Oct 18, 2022·edited Oct 18, 2022

It’s a targeted attack against the white race.

The white race was dispossessed of lands in Africa, then attacked in North America, and now the ancestral homelands of Europeans are being systematically destroyed.

It’s intentional.

“Diversity” only goes one way. And literally means “less whites”.

Anti white statements aren’t only normalized, they’re literally taught in schools. “White man stole Indian land”. Uh… I’m white, the implication is that I stole land? Imagine saying “blacks stole my bike”. Yeah, that wouldn’t fly.

The author of the article uses the term “westerner” but that’s fallacious because other western non-white ethnic groups aren’t subject to this criticism. My Irish ancestors came to New York at the same time as Jewish immigrants. I don’t see anyone in the mainstream claiming, “Jews should get out of the west.” That wouldn’t fly. I don’t see anyone claiming Nigerian, and Ugandan immigrants to America need to “get out.” How are Mexicans flooding the border, any less of a colonizer than Europeans who migrated here?

The difference?… when nonwhites move here and Hoover up “Indian lands” there isn’t a peep. It’s good…because they’re not white.

BLM and the authors of every anti-white book out there are westerners in the same sense as the rest of us westerners. “Oh but we were stolen from Africa and brought here.” Okay but you choose to remain… if I’m kidnapped, it’s not normal to stay in the kidnappers house, and complain about being there, long after the kidnapper is deceased… the logic being… “this is stolen land. Stolen from Indians…but I get to stay because my ancestors were brought here, so that doesn’t count for me.”

Yeah… that shit doesn’t make any sense. Let’s reword it. “I hate whites, and whites need to leave, so I can take their land, because they stole it.” Oh, it suddenly makes sense in that context.

Europeans are indigenous peoples, with indigenous homelands, but that magically doesn’t apply to them. Some people are afforded actual ethnostates, while indigenous European lands are somehow “baskets of diversity.” You NEVER hear, “China needs to be less Chinese”. “Japan is too jappy.” “Africa has too many blacks.” Yet you find article after article, even going down as far as individual states “New Hampshire is too white, and that’s a problem.” “Maine has too many whites, we need to change that.”

Uh….what the fuck?

You can’t even mention another race in a neutral statement without people tearing their clothes in some bizarre ritual of victim claiming.

White people need to wake the fuck up to what’s going on. It doesn’t mean “be racist”. It doesn’t mean “be hateful”… it means, “wake up, because you and your children are being beat over the head by an agenda that literally seeks your destruction.”

Stand your ground, stick up for the west, defend your ancestors. They weren’t evil. They were amazing, and actually built the society that considers fairness and justice a virtue. It’s okay to speak up. It’s okay to tell your truth. Never let these liars silence you, no matter what hurty word they throw at you.

Oh…and intentionally displacing ethnic populations... Yeah, that’s a war crime…

Edit to add… it was my non-white friends who woke me up, who literally said to me, “hey..uh… what the fuck is going on with all this 24/7 anti white shit being pushed all the time, do you see this?”

My wife isn’t white, and she sees it, and my family is full blooded Native American and even they see it. So can your “white supreeeeemasis” bullshit if that’s where you want to take this.

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Heritage is essential to all of; heritage and ancestry are of enormous and legitimate importance. Racialism and its practice are an immolation of heritage and ancestry.

Racialism. It's the unpersoning.

Willful, unrelenting, deranged unpersoning.

Soul Murder.

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Another thought; “white people” in USA, are typically mutts and not “pure” ethnically. In many families they are descended from different ethnic or national peoples who could not abide each other back in 1750, 1830, 1880, 1917, 1935, etc. Yet many of them, being removed from “the homeland,” decided that the differences were attractive and they married each other.

Growing up in the 1970s and 80s, I got bored with what I described as “mall culture” and by the 90s was dating “outside my race” just to experience something different. I am pretty sure that I absorbed the self-loathing which you described, regarding race and culture and GUILT. I think that the push for peace amongst the many races that came here, coupled with corporate designs to make us into consumers, created a bland and boring culture. Where you could be anywhere in the States but still find yourself at the Gap.

Of course the resentful European red and pink intellectuals were the writers of the script of Western self-hatred. Bitching about the very institutions that gave them the freedom to criticize. They refused to accept any reports of evil happenings in Russia, China, Vietnam, Cuba, Cambodia, ad nauseum. So called Post Modernists, aka cultural Marxists. Too bad they were not deported to the places they imagined as paradises.

