Feck 'em. Wear it like a badge of honor.

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bottom line- if covid had had a IFR of 50 and the vaccines had been 100% safe and 100% effective, i STILL reserve my right to refuse. at 70 years old, i have been around long enough to remember "blockbuster" cancer drugs that vanished with a whimper a few years later because they really only extended life by about 3 minutes, cost $100 G and caused heart damage. i remember VIOXX. i saw my cousin's wife spend an ENTIRE YEAR in a wheelchair unable to walk after taking the 1976 "swine flu" vaccine. a friend had a stroke caused by levaquin given to her for a flu that bed rest and chicken soup would have taken care of. i know/knew 3 people who died of the covid vaccine.

i have no problem with the vaccine (well, ok, i have LOTS of problems with it) and i have no problem with anyone taking it OF THEIR OWN FREE WILL AFTER THEY'VE DONE SOME READING ABOUT IT AND MADE A FREE AND UNCOERCED DECISION. i have TONS of problems with people who took it reflexively and then posted arm selfies and encircled their facebook photos with WE CAN DO THIS! banners and felt superior to people who made another decision. i have problems with parents who tossed aside the fundamental responsibility of parenthood- TO PROTECT THEIR KIDS- and boasted on social media about how brave their little darling was when getting his (completely unnecessary) booster.

if leana wen (or name any of them) wants to take 50 million covid vaccines, if she wants to mask forever, if she wants to hide out at home in a futile attempt to never come into contact with a germ or a virus, i think she's pathetic but THAT'S HER CHOICE. the problem is that she was unwilling to let me have MY choice, that she went on TV to sow distrust and hatred for people who had made a choice that was different from hers, that she advocated conditional rights as opposed to inalienable ones, that she advocates legislation passed to deny others of their choice, that she wants me/us robbed of our assets, fired from our jobs, imprisoned, disowned by our families and friends, and ultimately disappeared.

i have never wished for the vaccinated to be stripped of their rights (except for the imaginary right to never get sick), never mocked them for their decision, never gloated when they died of covid (well, ok, now and then but i kept it to myself). these people can NEVER be forgiven!

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Those who advocated for ruining other people's lives because they trusted their God given immune system should indeed never be forgiven. Lost half my friends over that damn shot, and I'm doing better since they're gone.

Tyrants cannot be forgiven nor rehabilitated. Glad you stood strong against them.

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Sticks and stones. Fuck off, morons! I could care less whether or not you trust me or view me as your enemy. Gee, I'll try and get through my day. Cram your poison shit shot up your collective asses! Feliz Navidad.🎄

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I remember my step father posting on facebook that he wanted to rid the world of the unvaxxed

What a tosser.

I have not seen or spoken to him since. What makes it worse is that he convinced my mother to follow him.

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That's so sad - I'm sorry 🙏

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Don't forget the stupid Dicks. Evil and stupidity have no gender.

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Don't know where I read it, but the figures of 750 Million to one Billion Deaths of the Covid "Vaxxed" happening soon, or a few years, all with a Time Bomb ticking away.....Bill Gates has been quoted; " 350,000 people must Die daily, to save the Earth" How? By "Vaccines....

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Yup, bill gates of hell. Why did he have 3 kids, why does he have grand children. These "revolutionary" ideas should start at home.

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Bill Gates-evil!!!

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Bill Gates=Satan

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I don't think any of them got vaccinated.

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Most likely not

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That's probably the wrong word to describe them, since they lack both depth and warmth.

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Dear P.E.A. I love Your impetus, your branding speech- maybe with a bit less curse words… about the “civilized” people that proved to be as stout followers and executioners of the doctrine as most of the Germans in Nazi time were : Should we get at them in revenge or spitefulness ? There might not be any need for this. Buddhism has a great explanation for the sorts of these folks: In the middle of the wheel of life there are three animals depicted standing for the three poisons, that make the wheel of suffering and trouble go round and round: the pig - the rooster - the snake. Each bites the next one and so it keeps turning. And what do they stand for? What are these three poisons that keep man in the Samsara, the cycle of life and death: pig: IGNORANCE!! and DELUSION ! (sounds familiar with these folks and Covid Era ??) - the rooster: GREED and ATTACHMENT ( how many of them received Pfizer and other dirt money???) - and the snake: HATRED and AVERSION! ( that’s what they threw at us ). But, here is the good news: We don’t need to deal with them really , they will eventually perish as they are stuck in this treadmill - we simple need to NOT do as they do, instead to practice being FREE of ignorance, free of delusions, free of attachment and greed, and free of hatred. Then our ways are bound to part, and we will fly away free! This also ties in well with what Bashar and other channelled beings tell us: Mankind seems to be at an important junction now: Some - the ones who follow their highest excitement of creating, doing, being what fulfils them most and striven to be free as described above, they will eventually be in a complete other reality than the pigs - roosters and snakes!! It seems to be compared to a needle’s eye - where we can only go through if we leave all that stuff that baggage of the others behind. So just concentrate on what you feel most alive doing - and things will sort themselves out - that’s how I understand it anyway. Keep well! Andrea

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Have any of these people apologized? Has Arnold?

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well, at least he has either endorsed or spoken kindly about RFKjr

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Personslty changes in the Covid "Vaxxed" quick to anger,flying into Rages, over once minor things, I wonder if Traffic accidents are affected?

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They will never give up.

Attila and Our Huns will cleanse OUR country of ten million (give or take) of the worst of the Fauci-China Virus Criminals.

Lock and Load.

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And they still do too...right Kathy?

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thanks Paul

cuss them all you want , that is what I have been calling them for 3 years.

Is my sense of being constantly feeling offended by it all ever going to stop?

I can forgive , I guess, but I have not been any good at forgetting, especially those that willingly try to do harm to me , my employees, and my extended family of homosapiens.


australia (lower case , as we are diminished now as a sovereign nation)

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Yes, forgive. But forgiveness is different from trust.

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Again, I couldn't agree more, Dr.

- Luc

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