My heart aches for you.

I’m so sorry.

Your account of what happened from her delayed birth to her inconceivable death, all by “professional” Drs., just made me cry with you.

There are thousands of people who lost a loved one, husband, wife, sister, brother, child & we will never know their stories.

But we know yours now.

And I will lift you and your family up in my prayers.

May God give you the strength to help others as you share your own heartache, you will be an advocate for others to speak up.

This is a tragedy and Danielle’s photo shows what a loving & precious child she was. 💔

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So terribly sad. Murderers.

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It’s finally widely acknowledged that our so-called pandemic was man-made. Yet they say brace yourselves for the next one coming soon. Are people so stupid they do not see what that implies? If we let that slide then we are complicit in the next round of murders.

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in tears, this is not a hospital, not doctors or nurses , they all deserve to be sued for everything… that’s all they seem to understand is the money.

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What the hospitals and doctors did to Danielle is so sad. Thank you for fighting for her and her Mom, Dr Alexander. What happened is extremely wicked, shockingly evil and vile. Here is another dreadful case. None of the substackers, except Norman Fenton, appear to be covering it but a 7 year old girl was murdered with an injection and the cause of death was falsified in VAERS and covered up by a pretense that it was a death from covid.

Will this girl and her family get justice? Will anyone fight for them?

"In Jan 2022 the rare ‘covid death’ of a 7 year-old girl, Cassidy Baracka, in the USA [6] was used as a warning to urge parents to vaccinate their children; but the death was not from covid at all – it was the direct result of a covid vaccination [7] [8]."


Informed consent: statement on covid policies affecting children and young adults


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There are way too many stories like this one not to take them seriously. It seems there's a culture of death in these hospitals & children are dying from mistreatment, dangerous treatment, or lack of treatment. They shouldn't be dying in hospitals for treatable, non-life threatening disease. It reeks of conspiracy!

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"After a covid-19 test was administered, she was diagnosed with having double pneumonia on both lungs and covid ... they immediately started her on a ten-day regiment of an IV experimental drug called Remdesivir [Run-death-is-near]"

Probably she needed: ***Antibiotics *** + Oxygen (but not too much) + NO ventilation

Consistent with the bacterial pneumonia hypothesis where Sars-CoV-2 should be considered a bystander viral coinfection.

TCW reveal "It was pneumonia, not Covid, what done it!" The Conservative Woman (TCW) report on our substack article on the pneumonia hypothesis


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Just horrible. All these so-called caregivers will answer on Judgment Day. But in the meantime, it’s just criminal.

May God comfort you and your family.

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How in Gods name are we ever going to stop the evil corruption running rampant in the world? Nobody in power seems to want it stopped. God please help us, save our nation Lord. In Jesus name Amen. I’m sorry you lost your lil girl. I know the hurt.

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I wish I could go back and put the world right, but I can't. I think every doctor that forgot their oath of office should be tried for violating the patient's rights, and for the nuremberg code.

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Murdered just like so many others.

I pray for you and Danielle.

For her, the "simulation" has ended.

She is with the Lord now, we will join her some day, soon.

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Couldn't even read it all. Awful.

.... criminal.

So sorry for your loss.

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Another truly tragic story to add to the thousands of other stories of unspeakable and deliberate cruelty perpetrated by "twenty-first-century Josef Mengeles"! Hospitals ARE now THE MOST DANGEROUS places on Earth! Populated far too often by really EVIL people complicit in the many thousands of murders of "COVID" patients, including those with no symptoms of respiratory illness and only "diagnosed" by fake PCR tests. And all done for $$$$$! (And to artificially force up the COVID death count to continue to terrorize the oblivious public who have no clue what is really going on.) Those sick, evil bastards seriously need to be identified and have Attorneys General start issuing Indictments for first degree murder!

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Stay they hell away from hospitals if you can. Somewhere along the line, they took an evil turn.

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I am so sorry, my heart is heavy with your loss. It will all come out - judgement day will come xxxx

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What a terrible tragedy, from birth malfeasance to death malfeasance by hospital covid protocol. My Mother had her second child born with brain damage due to lack of oxygen, the result of the attending doctor and nurse leaving her for over an hour while the baby was presenting. They felt her contractions had ceased. My Mom's baby passed away at 8 months. This was in the 1940's in Ontario, suing for malpractice was impossible due to protection provided to the doctor by the health system. Not much has changed. God bless this child and her family.

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Sickening. Vile. Evil.

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