It makes me ill with a queasy feeling to watch how giddy and giggly Birx and her "mentor" Fauci are the day of the video as they pull a fast one and tell the country how the "fine print" shuts down the nation's gathering places, as if the instructions came down from above rather than from their own devious minds.

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this was the day that all changed for us, COVID wise, and the veil was fully lifted from our eyes as we observed the malfeasants...this day changed our lives forever and killed many of innocent people

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Yes I did remember that! I saw it for what it was! And also when that General Perna-looked like smirky called it a payload, and that military would be administering the vxs.

I knew this was a psy0p-like the ones of past, that they bury-hidden from future generations knowledge-so very lock step!

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boom, psyOp

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"anecdotal": they fucked him every time they used that word.

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had he openly fired Fauci the nation would have gone nuts and he was threading the needle of responding to a pandemic (fake) while running a re-election...

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COVID is done...Biden is not running or his dark team and Obama in the midst of one...in the midst of a lie and here is the thing, Trump knew they were fucking him so imagine as a person the anger inside knowing you were being rag dolled politically by these demons

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remember, Fauci was like the head dog in all this, DR. Science until we found out he was a killer...you would have not gone against Mengele Fauci for Trump...dont lie now...

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I even met my bosses at HHS and gave them a plan when we saw how Fauci was fucking 45, I told them and will share it now...45 must now, it was about July 2020, hire another Task Force person, bring them out daily WITH Fauci, and after 2 weeks, couple times let them disagree with Fauci and it was easy too for he was talking junk at times...then after 2 weeks fire Fauci and inform nation his services no longer needed...but this new addition would have been similar in stature and face and well known and nation would be ok...nation even in July would have wrenched if 45 just fired Fauci stone cold...was told oval was studying that move...lots began happening then and it was fire after fire if you recall...

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The key issue is that had 45 not gone along with the Task Force in March 2020, you would have thought how could a New York builder be going against the 'top' medical doctors and head of these alphabets in USA...is he insane...you would have...wanted his head literally for you, we were all concerned and the lies by the malfeasants of asymptomatic transmission, no natural immunity, equal risk despite age and baseline risk and the lie of the over-cycled false positive PCR process...he was caught and Birx et al. knew for they said once they got him to bite, they would not re-open...he actually felt it was ONLY 2 weeks and then re-open

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he trusted them

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I think the argument at hand is are we dealing with a good person who sought to do good by America and IMO yes, 100%, all I know, this is Trump...mistakes, yes, but his were mainly being misled in a terrible hand dealt with...we need Justice for this but at this time we see what they are trying to do to him and we need to stand up, defend him and help him...he is the best option..

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.I fear for our people, our nation, our future if what we are seeing is not stopped and he 45 does not crush it using the same means...legal...I feel strongly he would in a second term

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Why isn't barf lady in Jail? She admitted she knew the vaccines would not work. She admitted lying to POTUS. Why is this BITCH walking around free as a "bird" pushing the next plandemic with her FAKE PCR testing. Now she is going after the food supply.

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do not fuss, we will circle back to all...those involved in COVID in any manner will have to sit in real trials with real judges and oaths...not bullshit congress

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the moron wants to test every eff in bird and cow with a fraud PCR process

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It's amazing. I thought for sure, the whole world would know by now, about the PCR TEST. I Guess she didn't get the memo from Kerry Mullis, before her psychopathic boyfriend ordered the "HIT" on him.....🤯

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Sir I have two questions I think only you can answer. 1. Did Trump really trust these people because of Jared Kushner beguiling him? 2. Why is he beguiled today?

