). Please note the overall U.S. Government investment at the bottom of each fact sheet.
Downloadable fact sheets posted on the embassy’s webpage for just over a dozen different laboratories and institutions across Ukraine show that the primary donor for 12 of these laboratories and institutions is the U.S. Department of Defense. One other fact sheet, for the Dnipropetrovsk State Regional Diagnostic Veterinary Laboratory, names the DRTA (which is under the Department of Defense), as its primary donor. In eight cases, the Ukrainian Ministry of Health was listed as the recipient of these donations on the fact sheets, and the Ukraine State Veterinary and Phytosanitary Service was listed as the recipient on four.
Furthermore, every single laboratory with a fact sheet listing donors and recipients names Black & Veatch, a large engineering firm based in Kansas City, as the head contractor. Previously, Black & Veatch was tasked with building Ukraine’s first Biological Safety Level 3 (BSL-3) lab in Odessa. BSL-3 laboratories are allowed to work with dangerous toxins and pathogens like anthrax and HIV.
While the program was commonly understood to be focused on cleaning up former Soviet programs, the 12 fact sheets show that the United States had invested more than $21 million in the construction and operation of various facilities located in cities scattered across Ukraine, such as Lviv and Karkiv. Each have or are in the process of obtaining a “permit for working with Pathogens.” The operation seems extensive and relatively long-lasting for simply a clean-up effort, which would have likely destroyed these biohazards or brought them to a more secure laboratory, outside of a country that has been relatively unstable for the last decade.
Dnipropetrovsk Diagnostic Laboratory (DoD $1,935,557) MAP
Dnipropetrovsk State Regional Diagnostic Veterinary Laboratory (DTRA $1,810, 547) MAP
Kerson Diagnostic Laboratory (DoD $1,728,822) MAP
Kharkiv Diagnostic Laboratory (DoD $1,638,375)
Kiev Institute of Veterinary Medicine of the National Academy of Agrarian Sciences (DoD $2,109,375.23) MAP
Luhansk Regional Diagnostic Veterinary Laboratory (DoD $1,746,312)
Lviv Diagnostic Laboratory (DoD $1,927,158) MAP
Lviv Research Institute of Epidemiology and Hygeine (DoD $1,530,205) MAP
Lviv Regional Diagnostic Veterinary Laboratory (DoD $1,734,971)
Odessa Central Reference Laboratory (DoD $3,492,551)
Ternopil Diagnostic Laboratory (DoD $1,755,786)
Vinnytsia Oblast Laboratory Center (DoD $1,504,840)
Zakarpartska Oblast Laboratory Center (DoD $1,920,432)
US Embassy Quietly Deletes All Ukraine Bioweapons Lab Documents Online – Media Blackout
It seems as if the U.S. Embassy attempted to hide this information, but the documents were archived on “The Wayback Machine.” As of noon on March 10, 2022, the original links on the Embassy website appear to have been restored.
Biowarfare scientists under diplomatic cover
Among the set of bilateral agreements between the US and Ukraine is the establishment of the Science and Technology Center in Ukraine (STCU) – an International organization funded mainly by the US government which has been accorded diplomatic status. The STCU officially supports projects of scientists previously involved in the Soviet biological weapons program. Over the past 20 years the STCU has invested over $285 million in funding and managing some 1,850 projects of scientists who previously worked on the development of weapons of mass destruction.
Apparently, this diplomatic immunity enables laboratory personnel to directly transport biological agents and biological products (such as human blood and human tissue) as “diplomatic cargo.”
Southern Research Institute, one of the US contractors working at the bio-laboratories in Ukraine, has projects on Cholera, as well as on Influenza and Zika – all pathogens of military importance to the Pentagon. Southern Research Institute has been a prime subcontractor under the DTRA program in Ukraine since 2008.
Along with Southern Research Institute, two other private American companies operate military bio-labs in Ukraine – Black&Veatch and Metabiota.
Black & Veatch Special Project Corp. was awarded $198.7 million DTRA contracts to build and operate bio-laboratories in Ukraine (under two 5-year contracts in 2008 and 2012 totaling $128.5 million), as well as in Germany, Azerbaijan, Cameroon, Thailand, Ethiopia, Vietnam and Armenia.
