She needs a psychiatrist to explain that her overreacting to a simple greeting is only part of her problem.

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I have an alternative for them to be addressed. Rather than good ‘evening ladies and gentlemen’ how about:

‘Raucous night whores, bitches, pricks and bastards. No misgendering implied’

Everything they do is to shock us. See tptb that have decided on this Maoist shock doctrine as unruly teenagers. With them the worst you can do is respond in any way.

That’s how I dealt with employees and clients who became aggressive. I built a wall around me like in The midwich cuckoo. Village of the damned.

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I live in a rural area and am blown away how many people actually get offended when I tell them they have a beautiful boy or beautiful girl and get the gender wrong. Beauty is genderless isn’t it?

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Yes, cA, as a young parent 25 yrs ago my 2-yr old son, with his mom’s long eyelashes would smile up at adoring folks from his stroller. When they said “ what beautiful eyes she has” i would just let it go, then tell his mom at home.

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What Stevanovitch, no TikTok video lamenting the state of the entire universe? :-)

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Parents, take your precious children out of government schools.


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Going to need a team of therapists to make any headway here. Too many problems to list

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Our ancestors (well, mine) tossed such spiteful mutants off cliffs. Worked well for 2000-3000 years.

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Most of those in the past were probably born with something wrong with their brains. Their behavior problem was inborn, not learned. This one, and many like it, were born perfectly normal, and have been fed nothing but nonsense since kindergarten. They never had a chance. The people who put all this anti-reality nonsense into their heads should never again be let near kids. They should be fitted with GPS-equipped ankle bracelets that administer a painful shock if they get within a mile of a school. (And perhaps an arrythmia-inducing shock if within 1/4 mile.)

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Agreed Gordon, nature vs nurture likely leans to nurture in our present, occupied culture. I would vastly prefer we return to a non-degenerate milieu in The West, but the demons who control banking and media are exposing themselves, moving too quickly, and blow-back is imminent.

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Why therapy? These girls and boys have crawled so deep inside themselves they’ve reduced their worldview to ZERO beyond themselves. They are living, breathing examples of what happens when a snake finishes eating itself from its tail up.

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She (she seems like a she) has decided that she's not a 100% she, because someone introduced the concept to "her" at some point in her life that she can be any gender she'd like.

I think we take on a bigger issue on this planet that affects our SOVEREIGNTY, and let this gender confusion slide right by us. Why you say? Because Biden just gave the WHO permission to OVERRIDE our constitution rights during a plandemic. The next one, that is. So let's focus on saving all of us, instead of fretting about genders, because if a ship is sinking, don't you figure out how to survive in that moment?! Please read James Roguski's sub stack so we all understand what we can do to STOP THE WHO! Now. Honestly, before it's too late. When you have a Digital ID and are tied to an ESG rating, you'll be more concerned about access to your Digital money and growing your own food than you will the gender preference of your neighbors. Yes, I find her rant disturbing but we have WAY bigger issues than her rant. East Palestine OH can remind of us this quickly. Wake up folks. Stay above the distracting divisive stuff and look at the WEF/WHO big picture. The globalists want you active on the battlefield about gender, politics, the economy, etc because if you are distracted enough, they take away your rights, slowly and surely. Have been and are doing.


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https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/the-forgotten-history-of-the-worlds-first-trans-clinic/ The first "transgender" clinic in the world was in Berlin, opened during Germany's collapse morally and financially in the 1920's. Then, as with this current degeneracy, it was 100% a jewish thing. That clinic was burnt to the ground in 1933, and if we do not protect our children today, they will be unable to have future generations of Americans.

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ACIMstudent, is this correct information? I don't

Believe they can take away our personal sovereignty, and take our Constitution from us. We must fight tooth and nail to keep it and not comply with anything WEF and WHO say. Get prepared for a battle and a rough ride. NEVER allow them to move you from your home OR take your guns! https://www.linkedin.com/posts/krisanne-hall-jd-126aa990_any-unilateral-deals-made-by-any-president-activity-7033602969505800192-BXQp?utm_source=share&utm_medium=member_ios

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The guns offer little value until we form in the millions, train tactically, and march on Washington. Let's see DC enforce its unconstitutional gun restrictions on 5M angry, ready to die Americans. We are the last hope for freedom on this planet. I'll die for that.

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Yes get mental health support for the psyop brainwashing they subjected you to during your school years. This woke philosophy was going on for the last 10-15 years in clandestine and we didn’t know. The woke filth was leached out during Covid and is now being paraded by woke governments tied to the WEF.

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Sick, insane, evil.

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The sad thing about these screwed up people is, they were indoctrinated into thinking this way and they don't even realize it. If they could be de-programmed and then shown what they were they like thru their mental illness stage, they would be mortified at their behaviour.

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Well, either she should make it clear what gender she is or she should just freaking deal with it.

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Desperate to control, to have some control. it always sounds to me like powerlessness.

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It is. Powerless to the addiction of seeking attention!!

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That’s so “ME “ generation. If you can’t handle normal human interaction then you’re a perfect candidate for AI Trans- human experimentation. You can volunteer....”that’s what you can do”. Grow some ⚽️ 🏀 & STOP this attention seeking behaviour. Enough!!!

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🤣🤣🤣 This world is fucked 🤦‍♀️

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https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/the-forgotten-history-of-the-worlds-first-trans-clinic/ The West needs a savior, or our communist "elites" will have us all eating bugs, and changing our gender weekly.

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In South Africa there is no time for this kind of crap. No issues exist at all of addressing professional letters to a lady as "Madam" or to a man as "Sir".

Even gay men are perfectly OK to be called "Sir" and lesbians as "Madam".

I had a case with a male lawyer recently who wore nail polish to the final settlement meeting.

His name was "Alan". He was fine to be called "Alan" and not "Lana".

I was very respectful, professional and courteous towards him. As he was to me. We respected each other as lawyers.

The case was never settled, but we did succeed in getting a court order to evict his client's dental practice from my client's commercial building in downtown Cape Town.

Alan didn't cry or rip his panties off when he lost the case.

He acted professionally even though he was effeminate as fuck and his lipstick was a terrible colour.

He should've gone with fire engine red to bring out his light blue eyes.

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Imagine how IT will feel, when real men have had enough of this degenerate bullshit? Getting close, can you feel the tension?

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