We ask you to stop, take a step back and consider what we are trying to say here, allow yourself a look beneath the rock or behind the curtain so to speak; Jay & I wish to begin a discussion
Great admiration for you and JJ....just half way through the video now (found early this morning on Rounding the Earth). Wrapping my head around all this as a non-scientist for the past three years has been like attending a post graduate class, but my gut instincts were right all along. My daddy (who is in my profile picture) fought back in Hollywood during the McCarthy era when he was falsely accused, as were many actors. While some slipped quietly from view, he went on every talk show he could to strongly condemn this untruth. It was his example to me that one must never remain complicit or silent. As we've see from the twitter files, we are in an era of "digital McCarthyism", and I applaud you for speaking the truth!
Please understand that this woman is a REAL journalist. Tough and unafraid. I’ve read every book, starting with The Death of the Grown-Up. I think you’ll love American Betrayal as infuriating as it is. https://www.dianawest.net/
McCarthy was a TRUE American hero, and he exposed hundreds of genuine communists in Hollywood, and DC. Especially the State Dept. Reagan was a former member of the communist Party, most Screen Actors Guild members were. But, he woke up quite nicely!
Yes I’ve heard that also, and I guess there are always two sides - in my dad’s case he simply didn’t appreciate being accused falsely. Thank you for the link!
Apparently your father imbued you with leftist propaganda. Hollywood did not suffer from McCarthy. If they suffered anything it was from too many lying communists infesting the industry. Just to give you some direction into investigations of the period, McCarthy was a SENATOR. The people who were poking into private lives, and especially Hollywood, was the HUAC. The House Un-American Activities Committee started long before McCarthy and survived him. McCarthy was completely focused on Communists in the Military and Government which was far more dangerous to the leftards than just going for their propagandists. Funny how they managed to miss Al Gore's senator dad's owner Armand Hammer... Yeah, virtually every allegation against McCarthy was a lie and pushed by Commies and their fellow travellers including reporters at the major papers like the NYT. The NYT still has a Pulitzer given to their reporter Walter Duranty for lying about the Holodomor and Stalin's USSR in general.
I will end here. Hopefully this will pique your interest enough to go and find what really happened.
Perfectly stated KuhnKat. Was just married, and starting grad school in 1990, met a brilliant, and traditional woman. As we seethed during the Clintonista Saga, the wall "fell" in East Germany. She, being Swedish, had filmed much of that area, in black and white photos, taken on her prized Hasselbad, and hung to dry in her dark room. I recall we had many conversations about Occidental Petroleum, and communist/jewish Armand Hammer. How he, unlike any other Americans, had nearly fluid ingress/egress to the Soviet Union. Armand, was called "Lenin's chosen capitalist." His mother's maiden name was Lipschitz. Every single time.
These filthy beasts now control the world, and Tailgunner Joe, who was also a war hero, must be rolling in his grave. he took on the hive of filth, these oft-expelled parasites are pretty ruthless when someone cracks their Stygian tombs, to let some light in. I could never express with a keyboard, my hatred, loathing and revulsion of these traitorous rootless clique, spiteful mutants. A human plague.
A must-read: “Blacklisted by History: The Untold Story of Senator Joe McCarthy and His Fight Against America’s Enemies” by M. Stanton Evans. Also “The Red Plot Against America” by Robt. Stripling and “Martin Dies’ Story” by Martin Dies.
Someone posted the link under one of my posts yesterday, and I started watching and was enthralled by all the evidence provided. I hope there will be follow up's with more people and and followed by a Q & A session with other Doctors. It'd be best if they reviewed Dr. Alexander and JJ Couley's video first. Looking forward to seeing this weekends show.
If it's the original I'd suggest stating at 7:45 when Dr. Alexander begins speaking to avoid the initial getting setup portion as it may deter some from watching, as it almost did me, and I'm glad I watched through to the end which is the longest video I've watched in a long time.
I was impressed with Dr. Alexander working his way through it, and could see his mind working putting other things together incorporating new information. Which is the kind of Doctors we need more of that are always willing to listen to other Doctors in different connected fields involving the same subject matter.
You have to get used to Jay’s intros if that’s what you mean. I’ve been watching him for over two years and most of his sessions are long but so worth it. He’s a great teacher and an all-around great human being!
It was my first, and I found it a bit humorous so hung around to hear him out and knowing Dr. Alexander was going to arrive eventually lol
I saw that on the other videos, which is good as he seems to detail things out while trying to make it easy for unprofessional's to understand. I found his site afterwards to. I also see Paul has put up additional links to different parts of the interview if that's what is should really be called, and more of an information expose leading to collaboration.
I already thought they were lying about the virus and the experimental gene therapies and Couey validated it. He actually was fired for questioning it. Fascinating story.
Me as well, I never believed the narrative from the beginning and had plenty of validation before this, JJ just changed the exacts surrounding it while tying the DOD into which I'd been hearing much about from trusted sources but never real validation that both JJ and Paul provided.
I wasn't aware he'd gotten fired, and surprised I'd never heard of him, and maybe did but never found my way to his info. Which is what I meant by my first time hearing his info.