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I loathe the homogenous crap they’re turning us into. It’s like all the crayons melted together make one puke brown color.

I want difference, I want originality. I want a China town, and a German town, and a little Italy.

I want to travel the world and see different cultures and languages. I don’t want to visit Pakistan when I go to London, anymore than I want to visit London when I go to Pakistan.

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People from Asia travel to London and Paris and freak out, suffer emotional damage, from the reality vs the reputation they studied.

I prefer my ethnic food to be made by that actual ethnic category of person. I am a horrible racist.

I was on board for multi cultural food courts. Didn’t see it would become a tyrannical system of Rainbow Privilege.

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Well therein lies the difference. There’s always going to be small ethnic communities, “multicultural food courts”.

Shilling migrants in by the tens of thousands is a replacement. And it’s intentional.

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Agreed. It’s a complicated phenomenon in some ways, like why the laptop class hates Main Street Americans. Elites wanting malleable peons I understand. Killing their own fans with the jabs, I don’t understand. Not convinced yet that is planned. The migration part I understand. we regret falling for the whole tolerance trick.

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If you’re wondering if the whole “pandemic” was intentional…ask yourself why it came to light a few hours ago that the former French health minister removed chloroquine from the list of available drugs, weeks before the pandemic…..

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I don't think the average peon is a "fan" of the "laptop class." I think the "laptop class" is hated by their little peons, but the hatred isn't acted upon, because the peons still need wages.

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I know some POC that stole many bikes from our domicile.

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Oct 18, 2022·edited Oct 18, 2022

Me too…. But,

1- you can’t say that.

2- can’t design entire course lectures around it or write books about it…

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Oct 18, 2022·edited Oct 18, 2022

What hoot. The projection of these people is off the charts. It's 2022 and Victorian Conceit is still one of the greatest problems in the modern world.

Racialism is an inculcated thought disorder.

For more than 150 years reasonable people have been waiting for the Racialist to explain how many drops of what blood makes which person what color?

There never was a Homo sapiens honkie. Never was. Just Homo sapiens sapiens in various shades of pink and brown, with an occasional blue shift.

And then we have the the Pastor Robert Tilton's of the Uber Rap Culture of the academies: Kendi X, for example. There should be apologies to Malcolm. It's a rather inexcusable cultural appropriation of the historical "X" of the original thought leader with actual original thoughts.

These people. How do they know it's not their raging leftist inner white devil driving the malignant narrative that fills their wallet? It's unlikely that Mr. Rogers would have changed his name in a way that would not allow him to commerce on the racialism he practices with apparent obsession.

The whole lot should take a life lesson from the brilliant Satchel Paige:

"I ain't worried much about what I don't know. What worries me is what I know that just ain't so."

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I see these racialists as like precious orchids which cannot grow in a typical natural environment. All the special race and/or culture studies departments in colleges were the greenhouses where they were grown. And with an academic position and the social media, they never have to breathe the real air or feel the real sunlight.

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Honestly, just reading this short excerpt alarms me. I would like to read more to get a better context. Being a woman of Anglo-Saxon descent in the United States, I'm not seeing the self hate this author is talking about. Maybe it's there in pockets of highly educated white liberals that have been taught to hate themselves ? (I'm a former liberal Democrat. That party left me 2 years ago) Based on those paragraphs, this person seems to cast westerners with a broad brush (psycho sexual ethno masochism???🤦)

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Graduated from college in early 90s and was definitely taught this crap, took years to purge it. Main catalyst was serving in the legions with plain honest “uneducated” folk.

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By no means does this self-extinction afflict the majority. What may sound like the voices of many is actually the voice of a few amplified through media and leftist entertainment culture. For now we fight back through the ballot box and other information avenues. For now.

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Oct 18, 2022·edited Oct 18, 2022

What about the vaccine that the majority have taken? The low fertility rate? Gender identity? Eugenics? Climate change? The two last major wars? WMD? Are those not evidence of mass delusion/destruction?

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Everything you cite is a phenomenon pushed by governments, media and academia, not the ordinary citizens. We've wised up a whole lot in the past couple years and now distrust the self-anointed experts.

