Nobody who claims to be a therapist or doctor should be charging for advise or intervention to the vaccine injured over and above the basic costs . This is a pivotal time in history and is way beyond the accumulation of wealth . I as a medical doctor who was deprived of all medical income for my refusal to go along with the hoax of Covid or assault people with gene therapy. I can look in the mirror each morning .

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I agree. I have tried to help ANYONE who is interested in understanding what's going on. Unfortunately, that's not many. Even though that have a clue don't seem to get that they're being shedded on and they need prevention. Or, they don't get that EVERYTHING that's going on in the world ALL OF A SUDDEN (wars, fires, deaths, etc) are apart of all of this insanity. These things just don't happen without help from those that want theses things to happen.

The only thing I would disagree with is that this isn't gene therapy. A therapy is something that is helpful while these shots are only destructive. I would say it's a gene technology or a gene mutation shot.

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that is so sad. i would imagine that happens to a lot of movements. also there is always one and that gets some of the rest going.

God bless you and thank you for telling the truth and caring.

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This one is so tied up in knots it will never be able to unwind itself! Some things I almost fell into I now laugh about. The most successful part of the Covid bs was the fear it created.

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That FEAR PROGRAMMING should be exposed far and wide to let folk know they were taken for fools and fell for it!

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You ain't seen nothing yet. ALL of the excess deaths that weren't happening in 2020 are going to be blamed on the delayed effects of covid. In reality, the delayed effects of covid can only explain a proportion of the excess deaths. There's also the delayed effects of lockdown, delays in getting medical treatment and of course the delayed effects of the jabs but these contributing factors to the excess deaths will all be discounted and new mRNA jabs will continue to roll out and eventually will be mandated again.

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Covid was ALL about the fear. That was literally the entire 'Pandemic'. There was NOTHING else.

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The Pandemic is a gigantic scam that poisoned, maimed and murdered men, women and children with ZERO accountability for the perpetrators.

Dissenting groups were either cashing in on the chaos or infiltrated by the very perpetrators of the crime to confuse and obfuscate.

Looks like mRNA will never be banned (like many of the voices of logic and reason were) and at most there’s been a shuffling of the deck of “experts” that told the lies.

Given the success of their mission I’m not hopeful We Won’t Get Fooled Again. Like the song of the same name said,

We'll be fighting in the streets

With our children at our feet

And the morals that they worship will be gone

And the men who spurred us on

Sit in judgment of all wrong

They decide and the shotgun sings the song

I'll tip my hat to the new constitution

Take a bow for the new revolution

Smile and grin at the change all around

Pick up my guitar and play

Just like yesterday

Then I'll get on my knees and pray

We don't get fooled again

The change, it had to come

We knew it all along

We were liberated from the fold, that's all

And the world looks just the same

And history ain't changed

'Cause the banners, they are flown in the next war

I'll tip my hat to the new constitution

Take a bow for the new revolution

Smile and grin at the change all around

Pick up my guitar and play

Just like yesterday

Then I'll get on my knees and pray

We don't get fooled again

No, no

I'll move myself and my family aside

If we happen to be left half alive

I'll get all my papers and smile at the sky

Though I know that the hypnotized never lie

Do ya?

There's nothing in the streets

Looks any different to me

And the slogans are replaced, by-the-bye

And the parting on the left

Are now parting on the right

And the beards have all grown longer overnight

I'll tip my hat to the new constitution

Take a bow for the new revolution

Smile and grin at the change all around

Pick up my guitar and play

Just like yesterday

Then I'll get on my knees and pray

We don't get fooled again

Don't get fooled again

No, no


Meet the new boss

Same as the old boss

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Well said. And that song was something like 1960’s or1970’s? The name of the band…..The WHO. And we have the WHO now wanting dictatorial control of masses. Wow! What’s coincidence.

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1971. The Who. Brilliant connection. I missed that one! Thanks!!

