battle to do this, this man risked his life as an American for an animal he does not know etc. he laid his life down for a moment because it was the right thing & there was a chance, this inspires me
Love that the voice over is in Russian. 99.9% of us are just like this. Get rid of the fucking neocons from both sides of the aisle and we'll have peace instead of WWIII
I’ve always loved the folk song ‘When Johnny comes marching Home’ because it was sung by parents of those fighting men ON BOTH SIDES in the Civil War.
An army person asked me who do I want to win the war I answered that I do not care. Whether Ukrainian, NATO, Russian etc they are still dead men with families grieving over their loss.
I want WHOEVER STOPS this global parasitic so called ‘Great Reset’ by these psychotic billionaires to win. We need those people stopped. They’ve been ‘running the world’ and orchestrating war against the people of this globe for decades and decades. When that DAVOS group and the WEF are taken down, there will be a chance, at last, for peace. And right now, that certainly looks like our hope is Russia. Those ‘elites’ didn’t care about the atrocities in Yemen. I used to work for a PEACE group; I KNOW the posse that is run by that DAVOS crowd ( NATO) orchestrated this war. They NEED to destroy Russia because Russia isn’t playing along . Russia’s gold backed asset backed currency system that 80% of the world is on board with means they can’t enslave and own the world with their pretend ‘air’ money that is digital . Digital currency would mean there is NO real ‘currency’, except numbers in a screen, and they control it. That means we’re all slaves or their cattle, and they control , trade among each other, and own the entire earth, all the resources, and the value of every person’s labour. These ‘elites’ running the West don’t care about ‘democracy’; what a joke. They, using the CIA usual ‘regimes change tactics’ , orchestrated the overthrow of the democratically elected Ukrainian president in 2014 and installed a known Nazi ‘sympathetic’ to ‘western interests’. This was no ‘Russian invasion’, it’s the culmination of an 8 year long proxy war by NATO. They blew up Nord stream to keep the UK in the war so they’d have no option of Russian gas. They LIED us into war. Their propaganda to keep us from rising up and stopping this war is rife. If you see something on MSM, ask what they’re motive is for telling you that, and know they’re not above orchestrating false images and using them to lie about what’s really going on. Try following real investigative journalists like Vanessa Beeley, or Azra Dale, or historians and political analysts like Matt Ehret. They knew real journalists like Sey Hersh revealing the truth back in the Vietnam war is why the people rose up. That’s why when they invaded Iraq for daring to try to sell their oil in their own currency instead of the US ‘petro dollar’, they only ‘allowed’ Pentagon hand picked ‘embedded journalists’ to report. Ask why Zelensky is now a billionaire. He used to be a two bit actor. Ask why he has a ‘kill’ list of journalists who reveal the truth? MSM is LIES. WE , NATO, the ‘western elites’ did this to the Ukrainian people.
And just so we’re clear, they don’t care about ‘climate change’; what a con game; they NEED energy to be electric because electric can be controlled digitally, you can’t do that with gas. Digital ID - don’t step off that cliff people. The best thing would be if people got rid of mobile internet: ie your damm smartphones! That would be like the resistance blowing up their bridge. Reluctant to do that? They have you.
Ted K. the Unibomber had and has something to say about the Technocrat and Technology. Leftism can only flourish when the technology for control is there. And ... lo and behold.. the smart phone, the IoT, the nano tech, the synthetic biology... it all comes together....Ted's solution was to blow up the computer scientists... He really was pretty smart guy. To see that 28 years ago...
Two potential GOP candidates for the 2024 US election want to pull America out of the proxy war overseas. This sentiment is not within party lines as Neocons have infiltrated both major political parties as they profit off of war. It is another reason to question if the powers that be will even permit us to have an election next year since the GLOBAL plan is to reset the world.
Yes! And in Canada too! It’s all the people like this, like us, who all over this globe, are trying to stand up to this tyranny that these globalists parasitic ‘elites’ are doing.
Yes, America will be the LAST free country standing. WHY? Because they are an armed society. Their founding fathers permitted personal ownership of firearms. Why? Not to kill each other but to defend themselves from a rogue government like the one they have RIGHT NOW.
Why do you think Trudeau wanted to buy back hunters and sport shooters rifles? None other than to make Canadians defenseless from down the road Gestapo mandates.
We stand with Lincoln... Jefferson... Harriet Tubman... Rosa Parks... and many others who went before us. We are creating anew the republic that was founded.
It is now. Not a vague hope in the future. Now we do the necessary job of cleaning up the infection under the surface for some generations.. I rest in knowing this fight was necessary. Our forbears watch and are proud. Thank you for your work and those who renew you each day, Dr. Alexander.
This is a video of Compassion and morevthan humans have it. It's such a precious gift that too many waste. We're here,having spiritual experience. I'm grateful for this reminder that we belong to a higher Good, Dr Paul...
Love that the voice over is in Russian. 99.9% of us are just like this. Get rid of the fucking neocons from both sides of the aisle and we'll have peace instead of WWIII
I’ve always loved the folk song ‘When Johnny comes marching Home’ because it was sung by parents of those fighting men ON BOTH SIDES in the Civil War.