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no he did not trust them...he trusted them on the science and the expertise but as people, he knew these were fuckers...and it showed for his gut said not to go along...this is why even I ask what happened...across 2 days...lots we can talk about but lots we cant...lots I can say but lots I cant...just the way it is but the key message I wanted to get across is he is good, just deceived by them and no, he was not part of any malfeasance and he did want to do good in COVID and the vaccine for he bought it...remember he was facing them and COVID fraud as he was seeking re-election....if he came to podium day one, say mid March 2020 when they were all calling for lockdowns etc. and said fuck them...he did not buy it...he would be non doctor Trump going against them, the deepstate, the lying corrupted media, all our doctors for recall they were part of the fraud...who would you have believed? you would have wanted them to hang him even...so come on...he was caught and he trusted and did what he thought was best...hoping they were honest...he told them 'nothing unless its safe and effective'...they kept lying to him...I wont say he is beguiled today

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I would say he is still in a difficult situation...he know the vaccine are bad, he knows, trust me he knows...the issue is he can only fix this if in power...he has lots to fix but in his mind and heart, this ma only wants to do right thing.

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It really wasn’t Kushner who was responsible, Stegiel. It was the motherfucking fake “ righteous” traitor, Pence. It was always Pence. Pence was behind destroying Flynn, Ezra Watnick-Cohen, KT McFarland and many lousy appointments. It was Pence who waylaid him with Fauci, Birx, Jerome Adams, Nick Ayres, the lying sack of garbage who claimed Trump lunged for the driver on Jan 6, the “ Star Witness” for the J-6 Inquistion, pushed him to appoint the traitor, McMaster…

BTW, Nick Ayres, Pence’s trusted aide and Pence’s acolyte, Adam Kinzinger are both newly anointed WEF Young Global Leaders.

Pence goes back decades with Fauci. When he participated in the cover up of the weaponized anthrax that was mailed to members of Congress, killing two. Created at Ft Detrick stolen by a Middle Eastern “ lab researcher” granted a visa by Bush. Dr. Stephen Hatfill was framed by Cheney, Rumsfeld ,Fauci and Mueller, fought back, sued the U.S. government and was awarded 3 million. So they framed Dr. Bruce Ivins, who coincidently “ suicided” before he was scheduled to make a statement.

Pence, good little boys out, who received an envelope ( just happened to. be inert white powder) was all in the rotten cover up. Cheering. He’s a corrupt puppet. Trump was surrounded by them.

The first time I was really disappointed with Trump was his dismissal of Flynn for “ lying to Mike Pence”. Flynn was the best of Trump ‘s admin, seconded by Watnick-Cohen who was referred by Flynn.Next, McFarland.All were out in a couple of months and Trump did nothing to stand up for them. And it was all specious.

Why the hell did he appoint Jeff Sessions? How incredibly embarassing! One after another crap appointments. Chris Wray at Christie’s behest. Unbelevable. Henry Kerner-John McStain’s former bulldog. The guy who went to Lois Lerner during the IRS scandal at McStain’s behest. Kerner told her to audit the Tea Party and Pro-Israel groups- same groups Obama targeted to” audit them until financially ruinous”. Trump appointed him to head the “ Dept of Oversight Special Counsel “.. can’t make it up. Kerner worked with Pelosi , Schiff and Schumer to open the Russia and Ukraine Hoax Inquisitions and to charge Kellyanne Conway with violating the Hatch Act for praising Ivanka’s clothing line.That she’d already removed herself from. Yeah, Pence was tight with McCain, too. And Mitch and Ryan. Pence wasn’t terribly fond of Ric Grenell, another of Trump’s better appointments. Or Navarro and Rudy, who both despised Fauci and Pence. -Ditto Scott Atlas, Robert Wilkie, Morgan Ortagus,Amanda Milian, Kash Patel, Mark Morgan- the few really decent Trump picks.

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yes, appointments were terrible...again, he had people around him telling him who to appoint...he said so recently and he said that he did not know most of these people and trusted

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if you listen he is telling us how they screwed him

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in a Presidential way

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and dont forget me...I was behind the scenes then faceless for a reason...and as soon as the deepstate and left and RINOs figured out who I was and what my role was in advisor to help 'fix' and 'right' things for my bosses etc. and do the right thing by America, they moved to smear, slander, cancel but the joy is I am 100% vindicated for all I said and its documented, was correct, and they are and were on the wrong side...and thats why I today can punish them in writing, in talk at will...they did fail 45, they did fail America, they did hurt folk like me and Atlas...but we are left standing...

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I remember that. Treated you horribly.