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"Looks like mRNA will never be banned ..." I fully agree. Interestingly, Dr. Peter McCullough in a February 20 substack takes no issue with the statement in an open letter from Britain's HART that "we take no view on the development of mRNA vaccines for their previously-intended role as therapeutic anti-cancer agents." mRNA therapeutic anti-cancer vaccines are definitely not going to be stopped. Cancer patient advocates and support groups would rise up. And it looks like the mRNA anti-covid prophylactic jabs will keep rolling out as well.

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Yeah, I never fully warmed to McCullough.

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Depends how narrowly you define 'COVID freedom movement'. On a broad basis including yourself, Dr Peter McCullough, Dr William Makis, Dr Byram Bridle, Dr Paul Marik, Dr Pierre Kory, Dr Ryan Cole, JJ Couey, Igor Chudov, Dr Angus Dalgleish, Norman Fenton, Dr Naomi Wolf, Dr Jessica Rose, Dr Tess Lawrie, Dr John Campbell, Doc Malik, Dr Aseem Malhotra, Andrew Bridgen, Christine Anderson, Neil Oliver, Robert Kennedy Jr, Del Bigtree, Stew Peters, Tucker Carlson and countless others including the farmers and the fishermen and the truckers it is possible the freedom movement may just save us all.

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Well, I would put the farmers, fisherman and truckers at the top of the list for being most effective on behalf of the people at the grassroots level; they are most in touch with nature and what provides for the sustenance and life of nations which is its people; interesting that your list doesn't include Dr. David Martin who deservedly should be on the top of the list!

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I left loads of people off - Dr David Martin wasn't deliberately left off it was just some of the names that popped into my head whilst writing the post. There was no implied merit to who was included and who was not - I thought it might get boring reading a huge list of names.

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Most of those people you named are virus-pushing, contagion-myth-pushing, bacteria-are-bad-pushing, lab-leak-pushing GRIFTERS to the max.

And I ain't saying they shouldn't exist here in Hell. Where else but in Hell would they exist?

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That's why Dr David Martin stands alone in the depth of research he has done with his expertise in patents and knowledge of how governments and agencies operate throughout the world which is not for the betterment of humanity; he calls the Covid plandemic a criminal conspiracy , an organized crime against humanity and provides irrefutable evidence and documentation to prove everything he says.

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And what cases has he won in court over the past 4 years? All I've heard him do is TALK. Patents don't mean shee-it. The patent office doesn't check if a thing exists or works as described. A thing does not actually or physically need to exist in order to get a patent for it. His biggest flaw is the lab-leak horseshit.

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Let's not forget the late Professor Luc Montagnier who, along with Geert Vanden Bossche, warned early on that the variants are created by antibody-mediated selection due to the vaccination. Additionally, he hypothesized, before most others that SARS-CoV-2 was at least partially synthetic. He, and colleagues, reported " ... how 16 fragments (Env Pol and Integrase genes) from different strains, both diversifiedand very recent, of the HIV1, HIV2 and SIV retroviruses have high percentage of homology into parts of thegenome of COVID_19. Moreover each of these elements is made of 18 or more nucleotides and thereforemay have function. They are called Exogenous Informative Elements (EIE).. Among these EIE, 12 are concentrated in a very small region of the COVID-19 genome, length less than900bases, i.e. less than 3% of the total length of this genome. In addition, these EIE are positioned in 2functional genes of COVID-19: the orf1ab and S spike genes.Here are the two main facts which contribute to our hypothesis of a partially synthetic genome: A contiguousregion representing 2.49% of the whole COVID-19 genome of which 40.99% is made up of 12 diversefragments originating from various strains of HIV SIV retroviruses. Some of these 12 EIE appearconcatenated. Notably, the retroviral part of these regions, which consists of 8 elements from various strainsHIV1, HIV2 and SIV covers a length of 275 contiguous bases of COVID-19. The cumulative length of these 8HIV SIV elements represents 200 bases. Consequently, the HIV SIV density rate of this region of COVID-19is 200/275 = 72.73%. A major part of these 16 EIE already existed in the first SARS genomes as early as 2003. However, we demonstrate how a new region including 4 HIV1 HIV2 Exogenous Informative Elements radicallydistinguishes all COVID-19 strains from all SARS and Bat strains with the exception of Bat RaTG13. We gather facts about the possible origins of COVID_19. We have particularly analyzed this small region of225 bases common to COVID_19 and batRaTG13. We have studied the most recent genetic evolution of the COVID_19 strains involved in the world epidemic.We found a significant occurrence of mutations and deletions in the 225b area.On sampling genomes, we show that this 225b key region of each genome, rich in EIE, and the 1770basesSPIKE region evolve much faster than the corresponding whole genome (cases of 44 patients genomes fromWA Seattle state, original epicenter in USA). In the comparative analysis of both SPIKES genes of COVID_19 and Bat RaTG13we note two abnormal facts: 1- the insertion of 4 contiguous PRRA amino acids in the middle of SPIKE (we show that this site wasalready an optimal cleavage site BEFORE this insertion).2- an abnormal distribution of synonymous codons in the second half of SPIKE. Finally we show the insertion in this region of an EIE coming from a Plasmodium Yoelii gene with asignificant amino acids homology."

