Levine has a severe mental illness and psychopathic markers

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Exactly the reason Biden chose him.

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But did Biden really "choose" him?

Or was he chosen, and Biden made the announcement written on teleprompter?

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I believe option #2 because Biden's brain is mush.

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Something is seriously wrong with that person but then again look

at the whole WH and half of the Congres: Nanzi, Maxine....

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If i went into a coma in 2018 and awoke this year, I would be questioning if I hadn't been transported to a retarded America

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Or an America taken over by aliens from outer space.

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Some of the Globalists have lizard eyes to me. Weird.

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Like the reptiles in the white castle with gold gates yonder @ London

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I know, right?

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Unfortunately yeap reptilians are around from planet saturn ... cloning underground .. take yr pick ... lol

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I have had the same thoughts on a time traveler going wtf happened.

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Apropos of nothing but "coma":

A woman did go into a coma in April 2020. She woke up the other day and named the attacker who'd left her for dead in a ditch. It was her brother... (cue banjo pickin' music in the background.)

End of story.

Seems many parts of North America and the world are purposefully being groomed, bit by bit, to become as "retarded" as "they" need the masses to be kept.

Via legacy TV news "feeds".

Retarded people acquiesce. They are malleable. They question nothing they're told. They take direction. They are passive.

They are not Bull Dogs and unruly gypsies...

I just remarked to a friend (online, for I have none in "real life") that I feel my mother, who resides upstairs, and I, live in disparate worlds.

She's fed permissible "news" in hers.

My world contains fascinating, thought provoking, opinionated news.

It's a colorful, diverse, bitingly truthful world of Substack opinion pieces, which contain intelligent commentary I look forward to reading, and responding to, if I feel compelled to say something.

Commentary which contains even more data, additional food for real thought.

She (mum) and most people who live in her world simply want to be "told" what's going on in the world... Repeated by different talking heads, up to 12 times per day.

They accept it all. And repeat what they're told to others in their circle, who also hear the same "news"...

"Did you hear?"

"Yes I did!"

Discuss... what everyone was told.

I'm just waking up here on the west coast of Canada. Listening to birds, having a cup of coffee. Reading stacks upon stacks of opinion pieces. And comments.

Know that you are not alone Bull Dog.

Glad to know I'm not alone either. There are countless humans who think differently, whose brains are incapable of being hypnotized, all searching for some measure of sanity, community, and communion, here in the great blue beyond.

Fully awake now! 😉

Good morning eh!

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Grooming the masses to become

Numb. I look at people in grocery

Stores one wonders

I look for deeper thoughts in their


Mass hypnosis seems to be working

I am a cat keen observer

The older lady behind me in

The check out stand said her

Husband got the kovid again

He just can’t shake it. I say nothing. The lady checker looks

Half alive

People fumble muddle along

Unruly gypsies and liberated cats

Move through along

Not to become entangled like that.

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Very well said! Keen observer- wide awake- vigilant.

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Good Morning eh! Canada In Oregon

Visiting the Beach. People live in their

Heads some in touch some out of


Parallel universes

Different points of origins and destinations

Communion with thoughtful or the


Happy Trails !!!

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Nice morning poem there James.

Cheers to you!

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Cheers to you too. Liked your thoughts. Gotta fetch some coffee

Cheers Blessing you and your day

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You are not alone. 🙂

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I was just thinking the same thing. This is insane!

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You tell them Dr. Alexander. MTG is terrific & you yell as loud as you can for all of us who are appalled in the USA and Canada who don’t have a voice. BTW “Dr.” Levine should have to prove he had his “weenie chop” before recommending it for anyone else. Having said that I think it’s a mental disorder & he shouldn’t be recommending it for anyone under any circumstances.

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Me thinks a lot of this effeminiztion has to

Do with the unusual amount of vaxxines

Children get. Two the luciferian want to

Normalize ungodly behavior so they can

Pull everyone into their own Hell.

This has become over the top bizarre

And good to call them out.

Willing to bet most people find this

Shit annoying

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Soy, as well. It is in everything and it is a hormone disrupter.

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Ahhhh gives new meaning to the

Old insult in high school “soy boy”

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I share your posts far and wide. That is what I think about your opinions😉 Appreciate the zeal for the truth. This war we are in is not for the faint of heart!

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Thank you Dr. A for speaking up so bluntly. That is what is needed because too many people are cowering in the corner and afraid to upset the idiots out there. These men who think and pretend they are women are mentally ill, this is a sickness in their brains. There is nothing they can do to magically change themselves into women. Period. I'm really sick of seeing so many people catering to this insanity and stupidity. It's another case of "the emperor has no clothes". If your DNA is XY and if you have the male parts, you are simply NOT a woman. Enough of it. By the way, swimmer Riley Gaines (who sadly had to compete with William (calls himself Lia) Thomas, had this to say today after hearing HE has been nominated as "woman of the year".