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Pence IMO was not good, an opportunist and he failed 45, all of us

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I think Kushner was on the same team in the end.

As the leader of the federal government effort to distribute emergency equipment to the states, Kushner, the president’s son-in-law, has mostly shied from the public stage, but he now is working in history’s spotlight.

His vast responsibilities include weighing requests from governors for aid and coordinating with private companies to obtain medical equipment, work he carries out from a special post created for him inside the Federal Emergency Management Agency, where his team is called “the Slim Suit crowd” for their distinctive tailoring, the New York Times has reported. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2020/apr/05/jared-kushner-coronavirus-aid-trump-governors

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interesting read

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"Ivanka has been included in Fortune magazine’s prestigious “40 Under 40” list (2014) and was honored as a Young Global Leader by the World Economic Forum"


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Didnt orangeman just speak in Davos? Land of the freaks?

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I know all about the Donald. I know his Resorts International CIA background. I know he escaped the crash of ‘87 by not being in the market for a few weeks prior. After murdering JFK politics for Americans amuses me endlessly. Lord what fools these mortals be to align themselves with factions thought the lesser of two evils. Team 1 tortures indiscriminately. Team 2 tells us that they proudly discriminate when they torture and torture only the deserving. The public sadly is as cognitively impaired as Joe Biden.

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It is surreal! The public is driven to disrepair then they behave as disparate people do.


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It was all lies and they knew it. That's why they looked so joyful. THEY knew they would not get sick. THEY KNEW IT!!!!

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boom, they knew they were screwing 45 in that 75 seconds...

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he was the only one on that stage not in on the gig

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Jun 9·edited Jun 9

Yes, there is no doubt that Fauci, Birx, Pence, and hundreds of others are filthy, psychopathic criminals that deserve the hangman's noose. But what about Trump? Why do so very few of us want hold Trump accountable? Is Trump above the law, above accountability?

As POTUS, the buck stopped with Trump (as Harry Truman famously said regarding the POTUS office).

It was TRUMP who made the decisions and gave the order to lock down the USA. It was TRUMP who allowed mask mandates and shutting down schools. It was TRUMP who gave the "Warp Speed" objective. It was TRUMP who sent billions to the pharmaceuticals so that the killer jabs would be produced and distributed. It was TRUMP who gloated (and still does to this day) of the "medical miracle" of the jabs. Trump, no one else, was the Head Honcho with the power and authority.

So, why is there a nearly-invisible tiny group of people like myself that wants to hold Trump accountable for HIS actions and decrees? Why is everyone so willing to give Trump a free pass, while wanting to hold everyone ELSE to extreme accountability? What is wrong with this picture?

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here you could see he was none the wiser, moreover, if he was in on this and gave them what they wanted, if, you are telling me he would sit by as they seek to destroy him now with lawfare? makes no sense...this guy is clean just a player and a good man underneath it all, this is a person that loves his nation, his peoples, wont hurt a fly, literally...bravado but a true kind human being...but rolled...

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its as if they studied him and knew he is the one...that he would be so unsuspecting of the crime...that he would trust...the others, no, they are all the same so would figure it out...no he

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I have a theory on that. That theory will be unambiguously proven true or false in short order.

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can you show us some leg

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True, but REMEMBER: Trump was very much against the lockdowns, he wanted hydroxychloroquine, ivermectin and chlorone dioxide used. THEY, as in the lying media, created a FULL BLOWN FRENZY OF FEAR. Funny how no one remembers that. It was and is " theater of the absurd", and the stage is filled with puppets

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boom, I can tell you on inside, he was AGAINST lockdowns, and he did not trust these people...in a way it is why I was asked to go to DC...to HHS...my role was kind of an interface between Task Force and WHO via my bosses...so I worked with all these malfeasants...save my 2 bosses and IMO Giroir, all were sub-optimal crooked people in a way...Redfield is a good man but playing dirty now saying lockdowns did not work etc. when he could have stood up...it was Atlas and I behind the scenes fighting these fuckers...and it was hell...we gave them hell too...yes we were cancelled and attacked and even lives threatened etc. but I made their lives technically hell...I saw what they were doing 45...and these idiots, they thought I WAS THEM, because I was an island boy, I HAD to be a closet democrat...and they would tell me stories of what they were up to...