Metabiota has been awarded a $18.4 million federal contract under the program in Georgia and Ukraine. This US company was also contracted to perform work for the DTRA before and during the Ebola crisis in West Africa, the company was awarded $3.1 million (2012-2015) for work in Sierra Leone .
Dilyana Gaytandzhieva:
Dilyana Gaytandzhieva has been reporting on United States Department of Defense biological laboratories around the world for a number of years.
The Pentagon Bio-weapons
Documents expose US biological experiments on allied soldiers in Ukraine and Georgia
Bulgarian journalist confronts US official over secret biolabs
CLICK HERE to watch her 2018 documentary.
Please watch the videos below…
The United States Air Force sought to purchase synovial (joint) tissue from Russian, not Ukranian, but specifically ethnic Russian individuals (22 minutes into the video below):
The Air Force sought synovial tissue and RNA samples from Russian people only.
NOTE: At about noon Pacific time on March 10, 2022, I noticed that the previously broken links on the U.S. Embassy website had been repaired. CLICK HERE
On November 23, 2015 the Congressional Research Service updated “The Evolution of Cooperative Threat Reduction: Issues for Congress.”
Between FY1997 and FY2015, Congress appropriated to DOD around $2.4 billion for biological threat reduction projects, with large increases in the amount of both the request and the appropriation in recent years.
The increase in funding was largest between FY2007 and FY2008, when DOD planned to expand U.S. bio-safety and bio-security assistance at facilities in Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, and Georgia. This request reflected growing concerns about the threat of biological weapons proliferation. But some believed this increase would not be sufficient.
Senator Richard Lugar sought to add $100 million for the CTR program in FY2008, with the express purpose of expanding and accelerating biological weapons nonproliferation programs.92 The Senate reduced this amount but still added $50 million to the program for FY2008. The requests and authorizations for CBE funding grew steadily since FY2008, with a slight decrease in the FY2015 request.
Some in Congress have expressed concern over whether DOD was the appropriate actor to be carrying out these tasks, and whether biological engagement was being pursued at the expense of other programs.
SOURCE: (pages 40-41)
Is Ukraine Destroying Evidence of US-Funded Bioweapons Programme?
Pentagon bio-weapons
Russian Foreign Minister Lavrov Accuses Pentagon of Running ‘Biowarfare Facilities’ in Ukraine
Russia Negotiator Charges It Now Has Evidence of ‘Biological Weapons Components’ in Ukraine That Show ‘Good Reason’ for Invasion
Here are the Documents the U.S. Embassy in Ukraine Scrubbed on ‘Biological Threat Reduction’ Labs
Russian MoD: At least 30 biolabs were erected by US in Ukraine
BREAKING: Documents Reveal US Department of Defense Was Funding Ukrainian Biolabs — Russia Releases List of Biological Agents Tested in US BioLabs in Ukraine, Including Salmonella and E. Coli
**BREAKING VIDEO** Russia Tells the US “We Have Found Your Biological Weapons” (VIDEO)
About Those Bio Labs in Ukraine
Russian Minister of Defense: At Least 30 Biolabs Were Set Up by U.S. in Ukraine
Is Ukraine Destroying Evidence of US-Funded Bioweapons Programme?
EXCLUSIVE: Deleted Web Pages Show Obama Led an Effort To Build a Ukraine-Based BioLab Handling ‘Especially Dangerous Pathogens’.
U.S. storing ‘dangerous pathogens’ at biolabs in Ukraine, China says
Washington Destroys or Removes the evidence of illegal biological warfare before scampering from the scene of the crime
About Those Bio Labs in Ukraine
Despite all of the evidence that is now and has always been publicly available, government officials, “fact check” organizations and media organizations continue to simply deny the reality that the U.S. Department of Defense has funded numerous biological laboratories in Ukraine and around the world.
Presidential Press Secretary Jen Psaki
Social Media Posts Misrepresent U.S.-Ukraine Threat Reduction Program
Sources claimed by FactCheck.Org [accessed on March 9, 2022]:
Arms Control Association. “Ukraine, Nuclear Weapons, and Security Assurances at a Glance.” Accessed 28 Feb 2022.
Berger, Miriam. “Putin says he will ‘denazify’ Ukraine. Here’s the history behind that claim.” Washington Post. 24 Feb 2022.