"Being the real girl in that photo and also U of Kentucky's nominee for NCAA Woman of the Year, this is yet another slap in the face to women. First a female national title and now nominated for the pinnacle award in collegiate athletics. The NCAA has made this award worthless.

This award combines athletic performance with academics, service, and character. What character has Thomas shown other than sheer selfishness and entitlement? The disrespect and disregard for the other female athletes in Thomas' interviews is eye opening."

Personally, I wish all the real female swimmers would have banded together and refused to swim in the competitions with Thomas. That would have made a statement and he would have been swimming all alone.

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No s&it, it looks like it's been designed to fracture and destabilize society in every aspect of its life. Great and brave post dr. Alexander!

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Commies gotta commie, comrade. The destruction of all sanity and pillars of a society must be destroyed in order to "Build Back Better." Classical Communism at Woke Work.

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Yes Dr Rachel Levine is effectively insane, having lost all contact with reality and is living in a fantasy world. Now wants to impose sicko ideology on children = child abuse. Should be in mental asylum or locked up or both.

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Think it's a pedo, too?

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Are they doing this to wake up the normies? B/c this Levine does not look good in any skirt. Some of the outfits worn were extremely over the top. Either this was to shake some normies awake or Levine is truly many crayons short of a full box.

Oh and by the way, we all have opinions each of us will not all agree with. How do we handle this? We say, we agree to disagree, but we discuss why we have our views.

The lunacy will tell you this is my opinion and you must take my word or else.

The right says I like coffee. The left says I like cocoa cola. The right says coffee is great, would you like to get a coffee sometime? The left says there will only be cocoa cola and nothing else. Why? B/c I say so.

Not saying it is right and left, just saying the sane ones allow choices. The insane says it can only be this way, b/c they screamed it to be so.

Another chat I have been on likened it to two to three year olds in grown up bodies. They are emotionally immature. I just call them Demons/psychopaths/sociopaths/narcissists and their enablers/robots.

Take it or leave it as always!!!

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They are doing too in your face $hit to piss us off, daring people to say something and accuse us of being transphobic. They are Demons, delusional psychopathic narcissists.

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Loose young roos are dangerous unless you pick them up by the tail, or so I was told. 😉

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😂🤣 Love it!

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Love it!

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Levine is a despicable person. As the Health Czarina of PA in 2020, she pulled her mother out of a nursing home, knowing that every other nursing home resident was in extreme danger from Covid. Governor Wolfe, like Governor Cuomo, Whitmer and that nut job from New Jersey, purposely placed Covid infected persons in Nursing Homes, causing tens of thousands of unnecessary deaths.

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Yes!! Never forget!!

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"His" mother. Truth is Truth not BS

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Great post. And yes we have lost our minds. At least some people have. Before Covid kidnapped my brain and put it into overdrive with researching everything I could, I was following this horrific trend that seems to have overtaken Western First World countries. I watched in utter amazement how changing one's gender with the use of hormones and life changing surgery was being promoted as normal and desirable. Suddenly people were confused and suffering from gender identity. It was a crises. All these poor children trapped in bodies they didn't choose. And so the campaign began. At one point in England the BBC, the bastion of truth and wisdom featured programs promoting the idea there were over a 100 genders and possibly more yet undiscovered. I remember trying to discuss this subject with my grown up daughters and family. They all dismissed my concerns and worry. They all said its just a small group of people and they are not a problem. One of the most interesting results of this experiment in gender altering procedures is the people coming forward trying to say they made a mistake. Just like the Covid Narrative deniers, these people too are being vilified and canceled from social media to get the word out.

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One of Dr Alexander's best posts! A MAN who deserves to be called DR. this Levine person needs to have that title removed. he is doing much harm in my opinion

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Yup. It’s predatory unnecessary ‘medicine’. Each person they get they can make $1.5 million off of through hormones, surgeries and on going treatment.

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Agreed! Follow the money!

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Such BS.

More and more it feels as though they just want to sling as much crap as possible in order to keep us confused and divided....and keep our eye off the real issues that require us to come together and fight as one.

Appreciate your efforts, Dr. Alexander!

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Paul you have the biggest platform to go along with "Monstrous Stones" you demonstrate! You have my praise and admiration! THE SILENT MAJORITY WOKE UP TO ELECT TRUMP BUT NOW WE NEED THE SUPER MEGA MAJORITY TO RISE UP AGAINST THE CRAZIES! PEOPLE MUST BECOME EXTREMELY VOCAL AND STOP THE JAB, PROTECT OUR KIDS FROM THE INSANITY BOMBARDING THEM DAILY AND PARENTS MUST BECOME EDUCATED AND VOCAL! We met in Ocala the day my Dad died from Covid at 97yo- doing great until he got jabbed behind my back! He and his girlfriend did wonderful with FLCCC prophylaxis protocol before getting the poison. Thank you for your battle against those who wish to eliminate free thought and freedom.

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Rachel Levine is pathetic. If he wants to be a woman, you would think he would at least want to be an attractive woman if possible. And boy oh boy, he does resemble McConnell! Ugh and ick!

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