They would rather take poison than Call Trump. Biden's coterie are puppets of the WEF. This is all Soros and BIDEN taunting the BEAR. ALL HE HAS TO DO IS SAY WE WILL NEVER PUT NATO IN UKRAINE and SIGN AN AGREEMENT.

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I would rather they just took poison anyway. Useless bastards. How has the US government been allowed to become so dangerously incompetent?

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1) because we've been asleep, brainwashed by watchng the MSM nightly thinking they were reasonably ok 2) Obama did most of this while we thought the bureaucracy would protect us as he weaponized them against us 3) Trump was unplanned and therefore a threat so they rigged the election, make no mistake about it and 4) the Davos crowd moved up 2030 to 2025 because our country is bankrupt.

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We have seen this play out too many times, they are all dead inside.

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Walking and talking dead puppets.

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Adults? Biden and his clown show adults? He’s probably eating his cookies and ice cream and in bed by 8:00. This mob is beyond a joke.

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agreed, and I do not like her politics but I admire Psaki for she has to come out and defend, spin and lie, to defend the idiocy and clowns in the administration...for that, I give her props...I am a conservative libertarian or even independent depending on which Republican goes and acts a fool...on a given day.

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You just lost me on that point. Correct me if I am wrong but it appears to me based on your comments that you are actually defending Psaki for lying to the public. Perhaps you need to return to Canada and get the f..k away from American politics. You are a doctor, scientist and an excellent researcher. Why do you want to align yourself politically with politics. It's a dead end game. Stick to what you know. You are a brilliant individual but if you wade into the political swamp don't be surprised if you get bitten. It happens to the best of us. And honestly at this point I think you need to let Trump go. It's over. Move on and use that amazing God given brain you have.

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Admire? I just can’t go there but she does tow the party line & stays on the narrative without batting an eyelash.

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Alexander I think you need to calm down and look at the bigger picture. If you get a chance check out the Off Guardian site. There is a rather thought provoking and interesting article with 7 very interesting points regarding the current media hyped reporting regarding Ukraine. I think just like covid, we are all being led down the garden path. This world wide condemnation of Russia is nothing more than mass hysteria with yes once again the media manipulating the reality of what's going on. I am a history buff and as far as I am concerned the amazing country of United States Of America has a lot to answer for in this debacle, as most likely all the other players in this game. If the powers that be were so successful in getting the masses to accept the entire covid narrative why would you trust these same entities to be honest in their reporting and interpretation of the events currently going on in Ukraine right now. Call me a skeptical. I will wear that badge with pride.

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Mar 1, 2022·edited Mar 1, 2022

Trump was not immune to warmongering and manipulation, especially by the Israeli lobby and by American deep state bureaucrats. Please stick to medical research, to avoid tainting the medical and scientific goals with left-right or Democrat-Republican vitriol. It is hard to get people to believe there is a problem with the government's statements when you are subject to accusations of partisanship.

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Wasn't Trump the only president NOT to have started a war. He was lied to about the Syria gas attack, by the Pentagon and the media. He was also lied to, by the Pentagon, about the withdrawal of troops from Libya.

It seems to me that he was being undermined at every turn, by all of the major powers in the US.

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Thank you for reiterating what I am trying to tell him. Honestly if he keeps propping up Trump I fear he will lose credibility which would be a shame. Quite frankly I am a bit put off by his obsession with Trump. As far as I am concerned we need to move on and stop using Trump as our reference point for all things good or bad. This is a medical issue and God dam it Alexander has some of the best research and information I have ever seen but if he continues to pursue and dwell in the past with Trump I am seriously thinking of canceling my subscription to him. I don't want politics. I want medical information and facts. Alexander, I hope you actually read some of our replies. I would love to hear your thoughts on this issue.

