These are the 75 seconds that the DEEPSTATE malfeasants & CDC, NIH, FDA, NIAID, Fauci, Birx, Hahn et al. fucked POTUS Trump with LOCKDOWNS March 15/16th 2020; from 55 seconds SOMEONE distracted '45'
he did not HEAR or realized the beelzebub Fauci just stated that they shall be locking down! look closely & then look at 1.00, 1.01, 1.02, Trump made a FACIAL gesture accepting they just FUCKED him
They just took his re-election away from him at 1.01, look closely and it is as if he was showing us with his facial expression of giving up para ‘well, I just did not think they would have done it and really gone this far but it’s over now and I have to go along’…remember, on March 7th he said no lockdowns, then suddenly on March 9th he said para we are looking at it…even at ~1.06 Trump did not even know Fauci just stated we are locking down for Trump said when asked if locking down after Fauci just said it (because he Trump was distracted), that para “we have not said that…”…
Trump did not know they were going into forever lockdown and not even 2 weeks to bend the curve…but these fuckers on the stage all knew…they set him up….
something happened in those 48 hours (March 7 to March 9th, 2020) and then for this drastic change by March 15 and 16th 2020 (that fucked the world)…this is the 75 seconds that fucked the world and they began full bore lie of COVID…from here they CREATED a fake pandemic out of nothing…COVID was a 100% lie, never was a pandemic, and it was (like H1N1 in 2009 swine flu fake and now the coming H5N1 avian bird flu fake non-pandemic…all using over-cycled PCR ‘process’ to accomplish the lie) a PCR-manufactured lie underpinned by the lie of ASYMPTOMATCI transmission and lie of equal risk of severe outcome if exposed regardless of age and risk (baseline risk, no risk stratification)…
Trump trusted these beasts…h relied on their expertise and counsel but they were destroying his Presidency…
this 75 seconds…second by second…and focus on seconds 55, 56, 57 when Fauci spoke and Trump was distracted….and seconds 1.00, 1.01, 1.02 and how someone distracted Trump exactly when Fauci said para ‘locking down’…it is a critical set of events that happened here…
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It makes me ill with a queasy feeling to watch how giddy and giggly Birx and her "mentor" Fauci are the day of the video as they pull a fast one and tell the country how the "fine print" shuts down the nation's gathering places, as if the instructions came down from above rather than from their own devious minds.
Yes I did remember that! I saw it for what it was! And also when that General Perna-looked like smirky called it a payload, and that military would be administering the vxs.
I knew this was a psy0p-like the ones of past, that they bury-hidden from future generations knowledge-so very lock step!