They will not stop until they bankrupt Trump, imprison him, assassinate him, crash the economy, or commit a real coup d’état; he must be willing when elected on November 5th 2024, to use all his power
use all of Justice department, the AG, all, fire most if you have to, militarize the US and deploy troops, do all you need to do Trump to fix USA, & start by closing the fucking border & deporting all
So we need to help protect him…by the millions if we have to, surround the WH…get him from Nov 5th 2024 to Jan 20th 2025 to the bible….the left will try to burn USA down if he is declared victor so we must be ready to handle them and defend our selves, our lives.
Trump needs to grasp, get it into that orange head of yours 45, as much as I support and respect you, you need some schooling…you do….
please do not be nice on the stump…cuss them, threaten them, do all you must do to drive them insane…we want Rambo on the stump…we are electing you to fuck up things, we do not want nice guy…you balked in first term, we elected Rambo but you went political after DC worked you over…no no no…not this 2nd rounds…
we sending you back to make amends, we WANT you to break things, to burn DC down to the studs, take it down, all alphabets, strip them down, close about 10 agencies, fire thousands day one top down…imprison many, jail many even from your past administration and Obama-Biden, anyone who did wrong, jail them…
Trump must do these bitches, the democrats, the deepstate, the RINOs, media, all, and anyone who worked against him and hurt him, harmed him, damaged us with COVID fraud, the Malone vaccine etc., all, he must do them exactly what they did and some. He must march Obama and Biden, into courts, every fucking day! Hunter too, Hilary too, every fucking day! Do not be afraid Donald! We gots your back.
We are electing you again to do not so nice things to these people, to make lives hell, to do them what they have done to you, to the corrupt system, we want to place you on Rushmore but you have work, real work to do, starting with the border closure, mass deportations (we holding you to your statements, this ain’t no halfway slat bullshit fake wall, we want real follow-up and delivery), and punishing of all who did wrong re COVID, reversal of Liability Protection under PREP, a victim compensation fund etc. 45, we need you to drag all on the Horsemen list into proper legal tribunals…all!
if judges say some from COVID fraud and vaccine fraud must be hung, we hang collectively. we use firing squads on the WH lawn, the Rose Garden as per judges and courts…no time to waste.
Let us set up a permanent firing squad on the Rose Garden Lawn or the lawn where Marine One lands…right fucking there…so everyone will always see it and know what it is…you cross America, you fuck with the Presidency you will be shot dead right there. even press, once shown they did wrong, and harmed America, will be shot, as per rulings in courts and judges. If judges say people in the legacy media caused deaths and deserve death penalty, we shoot them too on the Rose Garden Lawn. Using the DC police…sanctioned by the courts.
we are not electing you 45 to negotiate with these beasts, no, our nation is dying, circling the drain, the illegals will finish us off, the rapist jihadists among them, so we want real justice and accountability and punishment…no amnesty, no Kanye et al. up in the White House, no 2$ Kim K porn star in the oval for photo op…no no no…everyone must respect the oval and the WH and we are electing you to Rambo, Mandingo the place…tear it all up and rebuild…
no nice guy, we want you to terrorize their bitch asses…and punish them! for when they rob you of your rights and liberties, it is really we the people they are fucking with, they are really attacking us and we want to now fuck them up, through you! Are you up for the task? 45?
They may burn down America before the November 5th in order to postpone the Election.
Trump needs to go scorched earth on it all.