They can play the game by themselves. I’m out.

I was out the first time. Unmasked, unvaxed, and unapologetic.

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Bravo, Paul. Masks don’t work to block aerosols or reduce infection rates. All high-quality studies are clear on this.

Masks are being used to gauge our compliance and ignorance.

Plus these leaders seem to get a weird, ritualistic pleasure out of seeing our kids harmed with masks.

We need to keep pushing back hard on masks, lockdowns, and jabs.

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Of course they will do it all over again. Of course. And of course they know it is BS. So really what we'll discover is how many people woke up in the last two years?

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How many people woke up can be measured by the number of people still wearing masks in public even when the mandates have been dropped.

It varies greatly by region, I’ve encountered many more people now who used to be pro-vax but seeing how ineffective the shots are many have had enough and aren’t going to along with the narrative.

The only ones I’ve seen wearing the masks are generally the elderly or the the ultra paranoid(the true sheep) who are angry the rest of us are getting on with our lives while they live in perpetual fear and terror that someone will cough in their direction.

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It was Fauci and Birx who both deliberately stood by and let President Trump be remembered as the man who told Americans to drink bleach


He corrected himself but the evil lying TDS media did not show that.

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Yes he did correct himself. When is he going to condemn these injections? That's what I've been waiting for.

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instead of condemning, Trump is continually urging his supporters to get the jab which he is invested in. This is one example of many that show how utterly corrupt, opportunistic (never miss an opportunity to cash in) our "stable genius" is.

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Me too.

To think that Trump is still pushing them when he must know about the dangers, the criminal cover ups to jabb Americas children, is to me, unfathomable.

Evil even.

Just got another Facebook ban!!! 🙄

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He’s just as guilty as the demented Democrats

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Trump is not the messiah. Trump is Mr. operation warp speed. Wake up America!

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President Warp speed. Still bragging and so so proud.

Sickens me.

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If he doesn't then we can only assume he is part of the swamp.

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Yes - never drained a drop.

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Tell us how you really feel about the WHO Dr. Alexander! I will never wear a mask. It's stupid and I don't do stupid. Ignore them all. Don't comply and don't force others to comply.

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if we don't comply, there is nothing WHO, CDC or our government can do.

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I beg to differ. That doesn’t mean I’m going to comply. I just believe this is going to get much worse.

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Oh, I agree with you on that

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Oh, our corrupt government can do a lot of evil things.

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Evil beyond what we can even imagine

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Yeah, that's the problem.

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Remember anything coming out of Tedros’ mouth is coming from the WEF/Liberal World Order/Deep State, this isn’t a statement he’s making it’s a proclamation and marching orders to their agents in many compromised governments.

If they lockdown they hope cause enough social and economic chaos to impose their own Great Reset policies without opposition. They lost round 1 when their covid/vax push failed but they haven’t given up. They’ll try and bring back vax passports which morph into digital ID’s with gov’t tracking abilities plus the ability to lockdown your finances and silence you if you criticize the government.

The good news is they have already lost the battle even before it’s begun. At least 50% of the world and the US red states will ignore the WHO.

Remember the WHO was meeting at the same time as the WEF was in Davos back in May, remember the WHO attempted to vote itself extraordinary powers to override the sovereignty of member nations in health matters using a phony declaration.

They lost the vote when the non-western countries told Tedros where he can shove the WHO declaration.

This isn’t about medicine or covid or vaccines, it’s about power, their power to command the sheep to obey their edicts.

In Canada, I fully expect Trudeau to attempt to do it in lockstep with the other G7 countries and I fully expect Trucker convoy 3.0 to show up again as well, people have had enough and we aren’t going to simply obey no matter what ‘mandates’ Trudeau issues.

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It’s a struggle to keep up the fight when it’s so blatantly obvious who’s responsible for all this, who’s promoting this porn fear and who should be in jail. Why is it taking so long to de-platform, arrest, prosecute and jail these malicious, lying, manipulative monsters. We know their names and their faces yet they still walk freely amongst us with no impunity while people suffer and die. I just don’t understand why?

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What will happen if/when these people are arrested and the law enforcement and judiciary are throughly corrupt?

What happened with the Micheal Sussman trial which took place in a DC court?

The evidence was clear of his guilt yet the jury still acquitted him.

What if 50-70% of all government institutions have been corrupted and compromised?

The only way to remove the corruption is all at once and it’s the citizens which need to do it.

Look at Sri Lanka, that’s what it will take to clean government corruption at all levels, otherwise these criminals will lay low and come back when things have died down and continue where they left off.

The momentum is building up, don’t think [they] are winning because they’re not, [they] are in a panic and using the same old 2019-2020 playbook and finding out it’s not working!

As much as I hate to say it, Justice is coming, even if it seems to be at a snails pace.

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definitely justice is coming, it always does.

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Well I would sure like to know when. I am 73 years old and I am still waiting. I have not seen justice served to the criminals in my entire adult life.

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because our government and agencies are corrupt and either blackmailed into compliance or bought off. Most likely both.

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You can't blame them, really. Not only is Monkeypox not scaring people (perhaps the guys at the dress rehearsal at the Munich Security Conference should have bothered to change the name of the disease), but it's almost time for elections and people are walking around like they're free or something! Gates' vax profits are even shriveling. Turns out there really are ethical parents out there who won't let globalists jab their kids! He hopes to recover his losses with the bug food he'll sell to us after they starve us, but he and Tedros want to win at everything. I can just hear the Ethiopian t*rr*rist now. "Be scared, dam* it!!"

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Monkeypox mania is gaining traction in NYC . ABOUT 8k doses of the vaxx were shipped there, lines out the door and their website crashed …

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Tedros calls himself a doctor. He never was but is a puppet for China and a former African corrupt leader responsible for thousands of deaths in Africa. hang him high no trial.

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acknowledged terrorist Tedros is accused of genocide in his native Ethiopia

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If most people wouldn't comply with this lunacy, what could government do?????NOT MUCH!

it's time to STOP COMPLIANCE en masse!

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He is not even a physician. He is an evil liar. Sick of him. No masks, no jabs. That's it.

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You know that is exactly what these bitches have planned …

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We let them get away with it once, before the vaccines. Once bitten, twice shy; it would be unwise to confuse our kindness for weakness.

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Everyone dies. The PC Poison Cult TRAITORS can't die soon enough!

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Masks is a sign of slavery. It has multiple detrimental functions to our health and no benefit. It is a tool of Satan.

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There is a security guard who works at night in the street where I live, employed by my neighbour who owns a few properties in the area which he rents out to tourists. This security guard, who came to South Africa not so long ago, hails from the very same place as Tedros - Ethiopia.

He says it's very well known in Ethiopia that Tedros is "a big gangsta".

The more society buys into this endless cycle of mental terrorism, the easier it will be for the big gangstas in pharma/media/tech/big biz to dispose of humans as if they were slaves, and I'm speaking psychologically, not necessarily physically.

This is an existential crisis, where society is doubting itself in an era of relentless psychological pummeling from all angles.

To use a safari metaphor for lockdown - "canned hunting is not fair chase".

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