They may burn down America before the November 5th in order to postpone the Election.

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agree there too so we need to be sensitized to this and think...now...how do we manage...for as Nov 5th draws near, US will go nuts if its a slam dunk re 45...

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i 100% agree with this statement. Something big will happen as evil is on its last hill and either good or evil will die forever in this event. There is no room for negotiation.

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Trump needs to go scorched earth on it all.

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boom, scorched earth...balls to the fucking wall.

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The white hats need to stop cheering about how bad Michael Cohen was. I see a conviction headed our way. And they're trying to demonize Alito, so any appeal to SCOTUS will be nullified. Biden has already flouted the high court and the constitution. They'll stop at nothing. Stay frosty as f*ck, people! Love, Emily

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I love you Emily

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Likewise Paul Alexander!!

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Sounds like Dr. Alexander should be the President. You would get 100m votes!

Don't worry if you were born somewhere else. Obama did it.

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ha ha ha, I am simply you, we want to fix this nation (and Canada if the tampon man does not destroy it completely)

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Indeed, both nations are run by WEF's most evil people ever.

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Tampon man will bleed Canada to death, if he can. Sorry...I'm in 14-year-old-boy mode. OMG I might be a dude.

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100% Sir, you are right again!!

I agree also about Canada where I lived, and up North, too! Relatives there say tampon man has wrecked EVERYTHING!

I saw people being killed in the hospitals and SNFs during the Plandemic, here, including my own husband and friend's wife! The perpetrators should ALL BE HANGED, like you said, Dr Paul !

I tell everyone, everyday, and look forward to the Medical Tribunals AND NUREMBERG II when it happens !!

I'm there as a witness for 33 months spent under the foot of the Medical Mafia!


J Wright

Nampa, ID

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The Real Coup Détat Happened On November 3rd 2020...

Most People Still Acting Like We Are Free Citizens Living In The United States.

Believe Me When I Tell You, We Ain't In Kansas Anymore Toto.

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Trump wants to be in the club. He had tons of opportunity in office - nothing. Now he's running and still backs the jabs, makes excuses for not pardoning actual whistleblowers, and sucks up to Israel. I hate Biden but I think it's a one party system controlled by Israel.

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So true,Mark. Every one in American Politics is getting money from Israel

Including Trump. If Trump really wanted to fix things he would have done so in his last term.

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Fooled again! And a fukingain. Politics is deadly serious. Tap tap, say Donald! You do cherish your family Right. D:Of course!

Then redux term 2, Right? D: ) ) silence ((,

Epstein island? D: I’m not an idiot, they love me, and I can handle this…

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Dead on target. Epstine island was a threat to all politicians. "Do what Massad wants,or your children wind up here"

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We know most certainly the hit list is being implemented, as with the blatant shooting of Slovika's PM. I do belive 45 is protected. However, the mother WEFers(world economic forum)will up their games to take us out.

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I believe they will do whatever it takes to stop Trump, including riots with illegals involved, they will turn American cities into burning piles of rubble and if that doesn't work, they'll kill him. I hate watching whats happening but I think Trump knows whats coming so I guess, get ready for the shit show.

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If Trump dies, our country dies.

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This just in... https://x.com/julie_kelly2/status/1792969008657948733

Tons of new unsealed filings on classified docs case--I will try to post as much as I can (there goes the workout) but this is mind-blowing.

FBI authorized the use of deadly force at Mar-a-Lago.

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This is important news resulting from Judge Cannon's ruling revealing redacted passages of documents authorizing the Mar-a-Lago raid.

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This is so bad.

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Dr Alexander, I agree with you 1000%... My only worry is that Trump will not do anything against the deep state Democrats or Rino's.. I fear he will not even act against the Justice department, FBI or CIA... The problem with Trump is that he's "genuinely" a nice guy and hasn't got the spite of Hillary Clinton or Nancy Pelosi to set someone up and cause years of misery as they've done against Trump.

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Up here in Canuckistan we have a slime minister, the spawn of a hippie mother and a commie father. He is as bad as biDUMB.

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Woo Hoo, Paul. You are not asking for MAGA, but MATA, Make America Tyrannical Again. You are urging your boy to cancel the Rule of Law, not just make reforms.

I agree that we need to redo pretty much every structure of governance and social structure, but chaos and tyranny is not the way to do it.

By the way, all the things that he needs to get into what you so charmingly call "that orange head of yours", which you have advised him to do, like repudiate the bioweapon vaccines, for example, are not forthcoming in his utterances.

I think you have a deep devotion to a fantasy, not to the actual politician, whether you were in the WH or not.

Nothing that I can see shows me the reality of what you expect him to be or become or reverse from what he is to where you want him to go.

And you are urging and advocating a mass and lawless chaos based on his wounded ego and megalomania, not a just and lawful society.

I know you believe things are broken. They are. But a chaotic, ego-driven orgy of revenge is not going to fix things.

What if, just if, your vision of Trump is not coincident with the real Trump? Because all the post-Trump years make it look that way. So do, in my view, at least, all the actual Trump-in-the-White House years.

You say that he had one good year of Presidency because the other three were spoiled for him by this and that and the other.

That is actually not leadership fit for a return engagement, and, somewhere inside, you have to know that all the frantic excuses and the blame on the people he chose to listen to (he could have read some briefings and learned that there were glaring lies and inconsistencies, you know: he did have access to them) does not excuse the fact that the buck stopped at Trump. And the mess was the mess that he created on his watch.

And I do not hear him saying that he recognizes it, much less that he is ready to fix anything substantive at all.

I am not saying I am right, Paul, but just consider what I have shared for a few minutes while you take some deep breaths to calm the excess sympathetic arousal and bring up some parasympathetic influence. It is, as you well know, much easier to think that way.

And, while we are at it, how about focusing on the danger that the UN's anticipated Pact for the Future represents to everyone and suggest that your readers visit PreventGenocide2030.org to take the Action Items there to get us out of the UN Death Machine?

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We have been under the gun of a (rico ) typical governance for decades ! Whatever comes will be an (ai) informed process quite privy from Any thing They let us play with ! Don’t be foolish know your truth and keep your faith but stop worshipping the Duopoly/DoubleCrosser ! Doing over and again expecting a different Outcome which is the definition of (insanity). Be Good but be Ready ..

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She's b-a-a-a-c-k.

You cut & paste this same novel every other day. And it never holds water, no matter how many times you post it.

They either try to cancel the election through false flag/ops -- OR we vote on 11/5. Do YOU think we have a BETTER chance of beginning to make the needed changes with the party of psychopaths, or TRUMP? And spare me the "take a deep breath" nonsense, I'm completely calm.

Under whose administration is it more likely we ditch the UN?

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Yes i like to see this call for the correction of justice. I enjoyed reading these strong words. It is time for accountability. This is a mass genocide event on in particular the West.

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Hello Dr Alexander - you have a most unusual blog. You get the job done in no uncertain terms.

You do not have to worry about DJT. It has been confirmed that he will be elected. It is part of the perfect plan. He will do all the things you have mentioned plus a whole lot more. No matter what the current inhouse people do they will not win. They are destined to lose in a most public and diabolical manner. Many of them have been given a chance to repent but they have not . All things will be turned to the good of America, its people and the world. Take care ....

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