We should not be paying for this, the vaccine companies should. Health officials who promoted these worthless jabs should pay for it.

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Apr 20, 2022·edited Apr 20, 2022

This is what any totalitarian country would do.

Hearing from a farmer friend in Iowa. Most are not getting fertilizer. He thinks it is political as its simply a shipment issue. He thinks the Biden Administration is going to starve us out. Anybody hearing similar?

Realize missing summer crop by a month screws up everything. This is a big deal.

This, that, the WHO agreement. The Biden Administration is at war with its citizens.

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As a rancher and farmer, we burn our fields in early spring and rotate crops along with companion planting. Burning is a natural fertilizer. Growing crops without chemical fertilizers yields twice as much as with chemical fertilizers. In fact, chemical fertilizers leaches the soil and after five years most nutrients are gone. Then farmers are put in a position to replace the nutrients with more commercial fertilizers. Most farmers would prefer to not spend the extra thousands of dollars on chemical fertilizers, but the Dept of Agriculture makes it very costly to go organic. But, by golly, almost anyone can buy and spray toxic chemicals. I think the scare is to get chemical fertilizer companies, government bailout money even though they don't need it. The rhetoric spewed by the news is to instill fear. On the other side of the coin, if chemical fertilizers are intentionally stopped, then the farmer is in a bind, because it takes about 2 to 5 years to get the fields healthy again with burning and natural fertilizers. The Biden administration's intent may be to starve us out, but it may backfire if most farmers rely on organic farming instead of chemical farming and realize they save thousands of dollars and yield twice as much food.

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Shocking! 🙄 (Sarcasm)

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IKR? Obviously, "shockingly" is Newspeak for "predictably."

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Sadly I am not surprised to hear this. I knew it when it was explained in the literature that came with the vax you only had a year (in general) to file a claim and even then needed to go to vaccine court to prove. I knew that would be nearly impossible to do. It is wrong for them to be suppressing payouts or any sort of help by those harmed.

If you decide to sue, they will probably attribute it to "long covid", pre-existing condition, or a "mental issue" which it seems they are pumping money into. See how the proposed ten billion+ dollar Cures 2.0 Act allocates millions for "long covid" surveys and "education" of "long covid" symptoms repeatedly, but you only see "adverse effects" once under claims data for "clinical trials and other activities necessary to comply with pre- or post-market approval." "Adverse effects" is not mentioned at all under the expansion of "Real World Evidence" that began with the passing of the 21st Century Cures Act (2016) under the Obama Administration - rightingthewrongs.org - to contact and call out the reps that passed this legislation and the PREP Act which provided liability protection ... to right the wrongs.

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The Health Ranger

Episode 1, 00:41:20 - Vaccine Industry has legal immunity, so they have no reason for quality control in their vaccines. They put known neurotoxins in vaccines.

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Apr 21, 2022·edited Apr 21, 2022

Big Harma is planning to rake in beaucoup billions on treatments for "long COVID." [The "long COVID" they gifted the patient with via vax in the first place.] The vaccinated are now so susceptible to becoming infected (and reinfected, and reinfected) with the chimeric bioweapon itself (SARS-CoV-2) that they will all be easily (though dishonestly) diagnosable with "long COVID." :(

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Yes sadly this is how it looks. I can't come up with this stuff, it's in current law, the proposed law and well as billions earmarked for research on antimicrobial drugs. First boosters to prolong this, next drug subscriptions.

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The claim procedure is totally insane. The paperwork and the proofs required to file a claim are difficult to collect. Not only affidavits of irreproachable experts are required but in case of death autopsy is required and documented with non debatable facts.

The medical history of the survivor or the deceased will be scrutinized and any previous illness will mostly disqualify the claimant.

In Canada by the end of December 2021, 400 claims have been submitted, only 5 have been considered for compensation and none have been financially compensated.

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Criminal. And evil. So much suffering, so much bad faith.

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Until censorship is addressed we keep our information in our echo chamber. Its incumbent on all of us to have those uncomfortable conversations with friends and family. I was just told by my aunt that she is embarrassed of me and my videos. I guess I'm the black sheep for stepping out of people's comfortable bubbles. Here's my video on censorship in Canada right now. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ugdnpxGWU9Q

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I am the black sheep as well. I am in US, but most of my extended family is in Canada. I am duel U.S. and Canada citizen. I would not be faring well at all if I was in Canada right now. Hang in there and keep speaking the truth.

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It's definitely a notch up in repression. Thank you for reaching out.

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If you can think of any way I can help, please let me know!

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How ironic that federal workers are covered for covid vaccine injuries under FECA - https://www.fedweek.com/fedweek/side-effects-of-vaccination-to-be-covered-under-feca/ - also covers "accidents while commuting a reasonable distance to and from the vaccination site and slip and fall injuries occurring at the vaccination site.” - how very generous - rightingthewrongs.org

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They are 100% responsible, the vaccine should have been throughly vetted before being given to the public and that they were mandated for some jobs is reprehensible.

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