And yet news outlets all over the world are STILL calling anyone who publishes or talks about this FACT a ‘conspiracy theorist’ a ‘paranoid mentally ill psychopath’ or ‘scare mongering’. It’s time people were given the truth of exactly WHAT has been done to everyone on the planet for over 40 years.... Everyone, even the rich and power razed have this nano tech inside their bodies...it has been infiltrating every single aspect of human existence for decades and is unavoidable. Once it proliferates in the body it takes over every single mechanism, every single cell, every single bodily function, every brain reaction, every muscle reaction, every blood cell, every millimetre of our bodies is lit up like a beacon and we are connected to the ‘grid system’ via vast cyber intelligence computer systems. We can then be targeted , controlled, experimented upon, watched, tortured, terrorised, tormented, shaped, bullied, you name it they can do it. This nano tech has been developed for many different uses. The military have been involved with this science for 70 years. The US and UK were the ones who took this technology forwards after the Second World War... they took the 116 scientists that Hitler had working on all of this and put them to work. The UK signed a deal with the NSA 70 years ago... all our military bases here in the UK have been used to further this experimentation program, as have the US bases. All world governments are fully aware and fully involved in this program and always have been. Every war that occurs has a completely different reason for being, other that that which we have been told. Climate change is due to frequency abuse...’The Grid’. We are all connected to it via the nano tech inside our bodies. Every single living thing is infected with this nano tech. It ONLY causes problems when it overruns our systems, or if we are purposely targeted through the grid system... This grid system runs from HAARP and then through every single tower that has been erected world wide. Every town and city has these towers... A huge pole like structure going far up into the sky is always at the centre of a vast network of smaller towers that are filled to the brim with aerials... MILITARY, not mobile phone and television reception as we have been told..... some are indeed for their reception, but not many and they are separated on these towers from the military tech that is affecting every living thing in its path. The towers are all triangulated and never less that a hundred metres or so apart. Primary schools and colleges here in the UK are a favourite positioning place for them, as are housing estates. Everyone living within those triangulated areas is being terrorised, tortured, manipulated, mangled, spied on, controlled, physically and mentally affected and abused, often even sexually abused, controlled, manipulated. And worst of all is that most people have absolutely no idea any of this is happening to them! That’s the beauty of this technology.... Every single building with an electrical supply is connected to this grid system and your homes are spying on you through your own bodies! I have spent 4 years researching all of this after discovering police involvement. I have had these facts confirmed by police, ex military, professors, ex GCHQ IT specialist etc. I have hard evidence, recorded evidence, witnesses, voice recordings, photographs. Everything ended to bring a court case. BUT as a single entity it is impossible to get through the obstructive walls of power. All internet communications are now controlled by military sub-servers everywhere. Anyone publishing ‘truth’ is censored and their information sharing capability is monitored, modified, and manipulated to prevent mass awareness. We all think we are publishing freely... we are NOT. Our posts are controlled. We only see what they want us to see and the amount of viewers for any posts that inform people of the truth and of those involved, and especially anything to do with how to stop this stuff working, are limited. Unless we all share these posts, ‘follow’ each other and ‘subscribe’ to everyone that is posting about these facts, we will always only see a small fraction of what is available. People are being controlled at every level. Not just the infrastructure of our bodies... but the entire infrastructure of human existence is now being controlled by sociopathic specially trained operatives who spend their lives, in 3 shifts per day, watching and controlling every aspect of our lives on massive computer screens, in rooms full of like minded idiots who are so brainwashed and damaged by their training that they can’t see what they have become. They and their children, friends and families are spared from this nightmare only as long as they comply. Other civilians are employed in every single town and neighbourhood to help the cause. An entire internet business has grown up through this nano tech..... porn sites and peadophilia sites and torture sites have been created for victims to be broadcast live from their homes 24/7. I can prove everything I have stated here and will be publishing short Substack pieces to explain all the different elements involved over the coming weeks. As an intelligent, strong minded and independent free thinker I feel it is my duty to share what I know to be FACT. There are others who have been publishing on other outlets for as long as 15 years and STILL only reach a very small number of readers/viewers, and their information could have stopped so much misery had it not been monitored and controlled from mass sharing. THIS IS THE ONLY WAY TO FREE OURSELVES AND EDUCATE PEOPLE. WE MUST SHARE OUR INFORMATION AND CONNECT TO OTHERS... EVERYONE...IT DOESNT MATTER IF THEY ARE PUBLISHING, OR IF IT IS THE SAME AS OUR INFO AND POSTS.... IF WE DONT CONNECT OUR ACCOUNTS WE DONT ALL SEE THE RELEVENT INFORMATION. IT IS BEING BLOCKED AND CENSORED AT SOUTCE BY MILITARY SERVERS. I have proof of this... lots of it! ‘Follow’ ‘Subscribe’ like, share........ if we ‘connect’ our accounts we get everything that is being posted. Surely having to dump loads of unconnected crap from our inboxes is worth our eventual freedom from this tyranny and torture? For every ten posts that aren’t relevent to this particular subject, there is one piece that changes the game completely..... I am 57 years old. A grandmother. I am now doing a BA hons degree in film and television at university here in the UK to ensure my findings can be broadcast.... I want my grandchildren and my daughter to be free, happy, healthy and not virtually sexually molested in their homes 24/7 by sick, degenerate sociopaths who get their kicks from using all this technology...... Don’t you want the same for Your families?

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This is shocking...a true wake up call...but so plausible considering the past three years especially. I will subscribe.

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The US through the GOP and GOp Secretary of State Henry Kissinger created the WEF and globalism. It appears that attempts are being made to modify pathogens so they target those who do not share US values of homosexuality, pedophilia, child transgenderism and mandatory vaccination. The goal appears to be the extermination of those whom the US considers to be. inferior races.

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Fantastic compilation! This story has been buried for months. Thank you for exposing it again.

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Supposedly there are over 1,000 biolabs around the world. Has even one come up with anything that would benefit mankind? Nope, nothing. If any of them were to introduce some deadly bio-agent into the world, they would risk their own destruction. All these purposeless researchers are in it for the big bucks and the idea that they are more arrogant or smarter than someone else. Biolabs serve no purpose...it's all a game to continue to receive gobs of funding for wasteful ventures.

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All of this went on under Trump. We should ask him.

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All 39 bio-weapon labs were said to have been built by Trump 2016-2020

Also 2016-2020 Trump armed Zelensky to the teeth, we also now know that 40% of all weapons ever sent to UKRAINE went to ISIS in MENA (CIA-MOSSAD) being used today wage war around Israel

Funny in 2019 Trump&Pompeo release COV-19 on the world to destroy Russia&China economy's


What RUssian actually found inside those 39 USA-CIA bio-weapon labs in UKRAINE


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"They" are happy when anyone blames "Trump" for the evils they have caused.

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Thank you for your continuing work!

It is time for EVERYONE to have UNITY in a serious Freedom Movement to get behind, support and spread the message about these 2 critical issues necessary for America’s survival….





Serious patriotic Americans must learn about these 2 issues ASAP and…Unify behind these 2 critical issues!

Pass these 2 pieces EVERYWHERE ASAP!

Future generations are depending on We the People to guard our Constitution and restore America!

Good always wins over evil…only if you UNITE and do something!

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