Broad, William J. “Ukraine Gave Up a Giant Nuclear Arsenal 30 Years Ago. Today, there are regrets.” New York Times. 5 Feb 2022.
Brokell, Gillian. “Putin says he’ll ‘denazify Ukraine.’ Its Jewish president lost family in the Holocaust.” Washington Post. 25 Feb 2022.
Dwoskin, Elizabeth and Cat Zakrzewski. “Facebook and TikTok ban Russian state media in Europe.” 28 Feb 2022.
Interfax-Ukraine. “SBU: No Biological laboratories in Ukraine.” Kyiv Post. 8 May 2020.
Kirby, Jen and Jonathan Guyer. “Putin’s invasion of Ukraine, explained.” Vox. 28 Feb 2022.
Lomsadze, Giorgi. “Does the US Have a Secret Germ Warfare Lab on Russia’s Doorstep?” .coda.19 Apr 2018.
McCarthy, Bill. “Hangings, guillotines and Gitmo: Going behind Real Raw News’ sensational (and fabricated) headlines.” 24 Sep 2021.
U.S. Department of State. “Agreement between the Department of Defense of the United States of America and the Ministry of Health of Ukraine Concerning Cooperation in the Area of Prevention of Proliferation of Technology, Pathogens and Expertise that could be Used in the Development of Biological Weapons.” 29 Aug 2005.
U.S. Embassy in Ukraine. “US-Ukraine Partnership to Reduce Biological Threats.” Posted 22 Apr 2020.
U.S. Embassy in Ukraine. “Biological Threat Reduction Program.” Accessed 28 Feb 2022.
Weber, Andrew. Senior fellow at the Council on Strategic Risks and a member of the Arms Control Association board of directors. Email to 28 Feb 2022.
White House. “Remarks by President Biden on Russia’s Unprovoked and Unjustified Attack on Ukraine.” 24 Feb 2022.
Ukraine, US Biolabs, and an Ongoing Russian Disinformation Campaign
Sources claimed by Snopes [accessed on March 9, 2022]:
Bigg, Matthew Mpoke. “Putin’s Forces Attack Ukraine.” The New York Times, 23 Feb. 2022.,
Borger, Julian. “Covid Bioweapon Claims ‘Scientifically Invalid’, US Intelligence Reports.” The Guardian, 29 Oct. 2021. The Guardian,
“Covid Bioweapon Claims ‘Scientifically Invalid’, US Intelligence Reports.” The Guardian, 29 Oct. 2021. The Guardian,
Davis, Julia. “Russia, China Team Up to Peddle Insane U.S. COVID Lab Theory.” The Daily Beast, 9 Apr. 2021.,
“Does the US Have A Secret Germ Warfare Lab on Russia’s Doorstep?” Coda Story, 19 Apr. 2018,
Knight, Dacre. “COVID-19 Pandemic Origins: Bioweapons and the History of Laboratory Leaks.” Southern Medical Journal, vol. 114, no. 8, Aug. 2021, pp. 465–67. PubMed Central,
“Maps: Tracking the Russian Invasion of Ukraine.” The New York Times, 14 Feb. 2022.,
Mary Van, Beusekom and 2020. “Scientists: ‘Exactly Zero’ Evidence COVID-19 Came from a Lab.” CIDRAP, Accessed 24 Feb. 2022.
Romanyuk, Vika. “Fake: Ukraine a US Biological Testing Site.” StopFake, 30 Aug. 2017,
“Russian Media Spreading Disinformation about US Bioweapons as Troops Mass near Ukraine.” Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, 8 Feb. 2022,
“SBU: No US Biological Laboratories in Ukraine.” Kyiv Post, 8 May 2020,
“U.S.-Ukraine Partnership to Reduce Biological Threats.” U.S. Embassy in Ukraine, 22 Apr. 2020,
Zeleny, Jeff. “U.S., Ukraine Sign Bioterrorism Pact.” Indianapolis Star, 30 Aug. 2005.
“Програма зі зменшення біологічної загрози.” Посольство США в Україні, Accessed 24 Feb. 2022.
There are no US-run biolabs in Ukraine, contrary to social media posts
Sources claimed by PolitiFact [accessed on March 9, 2022]:
Email exchange with Andy Weber, a member of the Arms Control Association Board of Directors and a former assistant secretary of defense for nuclear, chemical, and biological defense programs.