He had a long-standing YouTube I video journal club he’d done on his bike riding to work in Pittsburg and of course got strikes, so he moved to Twitch. It was J.C. on a Bike and a few remaining videos are there if you’re curious.
While watching this video I think another reason I survived hospital protocols is because not once did I test positive for covid even though they called the pneumonia covid pneumonia they could not treat me quite the same as a covid patient. Even though they tried to kill me with a ventilator that both my wife and I were told would be for one day because I was coughing to much to take an MRI, but turned into a week, damaged my lungs severely but because I had a very large lung capacity it did not kill me. I'm sure now all they had to do was put me under without the ventilator. A doctor again tried to kill me one night with what I now suspect was remdesevier and was caught by a nurse seeing him rush from me while putting something in his pocket, he did not get it all in my IV tube, she asked the doctor in a loud voice what did you do, twice I knew then for sure he tried to kill me. I was struggling to breath and he should have been rushing to me not from me. The police were involved by me calling 911 activating a phone within the area my voice reached making the situation on police record and stopping that doctor from finishing the job on me at the time. They then told my wife again I was going to die and to get things in order, my wife could see why. They were drying me out severely and starving me, it had been maybe eight days with no nutrition and almost no water as the flap that closes the wind pipe was damaged by the ventilator and would not close my wind pipe, She then seeing the problem mentioned a feed tube. Even though they did not think it was a good idea I said give it to me, they had no choice because there was moral nurses hearing this. With great difficulty I began to recover. So I know for true of the lies told to the population by the very people who are supposed to looking after us from many institutions and that is why it continues without being exposed to the main population. These people are aware of the crimes they committed and will do everything they can to hide their crimes. I posted this video on twitter. Thanks for your perseverance and meticulous documentation that everyone can for the most part understand the information. This will help in exposing the truth of the insane crimes being committed on the entire world population. It is going to take many people working to tell the sleeping and those who were duped, before enough people will hear the truth and believe it. The lies have been told so many times that many believe them so we must tell the truth even more to wake those believing the lies.
Thank you, I am praying even though they have taken years of my life and put me in a situation where I will need a lung transplant because of the damage they did to me in the future, And I don't know that I want to go through what that will entail as for recovery, and the reason I would be there in the fist place and the fact that it got so bad for me that I asked after talking it over with my wife when we thought I was going to die to make it so I could go without suffering and they said we can ease your passing with drugs which we discussed. It got that bad and we actually talked about it with the doctors in ending my life with out having me suffer which they were ok with at the hospital. I pray all who survive covid protocols can tell what they know and how they ended up in the situation to start with can help expose the truth. All who fallowed government, hospital, CDC, medical system etcetera protocols for profit need to be prosecuted to the fullest measure of the law and given the harshest punishment's possible. There is nothing that can convince me that because a person in a position in government says or writes a law saying its ok or right to impose a mandate or law allowing them to force anything on another human is to be fallowed just because they say it must be or must be followed is law can be enforced as law. This is one of the most insane ideas enforced on the population that I can imagine that would be acceptable and anyone fallowing these ideas must be completely brain washed beyond saving. These people need to be prosecuted and at least imprisoned for life. If the average citizen did anything even remotely similar to what they are doing, they would get life sentences or a death sentence with conviction.
We are in Canada and no we have not told this to any show etcetera. All I have done is write about it a few times and posted in my Substack. I have written to our premier Danielle Smith but was told to contact Ministry of Health and I'm sure Ill be past off to the next department until I give up. This all started because of a social workers incompetency, I had pneumonia went to hospital was treated and released. I could not at the time afford all the medication I needed so emergency medication was set up for me. The social worker said 48 hrs. was needed to approve me and they would send the approval to a pharmacy near me. The approval never came and I called the same social worker to let her know, I called twice. The pharmacy told it still hadn't come through. I became very sick again and could not get enough oxygen to my blood to walk to the bedroom door. I was back in hospital. Then some hospital staff then tried to kill me for I'm sure money. I am trying to get some kind of compensation but two internal investigations showed in their cover up that they did every thing right of course. They even said the pharmacy acknowledged that they got the approval when I know they did not as I was in contact with them and they told me they had not. I am seeing a naturopath now and was told to contact the college of Physicians and Surgeons to tell them what happened. I will not stop until I get some compensation and will tell the world what is being done to people.
It's been a long three years of trying daily to figure out what's true and who actually means well.
I've tried to figure out who I actually feel right about donating to and who's information I can trust.
Here in the US, in Florida, I know some good people have been, and are actively going after at least one hospital that was doing this kind of stuff and murdering patients. I know which people I listen to about this that I trust - but even then, I wouldn't know how to get the attention of their staff or themselves to tell my story to.
One of the only people I donated (a very small amount of) money to, that ACTUALLY acknowledged it and EMAILED ME BACK was Laura Lynn, thanking me.
She's in Canada and might at least be able to get your story out which hopefully would lead to compensation.