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So why didn't Trump DO something about it? Trump was POTUS - the buck stopped with HIM! Trump could have fought like the devil to make something happen. He didn't. Trump could have told us on national television that he did NOT want the country shut down, that businesses could remain open. He didn't - he ALLOWED the closures and the fines and the persecutions. Trump could have told us that he didn't want for anyone to wear muzzles (face masks). He didn't. Last but not least, Trump could have withheld the many billions of dollars that went to Big Pharma for developing the killer jabs. Not only did Trump NOT do that, he bragged without end - to this day!! - about the "miracle jabs" that have since harmed and killed tens of millions, with many millions of more victims to come. Come on man, let's be honest! Why does accountability apply to everyone EXCEPT Donald Trump?

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he is not a scientist, he had a science team to advise him and they gave him bad advice

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lots of what you say and ask is true...in 2 Dimension...but this story had additional dimensions and unknowns...

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you are looking at it in black and white always but there is the grey area and also, in March 2020, if Trump told you that he told them to fuck off, you would have said is he insane and called for 25th amendment to remove him for he was no doctor...so we can wrench in hindsight...but my argument is I too am upset but I want to give him a chance to fix this and make it even better and punish them...there is no one more capable today.

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Not me. I was certain from Day 1 -- in fact, as early as December 2019 -- I already knew that "Covid" was a crime, not a "pandemic". What I did not yet know then was that it was to be the biggest, most evil crime in all human history. So, no, I would NOT have called Trump "insane". If (IF!) my hypothesis is correct (and I hope it is NOT), then Trump will never "fix this". He may take some cosmetic actions, but nothing of significance. Again, that's IF I'm correct. If I'm wrong, and I hope I am, and Trump really is one of the good guys, add brave to that, then we should expect nothing less than a HOT war within these United States. I'd like to be there to help, if called upon.

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I also wonder why he told people to go to the capitol? He knew they were refusing national guard. He knew pelosi's daughter was following her around filming. It had to be a set up. How many j6'ers had he helped?

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it was a set up

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Jun 11·edited Jun 11

You ask questions that very few of us are asking. It takes an open mind, attention to details, and critical thinking. People speak of "Trump Derangement Syndrome" but I've noticed a "Trump Worship Syndrome" - as if Trump is flawless and can do no wrong. If (IF!) my hypothesis is correct -- and I pray to God that it is NOT -- then Trump is bamboozling 80 million Americans, or more. I for one will not be casting a vote to return Trump to the Oval Office - not unless he does an about-face PRONTO!! NO, I will not be voting for anyone else.

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thank you for contributing Jorge...

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This search, https://presearch.com/search?q=site%3Ahttps%3A%2F%2Ftruthsocial.com%2F%40realDonaldTrump%2Fposts%20%20epps , revealed only one result, https://truthsocial.com/@realDonaldTrump/posts/108911601191627576 . Trump’s post asks if the allegation that Ray Epps’s wife works for a company affiliated with Dominion Voting is true. Surely the Trump team must be resourceful enough to answer this question. Ray Epps’s documentable behavior, as well as the failure of law enforcement to arrest him until very recently, supports January sixth prisoners’ claims of malicious prosecution. Trump, instead of effectively using the Epps matter to help vindicate his most loyal supporters, poses a question designed to lure them, to again appear foolish. This Ring Master seems able to inflame the passions of both sides of the political spectrum simultaneously.

On March Eighteenth 2023 Trump published his expectation that he would be arrested the following Tuesday. He instructed his supporters to “ PROTEST, TAKE OUR NATION BACK!”. There was no arrest until another Tuesday, April Fourth, but this time there was no similar request for protesters to take our nation back. It is my presumption that analysis of internet activity revealed that not enough Trump supporters were inclined to risk being involved in another January Sixth type event, to make a good show. The two week delay was a cooling off break designed to maintain an illusion of narrative cohesion.


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And it was Pedo Joe Biden who forced people to take the death shot or lose their jobs.