Snopes, "Ukraine, US Biolabs, and an Ongoing Russian Disinformation Campaign," Feb. 24, 2022
Center for Arms Control and Nonproliferation, "Fact Sheet: The Nunn-Lugar Cooperative Threat Reduction Program," June 2014
Department of Defense Defense Threat Reduction Agency, "The U.S. Government responds to false allegations targeted at the DoD CTR Program," Jan. 11, 2022
Department of Defense Defense Threat Reduction Agency, "Fiscal Year (FY) 2021 Budget Estimates Operation and Maintenance, Defense-Wide Cooperative Threat Reduction Program," Feb. 2020
United States Embassy in Ukraine, "Biological Threat Reduction Program"
United States Embassy in Ukraine, YouTube, "Biological Threat Reduction Program: Ukraine, Caucasus and Central Asia," Jan. 14, 2020
Chicago Tribune, "U.S., Ukraine sign pact on germ threat," Aug. 30, 2005
State Department, "Agreement between the United States of America and Ukraine," Aug. 29, 2005
U.S. Congress, "Soviet Threat Reduction Act of 1991"
Coda, "Does the US Have A Secret Germ Warfare Lab on Russia’s Doorstep?" April 19, 2018
The Atlantic Council, "Pro-Kremlin propaganda in Ukraine changes tone," June 10, 2021
Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, "Russian media spreading disinformation about US bioweapons as troops mass near Ukraine," Feb. 8, 2022
The Nonproliferation Review, "False allegations of biological-weapons use from Putin’s Russia," Oct. 12, 2021
Newsweek, "Vladimir Putin's Adviser Says U.S. Is Developing Biological Weapons Near Russia," April 4, 2021
Daily Beast, "Russia, China Team Up to Peddle Insane U.S. COVID Lab Theory," April 9, 2021
Military Health System, "Biological Threat Reduction Program"
Kyiv Post, "SBU: No US biological laboratories in Ukraine," May 8, 2020
Russia says U.S. has biolabs with plague and anthrax in Ukraine, U.S. calls claim absurd
China pushes Russia conspiracy theory about U.S. labs in Ukraine
A debunked conspiracy theory about US bio-weapons laboratories in Ukraine was seized on by Russian and Chinese media outlets
EU Says Russia Reports of Biolabs in Ukraine Likely Disinformation
China Peddles Russia's Claim That U.S. Has Bioweapons in Ukraine
SBU: No US biological laboratories in Ukraine
Russia, China Team Up to Peddle Insane U.S. COVID Lab Theory
Fake: Ukraine a US Biological Testing Site
Russian media spreading disinformation about US bioweapons as troops mass near Ukraine
US official: Russian invasion of Ukraine risks release of dangerous pathogens
The US government has worked with 26 facilities in Ukraine. Before the invasion, the program provided direct material support to six Ukrainian labs. The program also provides biosafety and scientific mentorship training to Ministry of Health personnel throughout the country.