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Let’s also not forget that Dr. Yeadon said variants are a lie. Which I tend to agree with. I see kindly Geert and all the rest who’ve made the rounds since Covid began as part of the problem.

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Yes definitely Dr Mike Yeadon - one of the best.

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Very true - my list was in no way comprehensive and I know I missed lots of people off but the two you mention are certainly worthy of recognition. I won't add them now else you will look like a numpty :).

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Yes you did say 'and countless others." There are so many. It would not be reasonable to expect you to list them all. You listed a lot of fine people as examples and you made a good point.

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Thank you - TBH I do get a bit tired of this endless pursuit of defining who is and who is not 'controlled opposition' or has other nefarious purpose based on something they once said. As far as I am concerned people can be wrong and they can also change their opinion. I am perfectly happy to make my own mind up about which people are worth listening to and which are not and we should also not forget that anyone can be well informed on some topics and wrong on others - myself included. I am fairly convinced the intelligence agencies are, at least in part, involved in trying to discredit everyone on substack who goes against the government (globalist) narrative. It is the old divide and rule tactic and it works really well as evidenced by the endless arguments in the comments on many substacks. That said I do agree with Dr Alexander about Malone. He says he invented the mRNA technology and therefore he should have had full knowledge of the potential for harm especially as this was well documented in the scientific literature and yet he never gave a warning and he has never offered any inside knowledge of what people have injected into their bodies. It doesn't quite pass the sniff test for me.

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I have always said that the world is a lovely place and we know the dangers in the jungles and oceans etc but real dangers are the people!? No matter where or what!? By this time one would have thought that people would have been working as one with world wide poster/leaflet campaigns etc!? Even the JAB INJURED groups are just thinking of me-me-me rather than looking at the causes and real problems behind it all! My view and sticking to it!

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Very astutely stated!

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Here's the thing.... this "Freedom Movement" isn't about those that somehow have become famous and more wealthy (as is what is so typical in this country) but rather about all of us who want OUR country back, who want OUR freedoms back, who want OUR Constitution back. Those of us who understand the WHOLE scope of what's going on here need to help ANYONE who has chosen to be ignorant but wants to FINALLY listen and learn. WE, the people of this AMAZING country need to be the heros here. No one person will do that for us. We are the ones who actually employ those in the government. I thank those that have informed us and who have been extremely brave, including you Paul, of what's going on but we each need to do our part to save humanity, the animals, the world from these monsters that are the one's causing the harm.

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Excellent and insightful comment!

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Thank you.

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Absolutely! - very well said Debra. WE the people of the entire world need to stand together against this tyranny and WE the people need to show those not yet awake what is going on.

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What is a 'covid freedom movement' anyway? Surely it's reductive to categorise what is essentially a fight against corruption and perversion with such a specific reference to just one example, albeit a good one, of the ongoing tyranny.

And yes I agree.

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Re: The covid freedom movement. I’m a simple guy that simply says, No results after 3+ years = no freedom = they’re full of shit.

