They've already been punished. Many of them may die in the near future. Sad really.

But it should never happen again. These lockdowns were illegal and not even medically sound. The public officials who broke their oaths and did these things plus the people behind all the shots need to pay for it.

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Looks like parallel economies are in the future. Where we have vaxed establishments and unvaxed establishments. Which is fine by me as I don’t want to be anywhere near these people because gawd knows what they are shedding. Yet, it may be too late for many. As this was not a vaccine it’s a bio weapon. Me, even before this hoax I stayed away from anyone who was recently vaxed due to the shedding. Why should I pay for someone else’s Stupidy? Yet, unfortunately the sheeple vaxed outnumber the unvaxed at the moment, yet the die off is in full swing.

Who knew what a crazy world we’d be living in today?

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And now we're hearing about the mRNA crap being put in our food!!??? WTH? I haven't yet seen it, but EpochTimes TV has a segment on their app/channel. Dr A, are you aware of this development?

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We must stand tall and strong to defeat these Nephilim entities. Fauci is another story. We must all come together and say "No" to their crap. We have more power than we know. They have brainwashed most into believing we are weak and stupid. We are fighting a spiritual war. We have God on our side. Pray and ask forgiveness and help. In numbers we have power. If we don't fight now we will lose! The whole world will be lost to them and it will take thousands of years to take it back. If America goes down the world will follow. :(

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Never have I ever been so grateful to not be a meat eater 🙏🏼 Won’t be long before all produce will contain it too, though...If not already.

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Also now the dreaded RSV BS which “vax” are being “provided” and have mRNA tech with near identical shot info listed in brochure. They are bound and determined to get their blessed poisons into us one way or another.

Cows and pigs already being injected. But I’ve yet to hear/read anyone question the need as the animals aren’t getting “Covid”, I thought. It couldn’t be any more obvious to me the “need” but it doesn’t concern the animal recipients of the shots. Why is Gates claiming it’s to protect the livestock? Pretending he gives two shits about any living being, if the species aren’t a

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We that did not take the Trump jab are having the last laugh. Our chances of dying suddenly are nearly zero while the Trump jabbed are dropping like flies

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The people, like Fauci, who directed much of the deliberate (IMO) damage need to be punished. I don't care if he's had 10 covid shots, and has health problems because of them. The people who merely believed the government and MSM (but I repeat) and got shots and then shunned the rest of us, they have enough problems and I hope they will do better in future.

The government and it's minions- these people need accountability, but of course they will be none.

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They’re not finished either

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Thing is, YOU can not punish them Dr. P! They own you. Now, if 100M of us took up arms, and gave them a real insurrection, that could be interesting. EVERYTHING else, including my bits and bytes here, is a flaccid coping mechanism.

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Chem trails there aloud to spray us just not in wor anymore It's like checkers in some places in the skies. Bc getting hit hard in the food produce area's time for green houses .

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May those who violated the human rights of others be held accountable before the law. For example, anyone who imposed mandates for the experimental jabs, and anyone who denied religious exemptions, they well deserve what's coming for them. Those who hid the data on deaths and injuries, they are accomplices to murder, may they also be held accountable before the law.

As for those individuals who spouted stupid and cruel things about the unjabbed, well, that's the cost of having free speech, some people will say stupid and cruel things. And now, in the light of truth, they get to live with themsleves. I don't know about you all, but I'd rather get in a bed of scorpions than hang out with an unrepentant High Holy Vaxxer.

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Punish them by wishing them vax injuries... and encouraging them to continue boosting

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There's a whole lot of rage and bluster about so many outrages today, with a whole lot of nothing beyond that.

I"ve given up expecting anyone to ever be held accountable for anything they do, no matter how destructive or evil, whether in politics, the medical-industrial complex, the media...

No accountability in this world, anyway, because their dark lord, the father of lies, is in control right now. But it's coming for them. Knowing that helps me sleep at night.

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we will all be dead soon so it's moot https://www.headsupster.com/forumthread?shortId=220

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Absolutely incredible. Truly a “Scamdemic”.

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