Thank you very much. I have just finished completing the letters to the College of physicians and Surgeons with the pertinent information I have and will be sending it to them. I want to be able to show that I exhausted all avenues open to me. I f I had the money I would get a good lawyer but I'm not sure if there is enough people in the judicial system aware of the truth and or are not corrupted. I will contact Laura Lynn to see what she suggests. Thank you again.
I was going to say I hope you start on some herbs for your lung, and a good unprocessed diet, but I see you already are saying you see a naturopath. Hope your lungs recover. I think it is possible.
I think Gail said she also had a lot of problems with her lungs after the abuse from the hospital, but I think her lungs recovered. Just took time.
I can't find the video either. I think a lot of stories were transferred on Rumble to FormerFedsGroup channel. However that story wasn't there for some reason.
I remember the hospital staff promised if they "euthanized" the father of the family it would be an easy death. This is after they had starved him, over medicated him etc.. and said he needed a lung transplant even though he just ate a big mean and was doing squats etc.. Eventually they convinced the man that a younger person really should get the lungs if they become available.
When it actually came time for his death shots, the family was horrified as it didn't seem a peaceful death at all. He looked as if he was struggling to breath and in pain.
I was told the same thing, because of progressing fibrosis I would in the future need a lung transplant. I think because I'm aware of what they would do to me if ever I was back in hospital I would rather suffer until death and not give them the chance to succeed this time to kill me and use my death to make more money and as a way to further their covid depopulation agenda. While still in ICU I was told they could give me drugs to ease my passing when I asked one of the doctors if it was possible to ease my suffering and he was more than happy to do that. As I'm now 65 I know there would be some thing happen if I was back in hospital that would kill me for real and not just a failed attempt. The crimes committed and still being committed must be exposed to the majority of the population so all involved in pushing, administering, developing, making profit of extreme wealth and most of all the millions who were killed, as well as the millions more yet to succumb, and the millions crippled must be answered with the harshest punishments possible.
We've already lost the Lemmings who went on the Covid Safari. Convincing them of their mistakes and errors in judgement by acquiescing to govt/DoD/NIH/HHS and so alleged scientists propaganda [Fauci (Bourla who has only a veterinarian degree), Biden & his crew of criminals] it's too late. The key focus now should be pregnant mothers and convincing them to no take vaccines themselves nor for their yet to be born children.
My research leads me to conclude that certain public health officials intentionally concealed evidence that the coronavirus was infecting many people as early as the fall of 2019. In this article, I list 27 ways officials likely accomplished this very important goal.
I don’t think any other Covid writer has looked at the question of HOW early spread was concealed from the public. And, in my opinion, officials HAD to conceal this evidence.
So glad you talked to JJ. I have followed him from the beginning. I absolutely think he has found the smoking gun. Thank god for this amazing person. I hope he keeps his momentum going.
Doctors who are trained in allopathic medicine are not giants, they are often indoctrinated, imo. We should stop putting people on pedestals since I'm sure they have been misled about a lot of things too, just like the rest of us. Maybe we should all put our humble pants on and remain open to changing our minds when we know better.
The thing about doc's while most of us studied science when young as child prodigy's we never did so to 'get rich' the doctors & dentists were only in chem&physics to make bank, not for the love of knowledge
Ergo today we get the most expensive health care on earth the shittiest outcome.
Not all were in it for the money and prestige, but some found that outcome intoxicating and succumbed to the indoctrination. Allowing the capture of hospitals by corporations and of regulatory agencies by pharma corps has been the ruination of medicine.
MEDICINE GOT FUCKED in 1910 when Rockefeller took control, U never saw real USA holistic natural medicine that flourished prior to the assholes creating their monopoly.
The Flexner report written by an acedemic administrator in 1910 change medical trajectory. A friend of mine who was a child prodigy and got his first university degree at the age of 16, in his next quest for a degree canvassed all 500 medical students where he was attending out of curiosity. He asked them a question. Did they go to med school for Money, Prestige or to care for people. Only 1 of the 500 chose caring. I was shocked when he told me and my remark was, if you get sick you are fucked!!
> Wicked smart. I know we are unpacking a thought that would scare many, many in the fight too. I expect push back and attacks but thats ok. We are scientists.
Reply: I joined your substack because I watch you with Jonathan J. Couey PhD. I have been following and supporting the work of Jonathan for the last six months, watching as his hypothesis is developed and clarified by talking with people like you.
I don't think his work should scare anyone. It should help people to trust their immune systems. Should motivate them to care deeply for their health. Should challenge them to critically look at the BS currently called climate science. Jonathan's work should give people peace of mind and encourage them to reclaim their sovereignty.
I skipped the transfection since 5th grade (yr 1962). Why? In part because of the work of Lynn Margulis and James Lovelock. Lovelock as scientist proposed the Gaia Hypothesis, now a Theory in the late 1960s. The work of Jame Lovelock and Lynn Margulis (both deceased) has been hidden by Earth Systems Science. The work especially well documented by Margulis PhD in a form the common person can understand showed that we are of the linage of bacteria. That life started about 4 billion years ago. Knowing that we are of that linage provides ample evidence that we are being cut off from nature and siloed in human CAFOs (Confined Animal Feeding Operations). Understanding our true status with Gaia/Earth we will be far more relaxed and less bamboozled.