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Oct 18, 2022·edited Oct 18, 2022

Let's look at the Facts - the majority of this country IS vaccinated. Multitudes - double/triple/quadruple. That's self-destruction. The "Climate change " is pervasive...too many examples...but your words that the ppl wised up...a little too late - the destruction that has been done is of biblical proportions. You must know that. Fertility rates have dropped dramatically lately; the miscarriages have skyrocketed. Everybody who comments here knows it.

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An apt, undeniable description of elite mental illness which it appears has come to rule the world and is being inflicted on us all.

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Oct 18, 2022·edited Oct 18, 2022

No the elite actually benefits all along through the 'cheap' labor and deals to do their business somewhere else by taking in that countries unwanted. That country allows than business for this 'favor' I'm sure. Surely Biden gets favors from Mexico and its mafia which he needs a lot. And he gets favors from Elites for the kids he provides. So they protect him. Write good things about him no matter how untrue it all is.

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Again, not a like, but a 👍🏻 thumbs up.

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Oct 18, 2022·edited Oct 18, 2022

And just like Africans, Europeans have now developed a ''colonial mentality'':


I think the weird obsession with tanning in the UK is related to this.

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Wow... Does Wolfe really believe this crap, or is he a sounding board for yet other psychos??? And, to what end??? To propagandize whites into believing they DESERVE to be "displaced" by non-whites??? To propagandize non-whites into believing they DESERVE to do the "displacing" of whites??? To smooth the way for "ethnic cleansing" of whites, wherever they might be living, for no matter how long??? To ease the "minds" of politicians so they can more easily "justify" laws and policies and regulations that "dispossess" whites???

Or, is this an example of projection - with Wolfe speaking about himself - "his own degradation is thrilling" and he gets a "psycho-sexual ethno-masochism" thrill of the thought of being displaced... Hmmm...

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As always we get lumped in with the dumbocraps. 😕

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Anyone know what book this is from and who wrote it?

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I almost stepped in here only to discover a multitude of diverse and diversely antagonistic opinions, most of them mistaken but to such a degree that correcting one will make another worse than it is.

A confusion exists because the modern, anglophone, citified culture has very few authentic and identifying points of reference. The city itself is a generator of confusion but I'll stop right there on that one..

It's easiest if we start with something like vernacular music. African music, Latin American, Indian, Chinese, all these have two things in common: a self-reinforcing sense of identity, and a self-reinforcing sense of the value of happiness. In the Anglophone culture neither of these is important! Hold that thought for a moment.

I speak as an anglo-scot, self-exiled to South America with a stereoscopic appreciation of both mindsets. I can speak with personal authority on the subject of awareness - the South American man in the street is aware of the world outside and the good and bad points of much of the rest of the world, and in doing so I have to include the ingredient of respect, for his own, and for others. It is a concept that after decades is still problematic even for myself.

So I for one understand the difficulties that my anglo brothers have in empathising with those of the rest of the world but even so I would love to be able to encourage us to try doing that.

Without losing anything, you'll find yourself happier (TM) LOL.


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Vinci vidi vinci! Steal what?

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Oct 18, 2022·edited Oct 18, 2022

'...psycho-sexual ethno-masochism is the most pernicious illness of the Western mind'- paraphrasing the author. The author has diagnosed the most pernicious disease of the Western mind. It's the Disease of the Mind. The Western Mind.

The question now to ask is What Causes the Disease?

It could be that the lack of the blueprint drives the Western mind's destruction. Compare it with the "Orthodox" Jews that have a "mandate" from God - to serve God. To multiply. To be the light onto the nations. Rest assured, no fertility issues there, no self-loathing/destruction...

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Agree completely with Wolfe - but I would add that in the US, "western man" has comprised more than one ethnicity for a long time. The replacement isn't only of whites, is is also of our fellow western men of other ethnicities who have adopted our ways and who share our worldview.

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It’s intriguing but not enough to chew on. What is Wolfe saying about the causes and motivation of the Western man to feel guilt and to desire replacement? I have ideas, but I don’t know what Wolfe thinks. History has supported the notion that every society has embedded within its own seeds of destruction. Western thought coming out of the dark ages was adept at criticism. This encouraged exploration and discovery, when coupled with curiosity. If we assume that we don’t know very much, but feel confident in our ability to learn and to solve problems, we are inspired to discovery and innovation. Also, the Black Death created a need for new methods in all aspects of European life.

After 1990 the West announced the End of History. Fatal mistake. Hubris. Crowing about your accomplishments and the superiority of your brand does not support awareness of objective reality.

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