An army person asked me who do I want to win the war I answered that I do not care. Whether Ukrainian, NATO, Russian etc they are still dead men with families grieving over their loss.
I want PEACE NOW. No more killing!
I want WHOEVER STOPS this global parasitic so called ‘Great Reset’ by these psychotic billionaires to win. We need those people stopped. They’ve been ‘running the world’ and orchestrating war against the people of this globe for decades and decades. When that DAVOS group and the WEF are taken down, there will be a chance, at last, for peace. And right now, that certainly looks like our hope is Russia. Those ‘elites’ didn’t care about the atrocities in Yemen. I used to work for a PEACE group; I KNOW the posse that is run by that DAVOS crowd ( NATO) orchestrated this war. They NEED to destroy Russia because Russia isn’t playing along . Russia’s gold backed asset backed currency system that 80% of the world is on board with means they can’t enslave and own the world with their pretend ‘air’ money that is digital . Digital currency would mean there is NO real ‘currency’, except numbers in a screen, and they control it. That means we’re all slaves or their cattle, and they control , trade among each other, and own the entire earth, all the resources, and the value of every person’s labour. These ‘elites’ running the West don’t care about ‘democracy’; what a joke. They, using the CIA usual ‘regimes change tactics’ , orchestrated the overthrow of the democratically elected Ukrainian president in 2014 and installed a known Nazi ‘sympathetic’ to ‘western interests’. This was no ‘Russian invasion’, it’s the culmination of an 8 year long proxy war by NATO. They blew up Nord stream to keep the UK in the war so they’d have no option of Russian gas. They LIED us into war. Their propaganda to keep us from rising up and stopping this war is rife. If you see something on MSM, ask what they’re motive is for telling you that, and know they’re not above orchestrating false images and using them to lie about what’s really going on. Try following real investigative journalists like Vanessa Beeley, or Azra Dale, or historians and political analysts like Matt Ehret. They knew real journalists like Sey Hersh revealing the truth back in the Vietnam war is why the people rose up. That’s why when they invaded Iraq for daring to try to sell their oil in their own currency instead of the US ‘petro dollar’, they only ‘allowed’ Pentagon hand picked ‘embedded journalists’ to report. Ask why Zelensky is now a billionaire. He used to be a two bit actor. Ask why he has a ‘kill’ list of journalists who reveal the truth? MSM is LIES. WE , NATO, the ‘western elites’ did this to the Ukrainian people.
And just so we’re clear, they don’t care about ‘climate change’; what a con game; they NEED energy to be electric because electric can be controlled digitally, you can’t do that with gas. Digital ID - don’t step off that cliff people. The best thing would be if people got rid of mobile internet: ie your damm smartphones! That would be like the resistance blowing up their bridge. Reluctant to do that? They have you.
Ted K. the Unibomber had and has something to say about the Technocrat and Technology. Leftism can only flourish when the technology for control is there. And ... lo and behold.. the smart phone, the IoT, the nano tech, the synthetic biology... it all comes together....Ted's solution was to blow up the computer scientists... He really was pretty smart guy. To see that 28 years ago...
Two potential GOP candidates for the 2024 US election want to pull America out of the proxy war overseas. This sentiment is not within party lines as Neocons have infiltrated both major political parties as they profit off of war. It is another reason to question if the powers that be will even permit us to have an election next year since the GLOBAL plan is to reset the world.
Yes! And in Canada too! It’s all the people like this, like us, who all over this globe, are trying to stand up to this tyranny that these globalists parasitic ‘elites’ are doing.
Love it!
The perfect story.
I felt so inspired watching the video. It really touched my heart and brought tears to my eyes. Thank you Dr. Paul...we need more of this!💛
People need to stand for freedom and get off their phones.
Yes, America will be the LAST free country standing. WHY? Because they are an armed society. Their founding fathers permitted personal ownership of firearms. Why? Not to kill each other but to defend themselves from a rogue government like the one they have RIGHT NOW.
Why do you think Trudeau wanted to buy back hunters and sport shooters rifles? None other than to make Canadians defenseless from down the road Gestapo mandates.
Always nice to see human nature at it's best!
Very inspiring.
We stand with Lincoln... Jefferson... Harriet Tubman... Rosa Parks... and many others who went before us. We are creating anew the republic that was founded.
It is now. Not a vague hope in the future. Now we do the necessary job of cleaning up the infection under the surface for some generations.. I rest in knowing this fight was necessary. Our forbears watch and are proud. Thank you for your work and those who renew you each day, Dr. Alexander.
Saving that moose (that's what it looked like to me) was exhilarating. Far better than any of the rubbish in the mainstream news cesspool.
Except its not America, its Russia.
This is a video of Compassion and morevthan humans have it. It's such a precious gift that too many waste. We're here,having spiritual experience. I'm grateful for this reminder that we belong to a higher Good, Dr Paul...
Lmao, the Jussie Smollett hoax perpetrators doing a play by play of what happened is exactly what we needed in 2023. You won't believe this!
. 😂
The poor creature was definitely a victim of global warming.