Jonathan Couey helps deepen our understanding of biology and helps us relax which is the basis of all good health.
JJ Couey and you were THE first people I heard that made sense to me in the summer of 2021.
I love Couey's teaching style - and you taught me about mucosal immunity and children's immune systems during covid and a French study.
I first heard you in an interview with Patrick Gentempo, summer 2021.
I had followed and fought against bio labs since the 1980s, so like JJ Couey, thought it possible that a lab created virus was possibly more lethal and able to "spread" than is biologically possible.
I now think it is all much more of a psyop, UNLESS you were in close proximity to an engineered toxin ("virus clone") and got a good dose.
OR got injected.
For anything to severely sicken us, our immune system must first be down, unless the DOSE is super high.
For those who want to save time now (and go back and hear the entire presentation later), I listened to the third video straight through. The discussion about clones begins at approx. 54 minutes into the video.
Yes I like that Dr. Paul posted the separate portions, and at least one reason why I think he requested a copy knowing many wouldn't have the time all at once, and many not willing to accommodate the attention span required. JJ is very smart and details things out, but it takes time to put it in layman's terms for everyone to understand, and uses lots of visuals too.
Everything turns on the Chinese connection to US governance and UK governance and Australian and New Zealand and European governance. Death for enemies of Global Communism.
Xi proposed the “Global Civilization Initiative (GCI) 全球文明倡议” in his speech "Walking Together on the Road to Modernization 携手同行现代化之路" at the CPC in Dialogue with World Political Parties High-level Meeting Wednesday. It is very much in sync with Chinese-style modernization and the message he delivered last month at the opening of a study session at the Party School of the CPC Central Committee for “newly-elected members and alternate members of the CPC Central Committee, as well as principal officials at the provincial and ministerial levels”. As Xi said then:
Chinese modernization has broken the myth that "modernization = Westernization", presented another picture of modernization, expanded the options for developing countries to achieve modernization, and provided a Chinese solution for mankind to explore a better social system. 中国式现代化,打破了“现代化=西方化”的迷思,展现了现代化的另一幅图景,拓展了发展中国家走向现代化的路径选择,为人类对更好社会制度的探索提供了中国方案
WEF/China globalization. One world government. His speech is a little misleading and sounds cutesy but it’s to transform us to their liking basically but deny it. Lol.
Thank you Dr Alexander,I have been listening to JJ (from UK )for some time,I have been trying to learn as much as I can about biology so I can know when I am being lied to.
The one thing I am certain of is that he’s is a 100% genuine good human being,trying his best to unravel the Covid lies, using his long experience of actually looking down a microscope studying biology as it evolves and working alongside some very influential people.
He invites analysis and criticism during his debates and really is looking for the true story,I won’t forget his reaction watching VAXXED, thinking about what might have happened to his own children.He was genuinely shocked,as was I, when he realised the lies we have been told.
I am so glad you have joined forces as you are both searching for the truth.❤️❤️
I watched 20 minutes of this this morning and look forward to watching the rest. The deceptions are global in size, clearly coordinated and beyond most people's ability to comprehend in terms of nefarious intent. The more we peel away, the quicker this shit-show comes to an end. Thank you for doing your part. Best.
Great admiration for you and JJ....just half way through the video now (found early this morning on Rounding the Earth). Wrapping my head around all this as a non-scientist for the past three years has been like attending a post graduate class, but my gut instincts were right all along. My daddy (who is in my profile picture) fought back in Hollywood during the McCarthy era when he was falsely accused, as were many actors. While some slipped quietly from view, he went on every talk show he could to strongly condemn this untruth. It was his example to me that one must never remain complicit or silent. As we've see from the twitter files, we are in an era of "digital McCarthyism", and I applaud you for speaking the truth!
I hope you’ve read Diana West’s “American Betrayal”. Her father was a screenwriter in Hollywood and she covers the McCarthy shenanigans in her book.
yes, love her
Ohh I didn’t know that was her background! I will look for this, thank you! 🙏🏻
Please understand that this woman is a REAL journalist. Tough and unafraid. I’ve read every book, starting with The Death of the Grown-Up. I think you’ll love American Betrayal as infuriating as it is. https://www.dianawest.net/
Thank you so much, Gaye. I will be sure to start the Diana West marathon...sounds like required reading!
McCarthy was a TRUE American hero, and he exposed hundreds of genuine communists in Hollywood, and DC. Especially the State Dept. Reagan was a former member of the communist Party, most Screen Actors Guild members were. But, he woke up quite nicely!
Yes I’ve heard that also, and I guess there are always two sides - in my dad’s case he simply didn’t appreciate being accused falsely. Thank you for the link!
Daphne, like you, I just want TRUTH! If TRUTH proves me wrong, I always apologize, and correct my mistakes. If only the other side did so!