And yet news outlets all over the world are STILL calling anyone who publishes or talks about this FACT a ‘conspiracy theorist’ a ‘paranoid mentally ill psychopath’ or ‘scare mongering’. It’s time people were given the truth of exactly WHAT has been done to everyone on the planet for over 40 years.... Everyone, even the rich and power razed have this nano tech inside their has been infiltrating every single aspect of human existence for decades and is unavoidable. Once it proliferates in the body it takes over every single mechanism, every single cell, every single bodily function, every brain reaction, every muscle reaction, every blood cell, every millimetre of our bodies is lit up like a beacon and we are connected to the ‘grid system’ via vast cyber intelligence computer systems. We can then be targeted , controlled, experimented upon, watched, tortured, terrorised, tormented, shaped, bullied, you name it they can do it. This nano tech has been developed for many different uses. The military have been involved with this science for 70 years. The US and UK were the ones who took this technology forwards after the Second World War... they took the 116 scientists that Hitler had working on all of this and put them to work. The UK signed a deal with the NSA 70 years ago... all our military bases here in the UK have been used to further this experimentation program, as have the US bases. All world governments are fully aware and fully involved in this program and always have been. Every war that occurs has a completely different reason for being, other that that which we have been told. Climate change is due to frequency abuse...’The Grid’. We are all connected to it via the nano tech inside our bodies. Every single living thing is infected with this nano tech. It ONLY causes problems when it overruns our systems, or if we are purposely targeted through the grid system... This grid system runs from HAARP and then through every single tower that has been erected world wide. Every town and city has these towers... A huge pole like structure going far up into the sky is always at the centre of a vast network of smaller towers that are filled to the brim with aerials... MILITARY, not mobile phone and television reception as we have been told..... some are indeed for their reception, but not many and they are separated on these towers from the military tech that is affecting every living thing in its path. The towers are all triangulated and never less that a hundred metres or so apart. Primary schools and colleges here in the UK are a favourite positioning place for them, as are housing estates. Everyone living within those triangulated areas is being terrorised, tortured, manipulated, mangled, spied on, controlled, physically and mentally affected and abused, often even sexually abused, controlled, manipulated. And worst of all is that most people have absolutely no idea any of this is happening to them! That’s the beauty of this technology.... Every single building with an electrical supply is connected to this grid system and your homes are spying on you through your own bodies! I have spent 4 years researching all of this after discovering police involvement. I have had these facts confirmed by police, ex military, professors, ex GCHQ IT specialist etc. I have hard evidence, recorded evidence, witnesses, voice recordings, photographs. Everything ended to bring a court case. BUT as a single entity it is impossible to get through the obstructive walls of power. All internet communications are now controlled by military sub-servers everywhere. Anyone publishing ‘truth’ is censored and their information sharing capability is monitored, modified, and manipulated to prevent mass awareness. We all think we are publishing freely... we are NOT. Our posts are controlled. We only see what they want us to see and the amount of viewers for any posts that inform people of the truth and of those involved, and especially anything to do with how to stop this stuff working, are limited. Unless we all share these posts, ‘follow’ each other and ‘subscribe’ to everyone that is posting about these facts, we will always only see a small fraction of what is available. People are being controlled at every level. Not just the infrastructure of our bodies... but the entire infrastructure of human existence is now being controlled by sociopathic specially trained operatives who spend their lives, in 3 shifts per day, watching and controlling every aspect of our lives on massive computer screens, in rooms full of like minded idiots who are so brainwashed and damaged by their training that they can’t see what they have become. They and their children, friends and families are spared from this nightmare only as long as they comply. Other civilians are employed in every single town and neighbourhood to help the cause. An entire internet business has grown up through this nano tech..... porn sites and peadophilia sites and torture sites have been created for victims to be broadcast live from their homes 24/7. I can prove everything I have stated here and will be publishing short Substack pieces to explain all the different elements involved over the coming weeks. As an intelligent, strong minded and independent free thinker I feel it is my duty to share what I know to be FACT. There are others who have been publishing on other outlets for as long as 15 years and STILL only reach a very small number of readers/viewers, and their information could have stopped so much misery had it not been monitored and controlled from mass sharing. THIS IS THE ONLY WAY TO FREE OURSELVES AND EDUCATE PEOPLE. WE MUST SHARE OUR INFORMATION AND CONNECT TO OTHERS... EVERYONE...IT DOESNT MATTER IF THEY ARE PUBLISHING, OR IF IT IS THE SAME AS OUR INFO AND POSTS.... IF WE DONT CONNECT OUR ACCOUNTS WE DONT ALL SEE THE RELEVENT INFORMATION. IT IS BEING BLOCKED AND CENSORED AT SOUTCE BY MILITARY SERVERS. I have proof of this... lots of it! ‘Follow’ ‘Subscribe’ like, share........ if we ‘connect’ our accounts we get everything that is being posted. Surely having to dump loads of unconnected crap from our inboxes is worth our eventual freedom from this tyranny and torture? For every ten posts that aren’t relevent to this particular subject, there is one piece that changes the game completely..... I am 57 years old. A grandmother. I am now doing a BA hons degree in film and television at university here in the UK to ensure my findings can be broadcast.... I want my grandchildren and my daughter to be free, happy, healthy and not virtually sexually molested in their homes 24/7 by sick, degenerate sociopaths who get their kicks from using all this technology...... Don’t you want the same for Your families?
What RUssian actually found inside those 39 USA-CIA bio-weapon labs in UKRAINE