It is now being reported that Klaus Schwaab has informed Biden to institute a nation wide draft for men and women for the cause.... Common Sense Show, YT. I just read headline. What's next?! Everything is just getting sick.



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Given all Israeli's have been forced to take multiple doses of The Lethal Injection, I wonder how many members of the IDF will drop dead from exertion in the process of invading The Gaza Strip?

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Israel's upper crust has forsaken the rank and file citizen. Initially, I thought they were given saline injections, but perhaps they got the "good stuff" and are now, perhaps, dropping like flies. I am not familiar with their current and cumulative devastation on their nation's people. Starting to look like the pols deliberately allowed Hamas to enter and kill a considerable number of their citizens. Bibi, what a guy!

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Yes, an obvious false flag. Israel created Hamas (all the so-called terror groups are controlled by the intelligence agencies). Many former IDF have called BS on the "failed intelligence" narrative:

Whistleblower: Netenyahu Ordered Stand-down of IDF Forces to Allow Murder of Israeli Citizens.

Rabbi Chananya Weissman is well-connected source of intelligence


Video at link

Lauren Witzke: "Netenyahu intentionally let Hamas kill Israelis. Both the IDF and the Israeli Air Force both stood-down for 7 hours."

CrossTalk News: Edward and Lauren translate the Israeli village survivor’s groundbreaking interview that reveals what REALLY happened during the alleged “Hamas” attack. She states that everyone was massacred by Israeli special forces, including her friends and family. Do not miss this very important episode….it changes everything

Also at the link (video):

More Evidence of an “Inside Job” from David Sidman

IDF admits there were signs of the attack the night before: HERE

Day of Attack: The invasion was recorded at 7:15 AM, but the government instituted a media blackout preventing the press from warning the public for an hour and a half. Think of how many people could have prepared for the invasion if the press was allowed to warn them in real time. (Twitter)

Several weeks before the attack, Israeli surveillance balloons were mysteriously shut down

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Same for all western countries. The Zionist running the government are not descended from the 12tribes of Judah- they are converts ( around 13 C) descended from the Khazarian empire. They are into genocide/ democide like the WEF/UN They don’t care about the deaths caused by this false flag war.

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Slight correction if you'll forgive me? It's "The 12 Tribes of Israel"... in the 10th Century BC seems there was a squabble betwen the tribes, two of them, Judah and Benjamin, formed the Kingdom of Judah; the rest became the Kingdom of Israel. In the 7th Century BC the Assyrians conquered Israel and deported the inhabitants; they became lost to history -- well, unless you want to count The Mormons.. 🤔

Meanwhile Khazaria as you're doubtless aware, is purported to be an antisemetic canard; we're supposed to pretend it never existed, or if it did, was not the origin of the Ashkenazic Jews who evidently popped into existence as if by magick... The proto-Czar in the 10th Century AD -- with ample justification -- stomped Khazaria out of existence and the Ashkenazic Jews have hated Russia with a passion ever since; thus the contemporary Neo-Con desire for Nuclear War with Putin. The Goyyim of course, get to pay for it, one way or another... 🤔💩

The Lord works in mysterious ways.. 🙄

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Very true!

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I was thinking the same exact thing.

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IMPEACH JOEBAMA......They are destroying our Country. Our Country won't make

it until 2024 Election.

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You've got that right Lynn!

We've got to make it! We've go to tie a knot in the end of our ropes and hold on. Never give up, Never give in!

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Do you mean: Dave Hodges? What episode? Was it this week? Before you know it, our

Military will be used just like Zelensky did for this military. I remember him saying;

US soldiers blood will be shed in Ukraine. Screw that scumbag who is less that a man.

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I saw this headline yesterday or day before yesterday. Dave Hodge's show on YT. I haven't watched. This is so damn ludicrous what's going on. It's like what planet did we wake up on? I just read another drop notification headline while I was still on Substack just reading: YT, BP Earthwatch headline said silos opening of warheads in Iran...what the Hey?

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Stop giving them money so the war will be stopped. All that byeden is doing is money laundering for satanists and child traffickers and depleting America making it weak and ripe for attack.. Get rid of the globalists to end evil and wars.

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Even Jim Jordan is all in for financial and military aid to the Israeli war effort. In that regard, even Jordan is a traitor to our nation. 28 standing ovations for Bibi!!! Says it all.

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I agree. I didn't watch Fraudster JOE"S so called speech last night. But, I did hear bits and

pieces on a video. He had his nerve to be talking about the children in Ukraine. What a

scumbag. He's involved in the human trafficking of children in Ukraine.

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So glad the adults are in charge.

Because if immature, mean tweeting Trump was in charge we’d have all that disgusting peace and prosperity to deal with.