Oh, very well said, Anti Communist. And I couldn’t agree more!! 🙏🏻
Apparently your father imbued you with leftist propaganda. Hollywood did not suffer from McCarthy. If they suffered anything it was from too many lying communists infesting the industry. Just to give you some direction into investigations of the period, McCarthy was a SENATOR. The people who were poking into private lives, and especially Hollywood, was the HUAC. The House Un-American Activities Committee started long before McCarthy and survived him. McCarthy was completely focused on Communists in the Military and Government which was far more dangerous to the leftards than just going for their propagandists. Funny how they managed to miss Al Gore's senator dad's owner Armand Hammer... Yeah, virtually every allegation against McCarthy was a lie and pushed by Commies and their fellow travellers including reporters at the major papers like the NYT. The NYT still has a Pulitzer given to their reporter Walter Duranty for lying about the Holodomor and Stalin's USSR in general.
I will end here. Hopefully this will pique your interest enough to go and find what really happened.
Perfectly stated KuhnKat. Was just married, and starting grad school in 1990, met a brilliant, and traditional woman. As we seethed during the Clintonista Saga, the wall "fell" in East Germany. She, being Swedish, had filmed much of that area, in black and white photos, taken on her prized Hasselbad, and hung to dry in her dark room. I recall we had many conversations about Occidental Petroleum, and communist/jewish Armand Hammer. How he, unlike any other Americans, had nearly fluid ingress/egress to the Soviet Union. Armand, was called "Lenin's chosen capitalist." His mother's maiden name was Lipschitz. Every single time.
These filthy beasts now control the world, and Tailgunner Joe, who was also a war hero, must be rolling in his grave. he took on the hive of filth, these oft-expelled parasites are pretty ruthless when someone cracks their Stygian tombs, to let some light in. I could never express with a keyboard, my hatred, loathing and revulsion of these traitorous rootless clique, spiteful mutants. A human plague.
McCarthy was right. A patriot.
Infesting the industry is correct. And it never changes!
A must-read: “Blacklisted by History: The Untold Story of Senator Joe McCarthy and His Fight Against America’s Enemies” by M. Stanton Evans. Also “The Red Plot Against America” by Robt. Stripling and “Martin Dies’ Story” by Martin Dies.
Someone posted the link under one of my posts yesterday, and I started watching and was enthralled by all the evidence provided. I hope there will be follow up's with more people and and followed by a Q & A session with other Doctors. It'd be best if they reviewed Dr. Alexander and JJ Couley's video first. Looking forward to seeing this weekends show.
If it's the original I'd suggest stating at 7:45 when Dr. Alexander begins speaking to avoid the initial getting setup portion as it may deter some from watching, as it almost did me, and I'm glad I watched through to the end which is the longest video I've watched in a long time.
I was impressed with Dr. Alexander working his way through it, and could see his mind working putting other things together incorporating new information. Which is the kind of Doctors we need more of that are always willing to listen to other Doctors in different connected fields involving the same subject matter.
You have to get used to Jay’s intros if that’s what you mean. I’ve been watching him for over two years and most of his sessions are long but so worth it. He’s a great teacher and an all-around great human being!
It was my first, and I found it a bit humorous so hung around to hear him out and knowing Dr. Alexander was going to arrive eventually lol
I saw that on the other videos, which is good as he seems to detail things out while trying to make it easy for unprofessional's to understand. I found his site afterwards to. I also see Paul has put up additional links to different parts of the interview if that's what is should really be called, and more of an information expose leading to collaboration.
I already thought they were lying about the virus and the experimental gene therapies and Couey validated it. He actually was fired for questioning it. Fascinating story.
Me as well, I never believed the narrative from the beginning and had plenty of validation before this, JJ just changed the exacts surrounding it while tying the DOD into which I'd been hearing much about from trusted sources but never real validation that both JJ and Paul provided.
I wasn't aware he'd gotten fired, and surprised I'd never heard of him, and maybe did but never found my way to his info. Which is what I meant by my first time hearing his info.
He had a long-standing YouTube I video journal club he’d done on his bike riding to work in Pittsburg and of course got strikes, so he moved to Twitch. It was J.C. on a Bike and a few remaining videos are there if you’re curious.
But why did they lie? Why lie in the first place? Here's the answer.
we will get to that but for now trying to present the 'what' happened scientifically
Good! It was a great presentation to understand his theories and as you say they make logical sense.
