There was no respiratory pandemic. Wall Street proved it - There was no increase in oxygen sales at the biggest suppliers.

Boris Borovoy and I showed this in December 2020:


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Now you’re talkin, doc! The whole thing was a narrative needing a distraction. Some are still keeping it alive by talking about it as if it exists... fooled!!

There are levels of awakening from this psyop...

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Yea! I lost a friend in December 2020, who was treated in ICU with a ventilator and Remdesivair! When will we look at motivation and identify the people who created this pseudo pandemic and hold them responsible. It is reported that National Academy of Medicine who used to be called Institute of Medicine is going to examine the origin and etc. They are Big Pharma driven and will water down the facts. NAM manipulaties medical science for the profit motive and has about 2000 Directors that have propritetary interests! If our brain dead politicians in Clown college DC allows them to be the final word, we will have achieved nothing and will have held no one accountable! Fauci will waltz away free!

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Saw this report this AM how Big Pharma is promoting drugs to Teen Agers. Time we ban all Drug Consumer Advertising. Clowns in DC don't have the guts or will power to do what is right for the Americans citizens that they FALSELY CLAIM THEY represent!


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David Crowe was probably one of the first to publicly call it with his e book he never finished as he went to visit Mullis in the sky and Bullard...and many others. So many of us knew but still watched as studies like Genevieve Briands were done. This unauthorized JHopkins study showed no increase in excess all cause mortality during the biggest waves, even among the elderly then Norway and Sweden and Rancourt blew it out of the water w all of Canada and +-30 Us states etc. You will just continue to find evidence of every other emotional, spiritual and physical poisoning in every part of the world. We appreciate your help


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GOLD, I just shared it on Twitter and Gettr, Ty🙏

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This was absolutely beautiful, Dr. Alexander. ❤️ Thank you so much. Will share and cross post.

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This is a very good stack. However, I'm left wondering what was going on in those Ukranian biolabs. What was their purpose? Some of their work and stock was purportedly inherited from the Soviet Union, which is going back a long time. What exactly was going on there?

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Well, could be nothing, just more staging for the psyop (like the outdoor testing tents that were always empty or the masks)--I think they want to everyone to believe that weaponized viruses are coming to get them, especially since the idea a "scary virus" pandemic is being used as cover for the pandemic treaty at the WHO.

But I've also wondered whether these "bioweapons" could be real, but for the purpose of targeting crops, causing crop failures,etc. Years ago, like way back when I was looking into Cheney, I somehow stumbled on a site about weaponized rust or something like that that affects crops. So I just did a quick search and found this:


So, for all we know, maybe these bioweapons labs actually did have something real, but were for the purposes of damaging crops (these people would love to cause a world-wide famine, in fact I think they are trying to by blowing up all the food processing plants)

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Forced starvation would be another way to depopulate. Remember the Georgia Guidestones called for keeping global human population at 500 million in perpetuity.

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This guy also talks about how the ruling elite (behind the scenes financial powers) are fixated on depopulation:

Former Russian Military Intelligence Officer, Vladimir Kvachkov: 'Pandemic' is Planned Depopulation


(He says there is NO pandemic, this is a global strategic special operation, command exercises of the behind-the-scenes powers who want to control humanity. The goal of the behind-the-scenes financial powers is depopulation--he says it's their fixed idea, they want 1 billions of ordinary people left to serve about 100 million of them).

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Thanks for sharing.

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Yeah, I even recall stumbling upon something years ago (can't find it now) about the US weaponizing mosquitos and Dengue fever, targeting Cuba or something. Actually, I think the US has done a lot of things like that against Cuba--I just can't remember where I read about it. And I'm pretty sure Lyme is a US bioweapon from Plum Island off the coast of CT--there are a couple of books about it, Bitten and Lab 257, and even NJ Congressman Chris Smith demanded answers from the Pentagram on that. So, for all we know, the US could have been working on that in Ukraine--with ticks to deliver their weaponized Lyme.

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At the very least, those labs could be support and backup in case wuhan scam failed... just my 5 pesos

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Hunter was involved with those labs. His father is a notorious racist, linked to the KKK. Many Nazi weapons scientists went to the US at the end of WWII. Vocational choice, like ideology is substantially genetically determined. Many of their offspring would today be weapons scientists too and part of the US elite like the Bidens are. Hitler said that the creation of lebensraum in the land of the Slavs was a job that would fall to his successors. The question arises: Were the biolabs modifying coronaviruses to target for decimation, if not exterminaion, the haplogroups of Eastern Slavs, Chinese, North Koreans, Iranians and Arabs?

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There were delivery points all over the world too, and would've been much easier to disperse from labs closer in vicinity to those points.