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You know, some of the truth tellers and people who legit were giving great information all along are now behind paywalls. Just look at certain sub stack info. They bait you with headlines, then you click in and they allow only paid subscriber reads. Karen Kingston’s sub stack is a great example of that. Hers was free, then it was put behind a paywall. I used to follow Jason Goodman Crowdsource the Truth, paid $3 a month for his “EXCLUSIVE” information, then one day his Subscribestar channel wouldn’t accept my prepaid debit card and poof, no more listening. So I stop following those that want money for truth and I just don’t get it. Truth should be FREE, and if not, then you know it is grift and graft. Plain and simple.

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I agree. I think that some might say telling the truth cost them their livelihoods so now they’re trying to recoup lost careers via podcasts, substack, selling products, etc.

On one hand I get it, but on the other it is a slippery slope. I’ve monkeyed around on substack for a while now and at first I was naive but over time became skeptical of many of the popular “alternative” media mouthpieces.

I’ve slowly become disenchanted with most so-called freedom fighters to the point I have no allegiance to any of them. At best their hearts are in the right place, at worst they’re either captured, hucksters or just plain idiots.

The only person that seems to have made some headway through the courts is RFK Jr. But I don’t like his views on climate or the friends he pals around with.

I see climate as the creation of a new industry based on fantasy that is an effort to add to the GDP and kick the debt can down the road. That’s its only real purpose. Which I guess is “good” depending on how you look at it.

Anyway, I like biologists JJ Couey and Mike Yeadon. And, I think mathematician/statistician Mathew Crawford knows his shit. Journalist Bill Rice seems to have a good heart. Dr Alexander is easily the most prolific. Churning out voluminous content.

Still, if they want my money and continued support I’m going to need to see results. It’s already been too long. I’ve pared down many of my former subscriptions and if things keep going I see the day when someone asks me about Substack I’ll say, oh, yeah, I forgot about Substack. Is it still around? I seem to remember it had potential but kinda went nowhere.

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Totally agree. And, as I stated in my comment. This is about OUR country and not about these people who have made a name for themselves through a so called "Freedom Movement". Those of us that have a clue need to try to educate those that don't before it's too late.

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I agree. Paring mine down now as well. It is shameful some of the truthers were all stricken from YT in one full swoop one winter day in 2019, then they all started other platforms wanting money. No Thanks.

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JJ Couey’s content has always been free. Never been on Substack. He only asks for money if you wish to support him. But it’s not conditional.

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Same with Dr. Alexander here. He suggests you become a paid subscriber. I like that. Going to look into the JJ Couey. I really like Dr.. Yeadon as well. Thanks for sharing info.

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He is on substack now - I have subscribed - he is excellent

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Well said!

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Exactly right! And Dr David Martin has said unequivocally that no-one should be charging for access to the facts and truth and why he never will.

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Block the noise. Personality arguments bore me. Read and make your own decisions. Keep Ivm, HCL, on hand along with an antibiotic with sundry other drugs that may pertain to your circumstance (metformin?). It's cheap enough for a couple of years supply from India(mart). No excuse other than simple laziness.

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I don't know who I can trust besides you and Dr William Makis, I see most of them as grifters now.

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it certainly has felt that way for awhile...especially the people selling supplements that you can readily buy on your own for much much less... All you had to do was tell everyone what vitamins and nutroceuticals to use...but you capitalized on the same fear you rail against to make money...

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Excellent point!

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Hi Dr. Paul, lots of people got hurt and harmed over this fake plan-demic who were catch off guard and did not know how to response to tyrannical rules and authority. But now they see the shit show for what it was and are angry. Most lost something financial or friends and family now are looking for the easy money to sooth their pain.

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It’s ur European Union Government trying to stay out of the doldrums but you know u r fried... if not for tyrants... for this

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Never trust anyone with a huge 'following'

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How do you personally feel these days about being part of the "defeat the mandates" rally in Jan 2022?

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Getting tired of the virus promoters who can't add 2+2 to discover viruses are a pure myth of Rockefeller's allopathic medicine scheme.

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