While watching this video I think another reason I survived hospital protocols is because not once did I test positive for covid even though they called the pneumonia covid pneumonia they could not treat me quite the same as a covid patient. Even though they tried to kill me with a ventilator that both my wife and I were told would be for one day because I was coughing to much to take an MRI, but turned into a week, damaged my lungs severely but because I had a very large lung capacity it did not kill me. I'm sure now all they had to do was put me under without the ventilator. A doctor again tried to kill me one night with what I now suspect was remdesevier and was caught by a nurse seeing him rush from me while putting something in his pocket, he did not get it all in my IV tube, she asked the doctor in a loud voice what did you do, twice I knew then for sure he tried to kill me. I was struggling to breath and he should have been rushing to me not from me. The police were involved by me calling 911 activating a phone within the area my voice reached making the situation on police record and stopping that doctor from finishing the job on me at the time. They then told my wife again I was going to die and to get things in order, my wife could see why. They were drying me out severely and starving me, it had been maybe eight days with no nutrition and almost no water as the flap that closes the wind pipe was damaged by the ventilator and would not close my wind pipe, She then seeing the problem mentioned a feed tube. Even though they did not think it was a good idea I said give it to me, they had no choice because there was moral nurses hearing this. With great difficulty I began to recover. So I know for true of the lies told to the population by the very people who are supposed to looking after us from many institutions and that is why it continues without being exposed to the main population. These people are aware of the crimes they committed and will do everything they can to hide their crimes. I posted this video on twitter. Thanks for your perseverance and meticulous documentation that everyone can for the most part understand the information. This will help in exposing the truth of the insane crimes being committed on the entire world population. It is going to take many people working to tell the sleeping and those who were duped, before enough people will hear the truth and believe it. The lies have been told so many times that many believe them so we must tell the truth even more to wake those believing the lies.
Yours is an amazing story of survival!
So glad God, through some good nurses, your wife and your strong will, brought you through the hospital "chambers".
And that I could read your story written by you.
Thank you, I am praying even though they have taken years of my life and put me in a situation where I will need a lung transplant because of the damage they did to me in the future, And I don't know that I want to go through what that will entail as for recovery, and the reason I would be there in the fist place and the fact that it got so bad for me that I asked after talking it over with my wife when we thought I was going to die to make it so I could go without suffering and they said we can ease your passing with drugs which we discussed. It got that bad and we actually talked about it with the doctors in ending my life with out having me suffer which they were ok with at the hospital. I pray all who survive covid protocols can tell what they know and how they ended up in the situation to start with can help expose the truth. All who fallowed government, hospital, CDC, medical system etcetera protocols for profit need to be prosecuted to the fullest measure of the law and given the harshest punishment's possible. There is nothing that can convince me that because a person in a position in government says or writes a law saying its ok or right to impose a mandate or law allowing them to force anything on another human is to be fallowed just because they say it must be or must be followed is law can be enforced as law. This is one of the most insane ideas enforced on the population that I can imagine that would be acceptable and anyone fallowing these ideas must be completely brain washed beyond saving. These people need to be prosecuted and at least imprisoned for life. If the average citizen did anything even remotely similar to what they are doing, they would get life sentences or a death sentence with conviction.
Agree with all you say!
You are an extremely important person - as a survivor and a witness!
Have you and your wife told your story to anyone that can amplify it?
In an article, podcast or show, like the segments on RFK's CHD TV or the HighWire or Laura Lynn Tyler Thompson?
Are you in the US or Canada?
We are in Canada and no we have not told this to any show etcetera. All I have done is write about it a few times and posted in my Substack. I have written to our premier Danielle Smith but was told to contact Ministry of Health and I'm sure Ill be past off to the next department until I give up. This all started because of a social workers incompetency, I had pneumonia went to hospital was treated and released. I could not at the time afford all the medication I needed so emergency medication was set up for me. The social worker said 48 hrs. was needed to approve me and they would send the approval to a pharmacy near me. The approval never came and I called the same social worker to let her know, I called twice. The pharmacy told it still hadn't come through. I became very sick again and could not get enough oxygen to my blood to walk to the bedroom door. I was back in hospital. Then some hospital staff then tried to kill me for I'm sure money. I am trying to get some kind of compensation but two internal investigations showed in their cover up that they did every thing right of course. They even said the pharmacy acknowledged that they got the approval when I know they did not as I was in contact with them and they told me they had not. I am seeing a naturopath now and was told to contact the college of Physicians and Surgeons to tell them what happened. I will not stop until I get some compensation and will tell the world what is being done to people.
This sure sounds like a criminal case to me!
It's been a long three years of trying daily to figure out what's true and who actually means well.
I've tried to figure out who I actually feel right about donating to and who's information I can trust.
Here in the US, in Florida, I know some good people have been, and are actively going after at least one hospital that was doing this kind of stuff and murdering patients. I know which people I listen to about this that I trust - but even then, I wouldn't know how to get the attention of their staff or themselves to tell my story to.
One of the only people I donated (a very small amount of) money to, that ACTUALLY acknowledged it and EMAILED ME BACK was Laura Lynn, thanking me.
She's in Canada and might at least be able to get your story out which hopefully would lead to compensation.
Her email is lauralynnlive@protonmail.com
Bless you and your family Dennis, we'll be thinking of you.
Thank you very much. I have just finished completing the letters to the College of physicians and Surgeons with the pertinent information I have and will be sending it to them. I want to be able to show that I exhausted all avenues open to me. I f I had the money I would get a good lawyer but I'm not sure if there is enough people in the judicial system aware of the truth and or are not corrupted. I will contact Laura Lynn to see what she suggests. Thank you again.
