The real Dr Strangelove is dead.

Que the dancing munchkins.

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Hahahahaha! Right on!

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It is appointed unto men once to die, then judgment. So says the greatest of all of the apostles . Good luck Harry

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I’d like to think that the state of Israel is not going to survive this atrocity the shit they are doing on a daily basis is beyond the pale. But the reality is they will survive and they will thrive and they will Rebuild the third temple, this will usher in the Zionist Jewish homosexual antichrist

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Yep, even adrenachome has its limits.

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Yes the Zionist have plenty of that after leveling Gaza Murdering little children under the buildings , leaving the preemies to die and decay in the hospital . But the IDF is the most empathetic military in the world we are told 🤪. Murderers demons worshipers of Satan obviously

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But you are fine with murdering Jewish babies and children in their beds because you hate them all? And you are trying to claim the high moral ground here? Be very careful, Chris. Hate filled diatribes like the ones you are spewing forth against all Jews everyplace only bring forth more evil. And please be warned that you will bear the consequences of that.

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NOPE- will NEVER advocate anything written from the pathetic Smartest Guy in the World

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All he said was Kissinger is dead and good riddance. What's pathetic about that?

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It could be perceived to be antisemitic. Kissinger was an Israel First Republican who escaped the holocaust.

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The holocaust give me a break what about the 63,000,000+ orthodox Christians that were murdered by the Zionist Bolshevik Jews in Russia ?

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Antisemitic, who gives a shit. The guy was an Ashkenazi Jew. He was not a Semite. People like him right now are dropping 2000 pound bombs on Semitic Palestinian orthodox Christians and peaceful islamic we speak. Zionism in the state of Israel must be stomped out now

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The best place for Israel to have been created in 1948 would have been in the US.

It costs the US a lot to support Israel in its current location.

There would be cost savings for the US if there was another Israel in the US.

A new Jewish homeland should be created in the US.

The American people deserve that.

The US already is home to nearly as many Jewish people as Israel is.

Apart from Israel itself, the US is the most Jewish nation on earth.

The eastern half of the US should be given to the Jewish people to create a new Jewish nation.

To determine the precise borders one would do well to consult with the many prominent Jewish Americans who right now are making the US what it is today. I'm talking about great men and women like Adam Schiff, Anthony Weiner, Debbie Wasserman Schultz, Merrick Garland, Chuck Schumer, Harvey Weinstein, Anthony Blinken, Al Franken, Janet Yellen, Alejandro Mayorkas, Bernie Sanders, Da Nang Dick Blumenthal, Jon Ossoff, Michael Bennet, Jacky Rosen, Brian Schatz, Ron Wyden, Ben Cardin, Jerry Nadler, Brad Sherman, Jan Schakowsky, Steve Cohen, Suzanne Bonamici, Lois Frankel, Brad Schneider, Josh Gottheimer, Jamie Raskin, David Kustoff, Susan Wild, Mike Levin, Dean Phillips, Kimberly Schrier, Elissa Slotkin, Jake Auchinkloss, Sara Jacobs, Kathy Manning, Becca Balint, Dan Goldman, Greg Landsman, Seth Magaziner, Mary Miller, Jared Moskowitz and the family of the late Jeffrey Epstein. I've noted mainly federal politicians and cabinet members but of course a much larger number including jurists and state politicians would also need to be consulted.

There are many, many, many others.

Their achievements are great.

Albert Bourla, the CEO of Pfizer, who is Jewish, was awarded with the "Jewish Nobel" (Genesis) Prize for marketing the Pfizer jab.

Drew Weissman, who has been described as Jewish in the Israeli press, together with Katalin Kariko, actually invented the Pfizer jab. Stephane Bancel, the CEO of Moderna is a devout Jewish person. Rochelle Walensky is Jewish. Peter Hotez is Jewish.

"Jewish Nobel” Awarded to Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla 01.19.2022

Genesis Prize Chairman highlights immense role of Jewish scientists and doctors in combatting the pandemic: “A very proud moment for the entire Jewish community”


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The Ashkenazi Jews don’t deserve fucking shit they need to learn to live with their fellow brothers and sisters of his plane . Or they can get on the fake NASA or Elon musk’s rocket and shoot themselves into Davey Jones locker ! They are the most militant motherfuckers to ever be on God’s flat earth . They prove this every day in Gaza. The Ashkenazy Jews have been thrown out of 1030 countries throughout history there’s a reason for that . They are troublemakers and the most racist group of people I’ve ever seen. Truly the synagogue of Satan

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The Kazarian Jew, fake orthodox Christian zelensky Has sent over 500,000 of his fellow Ukrainians mostly young orthodox Christian men to their death in order to clear a path for orthodox Jews to re-occupy the Ukraine which they are now doing. As well as money laundering this is a Zionist operation to re-occupy Ukraine with Judaism ( Kazarian ball worshiping pagans ) zionism has her fingerprints on everything, not all of us goys Are stupid boys

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Wish he had not escape the holocaust, the world would have been a better place, if he had perished.

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Dec 2, 2023·edited Dec 2, 2023

Dont even put forth to THE SECOND SMARTEST GUY IN THE WORLD the mildest of corrections on his Substack because he will cuss you out and ban you for 100 years........very thin skinned....makes you wonder, it really does...

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I’ve been banned for 102 years on Steve Kirsch’s newsletter site ! I take pride in that he must think I’m an optimal health to live that long . And all it took was a comment on the Kazarian‘s who are now modern jewelry 😁

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I hope you are correct, but I fear there are plenty to take his place

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A Jewish refugee from Hitler who after escaping the Holocaust went on to exert great influence within the US regime and over world affairs, Kissinger was an icon of the GOP and the WEF who remains an inspiration to many. Not since the time of Karl Marx's friendship with Abe Lincoln has a European born Jewish person had such a great influence on what the GOP is today. Kissinger was revered in Israel as well as in the US. Haaretz called him "one of the most influential Jewish figures of the 20th century." Without Kissinger there might never have been a WEF. Spare a thought for the bereaved he has left behind. Mike Pence, Ron DeSantis, George Soros, Paul Ryan, Mitt Romney, Jeb and GW Bush would be deep in mourning.

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He was a war criminal piece of shit Bolshevik Jew

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THE WORLD WOULD BE A BETTER place without the WEF!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yes?

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The world economic forum under Klaus Schwab , A Bolshevik Jew , are the mastermind behind the great reset. They are the ones who have conspired with big Pharma with a chemical weapon to lower the earths population and destroy the economy. Anyone even affiliated with the world economic forum is an absolute war criminal and needs to have a rope around their scrawny next until dead ! We are at war with the globalists and Zionism! Take thy red pill and smell thy coffee!

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You are just be sarcastic!

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Mentoring Klaus the louse is profound foolishness.

Nevertheless, I personally benefited from the side-effects of one of Kissenger's ploys, it's an ill wind that blows no one no good.

(If this comment were about Kamala, I would just write that it's an ill wind that blows.)

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Yes Klaus and Harry were both Bolshevik Jews. And as George Carlin said, it’s one big club ( and if you’re not a Jew ) you ain’t in it”. If you’re a goy, You ain’t in the club

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Totally agree, kissinger was one of the original deep state criminals. Good riddance. Love that most people both here and on social media recognize he was super evil. The rest need to catch on but it's coming. People not on board with globalist agenda is good news.

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Kissinger may have mentored Schwab but that pictuer looks like former British Prime Minister Ted Heath.

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