Seems to always be a common thread: Identified as a person who could be potentially dangerous but, "not an imminent threat." Genuinely curious how they assign that designation.

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Our society has devolved into a mass purge of any one without warning, for any reason. I don't care what a person is, I care who he/she is. No one deserves this. NO ONE!

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As I've said before - ignore history at your own peril — it tells us so much but few choose to listen! We are living through another version of 1930s nazi Germany. During the 1920s and 30s Germany, many gay bars evolved. It seems they were ultimately there to entice gays out of the closet, to eventually be exterminated, to promote a "pure" race. Klaus Barbi (the Butcher of Lyon) despatched the french gay community very quickly - together with others who were "different". Wake up people........... all those promoting alphabet agend(er)as and deviants of society may be on a list somewhere... for future "posterity"

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