Kids don't need these shots. Minimal risk and the side effects are deadly and long term effects not known. Forget it. I'm sick of the commercials still pushing jabs and testing.

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I live in a very blue area of Maryland. Most people are still wearing masks at the grocery stores. We supposedly have over 90% vaxxed here. That includes children. Our county council checks vaccine cards at the door, and if you are unvaxxed, you can't come to testify in person -- only over zoom. What kind of message does that send? Our large concert venue requires proof of vaccination (although 1-2 is apparently enough; it doesn't matter if you are boosted).

My point? The population is still very brainwashed. Vaccine clinics are still being held at the schools. Peer pressure from fearful, vaccinated people to get those shots. Social pressure to wear your mask "out of courtesy for others" who may not feel "safe" seeing your naked, smiling face.

I have a number of jabbed friends who are "tired of COVID" and are convinced that "COVID is going away" because the mask mandates finally lifted; in other words, they want me to relax and stop speaking up against the shots and the EUAs. COVID is so "yesterday" -- now we need to think about Ukraine.

Progress is being made in many areas, but this fight is far from over.

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Children should never be playing Russian Roulette with live ammunition in the form of experimental "vaccines" at their age when their natural immunity to infections is at it's strongest.

More than that, any parent who takes their medical advice from either an aged politician, a talking head on a liberal "news" show, or a supposed medical health official who has used poor populations in third world countries to inflict death, disease, and permanent disability on in the name of "drug trials" for nearly 40 years, that parent should have their children removed from that home by Social Services before that parent plays Russian Roulette with their kid's life.

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Please get this message out and get rid of the cabal and liars!!! It's too late for too many and it grieves my heart to see so many people still in ignorance!!! Too many family members are deceived and won't listen unless it comes from Christian doctors who are not afraid to stand for truth and do their research. More doctors need to take a stand and quit being such cowards! More pastors need to take a stand and quit cowering to the big bullies!!!

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Anybody have thoughts on Todd Callenders allegations in this video? He starts at 314

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Not happening on my watch, son. I’ll save a spot for you on this hill for when you’re ready.

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