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Dr Paul, are you aware that even Dr.Judy Mikovits husband was murdered in hospital (died Dec 1, 2021). He went in for treatment of chronic COPD and they insisted he had Covid….even tho he had natural immunity. They are trying to shut her up but they have only empowered a lion. She has known what Dr Fauci has been up to for the last 40 years!

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If you think Ukraine has been threatening Putin's borders, then you are badly informed on this matter.

Anyone dumb enough to believe that an aggressor who invades a passive neighbor to protect its borders would be well advised to focus on what they know, and avoid dabbling in areas they are clearly clueless on.

Putin stated he ordered his 'Special Military Operation' to "demilitarize and denazify" Ukraine. Yes, that's right, to get rid of all the nazis in Ukraine!

Dr Alexader, stick to what you know.

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I always assume Biden and the Media are lying about whatever is going on. That’s generally a good place to start.

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The media, Biden, and all nefarious actors (Putin included), will lie when it suits their agenda, but, they'll also tell the truth when that suits their agenda.

The best place to start, and finish, is with critical thinking.

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Yes...critical thinking for those of us who still have a functioning brain. The media and 99.9% of the politicians everywhere are rotten to the core, lying criminals. You can't believe a single word any of them say. It is very hard to ferret out any truth at all these days.

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Is it not better that the US learn to stop being the world police force. What we have seen is that their Governments have dragged the US reputation through the mud for years.

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The resident does not care. Thank you for caring and speaking up.

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This is what I think

Did you forget Biden is President?

Biden is weak? No Biden is a CORRUPT psychopath.

Biden is on the take

Biden took $1.5 billion or a lot more from China

Biden left $85 billion in Afghanistan for who? The Taliban to give to China or who else? What is Biden’s kickback? Remember 10% for the ‘big guy’ but now the ‘big guy’ is president, surely he gets a hell of a lot more than 10%.

How much did Biden take from Russia?

How much will Biden get from Russia by shutting down US pipelines, shutting down the Israel-Cyrpus-Europe pipeline, ok’ing the Nordstream pipeline, not shutting down energy from Russia after Russia invaded Ukraine and not reopening US pipelines and guess what?

in addition to billions in kickbacks from Russia, Putin invades Ukraine with Biden’s full consent and that also serves as Biden’s payback to the Ukrainians for double crossing Biden and working with Trump and exposing their dealings of Biden, Kerry, Pelosi, Romney, Obama, Clinton and their children and cronies and every other dirty Democrat and RINO involved?

Putin is a WEF member, even though WEF took down his bio, Putin wants to implement Klaus Schwab’s fourth industrial Revolution. Putin could have gotten rid of Schwab and Soros any time he wanted and he hasn’t.

This is the simplest reason and the most likely reason of all.

Remember Zelensky made a point of publicly burning records on Day 1 - that’s exactly what Biden and his cabal wanted to see. They are making Zelensky beg for his life and his families’ life. Zelensky wouldn’t take the US offer to fly him out because the US would make sure he was killed in flight - very easy to arrange.

In the end all the worlds’ megalomaniacs get exactly what they want and Ukrainians are screwed just like all of the little people world wide are screwed by the Globalist WEF Kakistocracy.

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Look at the live webcams to see the truth...

Research them, don't take my suggestions...

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A November study in the journal Vaccines, now being widely-cited, is titled “Maternal COVID-19 Vaccination and Its Potential Impact on Fetal and Neonatal Development.” The study re-analyzed the data used by the original study that justified mRNA vaccines for pregnant women, and — guess what — found that some errors had been made. According to the researchers:

A widely cited preliminary study of the V-safe and Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) data suggested that COVID-19 mRNA vaccines were safe for pregnant women; however, errors were found in their analysis, and a follow-up re-analysis of the data revealed a cumulative incidence of spontaneous abortion of 7–8 times higher than the original author’s calculations, which was statistically higher than the typical average for pregnancy loss during the equivalent time period.

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Bravo for taking the stand! Now the trolls roll in en masse, predictably.

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