I think of my own infection which occurred after a VA visit, which had the strictest protocols in force I came across. I monitored my movements closely caring for my Mother 24/7 365 at the time. Certain Government entities and Hospitals were likely sources of delivery in my opinion, and the VA being high on my list.

Think about the first big case in the USA that showed up in Washington State (not the State of Washington), when they put a younger man in his mid 30's I believe was put into a NURSING HOME after contracting it. Strange I can't find info in a search now, but had called and spoke to someone at WA Health Dept, out of concern for my mom after being laughed at and told to do so by the woman (secretatry?) answering Gov Inslee's phone suggestd I do before hanging up on me when when airing my concerns of why they put him in a nursing home. If I can find the original buried in my Covid files I'll post about being transferred there from a hospital.

First Coronavirus Case in Washington State


This talks about the Nursing home involved. "Life Care Center in Kirkland"


This article actually shows how they knew and were preparing long before they let on by PBS (not a fan, and sometimes they spill the beans while trying to glorify their actions) that I just came across. Notice the date and then one of the doctors statements about their preparedness plans 3 weeks earlier meaning before the New Year being 2019. If they already had training taking place 3 weeks prior then how long before that were they aware of it?

"On January 19, a 35-year-old man walked into a clinic in Snohomish County, Washington"

"“We had a game plan in place already,” Dr. George Diaz, who treated patient one when he was admitted to Providence Regional Medical Center in Everett, tells FRONTLINE’s Miles O’Brien. In fact, less than three weeks earlier, the hospital had undergone an elaborate pandemic training simulation."


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Thank you Kelly :-))

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You're welcome Marta! :^))

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Another thing people should be aware of is what the CDC reports as Actual Deaths and still updates at least weekly on. Now that I found the link to their results.

Found under the heading "Comorbidities and other conditions"

"For over 5% of these deaths, COVID-19 was the only cause mentioned on the death certificate. For deaths with conditions or causes in addition to COVID-19, on average, there were 4.0 additional conditions or causes per death."


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Thanks Dr Paul!

Keep up the heat on the globalist crowd!

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If would be so beneficial WHD if it went viral, because it's written in clear language but more importantly it it is factual. Thank you for posting it


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I will use a common adjective of yours Dr Paul to respond to this stack:




M !!!!!!

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Another thought, Now that this stack pretty much settles it, can we please focus more on coming up with ways to DETOX for the jabbed to heal them. And ways to DETOX the heavy metals from chemtrails, glyphosates, and nanotechnology that poisons us daily. Thanks!

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I agree with you and Jay but am confused because there is still “something” circulating that is causing illness that is not just flu or a cold. Could clones continue to be dropped onto society or are the variants still circulating?

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I had “Covid” in May/June of 21’. And I’ve had the flu (h1N1 in 09’) this was very very different. Most notably the bruises in a line on my shin. I’m assuming microclots? Did I bang my shin and just not remember? Maybe? But why then did they last nearly a year! And the POTS for 3 mos was also very different. The whole thing was very different. 🤔

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I suspect pneumonia is still being rebranded.

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I assume it’s because they are still vaxxing people which lowers immunity and makes variants.

I thought it was still mandatory for international flights into Canada/USA too? Not sure if they got rid of the airline mandate yet.

Plus there is shedding from the vaxxed to the unvaxxed.

Covid would of died off already but they keep vaxxing keeping the number of infections up. What a scam.

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Your best, most substantial and serious piece yet, as far as I am aware. Nice work, and thanks.

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Outstanding stuff here and so well & succinctly laid out, even if a bit lengthy out of necessity along the way. Bravo and thanks for sharing this Dr. A 👍 👌

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Wow! THIS! Will be sharing! 🙏

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Really great info. Where are the millions dead from such a deadly pandemic? All that happened was the flu season was turn into a year round event using fake PCR testing and most of those who died had other comorbidities and medical issues. Without autopsies on every presumed covid related death, you can assume most of these deaths were coded wrong to push the fear button and help the medical system garner huge payoffs from government. No way was any of the pandemic real and no way are any of the mRNA injections vaccines. They are abusive murder substances.

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My ER nurse daughter keeps telling me that I am wrong. She was on Ortho/Spine floor during the convid debacle. It’s hard to dispute her arguments because I wasn’t there. Also her hospital had shit all masks etc in the beginning. One per 12 hour shift etc. After watching The Good Nurse and the documentary about it can see that hospitals only care about $. Wow big surprise! Spoiler he was a killer and did it again and again. Nobody cared especially at admin and ceo level. Dennis Ransick was right. But again nobody cares. Not a thing happens. Biz as usual.

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