I was going to say I hope you start on some herbs for your lung, and a good unprocessed diet, but I see you already are saying you see a naturopath. Hope your lungs recover. I think it is possible.
I think Gail said she also had a lot of problems with her lungs after the abuse from the hospital, but I think her lungs recovered. Just took time.
Also Gail tells her story here too. https://www.theepochtimes.com/mkt_app/hospital-holocaust-woman-escapes-covid-19-hospital-treatment-protocols-says-others-not-so-lucky_4728030.html
They could have lied about easing your death. In no way should they be trusted.
Trudeau's criminals must be at work as the video link says Chelseas story can't be found.
I can't find the video either. I think a lot of stories were transferred on Rumble to FormerFedsGroup channel. However that story wasn't there for some reason.
I remember the hospital staff promised if they "euthanized" the father of the family it would be an easy death. This is after they had starved him, over medicated him etc.. and said he needed a lung transplant even though he just ate a big mean and was doing squats etc.. Eventually they convinced the man that a younger person really should get the lungs if they become available.
When it actually came time for his death shots, the family was horrified as it didn't seem a peaceful death at all. He looked as if he was struggling to breath and in pain.
I was told the same thing, because of progressing fibrosis I would in the future need a lung transplant. I think because I'm aware of what they would do to me if ever I was back in hospital I would rather suffer until death and not give them the chance to succeed this time to kill me and use my death to make more money and as a way to further their covid depopulation agenda. While still in ICU I was told they could give me drugs to ease my passing when I asked one of the doctors if it was possible to ease my suffering and he was more than happy to do that. As I'm now 65 I know there would be some thing happen if I was back in hospital that would kill me for real and not just a failed attempt. The crimes committed and still being committed must be exposed to the majority of the population so all involved in pushing, administering, developing, making profit of extreme wealth and most of all the millions who were killed, as well as the millions more yet to succumb, and the millions crippled must be answered with the harshest punishments possible.
If you have not already, I hope that you might consider telling your story for the Covid 19 Humanity Betrayal Memory Project https://chbmp.org/
We've already lost the Lemmings who went on the Covid Safari. Convincing them of their mistakes and errors in judgement by acquiescing to govt/DoD/NIH/HHS and so alleged scientists propaganda [Fauci (Bourla who has only a veterinarian degree), Biden & his crew of criminals] it's too late. The key focus now should be pregnant mothers and convincing them to no take vaccines themselves nor for their yet to be born children.
My research leads me to conclude that certain public health officials intentionally concealed evidence that the coronavirus was infecting many people as early as the fall of 2019. In this article, I list 27 ways officials likely accomplished this very important goal.
I don’t think any other Covid writer has looked at the question of HOW early spread was concealed from the public. And, in my opinion, officials HAD to conceal this evidence.
So glad you talked to JJ. I have followed him from the beginning. I absolutely think he has found the smoking gun. Thank god for this amazing person. I hope he keeps his momentum going.
Could you please provide a direct link to Dr Couey's site?
He just began his stream, so you can catch him live. Dr Alexander is his guest again. https://www.twitch.tv/gigaohmbiological
Here is his website. https://gigaohmbiological.com (The other link is for his podcasts.)
Thank you too.
Thank you : )
Doctors who are trained in allopathic medicine are not giants, they are often indoctrinated, imo. We should stop putting people on pedestals since I'm sure they have been misled about a lot of things too, just like the rest of us. Maybe we should all put our humble pants on and remain open to changing our minds when we know better.
I say the doctors have been groomed by big Harma. For decades. I’ve watched it and maybe you have, too.
Doctors are morons too;
The thing about doc's while most of us studied science when young as child prodigy's we never did so to 'get rich' the doctors & dentists were only in chem&physics to make bank, not for the love of knowledge
Ergo today we get the most expensive health care on earth the shittiest outcome.
Not all were in it for the money and prestige, but some found that outcome intoxicating and succumbed to the indoctrination. Allowing the capture of hospitals by corporations and of regulatory agencies by pharma corps has been the ruination of medicine.
MEDICINE GOT FUCKED in 1910 when Rockefeller took control, U never saw real USA holistic natural medicine that flourished prior to the assholes creating their monopoly.
The Flexner report written by an acedemic administrator in 1910 change medical trajectory. A friend of mine who was a child prodigy and got his first university degree at the age of 16, in his next quest for a degree canvassed all 500 medical students where he was attending out of curiosity. He asked them a question. Did they go to med school for Money, Prestige or to care for people. Only 1 of the 500 chose caring. I was shocked when he told me and my remark was, if you get sick you are fucked!!
> Wicked smart. I know we are unpacking a thought that would scare many, many in the fight too. I expect push back and attacks but thats ok. We are scientists.
Reply: I joined your substack because I watch you with Jonathan J. Couey PhD. I have been following and supporting the work of Jonathan for the last six months, watching as his hypothesis is developed and clarified by talking with people like you.
I don't think his work should scare anyone. It should help people to trust their immune systems. Should motivate them to care deeply for their health. Should challenge them to critically look at the BS currently called climate science. Jonathan's work should give people peace of mind and encourage them to reclaim their sovereignty.