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Agreed - Biden continued and expanded what Trump started. BOTH should be held accountable to the extreme. Why just Biden and Fauci and Birx and Pence, and ... ? Let's apply the law to EVERYONE equally.

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we did not talk of Biden, Biden is soiling himself...we cant hold Joe accountable for nothing...we just need them to stop abusing him and let him sit home watching Hunters weed and crack bags

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Why is it so difficult to imagine that Trump was a willing participant in this genocide? In 2019 Trump suspended the Debt ceiling, well in advance of any need to free unrestricted emergency funds.

"Public Law 116–37 116th Congress An Act To amend the Balanced Budget and Emergency Deficit Control Act of 1985, to establish a congressional budget for fiscal years 2020 and 2021, to temporarily suspend the debt limit, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ‘‘Bipartisan Budget Act of 2019’’. "https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/PLAW-116publ37/pdf/PLAW-116publ37.pdf

Furthermore, he continues to claim that Warp Speed and the vaccine were a great success!

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He also signed EO to modernize and speed up vaccine prodiction in 19. He knew this was coming.

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I am not even gonna watch it again.

I’ve had a pretty good day.

But this is when he stopped doing his job. He gave the keys away to people who set this country into chaos.

Trump was supposed to be a president. He could had put his foot down and said I feel in need an another opinion. Instead he let the frauds take his job.

How could he not know this was all bullshit? Did he not notice that when he was giving rallies that the media called super spreaders. That nobody died? Did he not see that all the so called cases were bullshit.??

I mean fuck I knew.

So here are our choices. A demented liar and a guy that handed the keys away.

And they say American people are waking up….

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part of the issue is he was convinced to give the 2 weeks to bend the curve and he felt that was it but Birx even said once they got him to bit it was over they would not re-open...he did not know they were already conniving...he actually trusted them...2 weeks...

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if he came after 2 weeks and said then they want to stay closed but I have decided open it all up, you would have thought he was nuts....people here hysterical frightened then...recall...he was caught.

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and he was trusting then too that they were being honest brokers...he did not know they were malfeasants, inept and stupid and dangerous

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He does now and needs to make a statement saying as much.

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Never happen.

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There’s also RFK, Jr. If you research his history he looks like the best option EXCEPT he doesn’t have the support that Trump or Biden have, because of course everything about him is being suppressed and he’s constantly being smeared and misrepresented on purpose just to eliminate him as a good option in people’s minds.

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you know my position but we are learning there is a media blackout on RFK and that is not good...not fair, not how this should be...look, I am not in support as POTUS yet want him to get equal time to make his case and it is best done too at debates

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Consider the documented FACTS about RFK Jr. He's not who you think he is:


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thanks for sharing

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Dr. Alexander... I am sad that your use of foul f word is somehow acceptable to use in mixed company. What has happened to decency? Seems you are getting worse every day. I am a paid supporter of yours and feel disgusted with that decision. Your ability to express yourself without offensive language is so poor that I can no longer share your writings with others. It is shameful for you to speak that way.

I'm thinking you are probably thinking... you can go f yourself to me. Or perhaps I speak for many that have given up on you because of your offensive vulgar language.

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Well NOW we Know what they are. We Do NOT have to Let them Get Away with this. These are the anti-human and unhuman baby rapers, baby blood drinkers, baby eaters, human trafficking monsters who want to kill you. Take them All OUT NOW! Or die and be sorry you allowed them to own you.

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yes, we have to get accountability but it has to come lawful and legal and civil...we are not at that stage...we have to have a nation left to go back to...but I love your passion

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So, does the nation, country, world need the person who can be fooled/misled this easily? At this age people don’t change. Why anyone would think he would do things differently if elected? Trump has big heart but his ego even bigger. He is falling for praising like a kid. He trusts people whom he shouldn’t trust. With all his good intentions for his country he won’t be able to make much difference. “They” won’t let him, like didn’t let him before. They will occupy his time and mind with false law suits, accusations and scandals. This is “their” way. The old saying states: the path to hell is laid by good intentions.

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its important who is around him and the team is different now...you shall see. again, we elect him first

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