If there were justice, the children of Obiden’s voter would be drafted first. Yeah, you stupid lumps, Trump and MAGA are the problem.

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Strong? Are you kidding me. US doesn't need to be bankrolling Ukraine, Israel, Gaza and the

West Bank. Who is going to send money to the US? Nobody. US can't survive paying for

every nations WAR. It's just beyond sickening. When the Southern Border is being flooded

with Illegal Aliens. Mostly, middle aged fighting men, especially Chinese Nationals. Go and

read Michael Yon's substack. He'll tell you all about what's going on. Now, I just read that

interest rates again will be on the rise. Why? Because, JOEBAMA wants to drain the

US taxpayers dry. While JOEBAMA funds other Countries WARS and puts our Military

in harms way. Nothing JOE has to say will ever sway me. He and his whole family are

corrupt. JOE sold US out to Xi and the CCP. The useless Republicans do nothing about

it. They won't because they are all the same. These US Congress Republicans are now

sending out emails about the invasion at the Southern Border. This has been going

on for months. They haven't done a thing about it. GOD BLESS AMERICA and our

TROOPS. + We need his guiding hand.

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Strong, Lynn. STRONG! Bravo-

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Thank YOU, Michael. Appreciate it.

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All Wars Are Bankers Wars- Mike Rivero (bitchute)

Yes, it's absolutely tragic, all of the lives lost for bankers' wars. Beyond sickening! And the people still don't get it!!!

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Thanks for the Link :-)

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True! And the people just don't get it.

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Yup, I can't tell you how much I tried to wake people. I've dropped links to tons of videos on how the bankers took over America (bill Stills' The Money Masters, Aaron Russo's America Freedom to Fascism and Mike Rivero's video) and are behind all the wars, but some people just have no interest in learning.

And most Americans still haven't learned that they use false flags, lies and propaganda to get us into all the wars. So here we go again. It's absolutely sickening.

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Right....you can see the pattern. It is truly sickening. Thanks for the information :-)

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You don't think it's the duty of Americans to die not just for their own government but to also die for foreign governments, Lynn? A lot of foreign governments would disagree. The quote below is from an earlier war and from a Saudi official but it's just as relevant today as it was when first uttered and applies to other governments as well. Americans are expendable. Middle easter counties know that American life is cheap.

"Writer quotes a 'Wall Street Journal' article in which a 'senior Gulf official' said, just before the war [Gulf War 1] began, 'You think I want to send my teen-aged son to die for Kuwait?' He chuckled. 'We have our white slaves from America to do that.' 


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My Uncle was KIA in his 20's in WW2. For what: to be buried in the Cemetery in

Normandy, France. Who cares, if France keeps the Cemeteries there immaculate.

My Aunt was robbed of a life with her husband. We visited his gravesite there

years ago. You are kidding about our Military being killed for foreign governments?

Isn't bankrolling them enough!

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Agreed! Take care of our border!!!

America first!

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Next will come a world wide emergency prompted by WHO and the UN complete with forced mRNA injections (for your own good), lockdowns, martial law and complete subjugation of humanity to the will of the globalist gods. That means you die if you comply or not. Doesn't matter.

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You must have heard a different speech!

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I beg to differ. Biden has never been honest or sincere in his Gabby Hayes speaking voice speeches. He's the worst kind of hypocrite, he's leading us to GD perdition and NO praise of any sort can undo the devastation this freakazoid has wrought on the nation and its citizenry. Hey, people differ in feelings and philosophical outlook so different folks for different strokes. A few positives and truths scattered amongst a fusillade of stinking lies does not make the overall speech something of value overall. Biden is, above all, totally compromised. He took the pieces of silver and now he is OWNED! I'll leave part 2 of this rant for John Kaminski, one of the few shoot from the hip truthsters. You no like, tough. Until we can grasp and hold the truth about our woeful acceptance of a corroded, detritic political process, we will merely keep sliding toward inevitable perdition.

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You are right. It just surprises if he gets a couple teleprompter speeches properly out of his crooked mouth. Thats all i guess. If expectations are minus you very easily get impressed if it is above zero one or two times.

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Yes, John Kaminski has been speaking the truth for a long time.

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No "props" to the illegitimate puppet of the criminal regime. He only says what he's told, and what they think sounds good. They don't have any love for America or law and order.


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Go to the polls in droves and elect Donald Trump with numbers that the left cannot cheat. This only happened because the world knows that we have a weak leader.

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Agree. The last couple speeches were actually good and he kinda performed ok considering he usually doesnt. Maybe he is actually seriois now compared to before where sincerity was lacking. I mean even Fetterman is making sense now!

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They want to kill everyone but themselves.

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