The gorilla glue brought me a much needed laugh. true LOL. Paul, your ability to say it like it is, unmatched!

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These 3 old women are despicable (because of the policies they endorse).

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They were despicable to start with. As with 2nd string and starting quarterback. All incompetent. Puppets. So eat drink and be merry. They will be culled too when they are no longer useful.

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CFR suckup traitors. The nation would best be rid of their machinations that only serve others. Perhaps witch trials? (Just kidding of course, but that said, Romanian military justice would serve as well. Legal stuff being somewhat British with all that rot.)

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They were probably born that way. It comes to them too naturally.

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Never realized how vacant Nasty Piglousy's eyes are. Scary. The other one looks like she's snorting something.

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Peloshi , just last year , installed booze, beer and wine service , with DELIVERY OPTION, IN THE CONGRESSIONAL mini mart. In the CAPITOL BUILDING. PAYED FOR BY THE TAX PAYER, WE THE PEOPLE. I'm not ever allowed to drink on the job, how about you? Drunk making bank and policies to sell out AMERICANS

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Only in Government could people with incompetence like Fancy Nancy Pelosi, Chuck the Schmuck Schumer, pencil Neck Schiff, Jerry the troll Nadler, Janet Bird Face Yellen, Kamala does swallow Harris, Joe I’m a Pedo Biden be in charge with absolutely no idea or clue about what they are doing, where they are going, what is a preferred outcome or where they will end up and swear they are doing a great job and everyone loves them and are happy with what they are doing!!! This shows you the abject disconnect these mental reprobates and ethical troglodytes are endowed with and complete lack of social awareness they possess! It is like watching a Three Stooges Episode accept the Three Stooges were funny and this lot is more like a perpetual horror show with no end in sight!!! Their decisions and behaviors are so derelict and retarded you wonder can these people actually be this stupid or is it just that they are that evil 👿 and trying to crash 💥 the bus and burn down the house 🏠 on purpose???

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Burning down the house. Bring on the Talking Heads music. These women are perfectly content in their roles of destruction of the nation.

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Good thing Nancy is there to pour strong drinks.

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[They] seem to FEAST on everything destroying the Constitution God, and His Creation don't they?

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Ice cream, we're going to have ice cream! Let's look in the multi Sub-zero freezers. Probably has all the flavors including tutti fruti. (Husband has to be fed for appearance sake.)

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And some of Hillary's dead bodies. Too many suicides with bullets in their backs to hide.

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Pishaw! Nannie doesn't pour her own drinks, that's what the "masked help" is for.

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Sad! Lost in space!

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They maybe plastered, but definitely not Vaccinated!!

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Janet Yellin looks like Captain Kangaroo in drag.

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The Captain had a better mustache.

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Bit unfair on our Kangaroo 🦘.

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Oh mi gad, this intro cracked me up! Best laugh of the day, thanks Doc !

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Disturbing !!

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Yes. That's why they disturb us.

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Gorilla Glue. LOL.

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How come jews who never miss a beat complaining there are not enough black, lesbian, non-binary, trannie, midget pilots are not calling for more Christians to head The Fed, or Treasury?

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I've been posting these articles on Twitter every day. My family asked me why I haven't posted lately. I no longer post on Facebook. They don't use Twitter. Before this, I asked my family why they weren't posting on Facebook. They said they were always being banned for a few to 30 days at a time. That's why I use Twitter.

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We need a sense of humour in this crazy world of demons.😁

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My first comment to way this article is written is: LMAO!!!!!

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My second comment is: The characters are no longer in search of an author. Dr. Alexander has their caricatures, down pat. The liberal sh*t always rises to the top in dirty politics. And the VP always cackles because even she doesn't believe what she's saying. Her pasted smile is to convince us she believes that we do. Well, this article proves what they're all made of and it isn't pretty. Stale booze stinks.

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