I skipped the transfection since 5th grade (yr 1962). Why? In part because of the work of Lynn Margulis and James Lovelock. Lovelock as scientist proposed the Gaia Hypothesis, now a Theory in the late 1960s. The work of Jame Lovelock and Lynn Margulis (both deceased) has been hidden by Earth Systems Science. The work especially well documented by Margulis PhD in a form the common person can understand showed that we are of the linage of bacteria. That life started about 4 billion years ago. Knowing that we are of that linage provides ample evidence that we are being cut off from nature and siloed in human CAFOs (Confined Animal Feeding Operations). Understanding our true status with Gaia/Earth we will be far more relaxed and less bamboozled.
Jonathan Couey helps deepen our understanding of biology and helps us relax which is the basis of all good health.
NOT A VACCINE! A transfection! (Let no one be deceived. They literally changed the definition.)
Thank you Dr Paul!
JJ Couey and you were THE first people I heard that made sense to me in the summer of 2021.
I love Couey's teaching style - and you taught me about mucosal immunity and children's immune systems during covid and a French study.
I first heard you in an interview with Patrick Gentempo, summer 2021.
I had followed and fought against bio labs since the 1980s, so like JJ Couey, thought it possible that a lab created virus was possibly more lethal and able to "spread" than is biologically possible.
I now think it is all much more of a psyop, UNLESS you were in close proximity to an engineered toxin ("virus clone") and got a good dose.
OR got injected.
For anything to severely sicken us, our immune system must first be down, unless the DOSE is super high.
Dose and duration.
Or injection.
For those who want to save time now (and go back and hear the entire presentation later), I listened to the third video straight through. The discussion about clones begins at approx. 54 minutes into the video.
Yes I like that Dr. Paul posted the separate portions, and at least one reason why I think he requested a copy knowing many wouldn't have the time all at once, and many not willing to accommodate the attention span required. JJ is very smart and details things out, but it takes time to put it in layman's terms for everyone to understand, and uses lots of visuals too.
I find Couey's schtick excessive and distracting from any science he wishes to communicate.
Everything turns on the Chinese connection to US governance and UK governance and Australian and New Zealand and European governance. Death for enemies of Global Communism.
Profits for Transnational entities. https://www.sinocism.com/p/xi-proposes-a-global-civilization
Xi proposed the “Global Civilization Initiative (GCI) 全球文明倡议” in his speech "Walking Together on the Road to Modernization 携手同行现代化之路" at the CPC in Dialogue with World Political Parties High-level Meeting Wednesday. It is very much in sync with Chinese-style modernization and the message he delivered last month at the opening of a study session at the Party School of the CPC Central Committee for “newly-elected members and alternate members of the CPC Central Committee, as well as principal officials at the provincial and ministerial levels”. As Xi said then:
Chinese modernization has broken the myth that "modernization = Westernization", presented another picture of modernization, expanded the options for developing countries to achieve modernization, and provided a Chinese solution for mankind to explore a better social system. 中国式现代化,打破了“现代化=西方化”的迷思,展现了现代化的另一幅图景,拓展了发展中国家走向现代化的路径选择,为人类对更好社会制度的探索提供了中国方案
WEF/China globalization. One world government. His speech is a little misleading and sounds cutesy but it’s to transform us to their liking basically but deny it. Lol.
Not one government per se but one Hegemonic order, a hybrid entity. https://libcom.org/article/god-didnt-die-he-was-transformed-money-interview-giorgio-agamben-peppe-sava
ART OF WAR…necessary to win, restoring Freedom and Constitutional principles!
Are you looking for Gideon’s Army of 300 men yet…who pray and strategically plan to execute actions that matter and already have wins?
If you are ready to do something that matters…Lex Greene contact at end of this piece!
A Fierce Mother/Grandmother Lion (of 6 and counting)
P.S. FACT…You cannot stop any Treason unless you stop all of it!
Hillary was supposed to win. They already had patented vaxxes available in 2016.
Trump winning stalled the plan? They had to tinker with the plan to perfect it?
Never thought of that. Very astute, RUKM.
Thank you Dr Alexander,I have been listening to JJ (from UK )for some time,I have been trying to learn as much as I can about biology so I can know when I am being lied to.
The one thing I am certain of is that he’s is a 100% genuine good human being,trying his best to unravel the Covid lies, using his long experience of actually looking down a microscope studying biology as it evolves and working alongside some very influential people.
He invites analysis and criticism during his debates and really is looking for the true story,I won’t forget his reaction watching VAXXED, thinking about what might have happened to his own children.He was genuinely shocked,as was I, when he realised the lies we have been told.
I am so glad you have joined forces as you are both searching for the truth.❤️❤️
Perfectly said.
I watched 20 minutes of this this morning and look forward to watching the rest. The deceptions are global in size, clearly coordinated and beyond most people's ability to comprehend in terms of nefarious intent. The more we peel away, the quicker this shit-show comes to an end. Thank you for doing your part. Best.
Thank you for educating people on the truth and thank you for speaking the truth